SWANCY'S DYE WORKS Expert Dry Cleaning Prcssin~ anll rc1.r~hntg of In– dies ' ant! gPnl 's ~arments. Huts n.nd caps clc:med anrl blocked: Curt u.ins and rugs. \Vork guar– anteed. Quick Sen!cc> FREE DELIVERY Phones- Office-ELliott 4o 1n Residencc-lll'iin 810:1 G70 WASHI:XGTO.N S'r. JCDSO~.; S\YA);CY, Prop. Suits Cleaned-~ PRESSED THE EETTEP. WAY $1.00 Only WRIGHT'S TAILOR SHOP 2030 Ear;t Madison St. Phone E.1st 6G48 Edwin Clapp Smari Shoes for SMART MEN Distinctive Fall and ' 'Winter l\Iodels The EDWIN CLAPP STORES, Inc. :~<::xc!nsh•ely fot• 1\Jen 1324 Fourth Avenue 'Dead Man Has No Ship Body to Los Angele s I K~l~ew:~u~:!a;.;~l~a~11 Bc\cns, P?;C! Seattle Notes and Gossip F~~.s~~~-t~~~ Dyson, wife of s. E. 1 about 15 yc,-H·s, who died of pncu- ARLINE DAVIDSON ENGLIS H , Reporter D~son, .~rsoline sel'\·ice station own- 11 monJa January a at the City Hospita.l er of .Port. An.~elen died Friday night 11 is held at the B!aci;well Undertaking Phones : Day, ELiot 4586; Night, E Ast 6353 at VJrg1ma Mason Ho:spital. :llrs. Company while inquiry is made for " I Dyson was broug·ht to Seattle from 1clatived of the deceased. Bevens ~~~~~~~~~~~~·-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-·~~~~~ Port Ange~~ by her husband two :e;·e;,Lly ~nrived in Se?t.tle hut is sa.ct Local Society Investigates 'Women Lead in Divorces weeks ago for medical attention. The to h':YP betn on the Pacific Coast C bdy was shipped Tuesdav to Los for a nua1ber 0f years 1·esiding in va- Man's Death in County Jail ard of Thanks Filed for 1928 · An~:;eles where Juneral se1:vices will cious cities. At C''l<> time he is known Officers oJ the Seattle branch of be held this Sr.turdar. The body was t) ha\'C' resided in Los Angeles. the National A~sociation for the Ad- Although this is Leap Year when daaccu~lhntpealmeMd b~H· ~~-. \VDys.on and a ·:ancement of Colored People a 1 ·e in- We take bis means of trank- ~ , . rs. . ,::,. arren Friday, January 20, 1928 I Mrs. Art Smith's I HOME COOKING CAFE S p ecializing i n Home C o oked Dinners finnda.~· Chitkcu l Hllnt't' Forn1er Pool Room Now ccs•igatin;>· t!'e ea~:e of .John Alex:m- :ng our fliends in Scallle and I \\'OinPn have the privile!!'C of "pop- ---------- . I dc 1 · ali~. 3 ThC'mp>:c,n who died Tuc~- Port Angeles who were sc, kitH! ping the question" to men thcv con- '~he Butterfly ,\rt Cln!J will hold 1 Home of Church of God day afternoon in the county jail. during the illness of our wife and I :;i1~el' suitable fot· life's companion- ' the,~· reg-nlar meetmg _next Thursday I J 65c Pl'ime Hoast BePt \\here ±'o!' many years wa< !ward AJexander was being- held as a bmg- mothf'r, l\Irs. Louise D)•son who slup they als0 1 intend to tal{(~ the lead I ;:tt tne home of Mrs. Ora E. Brooks 1 "Corner poekeL,'' "Combination" and,. Jar sus;:>ert hnvm~ .been anested w;th passed awa~· Jat;u:::ry 10., 1028. •luring: lfJ28 in 8 eparating- themselves 1 .J415 ~HY. St., Wtth Mrs. E. Gardll!'r 1 " . John Cabell who 1s alleged to have -S. B. Dy:;oe, huEbond; !11rs. H. ~rom "r.1is~eha\·in;\· husbands," judg- I'-'~ hos ess. , Let r; heave some hearts." and other I confessed the Jl~ ':· se\·erai weeks ago S. IVan·en, claug·hter. mr; from dtvorce complaints filed so . --- 1 fami~iar terms tc. pool and card play-. tabbed a Japanese_. grocery. County - far in January. Through het· attor-1 Fnends or l\l1~. Sarah Ho.oper will I er~ JS now l1eard "Amen,' "Praise I physicians say Al£•xander died of Am.itv Mcetinf! t B ! ney, Irene Sevas filed suit Tuesday b; glad .to. know she has_ 1mprov0t1 th" Inrd" rnd the singing of hymns. lcute pneumonin. No inque~t has 0 ? · e ior diVorce from Nick Scvas, charg- fiom het !llne:;:s to perm1t her 1'1'- The small building- aL the corner of been held. Local officer;: of the N. Held Tuesday N1ght ing- him with making het· life burden- moYal from Seattle General P.:oopital 2 ;t'1 aYe:H.i'? and East .\ladi<on street, \.. A. C. P. me making inquiry v.'hy To brino· abod a bette'· unr]er-1 some by cruel and inhuman treat-\ to her apartments in the C'handlc<' 45c Roast L oi n ot Pol'!( 45c Phon<! fol' ll<'~et·\·at ions PRosp e ct 0933 1 05-22nd Ave. N. ( 0[1posite Gala Theatre) ''o,.,ne:·ly Nelson's Pool Hall is now Alexander was not removed to the , . "' . • ment. The couple were married in ·Annex. rh2 home of a br;1ch of the Church wsit~l if he war; sick with pneuma- s.andmg between dtffcrent races c.nd I Se11ttle, December 13, 1925. I --- ,I.. cf God in Christ, J·.eadc<.! bv Elder ,1ia. Reports ha\'C reached the local to elim inate prejudice br.scd on col- In a suit for divorce filed Friday, I Mrs. Mar!'arl.'t Grl.'athouse and t:,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;...___ .;;;;;;;;;;;;! Vv. D. Hdt who rccentlv ari·ived in <ociety that Alexander was "grillcJ" or 2.nd race the Seattle Bra;wh of the Tanuary 6, S. C. Carter, government Mrs. Ella \\all ace IE rt Saturday for ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sea ttl~> from 1\Iemphis, ~nn., nation- oy detectives and dierl within an hour l Ba hei. Movement w!ll hold an, Amity me~t inspector, r.ay( l e can no long- San Francisco for an indefinite stay. I I a! hcrdquarters of the chm·ch. The ,1fter being returned to his cell. The or I 1 r1endshJp mectmp: next 'Iucsc:ay cr hve happily with Marie B. Carter, ·--- l'orm<:r pool room has been redecor- .leceased is a \\'est Indian about 34 night in their rooms, 217 Bay Build- bec::w~e of her cruel and inhuman ?.Irs. H. B. Lyon~ is leaving this I ated and furnished and to all appear- years of a(\·e. :;nd rcc>ided in Seattle ing at First .~ve. ~:nd Universit~· St: conduct. The couple were married Friday for Porllancl to attend the I a1 res has always be"!n the home of a o.t 1027 \Vasington St.. He was em- 1 A program ~f mns;c and a number of '-Tovember 4, 1024 in Ft. ;\Vorth, fu_ueral of l\Irs. A. E. Flowers which religious o!·.aaniz"~ioP. Elder Holt 0loyed as coc.l( on steamships plying I "-peakers . Will bB presented. l\1rs. Texas. II ,.·:til be heid Saturcby afternoon 1 ·. c ·:ersc!'r for Washin!!·ton an'! Ore- l-Jis port. The boc!y is held at Black- Ida A. Fmch, secretary o fthe local Complainin,2; that her husband Mrs. rlowers is a pioneer cilizPn of · i.\'OI~ ,;i,t~·ict .fOJ: l~is church, which. he .. e~l Undertaking- Compa.ny while in- ! movement e~pcciaJl:~;: invi~?s colored Russel Walton for the last 5 year~ Portland and tlJP mothe_r of Lloyd, C'h,ms. ts a sp:n~n:>.l broth<>rhood of 11ctrv 1s made fot· relatJves. I per.ple to nttend. .._·,Jrs. F mch sa~·s: ber.t and knocked her about in such Ralph, Elmer and Ervm Flowers, all n:::tion's beli<:>vers in the ~ospel of · ·--- "All race~; and humc.nity are the manner as to do her bodily harm all of whom are well known in S!'. 0 oTd Go~pel." is preached. :IIeetin?s t • • L:ons tt1at haYe ~nsEa arc purely Pl'O- li\·e with him, }largaret ·walton filed the family regret the pas~inr; of 1 \VE LOAN MORE On Di:nnond.s, ·w atches an!l Jc\Y!'lt-y RATES AS I .OW AS :\IO~EY V:\'LDIITED '~us Ch. ri't. Wr1~t ;, t~~·mend "Four Republican Club Hears I s?r,1c t~e world o\·.cr. and any distinc- of suc'J. nature she coulrl n!.', longer attle. l\1any friends in Seattle 0! at U,e new church are well <:ttended. , Cand. tdates for Mayor cll~cts o ~the bran-:,_s,f na~," t~e speak suit for C:iv~r.:e last Friday, Charg:ng·l "1\.Iotlwr Flow~>r~.·· - _ One hundred aJ!<l ten persons at- ~ Cl contmued. . 1 he Bahm l\To~e- cruel and mhuman conduct. They --- J. S. H OESLICH 1 ~1r:~. Lottie Grinst~acl. left \Ved-1 tended the meeting last Sunclav af- meTit ~s. not rest;JCted O!!ly to ~op1cs \<'et·e married in Seattle, January 25, Dance Saturday night at Lincoln j !)21 Fir~t Aw.-:\1,\in 5 012 ncrHlay on the rtca.m.c11JP 0orothy 'ernr'ln of UH' King County Co!Ol·cl 1 of re!JgJOn but JS t.-bo cleen]y 1:1ter- 1010. . Caf~~·==~~~~~~=~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~;-g-~-g-g-~ I Al~o':ilE<l• r fflr Ra 1 Fr::.ncbco where R. enublicnn Club and head Phil 'I'in- estcd in international ]HT1 1 1lems an:! Ella !\I. Jones charges her husband 1 c[10 will take ciJarr"o oi L!lE dining -!all and Frank J:dwards tell why they relations. To ti1i::; end it nrlvocat'er, William T . Jones with chasing after I l------ room or a popular c0uatry chb. we're crnriidates for the office of Sc- 1 an mlernat10:1al lan~uag-0, world other '\1\'0men, humiliating her in the 1 Let McCants Make Your 1 ttle's mayot·. The meeting was pre-J court, uni~y of mankind, .anti univer-~ oresence of friends by telling her he OJ.D HATS NEW :\lt'ct ":\liss l02H" on Fell! um·y G ~idee! over bv II. rr. Cayton, presi- <;a] cduc-:bon. · thoug:ht more of other wcmen and ~ at H!•nton Hill Hall. 'ent of the cluh who also introduced I The ~ahai movenu;J~t. HPlcomes all r!'fu~ing· to provide for thei•· home, I L:Idies' and Gents' I_1at:: clf'aned, blocked and retr:mm!'d, he sprnkc~·:. '£jndall was the fir,;t I races. fhel'C JS no Ol~,mctwn of !'Ol- forc:ng h8r to earn her own living all work t;:narant.ced. Taolormg, C'leaniu::;-, Pressing and Altera- :\I•·· Earl D. White of Chicago suc 2 kcr and he told the crowd ],e or and race. We welc~:11e evc,·yhody in a complaint for divorce filed Mon- tJOns. Prlct·£ moderatf'. \Vp rail for and deliver free. YlhO spent several rl11y,; vi ;iting hi~ •hou~·ht he \,·as he~t fitted for t} 1 e of- ~o be our guests to ?DX Amity meeL- •lay, chHging neglect. cruel and in- Aunt, ;vira. Lillian V>allac-', and fice b!'caucc of his ]"'1g' experience as mg ne~;t Tucs•lay 1111~ht. human treatmeTit. On January 16, 1 s YK-\BS IV SF:c\'l'TJ;E 1 nell', Benjamin B. Stnet, \Vocrbon ·ounrilm::m. He sr-i<! he was an ar- , . . 1!J24 they were married in Chicago.. 1 2301 East Denny Way--23rd and East M a dison A11artments, !0ft l\londay for a tour 'lent champion of Seattle's 1mblir u- Dent F:ul To Rc5:stcr Ph EA "·f California a11d ~.!exi!'o. M1·. White •iliti!'s and believed in their fullest I Dr. Wm H. Calhoun was called · one s l 0415 during hio. stay hf'l'<' vi!'ited his lC'velopmcnt. Tin 1lall devoted most The GGl:lC'n Aiel CluL will mee~ 1 unexpectedly to Southern California. 1 ~~=============;=::§~~:§~~===========1 mother, ~.Irs. Amy Whilr, PPten;on, 1 f his spceth to explaining th{> con-I Tul!sdav afternoon at the home of 1 HE' left Wednesday morning to bP I _. 1 Aluska, and his father. J. D. White, t.~mplated ,Jevelopn:.ent of the Sk::.g-l Ml'5 J. ¥!· Gayton to h~a{' repo1·ts gene about t hree woelis. . I Bellingl;am. 't Jnm. He tole! the colored '\:oters . ft•om thc1r Food Sal!• wh1c.1 ynll be I ---· ·,e wa~ well knr·,\·n t.o them and that lH:\d ,at th~ Y. W. C. A. th!s Sat- 1\Iiss Idell V;rtncr,. popular mom- · Keep o!'f da',. Feh. 1 7. .\. ::H. E. 1 hey conld depend on hnn for a m ua) a fLe1 noon . I ber of Seattle s soc tal and church :\lissional'y Ho!'iet~·. square de:-! in every way. . . --- , circles, left Wednesday ·via Dorothy I Frank h<lwards told the crowd he .. Att,o~ne~ ~~~d . M.rs ..Elledge ~ - Pen~ Alexander fo r San Fr~ncisco to jo:n Don't Fail To Regioter waR a business m;:n ,,nd pi'opo~ed to bn~ ale reJOICi ng o >er the b.rth of her mother. She \VIII enter the SERVICE WALKER-McLEAN SERVICE STATION n:i\'C Senttle a business administra- 'l. mne-pound baby,boy, born Tues.day 1 Teacher's State College there next I J\:rq) off !lMt• F<'b. 22. Bnt!'r- t.·ion if elected mayor. '·I don't be.-~ mormng; at the Columbus Hospltal. I ~vet:~( as a junior after receiving cred-. t:tinn)('nt by tlw \'ktot·~· ('lnh. lieve in a wide open town but I do --.-- Jt for her normal and husmess tram- 2 0 th Avenue and East Mad i son Street . believe Seattle should be the recre't- "Dnnr.!y's i\~elod_le Four," a quart'2t in(\' hele. Prior to her leaving·, Dr. I r~~~t!~g~~~~!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: crrte~tainment by Industrial Art Club .. small town~ ncarb·.-. EdwardR said B~m~y Blth thfe "ollo\\mgRpeiSSm~r 1 1 . hPr mtJmate f n ends with a parly Keep off date, Feb. 22, Mardi Gr as tion centre fc:· the workers f1om the rccent~y .rc-orp.;ar;Jzed _?Y. l\h':. Lero~ \Vm. _H.. Calhoun .entertained a few of I ..• --- Seattle should be n1adc the metropo- Fml1le card, m;t tennr ; ~n mtt 1• 1 Monday e\·eni ng at t h e home of Mr s. Te Ever Re::dy Social Club nwt 1 Iis of the No1thwest an 1 ! rerognizcd oecond teno r ; John Ash, bantone.mHl I <.la Hart. The J oan D'Arc Club "We Neve!." Close " last Wedneoday Vlith Mrs, h·n F . Nor. I as the business, financial, education- I r,, ror Bund\ '! ba~s. All Tare fQ mer gathered for a farewpll chat at the rio Jr when thP fo1lowing ·officers '11 and rccre~tional centre of the mcm ?~' 8 !1f t 1 e ear on ~ on~s lar- Y. \V. C. A. Tuesday evening·, for w~'!'e ~locte,J for the ensuing ypar : Pacific North·,,:est. "I do not feel the t~t :vJth the e:{.ceptiOn of l\ :·· 1 sh, her, ple:->.sme. A number of friends '•iillie Burnsiuc Ar;~t. chan•man · color~d citizen" cf Seattle ha\'C l'O- pwntst and b~ntone who 1 T1ahs ta.wn gatr.eted at the boat to bid her good • ' . ' : ' " ' • 1'.11'. J. IV Jam1~on's plnc('. e ,· l'E'll· b · ~em·,c" Lynclt, tn•a,urcr; Octavw cetv~d . a s<.luare deal under former dered a plcasinn· enteltainmPnt ~t the ~e. J\onts, secretary. drs. Agne,; Stokes 1 adnumstratwns. If I am elected >'Ik' Cl b 6 ·ci d l\1 .· F ··d , --- was re -oupoimed cr.airman by Mt. t"ayor you can depend on me givin"' 1 ~ 5 . u ' 1 an r auon, 11 ~y Mrs. G. hecord and i\In. Charlotte I~ainiPr Cha!Jter 0. E. S. under whose ):~u a ·better bre· k than you eve~ eve~mg a~.~ are Png-ag~~l to assiEt F letcher a::e_ now, employed as op– d:rection the club functions. The I had. You are entitled to it anri i.f I \1'} . t.~c \~rolra~ 1 1 to b~ Ir en 0 ~~ t~e m·~tors a_t P1erson s barber sh op and GRANGER MOTOR COMPANY 22.n!l A\·c. and Ea><t )flU]i~on St. EAst 6166 Batte ries, $6.00 3 0x3Yz Tires, $5.50 TOW IXG STORAGE nert reg~lu mccl~~ will be Fe~ a 111 el•cted n 1 avM I 'll we thd you unc on u a Je 3ut~.c harrili~e~s~m~n;?i:~~~~~~~~~m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "' • •• • : ': '' • c ' • Hotel Febnnry +. I -------- "In the :Metropolitan Di~trict" \ ru~ry 8, at. the home of M" s. Juha <!·et 1t. ' Edw rds tohl th c.rowd he ' ___ s;;;;;;;;...;;;;;;;~;;;;-;;-,;;-;;;-;;-;;,;-;,;-;;-;;-;;;;;;;;,;-:,;-~~-;;-;;;;;;~l \VJ!I!ams, 131 22ncl N. wasn't an oratc,r and to excuse him D s t d · ht • L' 1 - ---- ~- ,.. a n e e a ·ur ay nag a.. 1nco n ~~~~==~~~==~~~~=~~~~~==~=~~~~~~~~-~~ from a leng-thy speech. He closed Cafe · by say ing, " I want your votes on a · I promise of a sq uare deal, t he best :N!r~. E. :\I. 1\l::tr tini is visiting her vou ever received from any mayor." -;ister in Yakima. this week. WHERE TO DINE?-- .. An old problem tilat gives us much pleasure to sohc for you . It i~ a distir.ct vleasure for us to secure and prepare the be[;t and m ost delici ou3 in foods for our patrons. WHY NOT \'lSlT OUR C' AFD AND SHA11E THIS PLEASUHE "ASK ANYBODY" Op!'ll to Sl't VI' You tltP ll<'hf GllA.FFELL'S PALACE 2201 JUST MADISON S'ri:EET PHONB EAst OC~O l\1r. and l\lrs. .N. J. Graffell, Proprietors "WE ARE IN YOUR KBIGHBORHOOD" CALL US WHEN YOU NEED SHI:t\GLEEl WINDOWS and DOORS WALLBOARD MOULDINGS YE.NEER PANELS ROOFING LA,TTICE FOUNDATION PIERS CEl\iENT I•'ENCE POSTS and PICKETS SEWER PIPE and TILE LATH EAST MADISON LUMBER CO. 2021 Ea~>t M:utisnn Sii·ed l'honc EAst 80SO Gco. D. Menclcc, ){anoger 1 Dr. F. B. Cooper was called to the I 1 front by t he president of the club Mr. Juliu~ K. Love and Miss Ore- 1 I and :o;.sked to. speak. Dr. Cooper lena B. Head were quietly married urged a campaign to get every col- !t tl1c ho:11~ of the bride's pare nts 1 1 on·d citizen registered ::nd tol d the i'1 Rainier Valley, Wednesday cven. 1 1 1 club he would support their program :ng-. Rev. w. F . Green read the 1 -n. every way. P. Frazier was intro- ceremony. •lucecl and he told the crowd he was Q"Oing to use hb efforts in helping the club select the best man for mayor George Brown, for many year3 an 1 hat would give cr'ored citizens th<' employee of the Alaskan docks is "-'\me recognition given orher groups. onfined by illness to his home, 2714 We haven't been getting our propor- :JO Ave. S. tiona! share of representation in the -:.ffairs of this city and I'm going to Da nce Satu rday n igh t at Lincoln ''upport the m:J.n that'll pr omise t o, Cafe. •olored citizens their just represen– tation. Mrs. Gus Brown was intro– luced as one of the leaders of the ·women's Civic and Political Alliance )Irs. Brown said she did not belie-,re 1 woman fitted to be mayo~· of a ~ity as large as Seattle. She said 't ·was a man's job and she woul d ;upport the club in helping elect a 'nan suit::ble for the .job of mayor. I want to see Seattle prosperous for r dencnd on my husband for a liv– DON' T F! .I L TO REGISTER WOOD A T SPECIAL PRICE S GOOD FOR.EST W OOD Corrd, $10.00 , ng. -If he has work I'll have plenty. f [f he is c,ut of work it makes it ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~gt ! 1 1ard on me. I believe it takes a man r --- .. lS mavor to m::k Seattle pro perous. 1 -CO_L_ 0---RED MARINE EMPLOYEES I E~~ 1 }~~i~~:r.~r e~;r~vo~~~~e~ .. e~~:se~~f~; WE DEI,H'ER liz Cord, $5.00 This \\'ood Is From Sound Forest Trees "If It's Good W'ood You " 'ant \ Ve Ha~·e I t" I. BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION Employment on St<'amships for Reliabl" Cooks. Waiters, Bell Boys and Porters MAin 6330 Office Hours: S a.m. to 6 p.m. 513Yz Opera Place Seattl e Red Top Cabs ANNOUNCE A Drastic Cut in Taxic ab Fare s Minimum Fares, 35c Maximum Fares, $1 Five May Ride As Cheap As One Competent, C':tr!'ful DriYCl'fl Large, Safe, Heated Cabs For Reliable, Dependable Service Call Red Top Cabs} ELiot 5900 •he election was over. The club voted to nttend the Republican Lin- 'oln Day banquet. D..nce Saturdoty night at Lincoln Ca fe . TI.eY. Z. D. Hamilton, , assistant ·)astor of 1\lt. Zion Bantist Church ~nd .1\Irs. H. L. Greene o ..f San Diep;o. Cal., were quietly married Sunday, T:wuary 8, l.Jv tl'C Rev. J. Sterling :Vloore at the ·paBonagc of :\it. Zion ~hurch. Mrs. Inez Hug·gins continues very ill at the Minor Hospital. .Mrs. Hug· gin's case is particulary distressing as her husband is stricken with par· ·!ly,;is in Cbcago, her father is iii in ~(in.~ Couniy Hospital and her mo~h er in confined to her home by 111- ness. 2% 7 Money -2% Wliy Pay More? '\"i·hen you need money call at Snm's Place. Always the colored man's friend. I'll loan you money a t 2% on anything of value-Furs, Watches, Diamonds, Automo– biles, etc. S AM'S PLACE P. 't.CU 'JC I.O.\N OFFICE 615 Thh•d AYe. l\1.'\.i.n 8039 QUICK DELIYERY BELL Transfer and F uel Co. 2409 Dea r born St. 'Phone BE:teon 1 33 0 M E N ' S SUITS Cleaned :m el 1'1·essed $1 .00 Spon~e!l an<l l'ressed SOc Lndi!'s' Snits :nl!l Dt•esses ClNmcd and P t•esseu, $1 .5 0 Up P h o n e E A st 7 7 38 Wardrobe Valet <":lcrmers - D~·!'rs Par Excellent 0. SHEFFIELD, Prop. 2808 E. 1\fntlison EAst '77Stf l•'ree Delivery / FIRST AVENUE B etw een PIKE and PINE Open Ev en ings :-: Be Our Guest Get the BEST! Get the NEW Startling the Radio W'Orld With a Set-]ust Plug In! Compact A. C. COMPLETE Ready to Operate Here it is, the new compa ct "AU-Electric" Atwa ter Kent A. C. set -a true sensation in the radio world. Model 37 as illus trated above is, 'we believe, as f ine a radio as you ever listened t o• as beautiful as you've seen- now in compact f orm and costs ~o more than an or dina1·y ba ttery set ! Connect it like you would a floo1· lamp-you j ust plug in. No worries-no t rouble-no ngrets. See it here tomorrow! .--~EASY -TO-OWN TERMS__:__~ As Low As Per M onth $10 "Compare A ll Leading Makes Here" LIBERTY MUSIC HOUSE
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