Northwest Enterprise_1940-01-12
-· ... ' " . \ I I I { FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1940 THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE PAGE THREE PORTLAND 'NEWS Mary M. Duncan, Editor 2216 S. E. 37th Phone EAst 7911 Mr. Clarence Shepherd of Yaki- pelasant moments and were royal- first meeting of the Committee of rna returned home Tuesday after ly entertained. Management in 1940, Wednesday spending a week in the city as the Of interest locally as well as na- morning, with almost a 100 per house guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. tionally to prospective census tak- cent attendance. Major business M. Johnson. Among the courtes- ers, the Census Bureau is carrying items included appointments of ies extended him was Christmas on a nation-wide publicity cam- committee chairmen as follows: dinner at the J. M. Cantrells; lun- paign designed to impress upon Mrs. Cecil Berry, Business and In– cheon, Mrs. Josephine Grass; and the Negro citizens of the United dustrial committee; Mrs. Julia dinner with the R. Daniels. States the importance of full and Blarchard Smith, Girls' Work com- A delicious New Year's dinner honest cooperation with the enum- mittee; Mrs. L. Brock, recreation; was served to over fifty members erators who will visit them to se- Mrs. Marie Smith, membership; and their families of the House of cure information in business, in- Mrs. Katherine Gray, religious; Prayer, by Mr. and Mrs. Wililam dustry, population, etc. This work Mrs. Ruth Flowers, hospitality; Johnson of South lOth and Grant is being supervised by Alfred Miss Geneva Turner, social ser– St. Those assisting in serving Lawson, managing editor of Op- vice; Mrs. Cora Minor, finance; were the hostess' brother, Mr. J. portunity. - Mrs. J. A. Nichols, housing; and A. Johnson, Mr. Minnie Daniels, 1--Mr~. Mary M. Duncan, Portland Mrs. Edward Rutherford, nomina– Mrs. Effie Lee and several of the Editor to the Northwest Enter- tion and publicity. To extend the younger set. prise, \vill make a survey of the Branch program, the committee of Elder Bruce Gibson of Pasadena, extent of the colored population management admitted two boys' Calif., spent a few days in special of the city in the several commun- groups ranging in age from 10 to services at the House of Prayer ities according to an appointment 14, and from 15 to 19 years. Jack before departing for Mossy Rock by· ~~th Haeff..n.,!lr, district Dozier will supervise the younger and Seattle, Washington, where he supervisor of the census campaign., group, and Jerry Turner the older will conduct a series of meetings. Mrs. Duncan will report her find- group. Dr. Unthank and several The recently organized Xi chap- ings to Miss Haeffner prior to the other men have offered to be of ter of Alpha Phi Alpha held an en- appointment of takers for the pop- service. In response to many in- thusiastic meeting Saturday, Dec. ulation census. quiries, Miss Lois Johnson has 30, in the office of Dr. D. N. Un- been given permission by the man- thank. Those present: Mr. Ber- Club Notes agement to sell candy in the lobby nard E . Squires and Chas. Dan- of the Branch. To also further the forth of Seattle, 0. Avis Dennis, The Rose Bud Study Club, Mrs. program, a study and discussion of Robert Pitts, Donald T. Ruther- Bessie P. Johnson, president, en- "Responsibility of the Y.W.C.A. ford, Kenneth Smith, and Shelby joyed a profitable business meet- toward meeting the needs of the Golden. A stag dinner followed ing first Wednesday in 1940 at the community" will be carried on in at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto home of Mrs. Bertha Mullen in the committee of management. Rutherford in N. E. Shaver for S. E. 41st. A New Year's party Miss Spears lent much inspiration which Donald T. Rutherford was followed in which fourteen mem- to the meeting. host. bers participated and reveled in Churches Mrs. J. w. stanley was hostess, the hospitality of the genial host– for an enjoyable post-holiday af- ess. ternoon last Friday at her home Mrs. Annabell Harris, in N. E. Bethel A. M. E., Larabee and in s. E. Mall for a group of ladies. San Raphael, was hostess to the McMillen. Rev. Browning C. Allen.. Mr. Willie Rutherford, who left Bethel-Ite Club in a call meeting Minister. before the holidays, is having a Thursday evening when plans were Following the very effective 11 grand and glorious trip on his va- completed for the Housewarming a. m. sermon, subject, "Set Your cation. He went cross-country via at Bethel's parsonage on Friday. Affections on Things Above," Rev. the Northern route, stopping in Mrs. Logan of Louisiana, sister Allen administered Holy Commun– some of the principal cities. Mr. and holiday visitor of the hostess ion to at least 150 communicants. )Rutherford will spend much of his was the inspiration for the delect- Another new member was added l 'time in Louisiana, hia home state, able repast and social hour which to the membership. Rev. Allen visiting several of its cities. He followed. also administered the right of hap- will take the coast route back Rose City Ladies' Auxiliary to tism to Cl~fford Johnson Bell, Jr., home in early spring. Local 465 met last Friday at Wil-l infant son ot: Mr. and Mrs. Clif- Mrs. Cora Minor returned Sun- Iiams Ave. Y.W.C.A. Their next ford Bell. firs. Logan of Louisi– day from Oakland, Calif., where meeting will be the third Friday of ana was anvng the several visit- she was holiday guest of the Hud- this month. ors. The Ailen C. E. League, Miss sons, of that city. For the pleas- 1 M:':"isadore Maney, chairman of Blanche Grajve, president ll)Dd Mrs. ure of her guest, Mrs.Hudson held 'the 'Nomtnafiiig Committee for the Pollyanna ~eed, advisor, has set open house Christmas day for 300 local Branch NAACP issued a call a pace for other young people's socialites of Oakland, Berkeley, for a meeting of the committee at groups to follow. The league meets and Frisco. The palatial home of his home Thursday evening to de-! at 6:45. The evening message at the Hudsons was more beautiful side on the recommendation of a 18 p. m. was by the pastor, sub– than ever for this occasion. For president for the Branch, as Mr. I ject, "The Ri.ver of Life." Bethel, this occasion Mrs. Minor was Edgar ~rna, president for the I under aus~ices of the Bethel-lite striking in a floor length pin- past two years, resigned at the 1 Club, invites its members and striped lame' and black, with sil- ,.December meeting. friends to the "Housewarming" at ver accessories. This was just the The Aid Circle, in conjunction the parsonage, Friday evening, 8 beginning of numerous affairs and with the Missionary Circle, will be p. m. Other activities ._!or the courtesies extended the visitor dur- sewing at Shiloh Baptist Church week: the club of new members, ing her stay of two short weeks. beginning Tuesday. There will al- Mrs. Jeanette Rutherford, presi- Things are back to normal at so be Bible Study. Mrs. Whitfield, dent, met Monday afternoon at the the J. N. Cantrell home after a president of the Aid, was among parsonage. A joint session of the busy holiday season when house the shut-ins at Christmas. Missionary Society and Steward- guests included Mrs. Lottie Shof- ess Board met Friday with Mrs. fer of Oakland, sister of Mrs. Can- y. w. . c. A. Notes Annabell Harris. The young peo- trell, and Mrs. Thelma Street, a ple's club met Tuesday, 4 p. m. at Miss Rosa Marie Spears, Ex. Sec'y niece, of Los Angeles. The visit- the church. A large delegation from the ors were the inspiration for many • • • Branch attended the 39th Annual Mt. Olivet Baptest, First and r--------------------, Murdock 5452 Hours G p. m. - 8 a. m. AI and Tiny's Rendevous Private Boarding Home Meeting and Dinner of the YWCA I Schuyler, Rev. J. J. Clow, Minister. I held at Central Y, Tuesday even- On the threshold of the new I ing, January 9. Participating were year, Rev. Clow chose to preach Mrs. Mary M. Duncan, chairman the morning sermon from the sub– elect of Williams Ave. Branch, and ject, "Considering the Road that Miss Rosa Marie Spears, execu- Lies Ahead," and at 8 p.m., "Buy tive secretary. Assisting as host- the Truth and Sell It Not." The Soothem Fried Chicken, Steaks, eases were Mrs. J. A. Nichols and B.Y.P.U. with Mr. Walker Harris Hams and Bacon Mrs. Cora Minor. The Younger Matrons Club, Mrs. Mildred Gos- ~013 N. Vancouver Ave. SpeclaJties Prepared or Ordered Operated By Mrs. Leola. Modiste, AJ Pierre ~------------------..J ~------------------.., kin, chairman, was responsible for as president has plans outlined for many activities. The Searchlight Club met Friday evening with Mrs. Sidney Porter. The S.O.C. Club presents Miss Rosa Marie Spears as guest speaker at its an– nual Pew Rally, Sunday, January 28. Full Speed Ahead (continued from last issue) Ml's. Millel' Dies Helena, Mont., Mrs. Dolly Miller, 64, 200 South Warren Street, died Friday, January Here we are upon our arrival in ye old home town, Omaha; it is Saturday before Christmas eve, our luggage parked at sister Jim– mies, one of my three sisters here, we were refreshed from our long ride, pressed some dresses, etc., while Jimmie and Loyce, another sister, cooked us a most appetizing meal (brunch), it was too late for breakfast and a bit too early for lunch. With appetites satisfied and thirst quenched, I settled my– self to do some writing, but was pleasantly interrupted by several callers. Snow began to fall fast while we visited and in a very short time it was quite deep. By Sunday, Christmas eve, the snow had drifted and was very deep. Clem slipped out and spent most of the afternoon with Dr. Wesley Jones, and, as he said, among the "boys." That evening (Saturday) Johnny Owner, former represen– tative of Nebraska and our broth– er-in-law (husband of my baby sister) made up a party for the evening. We went several places making pop calls, finally ending up at the Blue Room for refresh– ments, where seemingly we met and shook hands with hundreds of acquaintances. It was good see– ing and chatting with Mr. Edward ject erected three years ago which has adequately solved the congest– ed housing problem with this low– rent project. The Urban League, Y.W.C.A., North and South Side Cultural Centers, all have their extensive programs mapped out in 5 in St. John's hospital. Mrs. an effort to meet the needs of a I Miller was born in Quincy, Ill., growing populace of over 18,000 April 5 1876 and had lived Negroes. I was not surprised to hear of the hearty cooperation of the race mothers and dads in the Parent-Teacher Associations, as there have always been an unus– ually large percentage in associa– tions nearest to colored communi– ties. Of course, there is an incen– tive since they have representa– tion on the school board. Another accomplishment since our resi– dence here is that the three colored Taxi stands are no longer denied the privilege of driving their cars into the taxi lane at the .P. and Burlington Depots, as they were victorious in a fight for the same rights as the Yellow or other cabs. They now have their share of de– pot service. Of course it took unit– in Helena more than 20 years. Surviving 'are; her husband, Ike Miller of Missoula; a son, Leroy E. Wims of Butte, and several nieces and nephews. Rosary services were conduct– ed at 7:30 in St. Helena's ca– thedral Sunday night. Re– quiem mass was celebrated 9 o'clock Monday, burial was in Resurrection Cemetery. ------------------ Spokane, Wash. By Miss Sybil Stafford Mrs. Lauren Covington and La Velle .Stafford visited their moth– er, Mrs. M. Stafford, during the ed effort, but they won. We left Tuesday morning, 8:15, holidays. over the Chicago and Great North- The Phyllis Wheatley Club en– ern for Chicago. Our findings in joyed an evening of fun December the Windy City will follow in the 22 at the Booker T. Washington next issue. DIGESTING .THE NEWS S. Gilbert, manager editor of the (Continued from Page One) Omaha Star. In this mass crowd Although we prefer to be was Mr. Fred Dickson, who is on considered a "modern" we the school board, and his brother. Home at a not-too-late hour, for sometimes wax a bit old fash- a good rest, first for several days. ioned by digging up old "say– Next day, Sunday, we worshipped ings" to make certain points. at historic St .John, our former We find this not only conven– church .home, where the. Rev. T .. A. ient, but also necessary to les- Sears 1s pastor. Special Chnst- th t · · · l't · b th fift . d sen e s ram on ongma 1 y. mas music y e y-vmce ves- . ted choir was a rare treat. The lOur parents, whose educatiOn- Center. The entertainment was in the form of a mock radio pro– gram. The Ashanti Club held their an– nual Christmas dinner at the Y. Thursday, December 28. Cloirton Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lee, spent the holidays with his parents. Young Lee, a student at Washington State Col– lege, returned to Pullman last week. Miss Elsie Stephens was one of the outstanding performers at the initial appearance of the new North Central high school seven– teen piece pep band during the convocation recently. The Periclean Study and Social Club gave a breakfast dance Dec– ember 27 at the Booker T. Wash- Yakima., Wash. By Clarence A. Shephard Your Correspondent has just re– turned from a most enjoyable trip to Portland, Ore., where he was the guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Johnson and a special guest at the open house and din– ner at which the Johnson's were hosts to members of the House of Prayer and friends at their home on S. E. lOth. Visitors during the holidays were Allen Woods, guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Woods ; Mrs. Mae Lamar was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Frank James; Mrs. Leonard McGee and daughter have returned to Chicago after spending several weeks visiting Mrs. McGee's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Verden; Mrs. McVay has returned from from a visit in Seattle. Carol Lee Hall, the four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hall, is recuperating from second degree burns on the body. Mr. and Mrs. William Twitty, accompanied by Mrs. Amy Adams and granddaughter, Merna Dene, traveled to Ellensburg to be din– ner guests of Mrs. Belle Powers. Mrs. Powers returned to Yakima with the party and was a holiday guest in the Twitty home. Mr. and Mrs. James Houston en– tertained Eastern Star Lodge members and friends with an in– formal party in their home recent– ly. About twenty persons enjoyed the evening. Elder and Mrs. Paul Smith of Toppenish arrived in Yakima Sun– day. Elder Smith conducted his first services January 7 as the new pastor of the Full Gospel Pente– costal Church, East Yakima Ave. The pastorate was recently vacat– ed by Mrs. Freeda Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Davis have had as their guest for several weeks Mrs. Iva Redmond of Se- church, with a seating capacity of al opportunities were limited, 800, had but few empty pews. Af- were denied the blessing of ter services we had dinner with an extensive vocabulary; but Mrs. Gertrude Kinney, Mr. and they always put over any de– Mrs. L. B. Houston and Mr. and ington Center. attle. Mr. Redmond accompanied Mrs. Fred storms. Dinner over, sired point by referring to we rushed downtown to the World "common "sayings" or "adag– Herald Studio, for the regular es." Not unlike our parents, our Sunday broadcast of the St. John vocabulary too, is limited. Our sal– choir in their fine rendition of vation has been a fair memory Christmas carols. That same eve- that enabled us to hold on to ning we heard the choir again in enough old "sayings" to pull us Rev. and Mrs. Edward Chappelle his wife here but returned to Se– were guests on New Year's day at attle to resume his work. Mrs. the home of Mrs. C. J. Flowers and Redmond has been extensively Mrs. M. Stafford. feted by her hostess and friends. The Wednesday Art Club gave Chester Malone has returned their annual Christmas dance at from an extended visit to the New the Metronome Hall on Thursday, England states. December 26. Henry Woods is visiting friends a Christmas cantata, "Christmas through an emergency. Our "say- Jack Holsclaw, son of Mr. and in Seattle after spending the Yule– Glory." Oh, yes! there are other ing" for this emergency is; "lock- Mrs. Chas. Holsclaw, returned to tide with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. choirs in the city, some fifteen or ing the door after the horse has Western States College, Portland, John Woods. twenty, but this was "our" choir, escaped" or whatever the saying whJ...:h made"':.. , <fference. is. Ore., after visitW.g his father over The Rev. W. A. Lucas conduct- After services we were whisked About three years ago, Miss the holidays. ed morning devotional services ov- . out to the L. B. Houstons for the Margaret Mitchell, famous author Mr. and Mrs. Jack Black, Jr., er station KJT last week. gave a dinner December 25 in ho- The Harlem Globe 'i'rotters, rc- remainder of the evening where whose works are well knawn to nor of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Free- nowned basketball team, played at we were joined by several of our former intimate friends. Monday, Christmas day, was crowded to the nth notch, as we planned to leave for Chicago Tuesday morn– ing. We were happy to have con– tacts with Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Haw- most readers, decided to write a man and Dr. and Mrs. Donald the YMCA last week. story. Using as a background the Ware. Covers were laid for nine. Mr. and Mrs. Bradford returned deep south of the pre-Civil War era Leo Price, who has been ill, is home January 2 after a family re– Miss Mitchell produced a master- gradually improving. union in Seattle. The family of piece that surprised even her most Mrs. Helen Jordan, visiting for 19 were later joined by a niece severe critics, the title of the story the past two weeks with her sis- from Ellensburg, Wash. Miss Bea was "Gone With The Wind." ter in Los Angeles, has returned Taylor was hostess on a sightsee- kina, the W. L. Myers, Mrs. Ger- When "Gone With The Wind" home. ing trip about the city. They were trude Lucas Craig, the C. A. Bur- was first released it could have Mrs. Fannie Jones died here De- also entertained at the home of netts, W . M. Rogers and B. E. have been "just another story" so cember 25 at a local hospital. She Mr. and Mrs. Laster while enter– Webbs. far as comments were concerned had resided in spokane for 26 taining the Eastern Stars and Ma– An early Christmas day dinner However, two or three book re- years and attended the Bethel A. sons. with the William Jacksons, later viewers went into a huddle and de- M.E. Church. Mrs. Juanita E. Lucas, wife of I·nvited I'n for Chn'stmas cheer at c1'ded that the Mitchell story was t Surviving are her mother, Mrs. Rev. W. A. Lucas, pastor of Moun the W. L. Seals and later still to something to write home about, Hattie Robinson; two daughters, Hope Baptist Church of Yakima, climax the day, Mr. and Mrs. Oth- and every body started raving Willabelle Thomas and Mrs. Oli- has returned to Jefferson, Texas. ello Roundtree invited us in to about "Gone With The Wind." Be- ver Johnson; two sisters, Mrs. J. She will tesume her duties as t ea– share their annual family Christ- cause of the slavery theme, Ne- A. Thompson and Mrs. w. N. cher in the high school of that mas dinner for a party of fifty. gro readers were in part respon- Thompson; two brothers, Grover city and return to Yakima after The Roundtrees left nothing un- sible for the popularity of "Gone C. Robinson and D. J . Robinson. the expiration of her contract. ----------------- done to make theirs a complete With The Wind" which outsold all both of Spokane, and several rela- party. What was left of a long books for more than a year. We tives in the East. F T n· day and night was spent with my were among the millions who read Funeral services were held De- ormer acoman IeS immediate family in the home of Miss Mitchell's book and we found cember 2 s, Rev. Edward D. Chap– my sister and brother-in-law, the that the author could be both en- pell was in charge, assisted by Jopnny Owens, and their adorable tertaining and nauseating at the Rev. Emmett B. Reed. little daughters, Shirley and Bar- same time. ALL Negra book re- - --- - - - ----- ---:– bara Jean. Attorney John Adams viewers read "Gone With The release. Since its premier, organi– Jr. are neighbors to the Owens, so j Wind" but only a FEW condemned zations and prominent individuals by a mere coincidence we met Rev. it as an insult to the 'Negro race have denounced it as an indictment and Mrs. John Adams Sr. who The book reader for Metro-Gold- of inter-racial good will, and a were visiting their son and family. wyn Mayer , whose annual salary concerted boycott will no doubt An added inspiration was to meet would perhaps exceed the com- be launched against all theatres a nephew of mine, Charles Buck- bined salaries of all Negroes em- showing the picture. - --- - Moore's Food Store Groceries, Meats, Fruits And Vegetables the beautiful table decoration. This club was organized a few weeks ago through the membership com– mittee of which Mrs. Ruth Flow– ers was chairman. Mrs. Mary M. Duncan rapped the gavel on the • • • ley, I hadn't seen for fl.!teen years. ployed as journalists, read the sto We are anxious to see " Gone Chapel of the Little Flower, In- He is a very fine young man re- ry and convinced MGM that "Gone With the Wind." We won't like the ter-raclal, 28 N. Broadway. Tel. siding in Chicago where he has a With the Wind" would make a picture because of the many "digs" Juneau, Alaska, Special to the Northwest Enterprise. Mrs. Mattie Richardson, for many years a resident of Ta– coma, Washington, died here, Dec. 16, 1939. She was a mem– ber of B e t h 1 e h e m Baptist church, and a daughter, Marie survives her. Interment was in Juneau. 226 N. Brdwy Call Trinity 7722 ~------------------~ ~------------------- Ye Olde Bar-B-Q Pit Open 11 A. M.-4 A. M. 20 N. Cherry St. Ea.1659 Portland, Oregon PREFERENCE ----- FOR RENT: 2 3-room apts., fur– nished, $18 and $15. Call Ga. 1755. 4036 N. E. 12th., Robert Ervin. ~------------------~ I SAVE-WAY CLEANERS 13 N . Brdwy at Williams Ave Tel. Trinity 2569 Alterations and Repairs Suits and Overcoats, 45c, Two for 83c That Permits Beacause our overhead is distribu- ted among $0 many funerals our prices can necessarily be low. Ser– vices from Holman & Lutz are within the means of all • . . • re- gardless of creed or income. LOWER COSTS Oonvenfent Monthly Payments For An ~.f~k Oolonlal Mortuary Holman Chapel 14th & Sandy Blvd. S. W. Third & Salmon ----------------- Tr. 2688, Rev. J. M. Schmidt, Chap- very responsible job as district su- humdinger of a talking picture it takes at the Negro, but we TACOMA CHURCH lin. pervisor in Social Service. Charles Acting upon the advice of this WON'T condemn it. W e won't con- Full Gospel Pentecostal Chapel, A large gathering was present visited Omaha as guest of our "story expert" MGM decided to demn it because that would be So. 25th and Tacoma Ave., Bishop for the unveiling and blessing of neice, Miss Dorothy Scott, who film the picture and feature an "locking the door after the horse the new Statue and Shrine of the gave one of the most fashionable all star cast of white and Negro has escaped." We believe all pro– Little on Wednesday, Dec. ; parties of the week complimenting 1 actors. tests a gainst this picture chould 13. A Chnstmas party for adults 1 . Charles and Maryellen. Miss Betty In lo.oking over our files of Ne- have been made long before it was held. Wednesday, De~emb~r Riggs and Phillip Love did their gro newspapers dating back to went into production. W e believe 20, followmg Novena servlces ~ share in making Maryellen very the time the picture was sta rted, MGM may have listened then but the Chapel. A large group of chil- happy. She did enjoy her former we find there was practically no w e doubt whet her they will toss dren were on hand Saturday be- little school mates who like her- I protest to the filming of Gone With t he picture to the winds after fore Christmas to welcom~ Santa self have grown away from the the Wind; and no protest at all was spending almost four million dol- Claus at the Blessed Martm Hall. little red-chair age. ever made to MGM to prevent the lars to produce it. An elaborate program and goodies I'llagree with you, it's most un- filming of what so many have con- We are naturally "nuts" about wer e prepared for the event. believable, but I did find time to demned as an assault on Neg ro the movies and we are impatiently • • • Montavllla Community Baptist make observation of some of the progress. In fact, like most people, aw aiting the coming of "Gone With Church, 7524 N . E. Everette, Rev. more worthwhile things being the average Negro was interested the Wind" to Seattle. We will R. E. Donaldson, Minister. done by the race group. It was in who would play the part of see the picture knowing in ad- Order of services : Sunday school interesting to know that the Fed- Scarlet O'Hara and little thought vance tha t we will not like it. But 10 :30 a. m.; Preaching, 11:30 and eral Housing Project has purchas- was given to the ill effects the we won't condemn it at this late 8 p. m.; B .Y.P.U., 7 p.m. The at- I ed several blocks owned by the picture when filmed, might have date. We read the book and knew tendance Sunday was very g ood. race for the extension of t he pro- on race relationship. in a dvance it would be made into Pastors' sermon theme, at 11 :30, "Gone With the Wind" has been a pic ture. We muffed the ball not "Divine Leader;" for the evening give a tacky party Saturday, Jan- produced as a talking picture at a protesting then, so we think it worship Rev. Donaldson spoke on 1 uary 27. cost of $3,700,000. When produc- better to "take it on the chin" than the subject, "God the Way." The I tion had gone beyond the halfway to "lock the doors a f ter the horse Baptist Young Peoples Union will KEEP OFF DATE, FEB. 1 mark, various groups protested its has escaped." E. F. Morris, pastor. Bishop E. F. Morris was in Ta– coma over the week-end and prea ched all th ree s ervices. Sa tur– day night his subject w a s "Use That You Have In Your H and." The T ext w a s Exo. 4 :2. The theme of t he messag e was t o use the ta– lents you posses, whether large or small, to the glory of God. Remember the services Wednes– day, Saturday and Sunday 8 p . m . Come to these old fa shioned gos– pel s ervices and hear the full gos – pel preached. Independent and Dollar Stages Leave Croft Hot el twice daily San Fransisco $9.00 Los Angeles $13.50 1519 Pacific Ave. Tacoma , Wa shington M. 8061 .....
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