Northwest Defender_1963-09-12
SWINGING CHECK MATES IN TOWN 'Back Tn .FREE INSPECTION~FREE ESTIMATE " Chuck Hemphill, OrganjV<:rcalist; Harvey Trees, Guitar; Bill Van Buskirk, Bass; Morv Smith, Drums; Bebop Stevens, Leader jVocali stjDancer jTrombone player. The Check-Mates who are appearing at Elmo's Club will be recording in L.A. in about 3 weeks. The sides to be released were written by Bob Stevens and Chuck Hemphi II and are "Searching For Love'' and "Glad For You." 'MR•.BUR' .P·RE;SEHTS PORTLAHD'S FIR:ST t Hamburger During 'Sepl. Daze' WE BROUGHT YOU THE 19c BURGER ••• AHD HOW W·E OFFER THE 12c ORE Tops in Oualily Is Our Mosl lmporlanl Service and one lasle will prove lhat there is no better burger in town • • • at the lowest price. -· HIGH COST 01' LIVING?? HOT HERE ••• . Feed a Family ol Five for Only , ..... : . . $ This Includes: • French Fries • Cof!ee or Drink School' Urged Portland U r b a n League passed out pamphlets this week urging youngsters to protect their future by going back to school and staying there. League officials said the pamphlets, cranked out on a mimeograph machine,· are part bf a campaign to end job– lessness caused by lack of ed· ucation . "Today as never before, schooling and education are essential to obtain and hold a place in the job market," the pamphlet tells readers. "Be- cause of increasing automa– tion-the use of self-operating machines-many common jobs are fast disappearing and soon .will no longer exist" . ·o RbfJF/N8-..f11JIN8 . RFA(OtJEI.llf/1 . • .,,-r . WE HAND~E THE ·coMPLETE JOB .· MATERIAL~ LABOR- FIUIICUIG . ~ - . ' . . . . <'r)NDIVti)'iD RESPO}iiSIBllllY" · WE 'DO 'WORK ANYW . .. . . 1'ES AT4-2175 Connors Construction Co. 5253 N. E. Sandy Blvd. LOOK WH:.AT · 36c WILL BUY • HAMBURGE:R • F'RERCH FRIE~S • DRJ:HK During Sepl. Daze al "The Bun" YOU Furnish lhe Appelile ••• WE'LL Furnish lhe ilualily Burgers LOOK AT THIS FAMILY MENU HAMBURGERS ........................ 124! CHEESEBURGERS ..................... 19 4! FRENCH FRIES ....................... 14¢ COKE, ORANGE, or RO.OT BEER ...... 104! DELUXE %-LB. BURGER ............. 55¢ COLOSSAL BURGER .................. 55¢ SEABURGER ........................... 4 9 ¢ ~ -IBE BUN 'N BURGER '_'TOPS IN QUALITY- LOW IN COST" PHONE: BU 5-2662
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