
Friday, January 20, 1928. THE ENTERPRISE, SEATTLE, WAm¥. 5 A Pleasure to Help You ~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rAONEY - - I\10NEY \Ve Have Plenty to Loan on Diamonds - Jewelry Low Rates Confidential Re~pectablc Place to B01•row "\Ye Buy Diamonds for c_ash MAKE WISHES COME TRUE I shall be ghd to advise and help yon nn thP free V.'ill offering plan, knowing that the healer gets more joy and blessing in helping than rloes the patient even. It is a PRIVILE:GE to SERVE. You have heard of the Little White Mother, America's Illustrious ~'-dviser-this is your chan~e to '\-trite 1ne freely, frankly and confidentially. Do KOT sencl n1oney or stn.mps; your in– quiry \Vill Le answered if you state nome of paper in which you read this n..nnouncen1ent. PAGE FOR WOMEN DRESSMAKING LADIES' COATS and DRESSES l\Iade to order. First claFs wo1·k at Reasonable Prices! MRS. S. H. MADISON, Suite 23, Dougla:5 J.pts., 114 24th Ave. N Pho11e 0849 Rosenthal Loan Co. 13113d Ave. Opp. P::tntnges Postofiice Drug Bargains Are Every Day Features \Vith Us Come Any Time and Save Gray's Pharmacy 2311 East Madison Street Phone PRospect 3471 ANDfRSON~ ..ttlY ; '\ ~1.~ SHOP ' "' I We Sell Quality Cutleq and !'having SuppUes Kcy I•'itting nud Sharpening Razor Blades Our Spectalty Anderson's Cutlery Shop 205 Yesler Way PIERSON'S BARBER SHOP AND BEAUTY PARLOR • "The Utmost in Service" ~EXPERT BAllBER~ Mrs. Charlotle Fletcher Mrs. G. Record Hairdressers l\Iiss Nellie \Vinsiow, i\Ianicurist Shop Clo~Ses 0:30 p. m. Saturdays, 0 Jl. m. GRACE GRAY DeLONG :!02~ Nortb·west 'I'}tir•l Avenue JIIIAlli, FLORIDA Madam DeLong is celebrating l1er 25th Jubilee Year in thi• ?,Teat ·work-you may have con– fid~nce in her teachings. SQUARE DEAL BARBER SHOP Superior Service for 1\ren, Women and Chlldren Ladies• Hair Bobbing Our Specialty 1731 22nd Ave:-EAst 0580 Wm. Jackson-Pt·ops.--c. C. \Yilson Prescriptions Carefully Compound~d Complete Line of Drugs and Toilet Articles MADISON DRUG CO. 2051 East Madisoa St. EAst 0791 Men's Suits Dry Cleaned and Pressed 75c \Then llroua;ht to Our Office and Called For Phone EAst 1000 (East One Thousand) Easy to Remember This Week's Tidbits Scalloped Ham And Potatoes Into a well buttered pan put slices of raw peeled potatoes and a little pepper. Then a layer of uncooked, sliced ham. Add another layer of potatoes anrl ham and pour on thin cream sauce ( 1 tablespoon flour, 1 tablespoon butter, to 1 cup milk) Sprinkle bread crumbs on top and bake in a moderi'.te oven until brown and potatoes are well done. Serve hot. Just enough ham can be used to c·ive the desired flavor, which hrrs the advantage of making a little ham go a long way. For pic:1ics this can be baked at home in a heavy tin dish 'Vith a cover and reheated over hot water on a camp-fh·e. New York Sahd 4 slices pineapple .lh cup celery 1 12 cup nuts chopped 2 oranges Cream mayonnaise Lettuce Arrange slices of pineapple on nests of lettuce leaves. Cut celerv in slender strips, one and one-half inche!l long·, and mix with nut meats. Pile in center of pineapple, and e:ar– nish with four sections of orange, free from membrane, laid symmet– rically on pineapple. Pass dressing separately. Chicken Tetrazinni 1 1 ,1 c. cooked shredded chicken %, c, cooked sh1·edded ham %, c. cooked spa:rhetti 1 small green pepper shredded ~~ red pimento 3 tbeps. butter 2 c. cream January Salads Cherry Salad:.. Chill thoroughly equal parts of stoned oxheart cher– ries, cut marshmallows and pecans. :\fix with whipped cream. Candle Salad: Place slice pine– apple on a lettuce leaf. Cut a small banana in. half crosswise. Set up– rig·ht on pineapple. Pour salad dres– sing spaiingly on banana to repre– sent wax, and bring red cheiTy on top for the flume. Stuffed Pear Salad: Fill a canned half-pear with well seasoned cottage ot· cream cheese. Place pear cut side down on lettuce leaves. Stick a whole clove in the stem and sprinkle with paprika to give the appearance of a ripening pear. Serve with whip– ped cream or other dressing. Banana Nut Cake % cupful butter or substitute 1 % cupfuls sug·ar 3 cupfuls prepared cake flour ·1 level teaspoonfuls baking pow- der 3 eo-n·s 1 cupf~l milk 1 teaspoonful vanilla Mix and sift dry ingredients three times. Cream shortening, add sugar gr::1dually; then beaten egg yolks. Beat hard until light and fluffy. Add milk and dry ingredients alternately, beating after each addition. Add va1~i!la and fold in stiffly-beaten egg wh1tes. Bake in two large or three sm:.dl layers in moderately hot oven ( 375 degrees F. about 30 minutes. Sweet Croquettes 3 egg yolks 1 cup stale cake crumbs ·1 tsp. salt ,'\4 cup chopped, blanched al- % tsp. paprika monds or shredded cocoanut 2 mushrooms chopped fine Grated rind lh lemon. Simmer slowly green pepper, ¥2 tablespoon lemon juice muGhrooms and butter in a covered ¥2 cup orange juice dish. Add ham, chicken and pap1·ika, 1 egg yolk and cook together 2 or 3 minutes. 1 egg white Add spaghetti, pimento, cream and Fine cake crumbs salt, boiling about '' minutes. Mix 1\Iix first four ingredients in sauce- yolks of eggs with 2 tables:;JOons of pan; add orange juice, to moisten, cream and stir into the mixture. and let stand ten minutes. Heat to Tal:o off fire at once. boiling point; remove from fire; add ---~.--.--- egg yolk, .and. cool. Shape as croq- ' Map!e Dehght ucttes; d1p m eg-g white beaten --- slightly, with one tablespo'on cold C:l20 J ·\CRSON STIU<JET Shop Phone-, MAin 7125 RcsideHco phone, EAst 6708 1 packag·e vanilla junket water; roll in sifted dry bread or _ I 1, pint milk cak~ crum~s, and fry in deep fat. ',z cup maple syrup S?rmkle w1th powde1ed sugar and '- .Dissolve the junket powder in the I serve with chocolat€ sauce. ' ~~ s!Jp:htly warmed milk, pour into des- "Buy Your Glasses On Our Easy Payment Plan" Eyes examined by experienced Optometri~t. Lenses d uvlicated and repair work done. Satisfaction guaranteed CHAS. J. SEXTON. lUgr. "Supremely Good"-- That's what you ana every member of you; family w111 say about the b.read, cakes and pastry that you make with BLEND B R A N D F L 0 U B for every purpose bread, cakes, p.astry H31 FOURTH AVENUE Ground Floor .Joshua Green Building W. Martius Music House Sheet Music-Musical Ins~ruments FOH. SALE FOR RENT ,.-------. I PIANOS I KRANICH & BAC.ti Gordon, Hensel 1009 First 1 ''e. MAin 9040 Seattle Established 1893 Never a Baking Failure with The New Gas Range I Instant Cooking Heat . . . auto– mali<' OY0n heat ... even heat at all timrs ... a dean and sanitary orc!l bc('(LWW of adequate V('nfila– t ion . . and Speed Dependability Economy These are some of the reasons \vhy this range is Superior to All Others See our display of beautiful and up-to-date gas ranges. An auto– matic as lo1Y as $65.00 and on easy terms. SEATTLE LIGHTING COMPANY 1308 4th Ave. (The Gas Co.) MAin 6767 Rainier Branch, 4911 Rainier Ave., RAinier 0044 se~t cups, let set unt~l firm, then l Tell your friends if they don't rh!II. Just before servmg place two look in The Enterprise every week tabl:espoons of maple syrup over they won.'t see all the news. Don't each dessert. saY paper-say The Enterprise. Everyday Etiquette Thing-s to avoid: Some women are peculiarly sensitive. Many a man has lost the interest of a girl he formerly attracted because in an unfortunate moment he appeared ridiculous or did something which offended her 1:'C– fincmcnt or her sense of the artistic. 1\Tany a g-irl has been frightfully em– baJTassed because the man with whom she was dininn: han-o·Jecl ove" the ~heck or painstakingly"'added it again and ag:~in. A glance at the hill should be sufficient for the averar-·e man to be able to tell whether cr n'~t it is correct, unless he happens to be entertaining a number of 11ersons. In such an instance it is often pos– sible to order and pay for the dinner in advance, even to tip the waiter beforehand, so that there may be no cmbarra~sing moments at the conclu– sion of the meal. Paying: in advance and tipping- the waiter are about the only ways a woman can conveniently and com– fortably entertain at a public rest:m– J·ant, especially if there happen , . be men in her party. Unless she can so arrange matters, she had better not attempt to be a hostess at a din– ner party in a 1·estaurant or tea room. In these days of dastic eti– quette women often do find it more con\"enient to entertain at a club a hotel or tea room. ' ·when men should pay: When a man invites a lady to accompany him to a theater, a ball game or anywhere else, he is responsible fbr all the ex– penses. If he should meet a friend, l~owever, he 1s not under the same obligations. He may pay her car fare of cout·se, but he is not expected to buy he1· raill'Dad ticket, if they should be boarding· the same train, or to pay for her Pullman chair or her luncheon. Neither should he be called upon to tip the porter. If the lady wishes to buy magazines, candy or othe<· trifles the man may offer to pay for them, but he must not press the point if she refuses. l\1otorjrlg:: Few men differentiate between a business drive and a pleas– ure drive. Driving in a crowd is a dangerous risk at its best, and if one finds it necessary to take a chance by disregarding the traffic laws, chivalry at least insists that a gen– tleman be considgrate of the women 2ccompanying him on the drive Endangering the lives of others by poor, stupid or reckless driving, pushing people out of place on the road in order to gain an advantage for oneself, shoving, even damaging, another's car by so doing, all seem so usual as to scarcely cause com– ment, and yet these are mighty poor examples of sportsmanship. Another imuossible trick of care– less motorists -is the roadside picnic. The paliicipants never even so much as ask if they may encroach upon an– other's property, but often, after the p:cnic is over, depart leaving un– pleasant reminders in the way. Telephoning: While "visiting" over the telephone many people are unmindful of a third party listening– in on what may be private informa– tion. Care should, therefore, be ta– ken not to discuss unpleasant sub– ject; in this manner. The art of talking over the tele– phone i ; a real art. If you have the DRESS YOUR HAIR LIKE THIS Use DeCriwntime Hair Dress– ing and you will find your hair becoming soft and silky, gleaming with lustrous beauty, easy to arrange in any style. If you have been using imi– tations, now try the original pomade- the one that has been growing in popularity for many years because it is most effective. If we Itave no agents in your city sPnd 60 cents and we will send you .DeCrisontime Hair Dressing. . AGENTS WANTED 'Ve want reliable womgn agents in every community. Our agents ma,lte good money. Liberal commission. ·write at once for terms. PRODUCTS CO. 2020 EMiT \\ .lR]) ~TREE'!' Household Hints To Renew Old Siiks Place old silks in a tub of cold wa– ter for one hour. Dip them up and do;wn frequent.Jy, but do not wring them. Hang them up to drip a-nd iron while they are still wet. Lavender Sachets Lavender sachets can be made by mixing 16 ounces lavender flowers, 4 ouncPs gum benzoin, 2 drams old lavender. When Polishing the Range Try wetting the stove polish with vineg~i·, strong tea, or turpentine. It will give a much brighter lustre and one that wili last CO!Ilsiderably long– er. CROOKED CURTAINS When curtajns are ready to laun– der measure them carefully, then after they are washed stretch them on the floor on a sheet and pin them to the sheet, using the measurements of the curtains before they are laundered. The second curtain can easily be pinned over the first one a,n.d they wil~ dry very quickly. If tms method ts used one is sure of having straight curtains. .Pv1odern Etiquette Q. What are two subjects that al– ways should be avoided in general convers&-tion? A. Religion and poJjtics. Q. .AJ:e napkin rings still used? A. No; they are out of date ex– cept in the nursery. Q. What rule governs the form Qf introduction? A. It should be cordial and simple but never careless or off-hand. ' Your Silk Hose The wearing of silk hose is not enough to make a le~ look attractive. There are several thin~s to consider. First the hose should be freshly washed after each wearing. This gives the trim look at the ankles and the freshness to the appearance. N ext t he back seam! H.ow few women have them st ra tght. The whole effect of an o,therwise splendid toilet is spoiled if the seam goes crazily twisting around the leg. Have care if you would look a hundred percent in your silk stock– ings. Meal Face Wash Winter time with its ever present clouds of dirt and smoke, play havoc with the complexi001. The soot wedges its wa.y into the pores and makes. ugly black pimples. Then too, the skm takes on that dirty ungroom– ed look of the great majority of pe– destrians. A cure fer this condition is found through the meal-wash. Use a good facial soap, "Sayman's" or your fav– oriw and mix the lather with the meal. This cleanses and the friction starts circulation and drives out the blackheads. Remember al– ways to finish the cleansing process by a quick iee rub. Having no ice, use coJd water. A Little Fun Try This for Amusement Here is a little problem to try when you are lonesome. It is more than orlcl and interesting. Set down these figures-! 2 3 4 5 6 7 9, leaving out eight. Choose one oi these fig– ures and multiply it by nine. Then 1Ylultiply 1234 56789 by the result. To your surprise the final result will be made up of nothing but the first figu re chose n. For example suppose you choo.se figure five. Multiplyin"' five _!Jy nin e gives 45. lVI::.t!tiplyin~ 123·4o6789 by 45 gives 555555555. And no matter which figure is chosen to begin with, the final result will always contain nine duplicates. least spark of talent you may culti– vate a pleasant, well-modulated voice and an accurate pronunciation so as to make yourself understood. Placing the mouth too near the mout~piece and talking in loud, ag– g-ressive tones are so trying on the listener's ear. Such things seldom convey the message you attempt to send. The listener is often forced to re– quest the individual talking to re– peat his sentences. Sometimes over and over again the request comes, until the person gives up in despair, falsely admitting that he under– stands. The speaker should be a few inches from the transmitter and the \·oice be at medium pitch. Speak slowly and distinctively always. The quality of some people's voices nat– urally ca;Iies better than others. Some can almost talk in a whisper over the telephone and can be heard distinctively. GILES DRUG CO. 12th Ave. and Jackson St. Prescriptions Correctly Filled Toilet Articles and Stationery "Courteous Treatment .Assured•• PHONE BEACON 2519 Quality Meats AT LOWEST PRICES All Meats Cut to Order Trade Here and Save Money Sanitary Meat Co. Stalls 5-7.8, Lower Floor Sanitary l\Iarket Helpful Hints M.rs. G. V. C.: The lime mo· th– wash is approved of by dentists. It is most inexpensive and may b" pre– pared at home from coarse, nnslaked lime-such as used by builders. G. L. B.-Fever blister, accompa– nied by hea1·tburn, indicate '\ disturb– ance in the digestiYe tract. You mu~t be rrtore careful in the selection of your food. Local treatment for the blisters is spirits of ca.,rtphor. Cor– rect your diet and be sure to get plenty of exercise and rest. H. L.-In reducing, fat meat is to be avoided. Fat meats are ham, bacon and roast pork. Beef, lamb and chic– ken are allowed. Eggs are fattening, also cheese. Drink your coffee black and take your tea with lemon in– stead of cream. You must stop eat– ing between meals. G. V. M.-When brushing the teeth it is well to brush the gums to stimu– late the flow of blood. Brushing the gums with salt is recommended ;vhen g-um disease is suspected. I.f your teeth are yellow, make a solution of a teaspoonful of peroxide in a glass of water and use it to b1·ush the teeth; it tends to bleach them. .__ f "PERRY BARKER" the PAPERHANGER • w Line of Paper Glad t. Sl:.ow Samples and Quute Prices Also Calcimining - Painting 2223 l•'uirview Al'enue Phone CApitol 2523 Beauty Prepar::t' ·ions and Hnir Goods ALL KI~DS If We Haven't What Yov. Want \Ye Will Get It Tutt & Robinson Drug Store Fine Sta.tionery, Manicure Sets Combs, B1·ushes, Vanity Cases, Perfumes and Toilet Articles "Your Own Drng Store" Phone I}Eacon 535!> 1200 Jackson Street at 12th Avenue B. M.- Go occasionally to a mani-1 curist for a treatment. There are ~~~~~=~~=::=~~==:~ some women who can keep their nails • beautiful with home tl·eatment, but they are the exceptions. j}fost o-f us require the help of the manicurist every now and then. W. S.-A catarrhal condition of the nose and throat will cause an of– fensive breath or enlarged tonsils, but the most frequent cause is a dis– order of the digestive tract. Tableb will cover up the condition only tEm– porarily, but you want to get at the root of the trouble and eliminate it. Kathleen V.: WhitPheads !ll'e ~mall cheesy deposits under the skin. The treatment is to soften the sk:n with hot towels, then open each blemish •.vith a sterilized needle and press out fhe contents. Wipe off with 1; c>.·oxide and gently mazsage with cold cream. Ethel M.: Ye:'", cold weather is hard on the hands. Keep a bottle of equal parts of camphor and glycerine handy and several times a day massag-e the hands with it. You will find it softens and whitens them. Are You Lonesome? 'Thousands of l on c 1 y men and v:omcn arc secldng lng males. :Many arc worth from $2.000 to $10,- 000. Join our club. Senii \ stamp i or partciulars. (\ 1 1"ln]·crs' c! u b. B 0 X !..3S, Se-attle, ,,.aHh. QUAKERS BAKERY FULL LINE of BAKERY GOODS Also Dining Room at Favorable Pnces lOB SECOND AVE. SO. Jooephine Beauty Shoppe 704 20th Ave. PRospect 2007 Facial and Scalp Treatments Hair DresP.ing Marcelling Hair Bobbing. Sh:1mpooing - Manicuring First Class Work at Reasonable Price Neatest Parlor in Seattlo Mrs. E. H. McCraven, Prop, Phone for Appointment • We Specialize in Good Bakery Goods B1•ead, Cakes, Pies, Cookies, Etc.-In Fact Everything in the Bakery Line Dutch Oven Bakery PUJU .. HJ MARKET 23rd and East 1\~~dison STRAIGHT BLACK HAIR YOURS IN 30 MINUTES MEN AND WOMEN No matter what the color of your hair l< now- or how many red o.r v..~hite strcnlH' it shO':VS·-no matter how klnltY it is-one UJ>plication of t h is n1arvelous new in– wmtlfln will g·ive you beautiful, 1c.s t r o us, straight bla dt hair. This prep:untion H! not a mere hnir dye, not mert·lY a ~i 1":1 ight– cner; it is a ~lwlblnccl hair straight– ener and h:1n· coJor r!•storer. MOO.HtHI STPw\.TE-DLACK is maCa fr9l4l natural herbs and V.?gPtahl:'! ,.vtJ·:tcts. one of whic.h ts 8peC"ially imi•ortetl from the Holy Land. It Is SAFE and SURE Absolntdy liurmless Does. Not Rnrn or Itch the Scalp Do not confu~e it with po!sonola liquid dycft 01' so-ca.llell uhenna" 11repr.ratlons. :IIOORlt;H S'l'nATE-RI,ACB:'S action is ins:antaneous, nlmost like magic. The first aJJplication prouuces re– sults. Your hal: becomes a beauti– ful, h:•trous jet black. And still more "~onderful. it smoothens out .. becoming straic;hter vtith each ...... lJ; plication. fREE For a limited time only, J will give awny F H. E 11! WITH EACH PURCHASE Ol!' i\!OORIRH STRATE-BLACK a sam– ple of my famous MOORISH 'VH l'l'E PO:'>IADE HAIR DB.F.<;SI~G (White Rose Odor) and also FREE" .~amp'e of my popular :\IOOHISH BH.!h· LIANTINE (Carnalltm Perfumed). Special Introductory Price, $1.50 :\!aile<! direct to you in plain envoi– ope. Money with order, $1.50; C. 0. D. $1. 75. Three ranN, $4; C. o. D., 14.:10 ~·:!!:· ~edller (Hair BNmty ~l'eelallst) oCo~ 2 W. 181st St., l'ie'v York • Better Values Than Ever 100 SUITS FOR.."UERLY $45 to $55 NOW $26 50 SUITS FOR.'\rERLY SOLD AS IDGH AS $55 Now $17~ 39th Semi-Annual Sale -AT- CHERRYS From our regular stock -A-1 Sults– j;"OOd models -good tailor– ing-good as– sortment 0 r sizes. Not just up– to-the-minute styles-but of best ma.– tcrinls. Your Credit [,. Good T1t!rty Boys' Sutts-lat& Sol& models-slzes 15 to JO. Price Some 'lvith two pa..nts. $15 l:lold $30 to $35. ll o y s• Overcoate- Sale Price Sold $16 75 to $25. $8.75 to $15 1\lncklnaws - Sweaters - RnlD– coots-Qdd Trousers 25')1, Offl Sold on Charge Account– your convenience our terms TAKE ELEVATOR TO CHERRYS 101:> SECOND A ''E. over Pic'n Whistle RIALTO BLDG,