
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1944 THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISB PAGE THREE SEATTLE PORT Friends are concerned over the founders of the famous Salem illness of "Mother" Avery, whose Crescent Athletic Club, which has health has been failing for some produced among others, Ray "Su– t!me and has had a decided gar" Robinson, heralded as the change for the worse. Mrs. Avery next welterweight champion. 2216 S. E. 37th VISIT YOUR LODGE Phone EAst 7911 Mary M. Duncan, Editor grand old favorite, The St. Louis i·s the mother of Mrs. Clara Pic- He is Major Roy F. Morse, for- B! ues, done as only Babe could kett in N. Williams Ave. mer director of the ground school Mae's Dress .Shoppe ERCUJ,ES LODGJ<: No. 17- F. & A. :u. BETHEL A. M. E. CHURCH do it. and secretary of the Tuskegee Had there been (of course Rev. and Mrs. Boswell are vis- I Air Corps advanced flying school there weren't) anyone not feeling iting Mrs. Boswell's parents, Mr. He was athletic director of the up to par for this grand p~.rty, and Mrs. Roy Gragg in NE 29th renowned 3G9 regiment before go- the sparkling zestful punch was St., and other relatives. ing to Tuskegee. Major Morse, a a real starter, so admitted ~he New Yorker by birth, became in- guests as they frequented tile re- Mrs. James Williams, in NB terested in athletics while at- Come to Mae's - LARABEE AVE. and 1\lcMILLEN ST. FALL STYLES ARE HERE ~ i~ets 1st & 3rd Wednesdays 425 - 21st Avenne H. A. HOARD, W. l\1. 143 21st Ave. N. Pilone l'Rsopect 3013 E. A. Campbell, Seo'y. 1724 - 2.')th Avenue Phone PRospect 1811 9:30 A. M.-Sunday School. 11:00 A. M.-1\forning Sermon. 6:45 P. M.-A. C. E. League. 8:00 P. l\1.-Evening Sermon. "001\lE TO WORSHIP-LEAVE TO SERVE" REV. BROWNING C. ALLEN, Pastor freshment table in the downstairs 6th St., has as house guests her tending the Kew York Public foyer. Among the out of towners daughter, Mrs. Cadence Hines, schools, where he and agroup of were Bennie D. · Bvown; USO su- and her mother, Mrs. Hines Sr., other boys organized the Cres- pervisor, Tacoma, joining hi3 Of Chicago. cent Club. Their local minister, wife and daughters, guests of the the Rev. J. Cullen, pastor of E. E. Cardens; the glamorous NOTICE Salem M. E. Church, became Mrs. Cadence Hines, Llhlcago, deeply interested in their pro· COME TO ~IAFtS TO SEE AND SELECT TH'E LATEST IN FALL WEAR l\Iembers in good and regular st.anding always welcome. l\lonta Villa Commmuty Church p. m. IDvening hour, 8 p. m. Mid-week meeting, Wednesday of each week Washington-Auritt Nuptials Flynn, uomicileda t the home of Mrs. James Watson in NE San Rafael; Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Un- derwood, Vancouver, Wn.. illr~. Miss Elizabeth Cathelyne Wa- i n uby Douglas, Chicago; Mr.. Zel– shington and Mr. Odes EdisoniJa Combs, Denver, Colo.; Mr. and Am·itt weer united in holy ma-/ 1 Mrs. A. L. Galvin and Miss Ger– trimony Monday evening, July aldine Raker, Baton RN:ge. La.; 31 at the home of the bride's 1 Mrs. A. Grinder, Ottawa, Kans.; parents, li'Ir. and Mrs. Johnson.; Mrs. Bessie li'Iae Coleman, Alex- 2118 s. E. !von. Rev. Brownlngfandria, La.; Mrs. Tillie Brown, C. Allen, pastor of Bethel AME 1 Tacoma; Robert Evans, Kansas Church read the impressive mar- City, !Vlo.; Irvin Emanuel Hou– riage lines in the preseJl£e of ston. Tex.; Mrs. Bertha Johnson relatives and a few close friends. of Dallas, Tex., who is visiting guest of her brother and wife, The annual Puget Sound Con- gram and allowed them to hold Mr. and Mrs. Willis A. Wnliams; ference of the 5th Episcopal· dis– the genial M~. Owen, Omaha, trict will convene at Bethel A'ME meetings in his church. Being thankful for this privilege, the Nebr., escorting the popular Mrs. Janice Lewis; Robert E. Colbert, Washington, D. C., and Miss Flo– rence Hildabrand; Mrs. Dolores Burdine Watson, Yakima, Wash., accompanied by her sister and brother in law, Mr. and Mrs. Otto. Rutherford; that air minded duo,. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph FlowerJ, not out ·a great deal since their hop via United Air Lines to Key– port, Wash-. , and the Irvin Flow- Church, Portland, Dr. Browning boys renamed the club the Salem C. Allen, pastor, host. Bethel is Crescent Athletic Club, • CLEARANCE SALE ENDS SATURDAY ON SPRING AND SUMMER DRESSES HARI\IONY LODGE No. 2 - F. & A. 1\f. the c~urch beau.tiful, with its ~ew 1 While in public school in 1910, extenor decoratiOns and other 1m- Major Morse won the 50 and 100 provements. Everything is l.Jeing yard sprint championship. In put in readiness for the large 1911 he left New Yorlc public delegation which will be headed schols and went to Buffalo, where by his honor Rt. Rev. Noah W. Williams, presiding bishop of the Fifth Episcopal District. Other high ranking churchmen in attendance will be Fred A. he still excelled in athletics, al– though he found it necessary to work after school selling papers and shining shoes to help defray school expenses. Few More at $7.95 to $10.95 Few Large Size Suits at $29.50 Few Small Size Suits at $15.95 l\1 f'ets 2nd and 4th l\lon<lays 425 • 21st Avenue J. H. LEE, W. l\1. 234 24th Ave. N. Phone EAst 3954 Before an improviRed altar of indefinitely with her daughter, ers; the Richard Bog!Ps, their white glads and other blossoms, Mrs. Richard E. McAfee in N. guests, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson; oh, Mr. Johnson gave his daughter Halsey; Miss Julia M. Hall, Ches- yes, the Charles "Chuek'' \Vii– Hams; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie J. May; Mrs. Irine Duke Maylwrry, discussing the induciion or the last Of her three sons into the in marriage. She wore a simple terbrook, Va., guest of Mrs. Dr.– white crepe de chine gown wit.h !ores IL Dorsey; Mrs. Essie D. a fingertip veil and carried an Stewart, DeKale, Tex., h·)Uf,€– arm bouquet of white glads. Mrs. guest of Mrs. Helen NortoP: Mrs. Hughes, editor of the Western Recorder, and Dr. Fr~derick Jourdan, pastor of 8th and Towne Los Angeles, Calif. In 1914 at the 65th Regiment armory in Buffalo he made world records in the 7 5 yad dash in 7 and 3-5 seconds and the 100 in 9 and 3-5 seconds. In 1915 he went to Boston fo thyouts for the American Championship team and on Sept. 11, 1915 he made Week Days 9:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. E. R. CHAINEY, See'y. 9633 55th Ave. So. J:'!lone RAinier l:W92 TACIOMA SATURDAYS UNTIL 10:30 P. M. Anderson D. Dnbois, maid of C. M. Roberts, Texarkana, Ark.. armed service; :Mrs. Cleo Ccopur; honor, wore pink net over satin visiting Mrs. Letha Grnv0~ In the Roosevelt Moores; Jlr. and and carried a bouquet of sweet Clakamas St.; Mrs. Ernestine 1 Mrs. English Johns; the D. N. peas. Miss Kimba Lee Auritt, Simms, domiciled in the home Unthanks, popular medico and sister of the bridegroom, was or Mrs. George Scott in SE Tib- the :Missus; Mrs. · Barbam :hili– gowned in pink dotted swiss and. betts; Mrs. Dolores Burdine Wat- van; the Isa Brock·s; the Joseph carried a bouquet of roses. Mr. son, visiting her sis tor, Mrs.. Otto Reeds, flaunting an eastt>rn air Anderson D. Dubois was best Rutherford and fam!Jy in N E from their recent jaunt; tiJe Ste– man. Shaver; Messrs. Sonnie People, ven Wrights; Earl Winslows and The Northwest Enterprise 650 Jackson St. Seneca 1365 Forty-first Annual Communication of Most Worshipful United Grand Lodge of Washington and Jurisdiction Free antl Accepted l\Iasons - 1 • • . (Prince Hall Affiliatlon)-Heltf>' for scholarships Will be received in Seattle, July 10-12, 1 9 44 . \Viii! by the Fund during tile month of Hold the -t2nd Comnnmication in J August. These scholarships are Seattle, s('cond 'l\l(mul,;~ in July, I open to credited high school stu- 194.5. dents, and those attending col– OFl"lCERS ELRCTRn M. W. Ernest J. Brown, grand master, Rt. 8, Spokane, Wa·sh. n. W. J. L, Wasson, 33d, dep– uty grand master, PO Box 4143, PortJ.and 8, Ore. R. V.f. Dr. W. V. Scott, grand sPnior wnJ'd<'n , Spokane, V\'ash. R. \V. E. Pendray, grand junior warden, Victoria, B. C. R. W. R. D. Bird, grand treas- urer, 3611 N.E. Grand Ave., Port– lege. Grants are for one hun– dred dollars and are paid quar– terly, subject to the student's grade average. Application blanks may be re– ceived from Mrs. Arline Paiya, treasurer, Room 504 PcopliJ's Bank Bldg., Second and Pike. There are funds available also for loans to university students. and additional funds for gifts to students for extra cu rric~1la r ac– tivities. Dr. Wm. H. Calh01tn AH l\Iuster Masons Welcome Spokane, Washington LODGE NOTICE Inland Empire J,oge No. 3 F. & A. l\1. Ueeting held every 2nd and +tit 'l'uesclay at 3r£1 & Cowie)· lk. Vernon Scott. \V. l\1. N. 1006 Sll.mmit Dlvil., n 0185 1<'. A. Stokes, Sec. W. ii2!l llfanscfield - n. 0349 E, J. Bro\vn 1\1'. \V. G. ~[. Rt No. B - Phone L 1227 No. 109 I. B. J>. 0. E. W. Pnge1J Sound Lo<Ice Elks ~leets at 662 * Jackson St. Elks Clnb, First ani! Thl:rd Monday each Month. E. R. Ohalney, Exi!Jted Ruler, Tel. RAlnler 8092. 9683-55th So. W. E. Vrooman, Secretary, Tel. EAst 5864. 1474-2lst. presented with a substantial Leading Nortwest Colored Weel<lJ AR'l'HUR L. HAYES l\Ianagcr Tacoma Office two world records during the meet of the team in California, the junior 100 yard dash in 9.4 seconds and the Senior 220 yard 712 South 14th - MAin u777 dash i·s 22 1-5 seconds. In 1916 Tac<oma (3) Washington and Tillman Smith, down to the sons, first ilass sea mea Arthur Assisting with the reception and Richard; Mr. and Mrs. Mel- he enlisted in the Army and it wasn't long before he was a ser– geant, and within two years he THE ENTERPRISE IS ON I was commissioned 2nd lieutenant. SALE AT THE TACOMA 01!'-1 He continued his runnig for an– I<'ICE AS LONG AS THEY LAST. other year and retired as world BETTER YET, SUBSCRIBE '1'0 sprint champion in 1919. which followed were Mrs. Sonars City of Roses from Seattle; Mrs. Bell Johnson sister of the bride Anna Divers, St. Louis, Mo., en– Mrs. Susan ...:..uritt Griffin, Riste; joying Portland hospitality. It of the bridegroom, Mrs. J. F., is very interesting to meet Rob– Ford, aunt of the bride, .i\Irs. eort Balcer, of Yakima, Wa·sh. , who Charles Redd and Mrs. K. c. spent 24 years in France and Virgil. other European countries. Mr. Balcer, a World War I vet, tells An array of btmutifnl gifts wn3 showered upon the happy couple. ~ horrifying story of his two years in an internment camp. Portland Officer Wins Promotion Two otllnr interesting people hav– ing viRited recently are Mrs. W. :m. Cranshaw and da11ghter Er– !eta. Miss Cranshaw is a gifted ;.inger. ven Dawson; :Mrs. Clifford \V:tl- ker; Prof. E. S. Hill; tile C!if– ford Jacksons and all the rP.st that time and space will not per– mit mentioning. The Portland off!c.e of The Northwest Enterprise received a few days ago, greetings from F BE SURE. NO 'EXTRAS. It Is Now Major Roy F. Mor~e 2c Frederick A. Perry, now sta- Ry ARTHUR HAYES Among the many members of the Salem Crescent Athletic Club are Peter J. White, Howard P. Drew, who ran the 100 yard dash in 9.4 seconds; Leclas La Bete, hop and jump champion; Herbert Thompson, present national sprint champion, Bennie Ponto, Canada tiorted at the Naval Training Major Roy F. Morse, stationed Lee, alog with hundreds of oth– School, Hampton Institute, Hamp- at McChord Field, near here, is ers. Major Morse has also ton, Va., in which he said "we receiving congratulations upon ft . o# tr'ained many ranking fighters, o en remnusce of our pleasant his recent advance from caJ)tain stay in Portland: Tile City ot by the War Department of July both in civilian life and in ths roses will see us again in the 19 at Washington, D. c., and con- New York 369 th Regiment. Clif · M Major Morse's main civilian a orma asons peaceful future." firmed here July 24, at which During Mr. and Mrs. Perry's time he was sworn in at McChord occupation is Deputy Collector in t C t • Off" •a) the 3rd Distrir,t New York City, pres en . 8th .\ve., has been announced by on moe ICI s sojourn here from N y the'· Field, This comes as one of the The promotion to captain of Charles n. "Dick" Stanton, 2 4- yearo-ld son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Stm1ton, 5265 N. E. "'h ·1 1 Ch · Cl 1 f H 1 · · ., of Internal Revenue, United R. \V. n::. A. Cam)lbell, grand sec- is president of the Fund, and "'· 1 e n tcago, 1 e e en lhe \Var DepartmPnt at Fort contributed much to Portland's big news items of the Great wlll attcnrl the sessions of the K K AAF B t' i One of the largest delegations States Treasury Department, be- 25th Ave., ueattle J. Hyatt is secn!tary. nox. v. ·"""· nnto 11 "community life. Artists by pro- Northwest as we believe that the land 12, Ore. tet..11}, .t724 22, Wash. .., Daug! 1 tcr Elks IRPOE of ''' of St t • ·r G 'd' · 'tl ;u to i.Lllenu we Masonic Gmnd· fv1 c u i ~ ',, 'eu , , , <H"=--- · • '' an on s WI e, era, Ull'. IS WI 1 fession, Mr. Perry assisted Mrs. rank of major has not only fallen ~ ~r R. W. W. H. LaBelle, gra1od lecturer, 7141 SE Cora St., Port– land, Ore. \V. P. L. Robinson, grand trus– tee, Tacoma, "'ash. W. Wm. King, grand trustee, 610 22nd Ave., Seattle, Wash OFPICERS AI'POINTED which she is a member. l" d h · 1 · ',odge of California and juris- January 13, 1941. nm an as accompamed nm Perry· in supervising a work snop upon one of the finest officers of Q t t A R B k d diction, assembled in Oakland on uar ermas er . · a er an during his course of training at in the Albina recreational cen- our group in this section, but is Chief of Staff Helen visited Ta- th · c Jd July 1 6 to 19 with a voting HOLE IN ONE? coma Sunday in the interest of ~t:::~:s g·~~ad~·ated in 1938 streugth of 233, enthu~iastically ter and participated in an ex- the highest. • t hibit of Negro art at the YWCA. Major Morse is a product of the v. F. w. Also they visited from Jefferson High School, s atecl L. R. Blackburn, deleg••te Mrs. Lillian Mary Robinson of . . 1 and the Portland Art Museum. New York City and has come a COUSlll Mrs s Simpson Com- "'Ilere lle "·as outst•alldt'ng ng an from Excelsior Lodge, Portland, p tl d Renton and Kennydale, Wash., ' · · ' " w a or an needs folks like the through a long line of achieve- 1. d t h h J I 22 ft 'mander and Mrs. Geo. Burke and all-city foothc,n star, and attend- and Mrs. Blackburn, beaming Perrys. 'Ie a er orne u y a er Sgt. and Mrs. Latimore at So- ed the University of Oregon, rna- wilh fraternal pride, a d'llegate Mrs. Lillian Robinson \ Taken by Death ments in the athletic field syno- a lingering illness. lishan, where many service men jorlng in journalism. His con- from Mt. Hood Chapter, of whir,!J . . . nymous with the Salem Cresced The Pacific Northwest Colored Golf Championships were played over the Jefferson Park Golf course July 31. Frank Marshall ot the Seattle police department -nr F U H . 1 . f Four months prior to her death statt'otled at McChord FI'eld 11·ve . 1 she ias worthy matron To a Mrs. Oliver Smith in S\V F1rst Athletic Club Of New York City, n. . . arns, c 1mrman or- tact With eastern publishers af- · ' 1St . t" i 1 ,_ of which MaJ'or Morse was one is the first champion of the asso- eign corresvonrlenco, 1529 S. Ta- she was confined to a local hos- with their families. f d d 1 . h t news reporter 1\'Ir Blackburn ron- ·• IS recupera mg n ce y at "e:· . t· 1 th . 1 't I Sl d ff" . ti or e nm muc encourugemen fid d th . . . . ,· ' home after her confinement in of the prime movers in its or- cia wn. n e maugura tourna- coma Ave., Tacoma, \VasiL PI a· le recovere su lCien Y Post-war planning of veterans for the future of hi s short stor- e at, of specml mtere .•t \\as . ment a 36-hole medal play, he to t ·eturn to l1er l1ome d•'e•·ng tl1e reelect 1· 0 n of 11 gr" c! r Emanuel Hospital Friends are ganization back in the days dur- W. H. Pryor, grand senior dea- • and auxiliaries is being extended ics. He was employed on the a ~ n · 0 - •. had rounds of 79 and 81 for a one week later. to at'd soldt'ers 011 d fan 11· 11·es ot ficers, especially proud is the J"nr- in great sympathy , with the ing the pastorate of the famous con, Vancouver, B. C. Vi. K. J. Graffell, grand junior deacon, 1610 19th Ave., Seattl~. Wash. W. A. A. Jones, grand senior steward, 3623 KE 6th Ave., Port- lund, Ore. " Eugene Daily to aiel his journal- .. total of 160 to beat out Shelby She is survived by her husbana, World War II. isdiction of its Grand Master An. Smiths in the loss ot tjleir baby, minister of Salem Methodist istic training before entering th~ ''Lefty" Ellis who had 82-80- Don Lee Robinson, a brother, the I Chief Shonzer of Detroit urges Army Air Forces. thony George and its Gmnd fllla- a son, born dead. This was tlle Church there. The Crescent has 162. Walter Ricks of Portland, R S A F kl , E tt tt·on, Mrs. vtv 1 ·an OsbOl'n Marsh, second loss to the Smiths in two a long list of men of our race ev. . . ran m, vere , all veterans to send at least one Capta 1'1 ~ta 11 ton h · , · m ro 1·me1·Jy fl'O K as Cit h "' · won ts n'mgs years. The first, a girL both on the track and in the m ans y, w 0 \Vn., Albert and Robert Frank- delegate to the national encamp- and commission at Tuskegee A both Berkeleyans. was pre-tournament favorite, was lin, one niece, Eleanor Lee, a sis- l ment to promote aid io those of A F in January, 1943. then a :\ir. and Mrs. Blackburn were Bethel A. 1\ol. E. ~ii~~~ryw~~~e a~:::s t~:: :a~~; away off his game, but won third ter-in-law, Mildred Simms. War II. member of the now famous 99th honored with a delightful dinner N. l\1~1\:Iillan and Larabee Morse, who has many records to place honors with 167. grand junior Interment was at Greenwood Fi?hter Squadron. He received given by their hosts, Mr. and Mrs: Rev. Browning 0. Allen, Past 01• his credit. Heywood Bascom, Seattle, won 222, Wallawa, Cemetery, Renton. A MASS MEETING his 1st lieutenant _bars in Oc- Oscar Baldwin In Oakland qV}er Sunday school, 9:00 a. m. the first flight in a playoff with W. J. Glaspie, steward, PO Box hosts and hostesses for tl\cir Tacoma feels proud of the hon tober, 1943, and was then trans- Morning worship and sermon, 11 - Blazing Ben Beasley, former Se- f pleasure between and aftei· ses- or to ,announce this great ad- Ore. W. Rev. H. Gaines, grand pur-, c d" v· . . suviant, Wenatchee, Wash. ana Ian ISitors The Policies and Standards of erred to Mather Field, Calif.. a. m. A. C. E. League, 6:45 attle locker room attendants' USO wiiJ be discussrd by tile re- for training a·s a bomber Pilot. sions, were the Leon Marshes, vancement which has a far-reach- champion. Both had net 1:)6's w. Rev. s. A. Franklin, grand. w· s . I H chaplain, 2807 Virginia St., Ev- lD OCia onors gional supervisors, members of We believe Captain Rtanton to the Nathan Hardys and Mrs. De ing effect, and the news will be for 36 holes and Bascom, after the staff . or the new Madison be Portland's first and only Ne- Silviee. Phone Riv. 3.081 gladly received by tile thousands missing two shots on the 20th, S d th ·t· f s tt' gro captain and bombe1· pilot. fTe of friends throughout the nation. sank a 40-foot putt for a par 4 Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Pryor U 0 an e ct tzens o ea ,e. CL I w. H. Payton, grand standard of Vancouver, B. c., vacationing Tile time and place, Frid~-Y. Is an Alpha Phi Alpha. Social Club Gives Informal PORTERS AND to win. erett, Wash. bearer, Portland, Ore. ili Seullle and Tacoma for the August 11 at 7:30 p. m. at the The Northwest Enterprise ex- Among our officers stationed Charles Banks won the second w. A. R. Bonner, grand Bible to th!'ir Mt. Zion Baptist Church, lf.th tends congratulations to Capt. and Dance at Women's Club WAITERS CLUB at the Air Corps Advanced Fly- flight with .a net 127' five strokes bearer, 203 24th Ave. N., Seat- past month, returned and Madison sts. 1\.Irs. Stant~Hl and to his parents, 1 ing School is a former national ahead of Leon ~rashington . . · "Geo. home last Saturday. Tl M d L G k" I W tie, Wash. We nrge the citizens of Seattle wishing for him ''happy land- te es ames enora as m, 253 Main Ave.. sprint champion and one of the Scott won the honest highest net w. P. L. Robinson, grand During their stay in Seattle 1• 11 gs.' ' Eth<'l Williams, Bernice Taylor to be present. sword bearer, Tacoma, Wash. they attended the 41st annual . and Mildred Minor, a foursome of All persons interested m senr- communication F & A M (Prinre W. J . H. Lee, grand marshall, ing as volunteers at the Madison 234 24th Ave. N., SPattlP, Wash. Hall affiliation) and the 3 !st USO Club please register at the Communication 0 E S, of wh'ich W. "'m. King, grand Tyler, door before leaving the meeting. 610 22nd Ave. , seattle, Wash. Mrs. Pryor is past grand matron. Announcement During thoir slay in S•3attlP. they were houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Winters and Mrs. ELECT The Community Scholarship Helen Hickman. Many social af– Fund announces that applications fairs were given in their honor, SE. 9408 519 Jackson STAR POOL HALL WM. HAMILTON Wl\1. BAILEY Proprietors Card TaMes Cigars, Cigarettes, Soft. Drinks, Candy. Rtc. • Register and Vote • • BUY BONDS For Freedom's Sake . -- including a reception b; Mr. and Mrs. Winters and Mrs.. .lTiel;nwn; I dinner guests of Mr. P.nd 1\Trs. B. \Vade and !\irs. Sl<lytun; a re-I ception by Mrs. Rehecca Hall ancll i\lrs. Viola PalmPr and <lin'ler ruests of Mr. an'l l\~rs. J. F. B~arliey. I !n 'rn.eonla th•lt.Y wer:~ ho·,ts~ · g<iPrts of Mr. arrr1 Mrs. Edgar Pryor, Mr. Pryor·~ brot l:er. Tlwy were honored guest~ at a coc):– tal[ party by 1\Irs. Ray Colemail 1 a•. breakfast by Dr. E'lm1r~ rtnd I Fred Harris, followed by a picni c I at Pc'nt Defiatv.e, ending a per- Il feet day and happy vucatinn. Mrs. Helen 0. Baker Named Delegate Assistant Department Chief of Staff Helen 0. Baker was elected as delegate to the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United I JUDGE ROY De GRIEF Justice of the Peace ( Mun'icipal Judge) AKASorority to Award Scholarship States national encampment in The Alpha Kappa Alpha So– Chicago August 22-24. As a rority has made available a fiity token of esteem the delegate was. dollar scholarship to be awarded Many Visitors to Portland To Become Residents young matrons forming the Mig– non Social Club, made their de– but last Monday evening with an informal dancing party at the Portland Women's Club in NW Taylor. By a close count the 200 guests donned sports attire in varied colors and styles, add– ing a midsummer touch as they danced to the scentillating tunes of Joe Crane's Rythum Kings, featuring "Babe" \Villiams, hus- Portland has been deluged t!lis season with many fine folk who are either making brief visits or indpfinit~ stays. Worthy oi men– tion are: Sgt. Foster ,T. f'1,,ott, and :Major Gross, Portland An· Base; L. C. Banks, Ponca Ci_u·, OklR., visiting the J. P. P·atter– Mrs. c. H. Jones, \Varren, band of one of the charming has- and Miss Bonnie Jean tes;es. Mr. \Villiams :;tctually wowed 'em with numerous popu- a girl attending, or who plans to Jar hits enlivening all with a attend an accredited college or university this fall. The girls SUGAR HILL must be or good character and HO~ OOOKED MEALS her grades sufficiently high ·to 84 N. E. Broadway Tr. 2381 insure her satisfactory college Where good friends meet for work. Application blanks may good eats. Home cooked Chick- en, Steaks, Oysters, and Chops. be secured from Mrs. Arline Pai·l Myrtle Barno, Proprietor , Ya at the NAACP office, 504 Peo- Rours-Brealdlll!t 9 a.:m.-1 p.m/1 pies Bank Bldg., 2nd Avenue and\ Dinner 4 to 9 p.m. Pike Street. Mrs. Theresa Hal-1·--------------· ley is Basileus and Mrs. Melvina Squires is grammateus. This is to be the sorority's thirrl annual award. I .-------------~ 1 C. M. STOKES ATTOR~EY AT LAW G27 People's R:mk Bh!g. Second at Pike Street •.relephone ELiot 3291 COZY INN SERVICE DIVINE 66 N. E. B'dway MU 3480 Homo Cooked Mea.IB Ry An Epicurean Steaks & Chicken specialty Minnie Turner, Proprietor Rrea.kfast 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Dinner--4 p. Jll. until Spokane, Wash. Cigars, Drinks, Tables, Cigarettes, Soft Billiards, Card Colored News papers ROY HOWARD, Prop. Northwest Enterprise For Sale Here Rt. Pilllip Episcopal l\Iission Rodney and Iinott Hev. L. 0. Stone, Vica•· Praye r, 7:00 :l. nt. Serman lll/1 . prayer, 11:00 a. m. E-veuin~ worship, 8:0$ p, m. First A. l\1. E. Zion N. \Villi.nn.s Ave. nev. J. T. Smith, Minister Sunda.y 3cho<l, ' 9:30 a. \iorning worsh:·u. 11:00 a. F:v,ming- worship. 8:00 p. m. i\It. Oliv.·t Baptist m 1ll Rev. Janu.•s .T. Clow, PaH11H' Sunilay school, 9:30 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. B. Y. P. F . Pveuinl:' worship. S : I•O :t. 111. H.ou~ e of I~m rer S E. lOth Eltlm• Robt. St>urcie aPstor in Cilm•ge Sunday school, '10: 00 a. m. Preaching 11:00 a. m. Fo<Jllow– silip, 8:00 p , m . Electrical Accessoriea Phone MUrdock 9535 Radio Tubes Tested Free l\iadrona Radio & Record Shop Lincensed Seeburg Symphonola Operator Complete Race Records Stock 538 N. Broadway A. G. Garrett A. G. Garrett DeHvery score. U. King, one of Seattle's golf stylists, was out to see the boys play, but couldn't compete because of a broken hip he re– ceived while bowling. One could see all of Seattle's sports follow- ers out, such as Jackie Boy, Ho– gan, Jay Chavis, Russell Smith, Herb Coleman, Charles Scurry, and many others. A field of 40 players competed. Everyone r-s looking forward to next year's tournament, which was voted to be played in Portland. •