
._,~~.--~....- ~ -...-~-~ ~_.,.~~~~------ --~--~---~-...- _~~---- 6 THE ENl'fERPRISE, SEATTLE, WASH. Friday, _January 20, 1928 ------------------~ Deacon il~xe3 His The Stars Where They Are .. lCarter and Hawks Among The Boxers More Than 2,000 \ POOL- CARDS SOFT DRJNI~S • TOBACCOS VISIT THE Afro•Amm·ican Club 95 Ycdcr Wuy MAin 8S32: W ?N.Y Out of Chtn·cb Will Feature Next Tuesday Fight Card ·Lom••' '•'m•• Loo•• Horsemen in Picture I OALA $100 Loan $1.50 Month · \Ve loan most money on Dia– monds, Vv at c he s, Jewelry, Clothing and everything of value. EL:iiiRA, N. Y., J:o:·!l. 17.-George Vlilliamf, local boxer, has been si– enceu as a deacon in the A. l\1. E. Zion Chm·ch in this district, it was lc:trned here. This adion was taken 1t a conference in Elmira, <,·t which Elder Jolmson of Itha~a presided as 1 r2sult of the preacher-pugilist's ap– pe::rancn in the ring at local shows. ·williams, known throughout cen– tral western New York several yean ugo as "Cyclone" "Williams, returned BROOKLYN, N. Y.-T om mY A great number of marvelous Lown, white, national 147-pound horsemen than probably ever before ZAlDEE JACKSO~, formerly pri- What is expected to be the battle champion, took the decision from we1·e gathered tc-(5ether to appear i:1 ma do,nna with the "Rang i'ang" of the year will be foug·ht next Tues- Lemuel Salm?n, of the SaleJ;; Cres- a single motion picture, are promi– company, has arrived in I'aris for an day nio·ht when "Wilclc"t" Carter and cent A. C., m the feature o-l'ound n.cnt figures in "Beau Geste," which indefinite stay. ~ Johnn~ Hawks will ela;h in the main i bout stage~ at t~~ ~~lumbus Council opens at the Gala Theatre, Sund'l·Y· J. ROSA1f0ND JOH)J'::;ON and 6-round bout of an all-star fio·ht card 1 K. C. bc,xmg exhtbttlon. The riders are western comboys Ta:-:lcr _Gonion nre billed to give a I promoted by Nate Druxman ~mel Joe 'I and Indians who appear as Touaregs recttal m Kansas City, January 23. Waterman of the National Athletic qehrig [•,co;'d Fo';. Benny Hall. of thC' African Deserts in this th rill- BOYD SENTER, saxophonist and Club at Cry~tnl Pool. Hawks i3 the ~F.W YORh. qiT'Y .-Lou Gehng. ~:"' mystery story of the French For- clarinetist, has been booked for the only bar to Carter's legitimate claim white, Yankee first basema!', and .Jign L'?gion. According to Lieut. Locw houses, starting in St. Louis, as the featherweight champion of the "Unner-up to "Bustm Babe" m, hom- Louis Van den Ecker, fermer le~ion­ last week. Pacific Coc:·st. A year ago Hawks "rs, .<·PPf~red at the 22nd Regn!lent naire who served <:·s technical ';.<]vi– : No loan too large or too I "small. I to boxing recently under the name of Johnny Howard. In a statement \Villi:lms said he was compelled to :!ppear on the boxing programs to ob– tain money with which to complete A HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL RUN won a close decision over "Wildcat'' E'l.l!meers Armory, Tuesdav mght, >cr to Director Herbert Brenon, the of the fih~ "Uncle Tom's Cabin," is in a hectic battle in Tacoma. That ~ch~g as second for Benny Hal 1;. S_t. desert horseman, aithough famous exp~cte~ m London, the photonlay 1 was a year ago. Since that time T ?UlS b'mt&rn .. wh~ b<tttled :W :the for their skill in stirrups. cannot sur– havmg 1ts premiere at the Pavilion, 1 Carter lms vastly improved in every ~Connell, white, m Lhe semi-fmal pass the riders of the 'Vest. l,.is educ:ttion. with Lowe, himself in the prolog,·ue. way. He is faster, stronger and a CJght rounder. The Tcmaregs, noted as warriors, NUMBERED AMONG AMERICAN far better boxer than he was when wear long white robes and veils so, Bargains in Unrecleemt>d I Pledges WESTERN LO.'\.X OFFICE ~- 31:; Thiru Avenue \ / , ~~~~~A~b~e~G~r~oe~r.~ba~c.~·I~n~,~~~·~t:.~I~Jr~ie~to~r~~ 1 l I 'It nn';l~::::~~ No 1 ;'au~eville acts that played London I he lost to Hawks. Lo 1 ~al colored fight Jack Thomv•oTt Wins From Adams it was easv foe the western riders to m .t927, were: Noble Sissie, Three fans are stringing with Carter to win. LOS ANGELES.--Jack Thomps<','l, impersonate them. Eddtes, Rucker and Perrin, Joyner The winner of the bout will probab- Los Angeles _Ne~ro welterw.eight, After the interio1· scenes of "Bea.u and Foster, The Utica Singers, Rus- ly get a match with Bud Taylor, ban- ocored a terhmcal knockout VJctory Geste" had been m,ade at the Para– sell and Vivian, Rosamond Johnson 1 tamweight champion who is reported oyer _Johr:.,ny Ad<:.ms, San Bernar- mount studio in Hollywoo:l, Brenon and The Hn·rmony Kings. coming to the coast. Taylor has 1 dmo, m the fourth round of a sclled-~ established a camp of 2000 men for Ride in a 1\UNUTE CAB Service" Anywhere - Any Time New Cm•s - Low Rates 81\IALL C.~S 25c--35c--50c--75c LDIOUSINES 50~75c-$1.00 According to Zones Special Low Rates for Parties Weddings, Funerals Phone BEacon 0161 MINUTE CAB CO. I and 2, by Barbecue Bob and Laughing Charlie. I I "Laughin' and Cryin' Blues"– '"Chattanooga D lues," by Austin and Lee Allen. I ~ We Hn...-e 7 !~ny Others ' Name the Record Yon \VAnt Mail Ot•ders Filled-We Ship Ever~·wf>ere PACIFIC RECORD EXCHANGE THE DANCING CYCLONES are trc,•1ble making the bantamweight uled ten-round bout. <t three month stay c,n the Arizona I at the _Pantages Theatl·e, Ogden, U- an~ is se~~i~g honors in th.e feather- '"" --- Desert where the exterior episodes tah, thts week. we1ght divtsJon. The balance of the ~odfrey :>nd Ra.,me Meet Feb. 28 • were made. 1 . SUNSHINE! SAMMY and Bill (Bo- card for next Tuesday night is a LOS ANGELES, Jan. 19.- W::;d . Rona_ld Colm~n pbys the title role 1.1angles) Robmso,n were in J.os An- strong one and fight fans will wit- Wad_hams. lr1~al matchmaker, was m m Perctval Chrtstopher Wren's story. , gPles last week. Sammy at the Hill- ness one of the best cards ever staged rece1pt of a telegram toch:;r from Al The other featured players include street Theatre and Bojnngles at the at Crystal Pool. Druxman and Wat- '\![eyer, ma~ager of Paulmo Uzcu- Alice ,Joyce, Noah Beery, Mary Brian, Orpheum. crman !:·nnounce there will be no ad- dun, acceptmg February 28 as the Neil Hamilton, William Powell, Nol'· JOH~SON AND JOHNSON werl vant~e in prices for tickets. r]ate for the match between the man Trevor, Ralph Forbes and Vic- over mcely at the Riverside, New Basrme Woodchopper and Ge0rge t;c,r McLaglan. York, last week. s:mon I·n 'Ki~ng of Kt.ngs' Godfrey, Negro hcavywetght conten- ------ 1 THE , EXPOSITION JUBILEE 11 der. To Play \Vinter Ball in Fla. FOUR are at the Majestic, Harris- N Bf k S PITTSBURGFI "B ' I burg, Pa. o~· ac p aye De Mille Mende• Vlith Su!!gs and Company . - obby" :Vil- L NE"' DEDFORD l\' r· !iams, shortstop, "Lefty" Williams, · THE FOUR PEPPER SHAKERS ' vv . • >ass. - • unmy N. Y. ' ' By GEO. PERRY weight c~ntender fr,r sectional hon- ba~eman, were . scheduled to_ ~eav~ 700 PIRE STREET, Seattle I ure doing theirs at Foetor's Troy Mendes, sensational iight heavy- oitcher, and "Jap" Washington, first I CRADDOCK AND CHADNEY are "l"S, has ioined the boxing stable of here Wednesda·:v Wlth Joe Wtlhams ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ billed at the J\von, Watertown, N.Y. HOLLYWOOD, Calif., Exclusive, I Dave Lumiansky. who also manag-es 1 c~~w of Ho~c~tead_.G;·a~ players who ;;~-~. ----· .. I LEONARD HARPER has in his re- PCN_B)-Although the $2,000,000 >l-tc afbirs of "Chi_ck" Suggs, New 1 \.tll engag" m wm.er baseball at I vue at St?nll's Paradise, Atta Blake, Ce-cJl B. DeMille's pictorial story "ngl:md bantamweiQ;ht champ and :;P~aillrimnBiiieiiiaaciih!i,mFiiill;aiii. ii.iiiiiaiiN;iiiiiilliiiilij I 11\r."l ii 'S Jnzzbo Hilliard, Dewey Brown, Sher- of Christ, "The King of Kings," was Sonnv Suggs, promising; young light- IIi ULLJI.a man anrl White, Susie Wroten, Alto produced at a daily expense of $18 . weight. A h Oates. Bee Footes, Blolndina Stern 000, a gc,odly sum of which was e~- M.endes made l1iS .debut in the c A cu --- n. AIL I I uto Renair s op and· the Charles Johnson Orchestra·. pencled for Biblical research bv the ranks of the pros at the American &) D l"' DUKE ELLINGTON'S ORCHF.S- studio staff and nationally known "gion boxing show here last Aug- Cor. Hlth Ave. & E. James Expert Auto Repairin~ at Low Cost TRA, Ada Ward, Edith Wilson, Jim- Quthorities on Jewish history no ·t. nfter winning the Rhode Island nv Ferguson. Leonard Ruffin, Mac foundation could be found in hi~tory f·nd New England amateur titles. As I Alix, Berry Brothers, and Henri and to substantiate the legendary data an am&teur he is credited with 26 La Pel"! are appearing in the floor that Simon, the Cyenian, was a black knockouts out of 36 starts. show at the Cotton Club, New York. man, states Cecil B. DeMille in an· Flourney Miller and Aubrey L. swer to query by Curtis C. Ta.ylo;r No Job too big or small Kyles, "Rc:ng-Tang" is billed a:t the prominent attorney of Los Angel9s. Cort Theatre, Jamaica, L. I., New Mr. Taylor wanted to knov.r whe- Fred Douglass Wins P. A. L. Title 1 Cars called for and delivered Yc;rk, this week. The personnel has ther the assignment of the role to II OILS GA.S & ACCESSORIES been coMiderably cut and revamped. a white man, Sam DeGrasse "was I ' .- • Bill White, son of Clarence Carner- an oversight on your part or on the Furnished DAY or NIGHT Federal, State and City Bonds Written PHOl'<E ELiot 2807 Hamilton L. Greene 321 Ycsle1· '\Yny 22ml a nrl East 1\ladlsol\ Street Phone EAst 0821 ADULTS RIDDlES 15c lOc Saturtla}·, J::nnmry 21 ANNA Q. NILSON and HOLBROOK DLINN in "THE MASKED \VOMAN" News "Funny Ji'ace"-Come<ly "The :\of~·stery Pilot" Sun. and Mon., Jan. 22-23 RONALD COLMAN and MARY BRIAN in "BEAU GESTE" An amazing story of the ad– ventures of three brothers in 1he French Foreign Legion. News Fable "Newlyweds Quarautine,– Comedy ~l.'ucs. and \\"ed., Jan. 24-25 ANITA STEWART and JOHNNIE WALKER in "MORGANSON'S FINISH" The Revival Pictm·e-Buster 1\:eaton in "Tltt" Navigator" Comedy Thurs. aud I<ri., Jan. 20-27 CLIVE BROOK and EVELYN BRENT in "UNDERWORLD" AGENTS WANTED To sell the famous BLACK PATTI RECORDS. (Elect.riea]]y Recorded.) The best race record on the mar– ket. ·write today to The Chicago Record Co., Sheboygan, Wisconsin. 1223 Jackson Street Open Day and Night W. A. HOLMAN, Manager I I DELL BARKER on White, and Alston Burleigh, are part . of those responsible for it or ·L 564 12th .t\ve. said to he in the process of groom- •:as tt as is so often the case, a de· I --~ !3 890 l ~~fof~; ~~M~~\JJ~::{ b 0 ;L~~t~~\v~t I ~I~~rat:n at;:~~w~~leta~~hf~~,e~:~~~ re I = ::f±i::: ;:g ·:· =- == ==-11 ~~~~~~~~=~::-="~-~~~~ I ton's new organization propagating 1 tl\Yay from the black man and put it -------------------------------, plays of Negro Life. Both of these upon the shoulders of those who ustep Out Saturday Night'' CHICKEf~ AND DUMPLINGS 65e '! '·oung men were with "In Abraham's a·e not entitled to it? Bosom." "I am surprised that a producer of The Lafayette Theatre is present- your rank should allow such an in– ing· a high grade revue entitled "The !eXcusable error in historical facts in I R.o:yal Flush ~evue'' coupled with .:10 g'l:eat, a p~oduction as the 'King The Pan Amencan Four Capito,lian of Kmgs, wntes Taylor. I Orchestra. Gn·rland Howard, Martha DeMille's Reply NEW YORK.-Frederick Douglass .r mior High School retained the Pub– li,• School indoor track title fox n S<',:ond year when the youngsters an,assed a total of 38 points to de– feai; easily the horde of other junior hig·1 ~choc,ls from all corners of the cit3 lJefore 2,000 spectators Saturday at the 13th Regiment Armory. Eli– jah Clark, J1mior High, was the run– ner-up to Douglass registe1·ing 21 pomts. JOHN D.'S PARLOR 1209 Jackson St. DANCE Special for Sunday LINCOLN CAFE Copeland, .Julia Moody, Mae Brown, Replying, Mr. DeMille writes, "I Skeeter Winston, and Campbell and appreci[te very much your interest I Farrell. in writing me and in r~ply wish to Drake and Walker are presenting assure you that I am enhr<>ly in syrn. an entirely new musical comedy ca.!- pathy with the position you take as led "Just Too Bad," this week at the to the wc~·k of the Black Race in Lincoln Theatre. Ethel Walker, literature. Ladies' anrl Gents• Shoes Shined First-ClasR Service Courteous Treatment CA:'<."TTIES and TOBACCOES J. D. ARNOJ~D. Proprietor Telephone BEacon {)024 2105 East Madison Street Sambo Reid, and Henry Drake, to- "In the case of Simon, the Cyren- gethc;:- with Louis Dandridge at the ian, (The King of Kings) you state ~MW§IIMi piano with the jazz band. that the most careful student of his- American-Chinese Dishe!'l . tory knows that he was a black man, ------ hnt I cannot find any foundation for MEN this statement. There is much leg- Hilldale Giants \Vin ·~~---~·-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:· 1 Game by Shutout YOU'RE MiSSING A TREAT ] I LOS ANGELES, Calif., Jan. 16.- Vv'HEN YOU FAIL TO EAT The Hilldale Giants took a 2-0 game AT THE 1 from Joe Pin·ones All-Stars Sox ball ELI1 .,E C A 'lr.'t' 417 Ma;ynm·d A\•enue (Between I day afternoon at the White Sox ball ,fi£~ .LA Jackson :nul lUng) , park. The Gbnts made their score FA.:IIOUS FOR SOUTHKCN DISHES 'I in the sixth inning when Dixon got Clean, ·wholesome Food Servod Qulck at Popular Prices o. n base and Carr brought him in with TPlephone )fAin 0232--0pen Until :\lidnight a home run. Flournoy allowed All- EDDIE PAL11ER J. STEPI-IEJI-S Stat·s but four hits. 11 ~,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!_ A11 Stars ..........0 00 000 000-0 4 1 •• Hilldale ............000 002 000-2 6 1 Praul and Thomas; Flournoy and Mackey. When You Want a Real Home Cooked Meal Eat at the Pot Roast Grill Cafe Home Made Pies and Cakes a StJ~',~ialty 1216 Jackson Street A. 1\!oss--Props.-H. House f~ARYLAND CAFE Fonnerly Jones Chili Parlor 316 Twelfth Avenue South "All H01ne Cookhl;l: and Baking" DELICIOUS FOOD - EFFICIEXT SERVICE ATTRA<.,'TIVE SURROUl\"DH\GS l\IODERATF. PRICES - AFTER THEATRE SUPPERS ~ MERCHANTS' LUNCH, 35c-11 a. m. to 2 p. m. Phone BEacon 961.>-YOU'LL LIKE OUR SERVICE Mrs. C. F. Brown, Proprietor Golden West Hotel 418 Seventh Ave. So. Phone MAin 7782 Jacl{son Hotel 670 Jackson Street-MAin 3276 Steam Heat and Hot Water in Every Room. Modern - Quiet ~o- Homelike ......; Comfortable Everything good for Gentlemen and Ladies Rates, 50c Day and Up-$3.00 Per Week and Up Sped~ Rates to Railroad Men and Thet.•trical People \ I Highest Pl"ices Paid For JUNK Rags, Paper Bottles, Iron Anything You Don't Want NOLLY The Junk Man Phoue P1•ospeet 023S PAT JACKSON Reliable W o~d and Coal Dealer 1108 2i>th Av. PRQspect 1983 WOOD and COAL Any kind you want. Deliv– ered promptly at lowest mar– ket prices. PHONES: PRospect 1983, WEst 5152 JOE'S CAFE Where You Get the Best Meal in Town for zsc HERE ARE SO:\IE SPECL~LS 1 Spring Chi~ken, Smothered, Southern St:tle..........................35c Breast 1r ("aI, Bruised, 1Yitll Spaghetti ____________ ----------- -- - 2~c Irish Ste"lv '1Yitlt Egg tDUIJl.fJ- llng ............................................2:Sc Doile-tl Sllort U.ib !4 of Beef, SJJnuiHll --------------------------------------23c Roast Leg ,·eal with Jlaca- ron i ________ ..................----..........__.. 2:5c Porli: Satamge lli"lth Texa~ "l,.ams ------------------------------·-----------2:ic Kidn~y Saute, Creole, .,-,·ith RiC<' -·------···-------···-·--·--------··-------2:;c PigR Feet ,~·itll Linta Deuus..2:Sc Sugnr Corn and nacon, Soutlt- erJt -·------------·---·--------------·-·---------2:-ic 0Jnelet "\-Ti11a ShriJn}H4 and Onion -·-·····-------------------·--······-----2t)c Ser..-etl Alwa:n• '\"itb Hot Biscuits or Hot Corn Brencl Coffee, 'l'ea or ~Jill< Free 'Vith 1\Ienls JOE'S CAFE 302 JIIAIN ST. l'l1one :llAln ll:Wll endary data on the subject, but no · ""' fact, at least none has cc1me to my knowledge. It might be said to be a possibility, and had I had sufficient historical foundation I would have been very happy to have had the character of Simon played by a black man." Uses Colored Actors While no Negro mrwie star was given a prominent part in "King of Kings" twelve colored actors were used, among whom were: Floyd Shackleford, T. D. Smith, and Mack House, the Paeif~c Coast pugilist, all picked because of their wonderful ! physique. I { WOOD At Lowest Prices MAin 4323 12-in. Slab "'ood....... JjiG Cord 12-in. ).lUll \Vood ···-···$8 Cord 4.ft. Slab ..................$5 Cord CHANDLER FUEL CO. 2241 Marginal Way LOANS $25 to $500 ON FURNITURE - PIANOS CHATTELS EASY PAYME:ST PLAN Established in 1910 A. D. Andeuon 809 1\IcDowall BuildJng (Opposite Post Office) BOGLE'S BARBER SHOP E.l."Pert Barbers Sanitary Service Individual Towel! Free Check Room for Parcel~ and Small Baggage 413 Maynard Ave. Phone MAin 3304 W. R. BOGLE, Prop. f Two Doors from Elite Care 1Ve Sell and Guarantee _I _La·Em·Strait Hair Dressing Spend Your Spare Time at the Idle Hour Parlor Pool • Billiards • Cards Cigars • Ci!!,'arettes • Candies Soft Drinks "A Clean Resort for Men" Phone PRospect 045·! 2328-30 East Madison William Nelson and Belvin Williams, Props. ~~~~ "Service First" U. S. HOTEL Under New Management 100 B~autiful Rooms at Reasonable Rates Hot and Cold Water in Every Room-Steam Heat Special Services for Transients and Railroad J.llen 315 Maynard Ave. Phone MAin 5327 ROY OGAWA, Manager COAST HOTEL "The Hospitable Hotel" 504 Ninth Ave. So., at King St. Ideal location, just tour blocks of Depots and near the Shopping and Theatrical dis– trict. Modern Fire Proof Steam Heated Rooms Free Baths Superior Accommodations at Moderate Rates Phone MAin 6050 E. Bussen Smith, Proprietor SATURDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 21 AT l~inccln Cafe 2105 East Madison Street Formerly Kopper 1\:ettle J(afe GOOD MUSIC GOOD T!ME "Two Bits Puts You On the Be~;t Dance Floor in Seattle" COME ON YOU FAST STEPPERS -=iifi~Mri*f&;W iJII£fb4Wf4M¥*.., ¥?·•• @ F £WP Wow! A Barrel of Fun A Barrel of Fun Get Your Fill of Fun TUESDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 31 CABARET AND BIG REVUE AT Elks' Home VAUDEVILLE ENTERTAINMENT DANCING WAlTERS--EBONY STOMPERS RED HOT JAZZ BAND Never An Idle Moment 50c That's All Q*A %* a ''"M'&HE!