
/ ' ' THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE Establlilhed 1920 , for colored people only." I JIM CROW US CAFETERIA The colored citizenry or Brem- • • erton can Imagine how one would feel on attempting to accept the STIRS ATY. GEN. BIDDLE INTO ACTION Madison Shopping Distr1ct Published Wednesdays by 'Ihc Northwest~Publishing Company Official Publication of the I. B. P. 0. E. of W. in the Northwest Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Pol'ters; Owls Club, Inc. Entered at the Postofflce, SeatUe, lwn., a.'l Second Class Matter Olfice 662Yz Jackson St., 4; Ph 'El 9787. P. 0. Box 1873 - 11 Subscription Rates: By :V.o.a.ll In advance: One year, $2.00; Six mont>oa, $1.25; Three months, 75c E. I. ROBINSON, Editur-Publisher hospitality of the Puget Sound Recreation Association and on boarding their public excurs-ion hearing these same words, but in reverse.· WASHINGTON - Back -of the I ing under his breath, the Attor– n.ew enlarge~ Department of Jus- ney General returned to his of– tlce cafetena recently opened, fice and made a more detailed hangs a tale. investigation or this uepamto It seems as if Attorney Gen- cafeteria, which to his utte: ella– era! Francis Biddle was escorting grin he had not known existed a friend through the Department before. GENEVA B. MILLER Broker-Notary Public Hours: 10 a. m. to.5 p. m. 1916 E. Madison Pr 7050 Evenings, Pr 2838 Deadline fo1· News: Tues. Noon; for Advertising Tues. 6 P. JH. That, in spite of Mr. Lillard's IJUblic proclamation, Is what oc– curred there on the Black Ball ferry dock , with utter disrespect for his directive. Mr. Lillard commented on the incident by stating that evidently this mis– construed order was issued from the Puget Sound Navy Yard of– fice and not from his office, that the policy of USO No. 2 is nnt of Justice Building last winter He Immediately ordered the exhibiting the many modern as- closing of both cafeterias, and pects or the building for Justice that a new enlarged one be pro– employees when he came upon a vided to a ccommocltlle a!: D•'!·'lrt- ;=============~ BREMERTON NOTES Official Representative Northwest Enterprise JAS. T. WALKER, 3801 6th Phone 2778-W Important: Social Clubs, Organizations. News Must Be in by Sunday P. M. Please Cooperate LOCAL WEEKLY CALENDAR (Continued from Page 1) one of segregation and discrim- ination. Every one, regardless of color i~ welcome to any and all affairs given by this agency. r.;veryone is likewise treated alike. Tllis is an ultimatum hJtnded down from t11e National ol'ficP antl as long as 1\lr. Lillard dingy hole in the wall later lde1~- ment of Just.ice emt•loyeeH imlls- tified lo him as the '•Negro Cafe- criminately. teria." A larger and mure at- Recentely the n ~w cu.reteria tractive one is operated for white emtJioyees elsewhere In the build- was opened with apprcj)riate ex– ing. ercises in which th e Altnrney Visibly disturbed and mutter- General himself participated. BASIE SETS ARECORD IN HIS RETURN TO COAST Choral Rehearsal Mondays at admittance on tho Chippewa pub- 7: 30 p. m., 221 Washington St. lie ferry excursion. rclmains in his pl-esent category LOS ANGELES - Count Basle to that, the house books five he will see that this policy is th 1' d b k hi If Industrial Girls' Sewing Club, \Vhen questioned by local law e o recor rea er mse , shows a day, instead of the ttn- carried out to the letter. 1 Tuesdays at 8 p, m., 221 Wash- officers he (Green) allegedly 1ere for a week at the down- ditional four a day. ington St. stated that '•that was the un- 'We, the Sepia citizens of town Orpheum Theatre, upset the \Vith the Count B.tsie orches- Home Maker's Club, Wednes- derstanding I got." Bremerton, are opposed to all band schedule from the jum[l. tra at the Orpheum to make the days 8 p. m., Sindair Community We can imagine the humilia- types Of racial discrimination and Already, the theatre management stage show a tantalizing succl'.>n, Center. tion these whites must have ex- are against segregation in all of has changed the policy o( neve• are the old standbyes Jimmy Mens' Industrial Club, Thurs- perienced when in their very Its ugly forms because such is a playing a band for more than a Rushing, and Earl ·warren, Thel-~ days 8 p .. m .. , 221 '.Nashington. presence this gate attendant direct threat to continued exist- week. rna Carpenter, Patterson a 1td Movies for young and old. Sin- yelled out, '•This is an excursion ence Of American democracy. I Heavy demands by the jumpiu Jackson, the Delta Rhythm Boys 1 clair Community Center, Satur- What happened at the ferry 1 jive" enthusiasts caused the man- and Sroots Davis. The group days, 2:30 p. m. E X pERT dock and w~at happens to race agement to life the two-week bau moves on to the Orpheum in San! members da1ly in the various I Francisco and then for a booking I RRRUERTO~ CHURCHES WATCH REPAIRING . white establishments in town and book the popular Basie unit in September at Joe Morris' not- Sinclair Community Church, canuot weaken our faith In our for tell extra week. In addition, ed Plantation Club here. ADELPHI APARTMENTS A Palatial Home for Particular People ULTRA MODERN In Every Respect Overlooking Lake Washington Apartments Reasonable 230-32 23rd Ave. No. Ca.. 1791 J. A. "Jack" Johnson Douglas Apartments Where It Is Conyenlent and HomeUke Newly Renovated-Steam Heat Hot Water--Tel~phone Laundry Room RENTS REDUOED Furnished and Unfurnished Apartments Rents '10 and Up Rev. J. R. Lewis pastor, Sunday ENGRAVING American government, for we re-l school, 9:45; services 11:30 and JEWELRP REPAlltiNG alize that these people do not down existing un-American ac- taiuing features most talked of. Dr. F. B. Cooper, Mgr. 8 p. m. GENUINE represent true American tradition tivities in our public places. The entertainment was presented lU, %4th Ave. No. EAllt 961'7 Ebenezer AME Church, Rev. of freedom of mankind. We wonder why Bremerton, during noon hour at the square. Chester W. Cooper, pastor. Sun- ROCK CRYSTALS The argument in this article Is I the largest little city on the Further fun feats were attended day Schoo] 9:45, preaching 11. not to point out any desire for coast, cannot be equally as dem- at Seward Park when partici- 5 Colors East Port Orchard. Rev. C. social equality. For . colored ocratic as her neighbors. It she pants tackled the sack races, the W. Vvilliams, pastor. Sunday PACIFIC JEWELERS Americans as a rule, but with · could say to all mankind that, nickle grabs, climbing the slick School 9 45, service 11 a. m. and few exceptions, are not interested I ''this is the best home away from pole, bicycle mces, with much 7:45 p. m. 210 l<'irst St. Bremerton in Intermingling. home In the Northwest.." enthusiasm. We are more than Chandler Fuel Co. Express-Moving and Storag&-lce .. '.~-~ NAACP REGULAR MEETING The issue behind our complaint proud to help these youngsters to the Black Ball official (Mr. PPO\\'·WOW PICNIC GUESTS I to attend an affair where a pro- Office Phone E~t 4282 Green) and his self-impoaed di . . gram Is especially dedicated to 2226 East Madison St. rective is this: Boys Day ate VIctory Square, their entertainment.. We shall be' Seattle, Wash. Seattle, was a great day In the II k .. f d t 1 I a.,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!========::J Here in Bremerton where, . oo mg orwar o a arger rep- • l1ves of The Enterprise newsboys, . . I Madison Da-ug Co. 22nd and E. Madison East 98!8 Drugs, PrescriptioilS', Cosmetics, Toilet Articles Fountain, Soft Drinks, Candles Downtown Prices Ice Cream and Sherbets Pints 25c; quarts uOc Race Hah· Specials Race Papers For Sa.Ie Open Daily 10 a.m. to 12 midnight Honeysuckles Recreation ARTHUR HEAD, Mgr. CARD TABLES, POOL and SOFT DRINKS Phone EAst 9994 2030 East Madison Street The Evelyn Inn 2229 East Madison Phone EA 9857 MEALS AT ALL HOURS SHORT ORDERS AT ALL TIMES OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY - We Solicit Your Tra<:le OUR SPECIALTY - SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN !: D,~son, Prop. - Rose M. Simth, Mgr. FOR WOOD - COAL - POULTRY Call ED S. JOHNSON CA 9953 Fresh Chickens and Rabbits as You Like Them 2200 East Madison Street, Seattle 2 BUYING \\'Alt BOXDS \\'ILJ, BlUXG Hll\1 HOi\IE SOONER AUG. 20TH- SALVATION ARMY HALL roughly, about 4,000 Negroes are Charles Weaver and Alfred Jen- reseutatwn of our youth 111 the freshments were served. I living and in this city of 73 ,000 kins , proteges of Mrs. Ada Best, Pow Wow Of 1945. The housewife Club met at the r----------------------------· people, there are not half a East Port orchard, and little home of Mrs. J. R. Petty, their 238 Burwell Street Bremerton, Washington TIME~ -- 4 P. M. SHARP dozen places In town where the sign ''\Ve cater to white trade only," isn't seen or isn't dupli– cated verbally. Billie Raye of Sinclair PaPrk. EAST l'ORT OUCHARD president, with a nice business weer among the hundreds of Last Tuesday night Mr. and meeting and plans were mad e for newsboys present. an old fashioned pit barbecue Mrs. John \Velclt enlertain~d a Harry Miller, Seattle magician , next Saturday, Aug. 19. V. 7 e are Shrine Circus clowns and the group of friends in their home asking every lady to bring her musically inclined circus seal- guest Mr. Wil- husband and a friend and spouse. Buddy- were the special enter- Iiams, TAVERN OF GOOD CHEER • Where Particular People Drink Their Wine and Beer The Attendance of all Members is Expected Because Of these conditions ra– cial ten·sion is very high.. Every– one, apparently white and black, goes arouud with a chip on his shonldPr.. The resentmPnt of the Sepia When all Is said and done, a I good deal more will have been J 0HNNIE CA M ':" said than done! lf1 '· HERE'S THE PLACE TO DINE OUT-- DELICIOUS GOLDEN FRIED CHICKEN SERVED TO YOUR TASTE • SANDWICHES • SOFT DRINKS Open Nightly -- Fast, Courteous Service THE PUBLIC Is the boss In Dick G1·eens' l'lace. we want to do all possible to give you what you want th<' way you want it. GREEN 'S CAFE SINCLAIR HEIGHTS GILT EDGE CLEANERS SEneca 9450 -:- 611 Jackson St. THREE-DAY SERVICE Expert Cleaning and Finishing Repairing -that Satisfies. Hats Cleaned & Blocked ,. Ladies' Alterations by Experienced Dressmaker PROMPT AND COURTEOUS ATTENTION Ethel's Beauty Shoppe Hair Styling Our Specialty 657 JACKSON ST. PHONE MAIN 8893 OPEN 9 A.M. TO 7 P.M. THE ANGELlJS, Inc. Embalmers, Funeral Chapel . Funeral Directors Martha iY.,9 J..2th Ave. PR. 0333 Lady Attend&nt Davis, Manager Seattle, Wash. population has reached the pro– pensity of a loaded powder kP?.. What we are interested in do– ing is creating racial good will and diverting any possible race riots which can easily be startcil from such little, insignifieent in– cidents as the one in question. H PINE ST. t.~~ •. The continuation of pent-up emotions among these suppressed peoples-who like all other races are doing their part, as far as patriotic Afro-Americans are per– mitted to go--can lead to but one thing-an outlet of freedom Open Evenings UntillO P. M. Fruita - Vegetables PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT Greceries Phone MA. 1826 i Birds of a feather will flock I 1 together, so, there is no point I I in separation for segregation. 'l'his in itself is a dirert attempt to further racial dissention, heap more coals on the exi~ing fires I of hatred. 1------------- ~e, here in Bremerton , are 1 • lrymg our best to alleviate these I Jam . Session Every Moo- deplorable conditions through . day Night-At Black and carefully planned association I Tan, 4041f2 12th Ave. So. from a democratic standpoint.! All are entitled to go and to do I,-------------~ I 1\-rl.'. OLIVET B.u>'I'IST as they please, that is the Ia w of the lanil, if they conduct them MISSION selves properly. Friendship and 1227 Jackson St. roopcra lion in all fields or en-' Morning Worship, 11 a. m. deaver for the good of all con- Evening Service, 7:30 p. m. cerned is what we want. Only Midweek Prayer Service su ch as truly admire each other Every Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. will mingle In intimate associa– tions. That is our God-given . privilege. i There is no need to fear that droves of colored will flock into j leading white establishments or' :~;: :J~dtl~~~w~re:~~tP~::~:t q~~~~~~ J I den ts from their restricted white districts. 1 This is only the thinking of the ignorant whites who, because "My House shall be called The House of Prayer.'' -Matt. 21:13 REV. JUDSON SWANCY 1\Hnlstcr Evangelist Spiritual Advice and Prayer 2107 E. James St., Apt. 24 By Appointment Call EA. 7135 of their own selfish interests, Church o( God ln Christ preach these disgusting, disas- 42·1 21st Ave. terous, Hltlerlan contentions. Rev. L. J~. Tollh·er, P<t$tCr \Ve would like lo sec BremertResldencB phone E.~~t 24,i1 ton talte steps similar to those n~v. E. D. ~:liso.n, A~st. Pabtor of Seattle an4- est>eCraiiyS ~ ~,-Tolliver, Pianist but expressly of San B:;"a 6a "'------- Calif. Here the cit: simply called a meeting, l'"""- lJn ANTED ina tion in all public places In Girl h • & d a law banning all racial discrim··~ a very short time Brem~rton SW 0 Can SIDg ance would be a changed city and Call Gerald Wells none for the worse. I The colored citizens Of this EA 6499 aft 5 p M. fine city do not believe that there er • are crooked radal deals linked with our local USO setup. It is more evident that the local powers-that-be are nonco– op erative in attempting to ·break Dr. F. B. Cooper DENTIST Office: EI. SM'7; Res. Ea. 8888 Hours: 9 to 1 and 2 to 5 Snlte 862-3 Empire Bnlldlnr Second and Madlllon Private Loans $25 to $500 to clean up all tbolle &mloylnl' past-doe bOis and to finance your per~~onal needs. No Publicity-No Delay StricUy Confidential A. D. Anderson and Co. Under State Regulation 200 McDowall BldlL 18Sl Srd Oppolllte Poet Offtee t l~OD's 35,: Extra 1 • JOIN THE CROWDS DANCING Tonight and Every Night Two Big Floor Shows SONNY BOY Featuring his Chair Act '1.'\VO NEW ACTS EVERY WEEK FROJ\1 SHOW BOAT AND JOHN Q. PUBLIC RIZAL CLUB 605% KING ST. Reservations-EL. 9149 I 1315 Yesler Way Not Too Late to Buy Bonds ~=-=-=:..=-_=--=~=-==~=-=-~-======~ SEATTLE CHURCHES lo'iJ·st A. !II. E. (:l!mr<"l• 13<'1\veen Pike and Pill<', 1-lth Ave. D1·. L. Jl. llnycs, l'ustor Sunday school. 9:45. Preaching t1 and 8; Chnstian Endeavor, 7 p, m.; J\1idw!'l; k praye1· Mervice. IVedne,;day, ~ o'click. l\Iount Zion nupust 1634 l~Lh Avclue PRospect 0444 Rev. Benj. Davis, Pastor Sunday school, 9:45. Preaching 11 and 8; Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m.; Midweek prayer service, Wednesday, 8 o'c11ck. Grace l'resbyterlan Church Rev. John U. Jlart·ls, Pastor Sunday School Is held at 9: 4 1> >L ru.; 11 a.m. ;\foru!ng \Vor3hip; 6 p.m. Y-.n.n~ Peop e; 7·~0 p.m. H~vening 'Vor.~h~.>. ~'ull Gospel Pentecostal Temple 16th & E. }1'ir fllshop J~. F'. 1\forris, l'astOJ' Sunday School 10 a. m. Moru– w:orshlp 11 a. m., Bible Class 7 P. m. Evening service 8 p. m. Evan– !ielistic services TUP3day 8 p . m .. Elder and Sisler F. J. Adams in charge. Thursdays 8 p, m., Elder anrl Sister J. H. Young In charge. You are invite>d to attend these services a hearty welcome awaits von. l'eople"s Institutional Baptist Church 120 21st Avenue Pastor IWv. F. \V, Penick, D. n 2o02 20th Avenue South Church Phone l'Uos. 1·700 IWsidence, PJWs. 4131 Sunday School 9:4 5 a. m. Morning Worship 11:0 0 a. m. Evening Worship 8:00 p. m. 1\lld·W'eek Prayer Service, Wed· nesday evening 8:00 o'clock. Woman's Aux. Meei.tng every 1st and 3rd Wednesday afternoon 2:30. Mis3lonary Day, 3rd Sunday afternoon 3 o'clock. The public Is lrtvlted to all ser– vices. EhenPzer A.l\I.F.. Zwm Church 23rd and E. Olive St .. Rev. Frederick Blythewood, Pastor 9: 4 5 a. m.--Sunday School. 11:00 a. m.-Sermon. 4:00 p, m.-Vesper Hour. 8:00 P. m.-Sermon. Wednesday, 8:00 p. m.- Pra.yer service. HONEST GROCERY 1235 Jackson St. CAp. 9897 Has a Complete Line of Finest - Staple Groceries Fresh Fish Fresh Chickens Fresh Fruits Beer Mixers VISIT OUR STORE INSPECT OUR STOCK Norman A. West, Proprietor THE ATLAS CAFE Phone EL. 9101 414 Maynard OUR SPECIALS -- Chops, Steaks, Chicken and Turkey Dinners -- Waffles BAR-B-Q SPECIALISTS HOSPITALITY - DISTINCTIVE ATMOSPHERE THERESA ADAIR Props. LONNIE HOLIDAY All special <k'live~·y IPttet·s Ielte•·s should be st•nt t{) 66:! ~·z Ja.d{SOn St., :lone 4, and nut to E'ostoffice box. SE. 9408 519 Jackson STAR POOL HALL WM. HA.MlLTON ~1. BlfiLEY Proprietors ! • l Card Tahles Cigars, Cigarettes, Soft Drinks, Candy. F.tc . • • Register and Vote • • BUY BONDS For Freedom's Sake 'I ' -' It Is Good to OWN YOUR HOME SUBURBAN HOl\IESI'l'ES HAJ,F-HOIJHLY BUS SERVICE VIR\\' Ofo' IiENT VALLEY \\'ill Rui](l Unit House at Low Cost Bargain of the Week l•'INF. modern bungalow, East l\ladison J)istrlct, ljjlJ,OOO. - '.l 1 ernts. • EAST HILL REALTY HAROI.D lJOLTl''lELD, Bl'Okel' l']A 4407 330 23••tl Ave. No. Hours 10 to 5