J - FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1941 THE NORTHWEST ENTER.r'RISE PAGE THREE PORTLAND NEWS Por±land Pioneer Passes Wi±h Year Tacoma,.Wash. By Mrs. Callie B. Mathews Helena, Montana YAI(IMA By Hek By Parker Barr::s Th in f Ed d R th '""' n t The Rev. Patterson of the A. e pass g o war u er- Olympic Chapter No. 2 O. E. S. ne s ened to the President's f d 12 Ch · t · ht t k h th th · ht d M. E. church delivered his closing or p. m. ns mas rug 00 held their annual election and in- speec e 0 er mg an we O ne of Portland's most beloved ci- thought it good Mondny n1'ght we sermon of the Christmas season, stallation. The following officers · ~ ti M R therf rd t . liste d t s to f M preaching on the theme, "The Joys zens. r. u o a na lVe were elected: W. M. Mattie Rob- ne o our ena r rom on- Mary M. Duncan, Editor 2216 S. E. 37th Phone EAst 7911 The Chas. Redds in S. E. 17th Ave. had their illuminated tree on their sun porch. Callers felt the warmt~ C!f its glow and the Merry greetings expressed. Dinner guests of Columbia South Carolina had inson, A. M., Atha Taylor; W. P., tana, the Hon. Burton K. Wheeler, of Christmas." He emphasized just XI Chap. A. P. A. Banquei Socl'al Blel'fz been a resident of Portland for A. L. Hayes; A. P ., F. u. Harris; talking upon the same topic. It re- as we discarded the joys of boy- f rt minded th t R b d hil hood for manhood, so today we 0 Y years. Treasurer, Lucy Smith; Secretary, us a orne urne w e Following an initiation ceremony Saturday evening in which Karl Holifield of Seattle and Richard on Sunday, the J. W. Ingersolls, the Dav~d Ell1otts, Mrs. Maryq "Dick" Stanton and Walter "Bus" Duncan and Mr. H. A. Childs, mar- Reynolds of Portland were initiat– veled at the clever figures, father ed XI chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha time (the old year) departing as on Sunday 7 p. m. entertained !!0 the new year (a baby doll) making guests with a swanky appointed its advent. Uncle Sam looking banquet at the Ed Johnsons Ren- ' on approvingly as a Hawaiian doll dezvous at 122nd St. and Foster in grass skirt did the hula. It was Road. Gold and black fraternity great fun. After dinner others colors added a distinctive touch to called to partake of Yuletide cheer. the already gay surroundings. Af- The home of Mrs. Clara Pickett ter the banquet others numbering highly elevted inN. Williams Ave. some 65 or 70 were invited out was brilliantly lighted with vari-1 for c~ckt~ils . and dancing. An colored lights circling the exterior I added .mspiratwn was the glamor– of the windows. Passersby were ous Miss Geraldine Jackson of Los attracted to this outdoor lighting. A~geles escorted by the popular The entire front of the Joseph DICk Stanton. Out of town XI chapter members in attendance H. Reed's Bungalow hon:e in S. E. included -Mr. Bernard E. Squires, 49th Ave. v.:as aglow with dozens Regional Director, his wife, Mrs. of colored hghts. The home was I Squires; James Johnson presi– a beacon light for the 21 dinner dent; Robert Pitts and K~rl Holi– guests who crossed its threshhold field, all of Seattle. Portand mem– at 7 p. m. Sunday evening, Dec. 29. Red and white was an attrac- bers: Dr. DeNorva Unthank; Ken– neth Smith; Don Rutherford; Shel– tive color scheme carried out in by Golden; Richard Stanton and white candles tied with red celo- Walter Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. phane. Red and white favors w-ere ,. Squires remained over until Toes– placed for each ·guest.. Each lady day morning when they were was presented a Chnstmas cor- breakfast guests of Dr. and Mrs. sage,, gifts of the genial host and Unthank. Other members of the charming hostess. Seattle party left Monday morn- a certa' tl · hi h discard the joys of the coming of Born June 13, 1878, he was 62 Callie B. Mathews. Cond., Mary 10 gen eman m g au- th 'ty f'ddled p F Christ as the Christmas season is old. He had lived a quiet life due .Pryor·, A. Con. Madelyn Gibson. or! 1 • oor ranee was · · · hil H' 1 ushered out. to affliction of his lower limbs. Sister Minnie Miller was ap- enJoymg Jazz w e It er pounded Churches B th 1 A. M E N M MiD , A barber by trade he still kept up some practic-e w1th close fnends e e . . . c en and 1 . . at its front and back door with The A. M. E . Sunday School reo- pointed Grand District Deputy, by d cannon and bombs. Too much ered a splendid program Christ– the W. G. Matron, Sister Rosa M. talk! Too much argument as to mas eve. The young people were Pryor. · t methods! given oys and bags of candy and Larabee. Rev. Browning C. AJlcn, who preferred his services. He was Pastor. a staunch Presbyterian, although Pastor Allen expresses thanks: he attended Bethel A. M. E. when Cassia Lodge of A. F. and A. M. This old world is aflame with a nuts. elected and installed the following consuming fire that must be ex- . Miss Peggy Robinson of Ellens– officers: W. M., Edgar Pryor; S. tinguished! It seems as· if Satan is burgh won •honors as an under– W., Ray Gibson; J. W., C. Cope- talking about and contesting the study for Miss La Faye on the land; Treasurer, E. B. VVilson; Sec- good and high purposes of the AI- Christmas program at the A. M. Many thanks to our loved ones, our good friends here and abroad who so kindly and lovingly remem– bered me and family in the midst of the glorious holidays in fruit, food and beautiful cards, gifts and social hospitality via dinner engag– ments. Your great kindness shall ever be treasured in fond mem- his health permitted. After retir– ing Christmas night from a day made happy with _family and friends he was seized with a heart retary F U Harr1's E h ' · · · mighty, with Satan scoring quite 1 · c urch. Rev. D. C. Stephenson was at heavily on his side. The young ladies of the "Win My on a once busy life. Friends were his best at the 6 o'clock A. M. What will be the end? Civiliza- Chum Club" are sponsoring a ser- shocked at his sudden departure. Ch · t · d 1 t l·es f ns mas mornmg an on as tion is on trial! Religion of every o vespers each Sunday evening Funeral arrangements were in s d · th Ch · d f 5 t 6 un ay mornmg, e 01r ren - type Is on trial. Everything that rom o p. m. with a tea ser- attack and the curtain was drawn charge of Holman and Lutz Mon- ered Christmas carols at both ser- has an element of good and is el- vice in the parsonage following day 2 P· m. Dec. 30. Rev. Brown- vices. The Cantata that was to evating is on trial'. Will the foun- ' the vespers. aries. May God bless everyone. · c All p t f Pastor and officers are indeed mg . en, as or o Bethel of- have been given by the Choir, dation of our moral existence and The Mite Missionary society be- ficiated assisted by Rev. J. F. failed on account of more than the keystone of our hope in a fu- gan the study of the book grateful to members and friends Smith, Pastor of A. M. E. Zion. h If f th b k "Th h T in attendance for the white Gift Miss Bernice Williams sang "Beau- ~ o e mem ers being sic I ture of peace and happiness be de- roug ragedy to Triumph" services at 5 a. m. Christmas. A With the flu. strayed? Oh, the times, the times! last Thursday night at the home of tiful Isle of Somewhere" and Th A M E s s M H b large attendance worshipped Sun- e · : · unday chool had \;vhat a foul nest of eggs are be- rs. er ert Jones. Mrs. Della "Abide With Me." The bereaved t Ch · t w d · day, Dec. 29, and were spiritually i s ns mas exercise, a play, "The ing hatched, upon which future oo s Will lead the discussion on family and a host of friends are y Wif t Ch · t T' " th f' t h benefitted by the Pastor's w-ell- oung e a ns mas 1me, generations must subsist. e 1rs c apter. chosen sermon subJ'ects, "The New left to mourn their Joss. The flo- was well portrayed by Miss Re- But, then, man has always been The girls of the Allen Endeavor wer banked casket and altar be- · B df d E L Life" and "In Retrospection" for gema ra or . very scholar re- thus! Forever grasping for the eague will be hostess for a party spoke the esteem of friends. Sur- · d ift f th b t'f 1 1 th · It the morning and evening worship ce1ve a g rom e eau 1 u bone in his shadow's mouth he e1r pena y for being loser in a vivors are the wife Jeanette, two t d t· d t b b t t Th respectively. There was one ac- ree, a ona IOn an pu up y o serves miu.•r•ld in the snrfac~ I con es . e penalty was paid at daughters, Mrs. Veernell ·watson R G'b d d t d b Ed f th A M E p cession to the membership. Visi- ay 1 son an ecora e Y - o the water upon which he gaz~. e · · . arsonage last Sat- and Mrs. Young, a son BenJ·amin d M'll Th aff · Wh t d urda · ht tors were Mr. Lee J. Purnell for- war I er. e air was en- a oes man seek on this y rug . Rutherford of Los Angeles who joyed as much by the Pastor .and mundane sphere? Wealth? From ----- merly of Berkeley, Calif., Mr. and sent 3 dozen red roses and gar- Mr. and Mrs. John Woods enter- Mrs. T. c . Wilson and son of Superintendent, as by the children. one cause or another it slips from Spokane Wash., and Mr. Samuel K. Kahaw a professed Christian Jew, traveling throughout the denias for his father's bier; a bro- Mrs. Stafford, the Superintendent, his grasp, even as he thinks his t~ned 17 guests with a Christmas ther W H Rutherford . nephews dinner at ther fami'ly reuni·on · · ' ' is to be complimented for her un- grip upon it is most secure. Pow- 1 M · Entertaining on Christmas Day ing. were ·the Herman C. Bakers in N. country doing missionar y work Bakers a± Home among his people; Mr. Kahaw was Silver Anniversary anowed time at the .close ~r the E. Ff~st. They had as dinner guests the J. C. Bakers, Mrs. Mary Turneh, Mrs. Ella Smith, the Wil– liam Badgers down wrom Gearhart and the Richard Bogies. An egg- I a. m. service for a bnef testrmony Allen, Otto and Don Rutherford; tiring efforts for the success with er? It has been !!aill "all is van- r . and Mrs. R. Anderson of several grand children and distant the teachers to help with the af- ity." That man was wise for his Seattle spent the Christmas holi- relatives. Interment was in Lin- fai·rs. days in Yakima visiting friends. day, wise in our day, wise words coin Memorial. Mrs. William Monroe ana son, for al men for all times. And still, Mrs. M. Robertson and family The funeral of Robert Byrd, Vincent, returned home after on we go, plundering and murder- of Ellensburgh were guests of Mrs. Portland pioneer who died Christ- spending two weeks with her par- ing and-for whnt? We make a Belle Evans during the holidays. mas day Dec. 25, was solemnized ents in Vancouver, B. C, pattern for the other fellow to Mr. Brookie Echols of Bremer– Saturday. Mr. Byrd was the fa- Mrs. Nettie J. Asberry went to follow when It comes his time to ton visited friends here during nog for callers in the evening rounded out the day. Rev. and Mrs. J . F . Smith Pas- tor and wife of the A. M. E. Zion H . hl' ht' th h I'd of his Christian faith. Bethel will 1g tg mg e gay o 1 ay . . f t . 'ti th J C B k .. t hold 1ts 2nd quarterly meeting es IVI es was e . . a ers a Sunday, Jan. 12, with quarterly home" Friday Eve. Dec. 28 in ob– conference on Monday night fol- lowing. ther of Edith Byrd, Portland; California to spend the holidays preside at the slaughter house. James D. Byrd Seattle, and Mable with her sister and other relatives. And so, the endless circle is ever Curtiss of St. Louis, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Wardell Canady, before us and we crawl up one servance of their 25 years of wed– ded bliss. The reception rooms of their spacious home in N. E. Grand Ave. was beautiful in a color st. Phillips Episcopal, Rodney Kindly be warned- The Flower entertained at dinner Sunday, com- side and down the other, when Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. R. Williams were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shepherd during the holi– days. Church were highly entertained with a turkey dinner, jointly by Mr. Scruggs and Miss Daisy Smith in the home of the former. Guests e.nd Knott. Rev. L. O. Stone, Vicar. Mecc~ owned by Gwendolyn and plimenting Reverend and Mrs. D. we fall from sheer exhaustion. scheme of silver and green car- Vyolette Hooker, licensed florists C. Stephenson and Mrs. Patricia Mrs. A. L. Lealtad was a visitor ried out in clusters of small silver The feast of Epiphany will be neither solicits nor has paid soli- Covington. in the city from Utah last week. Mrs. Barnes returned to her home in Mississippi last Saturday after spending a month's vaca– tion with her son, Sanford Barnes. were Mrs. Alice Drew and daugh– ters Dorothy and Pearl; Juanita, DeEtta and Alfonso Scruggs and Spencer Tuggle. After dinner the youngst"<!rs :.tt:endtld'-a show. -- Miss Barbara Hubbard and her bells tied with green satin ribbons. observed Monday, Jan. 6 8 P· m. citors. Anyone taking orders un- Miss Regenia Bradford enter- The Rev. and Mrs. Abram Hay- The refreshment table was a piece I Th.e .Rev. Mr. L. E. Kempton, of der such claims are unauthorized tained with a cocktail party honor- wood returned to Helena a few of artistry draped ·in a white lace~ Tnmty Episco~al will be the and are infringing on better bus- ing Miss Myrtle Theofield of Oak- days ago. cover with a centerpiece of white s.peaker; there will also be a candle iness ethics We do have many land, California Friday night. Miss Mrs. J. W. Crump is getting mUI!lS flanked.-.with w.!tite UpPrs llght servi9e and ~C::.. ad~~tio~ of ~· 'bo~J;ro-, but ·n{: hir:~d soli- Bradford had six of her friends to along nicely again. enhanced by delectables of small the Magi. The Women's Guild will citors. Since we are as near as meet Miss Theofield. I The flu is here, but in a mild rolls stuffed with chicken salad 'meet Jan. 1 4, with Mrs. Chas. your telephone 1 ·ust call Lancaster Miss Myrtle Theofield of Oak- form. mother Mrs. Lee in N. E. Going ice crea off d h't ~ Rawlins at her home 2312 N E st. entertained on Christmas Day m, c ee an w I e an · · 7027 or Motor out to 61st and Hal- land, C~lifornia, who is the house Mama is again permitting papa green satin striped candies. Mrs. Williams Ave. t f Mi F U '11 b t th f ·1 with a family dinner. Mrs. Marion sey st. one block So. of Broadway. gues o ss ranees ry, WI e o use e am1 y car. M Cl M Ed d W t d Baker bride of 25 short years, was Regular Sunday services are 7:- Sick in the community-Miss in the city for three weeks. Miss c ear, rs. war a son an . 45 d 11 s d h 1 10 J t charmmg in a floor length white an a . m. un ay sc 00 a. H 1 D · f. d t h Ury is not leaving an idle moment erintendent back agQln. son r. were gues s. hiff . m F th . 1 1 h e en ancy, IS con me o er ..... M d M Will . R d . N c on, corsage of gardemas. Mr. · or e speC!a unc eon ser- home due to a relapse from an at- for her guest, with parties, sight Mrs. Ethel Reece was taken to r. an rs. lS ee m ·1 B k vice yast Friday in the coffee shop E Ch St 1 . t d th . a er was quite groomish in tux- tack of the flu. seeing trips and many other af- St. Joseph Hospital last week in · erry · comp Imen e eir I d d t M at Good Samaritan Hospital; Mrs. h I 'd t th M d M T e o an bou toniere, rs. Mary - fairs, her guest will not soon for- a very serious condition. Her many o 1 ay gues s e r. an rs. · T th f M B k Richard' Bogle, chmn., was assist- .1 d S L R 'th urner, mo er o rs. a er, CARD OF THANKS get Tacoma. friends hope she is not serious, and C. WI son an on e 0 Y WI mi ed by Mesdames L. 0. Stone, Chas. an informal afternoon Sunday, De- wore beco ngly .purple cut vel- Mrs. W. M. Mayweather was she will soon be out again. b 29 t t f K vet. Those servmg alternately Rawlins and the MJsseS' Ila Fuller We wish to thank our many host for Christmas dinner at the Mrs. Lillian Waterford, an old cern er ' 0 mee ormer ansas M R b rt D · Rosalee Thomas and Phyllis Rey- friends for their kindly expres- c ·t d h 1 t Oth were rs. o e ancey, weanng home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Rob- Pioneer of Tacoma, died last Sat- 1 yans an sc 00 rna es. er ld t t · · nolds. sions of sympathy and beautiful courtesies extended: Mrs. W. Co- a go ornamen nmmed blue dm- I inson. Besides the :Robinsons he urday. She was 84 years old. She ner dress; Mesdames Joseph Reed, floral offerings in our bereave- Ii.ad for his guests Mr. and Mrs. had no relatives known. chran, a friend of long standing th 1 f b Bogle chose to wear black formal Mt. Olivet Baptist, N. E. 1st · 1 ment through e oss 0 our e- Lawrence T. Lander, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert McCabe, motored the Winsons about the Herman C. Baker, and Richard and Schuyler. Rev. J. Clow, Minis- loved husband, father and bro- Neal Lander, and Mr. and Mrs. celebrated their third wedding an- City to see the Christmas lightings. Ed d R th skirts with blouses in contrasting ter. ther, the late war u er- 1 J. Alston of Seattle. Everyone on niversary Monday night, Decem- The Lloyd Flowers asked the Wil- sons in· for cards Monday evening Tuesday, New Year's Eve. Cath– erine Whalen motored them out to the Grotto and that same day Mrs. Clara Pickett complimented them and their hosts the Reeds, at an exceptionally enjoyable dinner. Mr. William Gilmer was an added guest. Young LeRoy was the in– spiration for a lovely party given by Bethel's Christian Endeavor Sunday eve. The Wilsons reluc– tantly departed New Years morn– ing for their home in Spokane. colors and materials. The Misses ford. !leaving, wished the season's greet- ber 23. The many friends who at- "Contented but not satisfied" R th f d 'f Helen Dancey and Helen Thomas Mrs. Jeanette u er or ' WI e ings to Mr. Mayweather and the tended gave the young couple was the sermon subject by Rev. M M y d ht received at the door and Miss Jo- Clow Sunday morning. The Mis- rs. · oung, aug er Robinsons for such a grand and many useful presents. The rooms sephine Dancey in blue taffeta as- Mrs. Edw. Watson, daughter glorious time. were beautifully decorated in fall sistd wieth numerous exquisite sionary Society presented a spe- Mr. Benjamin Rutherford, son Th D 1 B cia! program Su..>J.day evening. Mrs. e er oc ridge Club held its flowers and holly, the color scehme gifts and telegrams. Mrs. Mary Mr. W. H. Rutherford, brother annual Christmas party at the red and green, the table was beau- Pollyanna Reed gave an interest- Alexanaer was an able assistant home of Mr. and Mrs. Thad Tate tiful with a center piece of Holly ing address. The Searchlight club to the hostess. Time turned back The story of the Christchild was on South 12th Street. Covers were and Poinsettas. The decorations met Friday with Mrs. Sidney Par- in its flight as guests compared interestingly portrayed on Christ- laid for 19. After dinner the ex- made a beautiful background for ter, Sr. The Fellowship club will a picture of the honored couple mas eve at midnight by the sen- change of gifts by the members. the guests in their dinner gowns. meet at the Church Monday eve. taken back in 1915 with one of ior and junior choirs of Bethel At bridge, the prizes were won by All wished for this young couple, Jan. 6 Union Watch meeting ser- 1940 placed on either side of their A. M. E. Church. Mrs. James Beck and Mrs. Ivan many happy years of married life vices, Bethel, Zion and Mt. Olivet marrige certificate. My, how The church was beautifully de- Holness. Out of town guests were together. t cooperating were held Tuesday s yles .do change. Mr. Baker, 5th corated and the subdued lights Mr. and Mrs. A. Branch, Mr. and Miss Frances Ury gave a waffle night beginning at 10 p. m. Rev. Vice-president of the Protective furnished an appropriate back- Mrs. Ivan Holness and Miss Cora breakfast on Christmas morning 0 B. C. Allen of Bethel preached the rder of Dining Car Waiters and ground for the occasion. Spencer, all of Seattle. from 2 to 5 a. m. There were six sermon. Mrs. Baker popular beautician, are The processional was formed in The rooms were very beautiful couples to enjoy Miss Ury's hospit- The holiday gift that will never be forgotten was delivered by the stork on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. T. Living~Ston are the proud parents of the blessed event. It was the seventh child in the Valley born on Christmas day. The new baby is named Donald James Liv– ingston. The mother and her Christmas present are doing real well. Miss Gertrude Williams of Top– penish has returned home after spending a week's vacation in Ya– kima. Mrs. C. H. Emmons entertained her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Davis and friends at a splendid Christmas Day dinner . An ice-skating .party, Messrs. Frank James, Harry Ellison, R. Frye, Virgil Frye and Sonny El– lison had a gay time Christmas at the new ice arena. Mrs. E. Thompson of Toppenish, returned home after recovering from a minor operation. Mrs. Thompson is the former Miss E . McSwain. Miss Anna Waggener is spend– ing the holidays in Seattle visiting her sister, MJss M~ry Waggener. Mesdames Ruby Wright and El– izabeth Carden popular among the younger matrons of the Rose City divided their holiday season with Seattleites when they attended the holiday dane given by the Entre Nous. ~lso active in religious circles. the rear of the church and the in the Christmas colors of red and ality. W·•llr·ams Ave. YWCA green, the table center piece a traction. Mrs. Maxine Mitchell entertain– ed 14 guests at dinner Christmas day. Miss Steward planned the grand affair, decorating her table in yellow and green and a dash of red equalled only the delicious tur– key which was the center of at Gwedolyn Vyolette Hooker There's a certain satisfaction when your flower needs are purchased at your own senior choir attired in black robes tiny Christmas tree with lights and Full Gospel Pentecostal Chapel Mrs. Maxine Mitchell entertain- The Men's Club and Women's Guild of St. Phillips will hold a bridge and whist tournament. The dates are Jan. 10, 17 and 28. Pd. Ad. SAVE-WAY CLEANEBS 13 N. Brdwy at Wllli&m.s Ave. Tel. Tr1nl.ty 2569 Alteratlor~ and Repairs Suf~ anrl Overcoats, 4/lc T)wo for 85c PR~FERENCE Flower Mecca 6126 N. E. Halaey St. 1 Block So. of Broadway Call Lancaster 7027-No Agents Y e Olde Bar-lJ·Q Pit Open U A. M.-4 A- M. 20 N. Cherry St. Ea..1659 Portland,Ore&on I That Permits Beaeause' eur overhead is distribu- ted amon~~: 10 many twnerttls our pricee can .necessarily be low. Ser– vices from Holman & Lutz are within the ,means E'Jf all . . . • re– gardless of creed or income. LOWER COSTS Oonvernent Monthly Payments For AR ~#.~~~.h. • Directors of ;:1' Oolonial Mertuary liolmao Qha.,pel 14th & Sa~tdy Klvd. S. W. Th1J:4 & SaJmoo Rosa Marie Spears Executive Secretary The Y. W. C. A. has accom– plished great things in providing an environment in which indivi– dual growth can take place, in developing educational technique that make for growth and in serv– ing as a laboratory. It has accom– plished perhaps greater things by creating the opportunity for wo– men and girls from every walk of life to meet and through their con– tact with one another to create the inclusive fellowship of which we speak so often. Beginning the New Year the branch program will include music appreciation, one afternoon each week, lectures on health, religion and vocational guidance by authorities. Forums will also be held monthly to fur– ther discuss the above subjects. The public is cordially invited to participate recent gifts, made pos– sible the purchase of new supplies for boys' work and program ex– tension. The Branch expressed sympathy to Mrs. Collins, wife of the late E. S. Collins banker and philanthropist who died Dec. 18. presented a solemn picture as it entered the auditorium of the imitation presents, place cards, So. 25th and Tacoma Ave. ed Miss Glenda Stewart and Mr. tiny sleighs with 3 tiny reindeer Bishop E. F. ;Morris, Pastor Knox with a delightful midnight church carying lighted candles and atached all together made a beau- Bishop Morris preached at the luncheon last Thursday. singing "Silent Night." Marching tiful background for the ladies in Saturday evening service, while Miss Barbara Reese and Mr. slowly up the outside isles, down their formals and the men in their Sister Morris preached at both Fred Davis were dinner guests at the center isles, crossing in front Tuxs. .morning and evening services on the home of Mrs. Maxine Mitchell of the altar and on into the · choir Mrs. Wendell Stafford is able to Sunday. Her subject for the morn- last Friday evening. Cards and loft. be out again after an attack of the ing service was "Patience" while games were amusements for the After a group of Christmas car- flu . The A. M . E. Sunday School the evening message was "Where evening. ols Mrs. Agnes McNeil sang, "Oh d 1. ht d t h Mr was e 1g e o a~e their Sup- Art Thou, Adam?" . and Mrs. Theodore Spear- Holy Night" (Adams). The Junior man entertained a group of friends choir sang "Stars in December." at a well appointed Christmas din- "Away in a Manger" was sung THE SEASON'S GREETINGS ner last Sunday. Covers were laid by Barbara McNeil. Invocation by for 76. Rev. Mcneil. To our many friends and patrons The beautiful voice of Mrs. Mc– Neil soprano, blended perfectly with the choir of twenty voices as she sang the obligato to the In- I flammatus by Rossini. The recessional followed the con– gregational song "Joy to the World." The choirs were trained by Mrs. L. S. McNeil, wife of the Rev. L. S. McNeil. Mr. Jack Hoslclaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoslclaw, visited Among the guests present were: The Everglade Mrs. Helen Burdine Smith, Seat– tle, Mr. and Mrs. William Watson, Mrs. M. Burdine, Miss Peggy Ro- AparfnleftiS binson of Ellensburgh and the Rev. ~nd Mrs. H. C. Patterson. 1509~ South Tacoma Avenue Br. 4667 I~---------~~~ Tacoma, Washington 1 Licensed !-----A-rt_h_ur_L_._H_ay-es_,_M_a_n_ag_e_r ----..Ji Massage Institute Steam Vapor Bat:hs New Hair Permanent Mbteral & Magnecoil Sweat Virginia Hair Dressing, Super- Moore's Food Store his father during the holidays. Groceries, Meats, Fruits ior Pressing Oil, Sta-Straight, Hours 10 a. m. to 8 P· m. Brilliantine Massages Mr. Jason Sales who visited his And Vegetables parents in Tacoma, Wash., return-~ % 26 N. Brdwy C!Jall Trtnlty 77~ e dto the city last Thursday. ~,.. _____________, J.L.A. Co.~ Mfg.~ Dist. 1736 N. Vancouver 976 Carrol Ave., St. Paul, Minn. ~---T•elll.•T•r•ln•I•'tyi_•0•5•1•0••• I
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