WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1944 SEATTL E Mae's Dress Shoppe FALL Suits & Coats Have Just Arrived at Mae's. Colorful Styles of the latest and Beautifully Tailored Jewelry, Lingerie, Hats, Bags and Bag Sets • Week Days 9:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. SATURDAYS UNTIL 10:30 P. M. 650 Jackson St. Seneca 1365 De Grief Believes Farm Should be Provided for Habitual Offenders Here 1 th eir children. The prese rva tion. ! 'or our America n f orm or gove ru– rne nt de pends upon t he yo unger people of this nation. Let's tra iu I them to properly !';Uide our d es– tinies. Judge De Gr ief believes we [ should have a cily or county , I farm where fr eq uent li quor of- fend ers an d other s who arc ha- 1 bltually brougtJt In to police court may he pl a"ed a nd r eq uired to do such work as t hey art> able to do, for he feels that work is the cure for mos t ills. Judge De Gri e-! also believes that the best c ure for th<' ('VPr increasing crirn ,• wave, espec ia lly antong young- nten and wome n, is by edt He believes in the proberb. ·An ounce of preve ntion Is worth a pound of cure." Money spent in supervised playfields, r e– crc·ation centers, Boy Sco•tt :tnd Girl Scout work, will do 50 times as much good a s a n equal amount spent In appreh ending and punishing crimina ls. I J1o1dge De Gri ef also feels that parents should have a nti mai~1-J tain an unswerving interest 1111 ... Justice of the Peace (Municipal Judge) VISIT YOUR LODGE H I•~ It IJ lT J, g S J , 0 D 0 J.; 1\o. 17 - l~. & A. :II. l\J I!NS 1st & 3rd Wed nesdays 42;:; .. 21st Avenue H. A. HOARD, W. l\1. 143 21st Ave . N. 1 Phunc l' ltsopt•cl ;~OI:l I!:. A. Campbell, Sec'y. l7:!4 .. 2 :ith .:\ venut• I Phone l' l:u~pcct 1811 j l\Ieutber s in good a n d r egula • standing alway s \\'elcurue . Jllonta Villa 1Jon11nnuit y Chnn·h p. m. Evening hour, 8 p. m. Mid-we-cJc meeting, Wednegday of ea ch week HARMONY LODGE No. 2 - I~. & A. 1\J. )Jeets 2n!l and 4 th 1\lomla ys 425 • 21st Ave nne J. H. LEE, \V. 1\l. 234 24th Ave. N . Phone E Ast 3 1JiH E. R. CHAINEY, Sec•y. 9 G33 55th Ave. So. !'hone RAinier 30!J2 AU 1\Iaster 1\Jnsons \Velcome Spokane, Washington · LODGE NOTICE Inland J.Jtn p ir·e Loge No. 3 I<'. & A . :~r. :\Iee tln g ltt•lf• <"Tl' l'Y 2ntl nnd <Wh 'l'ue •dny at 3r<l & Cowley J)r. \ 'e t·n on ScoU \ \'. :IT. X. 100(; Summit Hlv<l., B 01 8;:i 1~. A. HtokeP, St='c. \\', 52!J l\lnnscfiel<J - H. 034!1 J·;, ,J . Hmwn l\!. ,v. G . ~1. l{t ~ o~ 8 - l•h one ].; 1227 No. 109 I. B. P. 0. E. W. Puget Sound Lodge Elks 4 ,\le.-t" at (l(l:.: H .J a<'k~nn St. ]ijlJc ~ C l ub , F irst and Tbird 1\londay eae.h 1\tonth. E. R. Chalney, Exalted Ruler, Tel. RAinier S092. 96SS-55th So. W. E. Vrooman, Secretary, Tel– EAst 5864. 1474-21st. C. M. STOKES ..\.TTOH~>NY ,\ T T.AW l)27 l>NltJle~s llank Dldg. S<>ron d at Pike Street TCI<' Ilhone JDI,iot 3291 BETTER BUYBONDS "This cola tastes best!'' says ''PEG LEG'' BATES How"Peg Leg" keeps the blues away ••• "I found my blues-chaser the lucky day I took the famous cola taste-test,"says"Peg Leg." He tried leading colas in paper cups and picked one as best-tasting. Sure I It was Royal Crown Cola I "Peg Leg" says, "It not only keeps the blues away. It gives me a 'quick-up' quick!" THE NORTHWEST ENTEn.PRISE PORTLAN·D NEWS 2216 S. E. 37th Phone EAst 7911 Mary M. Duncan 1 Editor BETHEL A. M. E. CHURCH LARABE E AVE. and McMILLEN ST. 9; 3 0 A. l\:l.-8unday School. 11: 00 A . M.-1\Iorning Sermon. 6:45 P. ~I.-A. C. E. League. 8 : 00 P . !\I.-Evening Sermon. "CO~IE TO WOR SHIP-LEAVE TO SERVE" REV. BROWNING C. ALLEN, Pastor lllllllllllilllllllllllllll OATH' OF AFRO-AMERICAN YOUTH I will never bring disgrace upon my race by any unworthy deed or dishonorable act. I will live a clean, decent, manly lif e ; and will ever respect and defend the virtue and h onor of womanhood ; I will upho ld and obey t h e laws of my count r y and of the community in which I live, a nd will encourage others to do likewise; I will not a llow prej udice, unjustic e, insult or outrage to cower my spirit or sour my soul; but will ever preserve t he inner f r eedom of heart and conscience; I will not a llow myse lf to be overcome wit h evil but will str ive t o over come evil with good; I will endeavor to d evelop and exert t he best powers within me for my own persona l improvement and will strive unceasingly to quicken t he sense of racial duty and responsibi lity ; I will in a ll these ways aim to uplift my race so that, t o everyone bound to it by t ics of blood, it sha ll become a bond of ennoblement and not a by-word of reproach . I Portland Socials MORE - FRAZiER (Continued from Page 1) convention. The state convention, presided over by t hes tate chairman, elects a state central committee, which committee looks out for and handl es the politics for the state political machine being supported by the county organization. They make up the stale platform by which politics of the state are guided for the party. They elect th eir national commi tteemen and committeewomen from the mem– ber s nominated by the various county conventions. The dele– gates to the national convention a re the persons who participate in the nominating of the ¥resi– dent and vice-presid ent or t l e United StatE*!. Thus you will see that pre cinct committeemen a nd committee·· women are the heginlng and u,e backbone of any political ma– chin e set up to elect county, state a nd nat ion a l officials. And it behooves all voters to l:Je active in his or her precinct organiza– tion to help select the right per– sons to represent them at this level, and to efect a strong po– litica l organization. i It is the purpose of the county ·or ganiza tion, through its chair– mana nd district leade rs, to rep– r esent their constituents in ma 'c– iil.g demands for political patron– a ge to be given the county • ,d distri ct. It, therefore pa·.ticu· larly behooves the members of my group to set up a strong po– June-Lilly Sextette Rare Musical Treat .1\Ir. an d Mrs. J ack Martin left liticai organization headed by Mo nday for St. P a ul a nd then ce 1 courageous, milita.nt . personnel, Port land was giYen a rare mu- to Chicago, whe re they will at- t hat such orgamza tiOn m1ght sica! treat Sun<lay night, August Mrs.tend t he E lks Na tional con- comma nd the respect or the 6, when the June-Lilly Sextette vt>ntion. T he Martins joined county, state and nation, and ne– appearedi n recital at the Wo- Mrs. McCulloch a nd son of Sen t- come a part of the politics there– men's Clu b Aud ilorium. tie, who will attend the conven- of. In setting up such organiza- WOMEN 1TTO 35 YEARS OF AGE '"1 . Snappy nurse's uniform; training course; complete tuition, room and board; and regular monthly allow· ance of $15 to $30 tWe .Jl furnished! Applicants must be high school graduates. If you qualify, write U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps, Box 88, New York, N.Y., for further information. Tune in "THE DOCTOR FIGHTS" -vital drama of medicine at war- -starring RAYMOND MASSEY- KIRO Tuesday, 6:30 p . m. PAGE THRE~ A variety of classicals, spirit- lion to which Mr s. McCulloch is tion it will prevent many groups NEW YORK _ Last December The re are two Negroes among uals and patriotic airs such as a d<:>legate. The foursome will from being ''sold out" by intli- Sydenham Hospital, in Ha rlem, the 12 internes ; 31 Negro nurses Portland had not l1eard before s pe nd at least two w~eks in tho:> viduals who seek to gain at Lbe gave the Negro do ctor, nurse and and 25 white. Th ere a re 178 HARLEM HOSPITAL PIONEERS NEGRO - WHITE RACE EQUALITY made up t he program . Under t he east. expense or others. patient equal footing with the doctors or whom ·23 are Negro<:>a. th~ able din•ction Of Mr s. Mig- Politics, along with the white. Within seven montbs this Six of the 23 trus tees are ~e- non L ill y Cabel, the sextettl e. Cor pora l Roy Fuller writes his church, the church being ~irst. interracial experiment has be- gro es. some of wl10m are sing-er·s of r a- family o r progress ma <le whTir> a r e the strongest organizations .n come established policy. '•It is democracy at work," clio fn.m" and othPrs known for train ing. Stationed ou t frum the community by which people The background for the action said Benjamin J. Roth, president the ir work with nationall y fa- Chkngo, he is k ee ping up his livea nd act. With a good church was the need for a volunta ry of the 52-year-old hospital. mous choir s, are, Mrs. June Roe musical t raini ng a nd t.~ldn g a organization and policy strittly hospital staffed a nd manag ed to Free wa rds and private wards Runnels, TPxas; Mrs. Jimmil' stenographi c course. Hi s wife. adhered to, together with a meet the needs of t he commun- a like hold white and Negro pa– Lilly Franklin, Tu lsa, Okla.; Marjorie and their little d n11g h-1 strong p.olitica_J organizatio'. an~ ity it serves. Ha rlem, the Neg r o tie nts. In the ma ternity ward, Mrs. 1\Iary Geneva Roe Savage, ter , Ester Marie, anxiously a wa it eomrnumty w11J wield a !l"rea. section of Manhattan Is la nd, has Negro and white mothers talk ~ew M{'xico; Mrs. f'ra li ne Smit h his return on furl oug h, power to cr eate the kind or N ; m- more people than the State oJ wa rmly a bout t heir new children. and lh<' 1\'lisst's Bessie Mae Har- munity that will serve the best Delaware. It it wer e a sepa rate In th e men's wa rd, men of the ris a nd Der ni<'e Danks. Mrs. Pf'arl C. Stewart in s. E . inte rests of all. I am asking all city it would be the 18th Jar ge5t two races play ca rds or chat Each ren dition was par exr<'l· Main h a s as hou segu est her mo- those of my group to become in the nation. easily. On the children's floor, len t from t he fir~t g rou p OfJrif '>Ill" tl 'I 1,11 n f K alt>rt, politir.ally, study their vote lnf~nt ~.·.cl·tr.litv is Hallum WU» lhe ''-"Ot!nbster~ ploay together, or Jt'J~. "rs. ~ a ;::,t~ven son o nn- . .. , , number s whi\'h irlt'lllde<l 11- ),, r eligiously, commercially and 82 per· cent greater than in anY. yell lustily ror the nurses. sas Cit y. Mo. I.;ike most visitors, mer 'l'inH'. an d Rmolw C'ets I n , 0 the Rose City, s he Is e njoying otherwise, In order to l]rotect other area of New York; tub er· Hospita l officials say there has Yo ur Eyes, featur in g 1\lrs. S;.-; ·1 her stay in r eal Portla nd s tyle. their interests and gain th~ culosis mortality was 63 per cent been no loss of white patients, at- age, to thee losing gr oup , This rig hts du e them under the Con- greater. t hough a s the hospital is in the Is \Vorth l<'ighting For , " nd Over 1 For th a t gra nd r ejuvenated stitutiou. I hope you won't read One Hospital Inalletiuate Har lem a rea, about 80 per eent There. J reeli ng, try the Massage Insti- these a rticles just because they The five voluntary hospitals of the patients are Negro. Wblle The fo ur spiritu::us in t11c 3rd 'tute, 1G N. Broadwa y, MU 63ll . a r e writen by me, nor hold an in th e area barred Negroes from and Negro m embers of the s tafr gr oup featured Mr s. Savag" who Tr eatments by a ppointment. id ea that I a m writing for popu- regular staff affiliation; they wor k side by side ; they eat to- won a Jour! ovation in 0 Yes, la rity or entertainment. These would not permit a Negro patient gether in a common !lining r oom My Lord l; T.or d. A correction intended several articles are written because I am to occupy a private room. There and the internes room together A semi-classical gro up , Hom- issues ago : Miss Betty Ruther· 1 inte rested in _my group and what was a sanitarium owned a nd op- wh11e th ey are at the hespital. in g. Dawn, and A Spirit Flower, ford will a ttend Fisk Unive rsity, they may gam by the right ex- erate!l by Negro physicia ns, but As one nurse remarked : ' •.A were dedicated to Portland's own Nashville, Tenn., instead of w·n- ercise of their political power. its facilities were inadequate for first we had a little difficnlt songbi n l Vyolette ''Vi'' Hooker berforcc, as announced some Next week I sha l discuss the adaptation as a voluntary hos· but we quickly adjusted oursel a nd her sister Gwendolyn Given. 1 time ago. principles of the Democratic pita!. -I h ave )earned a great f! a dramat ic rPa!ler. P a r ty as I see them. Intermittent efforts h a ll been about Negroes by working 1\Jrs. Crali ne Smith was de- p J d Off' • I made during the past 45 years them.' lightfully entertaining in T'"ncl ort an ICia s to fill the need for a voluntary 1 ,Judgment (On Ability Electrical Accessories Little Hoad to Kerry, and The v· "t B C"t hospital in Harlem which would ··or course we didn't pi, lsi ay I Y Phone MUrdock 911311 Swallows. Som<:>times I Feel lilce afford staff affiliation for quali-l gro staff members indis~rimt. Radio Tubes Tested Free a MotlH'r les Child, is n farniiia r We (you rs t ruly a nd the mis- fied Negro physicians and service ately,' sayg Roth. 'White or Ne- spiritual. but Mrs. J une Roe Run- ter) made a hurried trip to San I Madrona Radio & for their patients. gro, we judged them on their nels cap tivated thea udience as Francisco fo r a short v isit wit h Record Shop The present effort dates bar k ability and efficiency and the she sang it in a new arrange- o ur daughter , Mary Ellen , and Lincen.sed to 1938. In 1941 the City-Wide ablest got the jobs. ment. our so 11 Jer 1 ·v and w 1 ·re Vas ti h Ope Citizens Committee os Harl em ''Our greatest obstacle was to ' SeebuFg Symp onola rator Climaxi ng the program was (Mr. and Mrs. E ugene Duncan ) was formed and it wa s as a Te- realize that the Negro when he Complete Race Records Stock Mrs. Savage doing the clasical prior to h is l eaving fo r Islands suit Of negotiations with this first comes here doesn't have as '•Klss Me Again," by Victor IIer- 1in th e P acific. Amid regrets of 538 N. Broadway committee that Sydenham offi · much professiona, tra ining as the bert, and Welcome s,u,!'t "'inds his depar t ure th e family h ad a A. G. Garrett cials adopted this policy. white. As you know there are by Cadman, bringing rounds of most en joyab le time at a family 'l'oday Sydenham boasts of a few institutions where Ne~roes a pplausc from the aurticnce. dinner , to t he California Theatre A. G. Garrett DeHvery well balanced cooperative, smooth can train for a hospital profes- Mrs. D. N. Unthank Ciu b, th e Ire F olli es and the n running organization, with no sian. But with a little helptul· I chnr ched it on Sunday. , I It was so nice seeing the W · [ Honors Many Visitors D. Wilsons. o f Bf'r keley, 0 ~r. a nd Mr s. 'frb Pterfre, Mrs . V1v1a n Os- A maj)r social h ighlight of the !Jorne Mar sh , g ra nd wo rthy ma– R<'nson was the fash io nahlc gar-~ tron. OES, Rev. C. D. Tolliver lien party hostessed by Mrs. D. and James McLean, from Bra zil; N. Unlhanl< at her palatial horne Mrs. Cla ude R oyal, Mrs. Alice in RE 29th last Sunday to honor j nral<e a nd t he T . M. J ames's. Mesclam!'s Rob<:rt ~- Joyn<'r Sr.. of Roston, 1\TasR., mother of Dr.f SUGAR HILL R. N. Joyner Jr., 1\lrs . Ruby Ad- BOl\lE COOKED 1\lEALS amson, N. Y., mother of Mrs. Joyner , Mrs. Cadence Hines and hPr mot11er in Jaw, Mrs. Sarah 84 N. E. Broadway Tr. %3111 VV"here good friends meet tor good eats. Home cooked ChicK– en, Steaks, Oysters, and Chops. Hines, C'l,irago, Mm. Mary G. Sa- Myrtle Barno, Proprietor vage. New 1\i{'xico, Mrs. J u ne Roe Rours-Brea.ldll8t 9 a.m.-1 p.m.· Run nels, Texas, Mrs. E IPanor 1 '-====D=Inn=er=~4:;:;to~=9=p=.m=. ===:: Roswell, Los Angeles, daughter I · or Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gregg and I BetheiY. '\1. F:. '.1iss Hattif' Lilly, 'l'ulsa, Okla .. I N. ~lc;llillan an<l Lambec sistero f Jl.tfs. 1\Iignon CabE'll. H<'\'. lt ••ownin~ C. Allen, l'as fcJI' Despite the ractthat the w<'nfh-1 Su1 <l:ly !<cl•ool, 9:00 a . m er man wPn t haek 01.1 his pro~1- 1\Torning- worsh ip an<l sermon: 1 ~ ise of a. few {.lays pr wr and Otd 1 o. m. A. C. E . Leag-ue. 6: ~ u Sol hi d h is fa<'!', l<•aving all on lilt. Olivet Baptist the IHt?.Y side, the;·c were sunny. Ri•v. • lanu~s .1. Clnw, Pnstnt• d ispositions, mirth and meni- nwnt i nt he 200 or more elegant-! Sunday school , 9 :3 0 a. rn. Jy attired ladies seting a terrific ~Torning wor sh ip, 11 a. 111 • B. Y . P T•.,. f'oVPnin'! wors l1in. R:flO :1. m style pare, strolled about th<' gar- COZY INN SERVICE DIVINE dens, sat at tables in the Rpaciou;; nn.rlor" in a fashion1h le game or bridge. Aside from meeting an<l extending gre<:tings to the honor– ees, g uests partook of d{'Jicious 66 N. E. B'dway MU 3430 via nd s, inv igorating p u n<'h in Home Cooked Meal.8 wo choke flavors from an at- 1\y An Epicurean tractive re freshment tahlc In one Steal•s & Chicl•en specialty nook of the g:m1Pn. Minnie Turner, Proprietor The h ostess was assisted in Breal•fa.."t 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. receiving and serving by a coterie Dinner-4 p. m. until of friends. 1'--------------· Phone Riv. 3081 PORTERS AND WAITERS CLUB W 253 Main Ave.. Spo~ane, Wash. Cigars, Cigarettes, Soft Drinks, Billiards, Card Tables, Colored News papers ROY HOWARD, Prop. Northwest Enterprise Por Sale Here St. Philip to;piSl'Ollfl.l lllission Rodney au!l Knott Rev. L. 0. Stone, Vicar Prayer , 7 : 00 a. m. Serman and prayer, 11:00 a . m. Evenlnf' worship, 8: 0$ p. m. First A. 1\1. E. Zion N. Williams Ave. Rev. J. T. Smith, 1\Unister Sund a-y 3Chool, 9 : 30 a. rn. Mom ing worship, 11 : 0 0 a. m. J•;ven in g worsh ip, 8: 00 p. m . House of Praye r S E. 10th ]1~ldPt' Rnht. Sf•ar•ric aPstilr In Charge Sun <l ay school, 10 : 00 Preaching 11 : 00 a. rn . ship, 8: 00 p. m. a. m . F,ollow- trace or resentment or prejudice. ness a nd sympathy, that is over- 23 Negro Doctors come.' Boardinghouse Keeper - "Di<l QUESTIONED OWNERSHIP you knock on that soldier 's door "Some of you pelestrians wa!JC and wake him as I told you to agout a s If you'd bought the do?" Ma id (fresh from the country) - ''Yes'm. But h e didnt' wake up, so I finally had to go in and shake him," Et r eets." "Yes, an<l som e of you motor_ ists drive abou t a s if you'd paid fvr your cars! " B. H. Keeper : "Good hea- 1 A burned-over forest looks llll:e vens! Don't you know better! a bMtlerleld. Let's give our than to go Into a soldier's room?'' 1 fighting men a chanre or seen- Maid : '•Yes'm, I do now." I e~,. when they come home-green -Pope Field Runway. ~C'r•:-~ ~s. Be careful of fire.
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