
Mr. & Mrs. Nakla · Hold Buffe±Supper Social Notes SO HELP ME By Joe Staton Heroines of Jericho Install Officers Vancouver, B. C. By L. L. Pope Leibowitz Sworn In As Brooklyn Judge Highlighting the gay holiday J. Me. I. told a young soldier she festivities was the buffet supper By D. ,M. J. was too busy with school work to given by Mr. and Mrs. A. Nakla Mr. J. w. Strong of Spokane be bothered with anyone-and af- Monday night, Dec. 30 compliment- was a visitor to the Northwest En- ter hearing this the cat needed all ing the members of the "Entre terprise last Monday. Strong is the trucks at Fort Lewis to haul Nous," husbands, and their guests the Sec.-Treasurer of the Brother- him back, A large number enjoyed the hos~ THE WILLIAMS: Furnished and unfurnished sleeping and house~ keeping rooms. $6.00 per month and up. 823 Hiawatha Place, near Rainier and Dearborn Sts. Phone El. 7921. Anna E. Bagley, Most Ancient pitality of the Douglas Forum at New York, Jan., (CNA)-Sam~ Matron; J. A. Johnson, Worthy their New Year.'s Annual Open uel s. Leibowitz, one of the de-l, Joshua; Janette Waters, Senior f M d House at the residence o r. an fense counsel in the celebrated 1 Kenyon pointed out that all driv~ Matron; Clara White, Junior Mat- Mrs. J. B. Wallace. Scottsboro Case, took the oath of ers of non-inspected cars in King ron; Eliza Hanger, .Treasurer; Be H ld n:r•1 h d J from Portland. From Tacoma were hood 01 Sleeping-Car Porters in I have heard that the Humane Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gibson, Mrs. Spokane. Under his leadership, the Society is going to warn "Stripes" E. E. Elmore, Mrs. L. Bowling, Spokane division, though small in about abusing such an old car, v. aro nl son as move office this week in the library of County have received at least two Sarah Horton, Secretary; Ida t h' t t th 1 . . o lS new apar men near e the Supreme Court Brooklyn. Lei- warning cards .telling them that Street, Semor Attendant; Sus1e E. h 1 ta t d • ' . . church. The Sunday sc oo s r e bowitz was elected King County's 1 their vehicles were due to be test- Marshall, Juruor Attendant, Ora\ the New Year with new officers . . t· JUdg€ m the November elec tons. ed. E. Brooks, Outer Gate Keeper; . and a large attendance. Mr. M. ----------------------------. Mr. and Mrs. T. Tate. number is high in the ranks of Billy Tolles priced a dainty han- The rooms were beautiful in the BSCP. ky for a Christmas present and J. B. Scott, and Mm. Bagley, Dlr~ Morris is superintendent. ectors. Miss Ella Ramsay is president Christmas colors of green, red and Still in sunny California is Miss when the sales girl told him it silver. The table centerpiece of Constance Fitter who left Christ- cost $1.50, he compromised at the pine boughs with cones, silver and mas day for B~rkeley where she 5 and 10. Selina Pope Weds Leslie Mitchell red balls, enchanting by the red attended the Regional Conference Le Roy Raines is afraid to get candles aglow made a picturesque I of the Delta Sigma Theta Soror- in the army for fear they might Selina Pope, foster-daughter of s~tting for th~ ladies in their ev~- ity. Miss Fitter also attended sev- think his long ears mean he should Mrs. I. L. Pope and Leslie Mitchell, nmg gowns a lded by the men 1n M E y be hitched to a wagon along side era! sessions of the A. . . oung youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Mit~ t d of other mules. uxe os. people's conference. She is now vi- chell, all of this city, were mar~ A · t· th hosstess at the ta I rode to town with a bus driver SS!S mg e - ssiting in Los Angeles before re- ried Sunday at the home of the ble were Mrs. Ray Gibson, 1.'£rs. turning home. who said he was 25 years old- bride. Thad. Tate and Mrs. Lonnie. The Questionnaire club enter- by the time he got through the The bride wore a beautiful sim- shl.elds Christmas crowds he was eligible · tained with a holiday egg-nog ple dress in a lovely shade of blue of the newly organized Allen League. Earl Milliken Opens Headquarters Headquarters for Earl Milliken's mayoralty campaign have been opened on the fourth floor of 1the White Henry Stuart Building, 5th and Union. En±re Nous Fe±e 250 A± Trianon t t th h f Mr d M for his old age pension. par y a e orne o · an rs. with pink and blue accessories and In 8lUlouncing the,location of his 1 h I 'd d Susie's back and Harry's happy Mciver, Jr. Whi e o l ay ecora- corsage of pink rosebuds. Her sis- headq·uarters, the present King '1 d h E -Will you soon be Susie's poppy? tions preva1 e , a uge gg-nog ter, Jean, her bridesmaid, wore County Auditor said it was his in- bowl on a tastefully arranged table Wendell Norris and B. E. Squires the ssame shade of blue with a t , F 1 sure took advantage of Milly tention to conduct a clean and With the Xmas holidays for their was the center of attrac 1on. o - corsage of pink carnations. The · l'k · · d · d li · Squires and me in a croquet game busmess l e campa1gn. lowmg ancmg, a e c1ous, ar- bride was given away by Mr. M. "Briefly," he said "My candid- inspiration, the Entress Nous en– tertained two-hundred and fifty of their friends at a dancing party at the Trianon studio ballroom. ·dn· ht d -just because we didn'a know the tistic m1 1g supper was serve . L. Williams, the groom's brother, acy will be built around two Guests present yere: Mesdames ruless. Elliot Mitchell was best man. Mr.. things-the substantial program I Mildred Mciver, Rilla Drake, Her- The Harlem Globe Trotters Gale Lockhart and Mr. Lionel Mit- have to offer Seattle for her future Our Homes and Neighborhood Beautiflll GENEVA B. MILLER BROKER - NOTARY PUBLIC FOR SALE: MONTLAKE DISTRICT BEAUTIFUL 7 room house, elegantly furnished, automatic heating system, paromonnt.~ ic view of mountain, lakes and the city. Priced for quick sale, $5,000. $2,400 cash, balance $26 per month. This includes taxes, interest and insurance. H. 0. L. C. Hours: 9 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 6 p.m. 1921 E. Madison Phone: Pr. 7050 (eveaings %838) STOCKARD'S BARBER SHOP Prompt and Courteous Service SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Children's Hair Cuts 25c Any Day Except Saturdays Carl Stockard, Prop. 2032 East Madison Enjoying the gaiety of the affair many from out of town included: Mrs. Gene Carden, Mrs. Stephen Wright, Mr. and Mrs. John Minor, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Gaskin of menia Butler, Ellen Roberts, Miss- showed us Westerners how far be- chell lighted the candles as the hi d · th t f b and my record as county auditor. es Willetta Riddle and Geraldine n we are m e ar o casa a ~===========================~ , minister, Rev. H. Wilson, entered "It is generally conceded that [ tossing. Th crowd of 5,500 were Hunt. the living room which was beauti- we have had a pretty sensible city Portland, Ore., the young Matrons of Tacoma and guests from Spo– kane and Everett. Mr. and Mrs. L. Young Hosts At Open House Immediately following the dane- One of the delightful entertain- ing p~rty a . large group were en- ments of the holiday season was tertained by the genial Mr. and the Open House New Year's Day Mrs. Abe Nakla with a very tasty . b M d M L B y buffet supper at the1r beautiful at :their home in Rainier Valley, . . I g1ven y r. an rs. . . oung home. Pre_sidin~ at the table we~e The home was tastefully decorated Mrs. Lonme Sh1eld, Mrs. Roy G1l- in the holiday motif, including a burtson and Mrs. Thad Tate of Ta- silver tree with blue lights, holly coma, and cut flowers The table center- The members of this popular sos- cia! group of young Matrons are: piece was an artistic arrangement of five different colored tapers to simulate the five-point star, with red berried holly, all reflected in a beautiful table mirror. The re– ceiving hours were from four to seven when about a hundred and pleased with their clever antics. fully decorated with flowers. government the past tw, o years and They will return to play an all-star A reception was held at the I would expect to continue along five in a week or ten days. Well home. The couple will reside in the that line, working for improve– worth the price of admission. The love bug finally bit through city. ments necessary to Seattle's prog- Carl Stockard's alligator hide. The Douglas Forum conducted ress. And what chance do you think the Emancipation program at the "Before the voters of this city you have with the attractive di- A. M. E. church last sunday. go to the polls February 25th," vorcee, Mr. Fred Bowmar? The Women's Mite Missionary he continued, "I want them to The Police Safety Division nnder society will meet this week at the know exactly where I stand on the direction of Capt. Prince asks home of sister Byno, 812 Hawks the issues in which !they are in- your cooperation in halting the Ave. terested." death toll. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander of Ke- They say he's undecided, but I lowna, returned to their home after am afraid he has no choice. spending two months here on vaca- The Handsome One, tion. Spend Your Dollars With Friendly Merchants Joe Staton r--------------~-------------~ Queen Of Sheba Chap. Installs Officers -DUKE•s SMOKE SHOP Now Open To The Public Miss Helen Black, Mrs. Bernice Fair, Mrs, Gaylord Brown, Mrs, Clarence Jackson, Mrs. Charles Taylor, Mrs. Theresa Smith, Mrs. Ray Holmes, Mrs. Violet Bamble, Mrs. Haywood Roberts and Mrs. Sidney Gauld of Berkeley, Calif- Officers Evergreen Temple 154 Gladys Johnson, Daughter Ruler; Ora E. Brooks, Vice Daughter Ruler; Audrey Nickols, Asst. Daughter · Ruler; Anna Scott, Chaplain; Celestine Tudor, Finan– cial Secretary; Susie Marshall, Re– twenty-five ·guests called. Mr. and Lillian C. Nichols, Worthy Mat– Mrs, Young were assisted in car- ron; J, A. Johnson, Worthy Fat– ing for their guests by Mrs, C. L., ron;; Sarah Horton, Associate McCullough, Mrs. Lawrence Paiya, Matron; J. H. Lee, Associate Pat– and Mr. William Tolles. , ron; Dora Johnson, Conductress; Pittsburgh Courier, Chicago Defender, Amsterdam News, Silhouette, Crisis, Negro Digest. All Race Periodicals and -+ Newspapers. All Magazines All Sports Returns Bernard Nakla Hos± To Friends cording Secretary; Nellie Wilson, Mr. Bernard Nakla spent a very Treasurer; Louise Coleman, Organ~ pleasant week with Mr. Robert ist; Mosie L. Smith, Door-keeper; Gibson at Scout Camp. Returning Tessie Austin, Gate Keeper; Lou- to Seattle from Tacoma, accom– ise Kingcade, Leona Barrow, Be- panied by Jacqueline and Robert atrice Lewis, Trustee Board; G€n- Gibson who were his guests for evieve Dunn, Escort. a week. He entertained in their Dr. N. G. YOW Registered Chinese M. D. in· Seattle All diseases of men and women SUCESSFULLY TREATED. Specializes in stoxnach, catarrh, rheumatism, blood poison, ee– zema, pyorrhea and all kinds of chronic diseases and :female trouble. Special attention given to men and women who suffer from any ailment of a CON– TRACTED NATURE. Using Chinese Roots and Herbs in treating all diseases. CONSULTATION FREE Dr. N. G. YOW Chinese Remedy Company 203-204 Pioneer Building 606 First Ave. ELiot 2453 Seattle, Wash. honor Friday night with a dancing party and buffet supper to which eighteen girls and boys came. Ev– eryone enjoyed the party. which still held the holiday spirit. One Furnished, 3 room duplex 713-22nd Ave. Adults only. Phones Pros. 1135, evenings or Ra. 3610, morning or evenings. Soft Drinks, Cigars, Tobaecos SHOE SHINE 1203 Yesler G. W .French 80 Double E.dge Ra:Lor Blades for 50c post/paid J. E. W. CLA.J;m:E Box 25 llelena. Mont. Biggel' And Beller THE I'EDERAI. SHOIRIPAIR AND SHINING PARLOR At 1002-3rd Ave. at Madison Oposile Cily Lighl Our Pl'ices Reasonable Greetings From FUJII'S CAFE Drauaht and Bottle Beer Sandwiches - Cigars - Cigarettes Wines - Bottle Beer-All brands to take out "A Nice Resort te \Vhich You Can Bring Your Friends" BOOTHS FOR LADIES 1312 Yesler Way CApitol 9824 Rebecca Taylor, Associate Con– ductress; Louise Blackwell, Trea– surer; Anna E. Bagley, Secretary. Appointed: Susie E. Marshall, Ada Iva Carter, Ruth; Mattie Johnson, Esther; Millie Bradley, Martha; Ida Howard, EJecta; Mary Cook, Warder; J. T. Bradley, Sentinal antl Emma Chaney, Organist. Letters To The Editor I have long been a subscriber to your paper and deeply admire your sense of fair play, it is with that in mind that I am writing to you of a Mother's pride. A mother's pride of a boy, whose name has been on the honor roll every semester, whose coaching brought the freshman team its first victory in ten years, and in I spite of one operation, and three confinements in the hospital (im– pairing his participation in all I games) was named as, the 2nd and 3rd teams in the C. 1. A. A. I All-A.'llerican. Yru as a journal– ist and newspaper man know more of human emotions than most peo– ple know of the deep pride in that Mother's heart. I believe you can see that pride deeply hurt, looking at his coach and class-mates picture, and a blank space for her son. When so many pictures were available, even Candy Tobaccos - Cigars - Cigarettes Lounge and Smoking Room Day and Night 24-Hour Service 672 Jackson Tel. MA. 9834 HOTEL ATLAS New Building and Strictly Modern Steam Heat, Hot & Cold Water, Private & Free Baths, Telephone Rooms 50c up Rooms with Baths $1.00 up 420 Maynard Ave. Special Rate Weekly ELiot 6152 from the Local newspa:t>er. It would '-----------------------------~ have been far better for her, if~---------------------------:; you had left his name off entirely. - I believe it was your wish to honor both the Mothers and boys, for that Mother who felt every~ thing but that-may I again re– mind you of your deep sense of fair play. Yours Truly (his brother) Y. King 610-22nd Ave. EAst 9882 J. L CHIKATA Pharmaciat CIIIKATA DRUG CO. Preseriptiollll 1203 Jackson St. Sea.ttle No. 109 I B. P 0 E W. Puget Sonnd Lodge Elks Meets at Masonic Hall, 21st and East Jefferson Sts., First and Third Mondays each Month. E. R. Chainey, Exalted Ruler, Tel. RAnier 3092. 9633-55th So. W. E. Vrooman, Secretary, TeL EAst 5364. 1474~21st. TOKYO CAr ·B LUNCHEONS, STEAKS, CHOPS Draught and BotfJed Beer Wine Sake YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED 6,55 Jackson 'tree~ SEneca 9S42 SOUTH PARK POULTRY CO. 1528 Pike Place Colored Roasting Chlckens..----··-···28c lb. Colored l'ryen··--·--·-··················..........·-····-2Bc lb. l'l'ying Rabbils··-·..··-·.... -.~-·---··-·-------·-·-·-······2Bc lb. Young Rens·····--....................................._.-....18c lb. Cui Chickens..····-·······-············.....2 lbs. 45c Parcels Checked Phone EA. 9994 HONEYSUCKLE RECREATION Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobacco, Candy, Soft Drinks, Mixers Pocket Billiards, Chinese Checkers, Pokeno, Dominos. Shoes Renewed 2032 •• E. Madison Sll'eel Seallle, Washington Wm. "Billy" Washington M. C. Honeysuckle Mgr. We Deliver Prop. Phone CApital 9953 - Phone us and we'll be right over IDS. JOHNSON ICE •• POULTRY COAL •• WOOD 2200 E. Madison St. Seattle Mrs. Elbe Smith, Prop. Phone SEneca 988.~ COAST, BOTBL AND TAVERN Seattle's Only Colored Hotel Modern, Steam Heat, Reasonable Rates 901 King Street Seattle, Wash. General Surgery Gynecology Obstetrics Nervous Diseases Genital-Rectal Diseases X-Ray Laboratories Office El. 5431, 6152 Res. PR. 8626 DR• .JAMES M. UNOSAWA 420 Maynard Ave. Dr. F. B. Cooper DENTIST Office: El. 3547; Res. Ea. 8388 Hours: 8:30 to 1 and 2 to G Suite S6Z-S Empire Building Second and Madison Special appointment made for Evenings a.nd Sundays Dr. W m. B. ealhoun Physician and S1H'geon W-26 Railway Exehange Bld3'. Office Hours: 11 ....1 and 2-6 p-.m. Office Phone! ELiot 1045 Res. Phone: EAst 937S Douglass Apartments Where it Is Convenient and Homelike Newly Renovated--steam Heat Hot Water-Telephone Laundry Room RENTS REDUCED Furnished and Unfurnished Apartments Bennts $10 and Up Dr. F. B. Cooper, Mgr. 114~ 24th Ave. N.- EA.iit 9617 Atlas Hotel II GOSHO DRUG co. I SEneoo. 9283 523 Jackson St. ADELPHI APARTMENTS A Palatial Home for Particular People ULTRAMODERN IN EVERY RESPEOtf Ove.rlooking Lake Washington Apartments Very Reaso)lable 230-32 2Srd Ave. No.-<JA. 119-1 J. A. "Jack" Johnson, Mgr. Newly Renovated Hill Top Tavern IS TANTALIZING Now Serving Direct Draft Br&wery Fresh Beer No Coils, No :Beer Hose Washington and California · Wines Bottle Beer To Take Home 1200 Jackson St. o.t 12th Ave.