
. . ~~~~~- ~ - ~ ""'-: ~'\.\\\\\liill/'1~~/, </;' /;.---__ .., _ fBishopNoahH.WilliamsSoundsGavel ~- ~ 0 ~~- :U:t:•d{;t~ ~J"-rJ!:tld.... On 50thAME Puget Sound Conference: -~:_ _- ~~--~~~---::~-=~-~..-;_- - -- ~.&., Rev.HayesRetumstolstAMEChurch ·-··-- =~· 71 --A~.fpn/ieiE11i7'1J~We •• ~~.-ll1/il ~ 1/e..rhlc/.~~ Th~YF=:!~!~~~s~n of :~OBo:a~; a~!:::~i!~;~ ~~:~ ~ (.;/';/" :J J't: 'r 1 r• r 4 VJ'ft "rW'rt the Puget Sound Conference of the River." The main address was de- African Methodist E pi s c op a 1 livered by Dr. Charles T. Battin, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1941 Church, convened at Allen A.M.E. Professor of Economice, College Vol. 21, No. 32 PRICE: 5c Per Copy Church, Tacoma, Washington, of Puget Sound, who spoke on =============================~======~=====~=============================~ August 20-24. Rt. Rev. Noah W. "Self Help and Race Leadership.'' Dr. William J. Thompkins Scores Discrimination In National Defense K. C. NAACP Asks Mo. Governor Stop I Police Brutality Our Defense Chest Leading Citizens . How the Greater seattle De- Confer In Olympia fense Chest fits into the picture in By J. A. (Jack) Johnson KANSAS CITY, Mo.-To urge On a speaking tour that includes remedies for the outbreak of po- tlle largest cities on the Pacific lice brutalities against Negroes OLYMPIA, Wash., Aug. 24-A delegation of leading citizens, Rev. F. W. Penick, Rev. John R. Harris of Seattle, Rev. E. B. Reed of Coast and the middle west, Dr. I here, a delegation, headed by of- William J. Thompkins, Recorder of 1 ficers of the local branch of the this community was outlined yes-· terday by R. Kline Hillman, c·hair– man of the biggest drive in local history to be held Oct. 27 to Nov. 7. Spokane, Messrs. B. E. Squires, Nati<>nally, 285 drives are regis- Executive Secretary Seattle Urban Deeds for the District of Colum- NAACP, visited Missouri Govern- bia, and President of the National lor, Forrest Donnell, Friday, Aug- some necessary, some not. Local Colored Democratic Association ust 22 . citizens called in by Mayor Earl Inc. of America, was a four day Millikin to discuss the multiplicity I Public opinion here is aroused visitor in Seattle this week, to 1 of the drives, voted to adopt the · over the latest case which involv- p ersonally investigate discrimina- Greater Seattle Defense Chest. ed the shooting in the back of a tion against Negroes in National The Greater Seattle Defense Defense. While here, Dr. Thomp- Neg.ro by a police officer resulting Chest will combine in as few an– in the suspension of one and the kins addressed the Young Men's nual campaigns as possible, ap- Democratic Club at the Forty and possible indictment of two others proved money-raising drives for I for manslaughter. Eight Club during its noon day continuous welfare services vital luncheon, the Industrial Section of At the request of the branch to this community and for Seat- the Building Service Employees In- I the national office of the NAACP tie's and King County's share of ternational Union Local No. 6, a sent a telegram to Governod Don- national and local defense and war capacity mixed audience at the I nell urging his sympathetic ·con- relief. Eagles Auditorium and delivered a DR. WILLIAM J. THOMPKINS sideration of the facts to be pre- As it was phrased: "All t t . KMO t sented by the delegation and radio address over s a wn - a lowed to dictate to the govern- begs in one ask-it." Tacoma. In these addresses Dr. ment as to how it spends the tax- pointing out that these abuses and Goal of the Greater Seattle De- Thompl(ins stressed the fact that payer's money. Unions that dis- discrimination in defense i~nd::~ fense Chest has not been set. It discrimination against Negroes criminate because of race or color tries are causing unrest will be determined by the number d fl ant state and the country. t has become so open an agr are as bad as :Hitler himself, and I of approved organizations admi - tered with the state department, our League, Prentis I. Frazier, special representative of King County Col– ored Republican Club, Mr. R. Smith, business executive, and E. I. R o b i n son, publisher of the Northwest Enterprise, all of Se– attle, were visitors in Olympia to-1 day. The presence of Rev.E. B. Reed of Spokane, indicated the conference was not of a local na- ture. The broad smiles on the con– ferees as they left the governor's chambers, were mute evidence of a favorable interview. The hurried departure of the de– legates and their regret time pre– vented interviews, left no doubt that pressing Seattle supper en– gagements might add to the high way funds. that President Roosevelt orl. June pray God, the time will come when ted to the combined drive. Refuses Back Seat 15th issued a statement to the na- that type of union will be banished National Bodies Back Included in the Greater Seattle tion condemning such practice and from the face of the earth.'' Dr. Defense Chest to date are the fol- Ej.ected By Driver demanding that it come to an end. '.rhompkins held conferences with: NAACP Probe lowing: He said that he would personally Mayor Earl Millikin, Assistant ----- 1. The United Service Organiza- NEW YORK- Because he re- report his findings to the Presi- District Attorney Gerald Shucklin, NEW YORK-Backing up the tion, or "USO." These are six big fused to give up his non-reserved dent upon his return to Washing- Howard J. Thompson, Chairman of NAACP request for a civilian- national organizations assigned by seat in the front of a Quaker City ton. the King County Democratic Cen- military board to investigate the the government to provide recrea- bus to a white passenger, Charles Upon being told that the Boeing I tral Committee, Hans Johnson, military police situation in army tion and entertainment in big cen- Ed ward s, member of the New Airplane Co. of Seattle employed Chairman of the King County camps, George Gordon Battle, co- ters now being built by the gov- 1 York Youth Council No. 1 of the fourteen thousand men, not one of' Democratic Central Committee, chairman of the Council Against ernment near big cantonments. NAACP, was forcibly ejected by whom was a Negro, he said, "Such Mrs. Anna Roosevelt Boettiger, Intolerance ~ America, sent let- 2. The Community Fund and its the driver and a bus dispatcher at a condition is a disgrace to Amer- Mrs. Janet Testue, Democratic ters affirming their stand to Pres- 38 member agencies. The Com- the Quaker City terminal here ica and American ideals, that we National Committee Women of ident Roosevelt, Secretary of War munity Fund total budget will re- August 18. The driver has been ar– should contact our Senators and Washington and Post Master Fish- Stimson, and Brigadier-General main about the same as last year. rested and trial set for Monday, cuhgtu;s~meYI, conhnualiy contad bum of Pierce County William C. Rose. 3. The Deft-.l;;c Committee of August 26. them, every day if necessary, since To these leaders he said, "Ne- The NAACP request was also the Welfare Council, charged with Edwards was returning on a all funds appropriated for defense groes are not saboteurs. They love 1 endorsed by the Non-Sectarian the responsibility of coordinating round-trip ticket to camden, New in this state came through their America, they have fought and Anti-Nazi League whose board of all health, social welfaTe and re- Jersey, where he is employed in a recommendation. Being told that died for America, they will do so direct<>rs chairman, James H. creational facilities for defense shipyard. He had no reservation, the Aeronautical Mechanics Union again and gain if necessary; why Sheldon, sent a telegram to Gen- needs in this emergency. but he was informed by the ticket Local 751 which furnishes labor can't they work here? Pledges of eral George Marshall, Army Chief- agent, 15 minutes before the bus Wiliams, Presiding Bishop, headed Professor Battin paid a very high the conclave. Rev. C. B. Clements, tribute to race culture and pro– Presiding Elders, Rev. D. C. gress. Stephenson, Pastor of the Host Rev. Stephenson Honored Church. The Puget Sound Confer- He paid a higher tribute to Rev. MRS. MARY M. DUNCAN D. C. Stephenson, Pastor Host, a student at the College of Puget Sound, elected President of his class, and winner of several troph– ies (never able to take any of them out of the school) in oratory and debate in college. However, on this occassion, Professor Bat– tin, out of deep, sincere regard for one striving for the top rounds of the ladder of success, presented to Rev. Stephenson, amid loud ova– tion, a gold trophy mounted on bronze. Bishop and Mrs. Williams received hearty applause when presented. Closing remarks by Pastor Host in which he extended his personal greetinbs of welcome to all delegates and visitors. Re– freshments followed in the Social Hall of the Church, supervised by Mrs. Stephenson. The Conference officially opened Wednesday at 11 a. m. Rev. S. J. Holly preached the annual sermon, subject, "My Word Is Truth." Holy C::ommunion administered by Bishop Williams. Organization of Conference. Rev. L. R. Hayes, Seattle, named Fi– nance Chairman. Rev. H. E. Wil- ence comprises the states of Wash– ington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and parts of British Columbia. A hearty welcome awaited repres– entatives and delegates from the sixteen churches and miSSions, which make up this district, when members on the reception commit- son, Vancouver, B. C., Resolutions, tee met trains and assisted Rev. chairman Rev. B. C. Allen, Port- and Mrs. Stephenson, in getting land Conference Secretary and delegates to the places they'd been Mrs. Helen Armstrong Williams, assigned. (Tacoma was extra-ordi- Secretary to the Bishop. Pastors narily hospitable, cooperative and reports disclosed in most instances courteous to the large number of gr.eat gains financially and num- visitors in the city during the, encally. week.) j Annual Sermon The first day closed with the Bishops' Reception annual Missionary Sermon preach- Tuesday evening amid the beau- ed by Rev. L. S. McNeil, subject, ty and fragrance of seasonal flow- "Where Art Thou.'' Soloist for the ers and green palrn branches nod- service was' Mrs. Edni Moore,~-ing their approval, a mass of hu- "Golden Bells Ringing" and Mrs. manity filled Allen Chapel for the Agnes McNeil, "Open the Gates welcome program and reception of the Temple." Thursday ses~?ions for Bishop and Mrs. Williams. Mrs. included an enthusiastic rally for J. L. Beck, in a most charming We s t e r n University, Quindara, for the Boeing Company refused to cooperation were readily given by of-Staff, protesting segregation JUST TO admit Negroes into membership, I these leaders to join in his crusade and the recent race friction in manner, served as Mistress of Cer- Kansas, and Douglass Hospital, was to leave, that he could take emonies for the most interesting Kansas City, Mo. Rev. L. R. Hayes ~y available .seat. At about two and inspirational welcomes in the gave a fine informative address he said, "No union should be al- (Continued on Page Three) army camps. REMIND .YOU NAACP Scores Ft. Bragg Failure To PunishM.P.'s Who Insulted Soldiers By E. I. R. L. Cooper Claims Neg. Demos Snubbed When your boy comes home from the army bringing with him The principles of democracy are !his new learned table manners, be NEW YORK- Leveling critic-, who had a hand in the round-up ism at Fort Bragg authorities, the disarming, and insulting of Ne– National Association for 'the Ad- groes on the night of August 6, vancement of Colored People drew have not been punished. not built upon narrow foundations. wise: Also, the sponsors of the meet- Pass the "side arms" please, he ing for a leading democrat would wishes sugar and cream. not have ignored the first colored 1 "Butts" is what is left. "Greens" democratic organization of the is vegetables of a leafy nature. a parallel between the case of a The NAACP stated that if such northern white draftee who was drastic punishment can be mated Pacific Northwest, and a member "Slum." English stew. "S.O.S." out to a soldier for not eleaning who has been active in the party is his cuss word for beef on toast. his quarters and for "spitting on longer than any other race man in "What are you waiting for, the the floor," Fort Bragg authorities this section, if the spirit of Amer- floor show," is a remark for those should be made to explain their icanism had prevailed. who linger about the dining room failure to prosecute the soldiers, It is that a man travelled from after all have finished. sentenced to 10 years and nine months at hard labor for refusing to clean his quarters, and the case of the military police there who bullied and insulted Negro soldiers and officers after shooting of a Negro private and a white ser– geant, August 6. Sergeant Russell Owens was acquitted last week for the shoot– ing of Private Ned Turman in the fracas on a bus bound for the camp. Acquittal came from Gener– al Court from which there is no appeal. Other military policemen and white soldiers at the camp, who swore at, bullied, and inflicted I W~ingt~n :o . Se~ttle to speak Do you know that our own Dean unnecessary indignities on fellow I agamst discrimi~abon,. when ~e Dixon's work with the NBC Sym– soldiers and superior officers. very same committee did very bit- phony Orchestra and as guest con– in the South. would not have attended, and the Gene Krupa boasts a Race trump- This is further evidence, said terly snub and disc rim in a t e ductor of the Philharmonic Sym– the Association, that routine army against some of our best citizens. phony out-door conc·erts unbars procedure is not satisfactory or Had it not been for the members the doors in the music world; that sufficient to deal with the condi- of the opposite party, the meeting the outstanding band of Benny tions arising from the conflict be- would not have been a success. Goodman has four Negro artists; tween colored soldiers and preju- Had the Mayor known it was to that Charlie Barnett's vocalist and diced military and civil authorities be a discriminatory meeting he\ trumpeter are Race members; and -------------- - county clerk would not have sub- eter. Liquor Trials Go To Police Court I Signal Corps Seeks Trained Young Men scribed to the fund. The public Don't you know that Catholics, would not have tolerated it. Negroes and Jews will some day May we henceforth divert our teach the United States the mean– efforts to channels more construe- ing of true democracy? W m. F. Devin, Judge Admiral Gregory, retired, chair– man of the State Liquor Control Board, moves to try all future li– quor cases before Police Judge William F. Devin instead of in a WASHINGTON, D. C.- From the War Department the NAACP learned last week that the signal corps is recuiting civilians with certain qualifications for second lieutenants. tive. Louis Cooper NAACP Wants Negro On Morale Staff Justice Court. He hopes to bring Applicants must have a college order out of chaos, to improve the degree in electrical engineering administration of the law. with a specialty in radio commun– NEW YORK- With the ap– pointment of Frederick H. Osborn to be brigadier-general and in charge of the Army's moral div– ision last week, the National As– sociation for the Advancement of Colored People made inquiries of the new morale chief if he would appoint a Negro on his staff, tak- The plan is favored by Mayor Millikin and some of the city coun– cilmen. An ordinance is being pre– pared to effect lhe change. As mayor, Governor Arthur B. Lang– lie favored the plan. Certainly it would prove advantageous to the city budget which never knows which way is is going, said an of– ficial. ication or they must be electonic physicists. They must be unmar– ried, without dependents, between 21 and able to met the physical requirements. Applications should be made by ing the position of that recent out– letter to the Chief of the Signal burst in Fort Bragg, N. C ., and in Corps, Washington, D. C., giving 1 Arkansas indicate the low morale name, address, age, technical qual- in army camps and point to the ifications and experience. necessity for immediate and sym– Because it would decrease King The NAACP is urging its The Rae~:! draftees were almost unanimous in expressing a desire to remain in the army full 18 months? Flash: Raise in price of women's dresses foreseen. We protest. Wo– man may be forced to further shorten her dress to balance her budget. What was th-ought to be a dove of peace was seen hovering over the Pacific, seeking some place to land. Charles R. Mathis Ends Vacation Au Revoir was said to Charles Robert Mathis who has returned to his studies in the University of California, after a brief visit at home with his parents, Mr. and mmutes before the bus was to pull! history of this conference. Allen on "State of the Church." Mrs. out, Edwards got on and took a choir augmented the program with Agnes McNeil enlivened and in vacant seat near the front. Im- an opening number, "All Hail the several instances during this ses– mediately the diiver told him to Power of Jesus Name." Prayer by sion electrified her hearers with move back, that a white passenger Rev. C. B. Clements; National An- her melodious voice and the man- was entitled to that seat. Edwards them followed by Negro Anthem, ipulation of the ivories. Rev. L. R. protested that the seat was not led by Mrs. E. E. Elmore; address Hayes, preached the annual edu- reserved and that he did not in- by Mayor Harry P. Cain, in which cational sermon in which he en- tend to move. he emphasized these words: jected niuch food for thought. Fri- The drive~ told Edwards that he 1 "What are we fighting for?" day's session had in the offing one would put him off the bus and fol- 'The house rang with applause of the finest contributions to the lowed the statement by forcibly when dainty little Sharon Brad- conference, a gripping address on ejecting him with the assistance of shaw sang, "God Bless America.'' "State of the Country" delivered the dispatcher. Edwards' jacket Brief address of welcome from by Rev. B. C. Allen, Bethel Church, was torn and several passengers Business, Fraternal and Profes- Portland. remonstrated with the bus driver. sional by Mr. James R. Greenlee, Missionary Society Edwards' formal complaint for as- sault led to the arrest of the driv- er. John V. Taylor, Arthur L. Hayes, The Women's Mite Missionary Rev. E. B. WiLson, Fred U . Har- Society held sway through the af- ris, Lyle C. Smith, Dr. L. C. Bowl- ternoon, theme ,"Love.'' Mrs. Ber– ing, J. A. G. Washington, Sgt. U. nice Allen, Conference Branch G. Williams, Dr. L. S. Whetstone, president, with her usual charm interspersed were solos by Mrs. R. (Continued on Page> Two) ''Tuxedo Junction" l{ing At Senator Ball Room Sept. 29 ~acial Pu.rity, N~zi Superiority Pure Whitewash Says Anthropologist WILLIAMSTOWN, Ma.<Js - The that the Nazi government puts its idea of a pure master race upon finger on a weak spot in our na– which Hitler bases his claim to tional armor when it boasts that in German superiority is "pure white- our country with so many racial wash," Miss Ruth Benedict, Col- and social tensions it can easily umbia university anthropologist forment revolution and that there– said. fore it need never fear danger "The Germans themselves are a from America. mixed race," she told delegates to 'The answer we Americans must the Williamstown Institute of Hu- give is not 'All is well.' The an– man Relations considering the sub- swer that will make A m e ri c a ject, "Cultural Diversity: Amer- strong is a much humbler one. It ica's Strength.'' is: "We know our weaknesses. "Every people who have built They have been due to folly. But impressive civilizations in any our strength, however, we have country in the world have been botc·h ed it in the past, is well drawn from diverse breeds," de- fO'Unded, and your strength is clared the scientist. built upon quicksand.'' ERSKINE HAWKINS, famous I Asserting that the Nazi philos-l "Our resolution today must be . creator of "Tuxedo Junction" and ophy says strength lies only in the that we in America shall fullfil! his Orchestra will be featured at unity of one blood and one culture, the conditions under which our the Senator Ball Room, Monday she continued: cultural diversity becomes cultural night, September 29. Special ar- "It is this Hitlerite philosophy strength. W e must work in season rangements have been made to which throws down the challenge and out of season that discrimina– give autograph hounds an oppor- to us today and rouses us all to tions against minorities shall be tunity to track down the popular take stock of our situation in that opportunity- opportunity for maestro. America. repealed and done away with, and Not "All Is Well." jobs, for education, for health, for County's revenue, County Com- branches to circulate this inform– missioner brands the move politic- I ation in their communities so that al. qualified Negroes may apply. pathetic treatment of the situa– tion. Buy Defense Bonds Mrs. Charles Mathis, sisters June If y-our paper fails to reach you, and Virginia and other relatives I you probably have failed to renew and friends. your subscription. "We know we can not say that housing, for the best employment all is well in our racial relations of talents~hall be open to all cit– inside America. We must agree izens."