Northwest Defender_1964-11-05

$1 DELIVE.RS AN Y CAR IN STOCK!! WE WILL ARRANGE 100% FINANCING ON BALANCE NO PAYMENTS TIL JAN. ~ '57 Ford Sdn, R&H, stick ____ 195 § BOYS!! TO SELL THE '63 Ramb. Wgn, R&H, auto 1795 '60 Chrys 4 dr, full power __ 995 '61 Ramb 4 dr, R&H, auto ___ 495 '64 Dodge Htop, loaded ____ 2495 '56 Chev Wgn ___________ 145 '59 Rambler. R&H, stick _____ 295 '60 Pont Vent. Hlp, R&H, AT 1295 '56 Dodge Htop, R&H, AT, PS 145 '59 Plym Wgn, R&H, auto ____ 695 '59 Pont 2dr, R&H, AT, PS __ 695 '59 ·ford 2 dr, R&H, stick ___ 395 '58 Ford 4 dr, R&H, auto ____ 495 '57 Dodge !T Pk with canopy 795 P.., •cnet~ .. If• ole - 36 lila. NORTHWEST DEFENDER EVERY THUR. .-FRI.- SAT. IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD IT'S EASY IT'S FUN e EARN YOUR OWN SPENDING MONEY OPEN EVES & SUNDAY CALL AT2-4696 ROSE CITY DODGE Inc. OL~~-: EL~~~~~~CE HOMES NEEDED RALEIGH HILLS AN INVITATION TO ~ LUXURY If 5804 S\1{ BOU,NDARY . vou appreciate f~ner living this J~ Y~urdopportunitv to realize your lne reams. For only $18,500 1 cystomwbuilt 2 bedrm home with ~·ew. -W carpeting, covered 8 .. flo, guest cottage. All on v. ac~e WHO . w~~~s ~~~~uyF~A1 bedrm ~ sell– frpfc, d!n-rm, kitc1,:i.a~k £ 1 ~-rm, bedrm 10 basmt. 804 NE SHAJ'~~~ Open Sunday 2 to 4 6121 NE 16TH This one has 3 bedrms on lame ~ lt00x125. Hdwd firs, concrete V sm · Less $10,000 In price .F. Booker, Reaitor 1533 NE ALBERTA 288- 5535 Old-Age and Convalescent Home ROOM & BOARD Privately owned by Mrs. W. L. Langc;lon Phone - 282-0344 635 N. E. Going LEATHER COATSanc~ JACKETS Restyled, repaired or altered C'ULBERTSO'N'S LEATHERS 5 S.E. 171tt at Burnside 1.ZD6 Lloyd Ce•m KEYS Made for All .locks Outboard Ignition Keys · and Marine Locks Molt lxperle.,ced Locksmith In Pottlond WALNUT PARK LOCK&KEY 533 N.E. Killi•t•worth · . .o~"! .".~ to ·' _P:Ioil·. 2••-o~oo. PEN SUNDAY 10 A.M.· 3 P.M. .FORMICA Type Counter Top FULL 1 C SHEETS 'Aw Sq. Ft. TILE VINYL ASBESTOS TILE. 81/z' 1L INLAID liNOLEUM ntf 61f2c 1L SOliD YINYt TILE • • • 15 c a ACCOUSTICAL TILE •• • 1 c EA. CERAMIC ~1{4"~~·1/~" Wall Tile, Low os4' le. MOSAIC TILE, Low as •• 39'SMet ITAliAN GLASS. STIIP • • • 10' r.. AT 2·3275 Watch for big Defender's Fashion Show, Hilton Hotel, December 11. MEADOWS PONTIAC Saleabration! many 65 models available now _for immediate delivery plus • • • these new car trade-ins & special prices '64 Bonne Cpe ••••• ,. •• s69 '63 Bonne Convert ••••• S64 UH. aula, f>S. 18, I'W, buckots :t6 Mo. - R&H, Pl, PI, auto. Uf.t 36 No. '64 Bonne Vista ....... S64 ;63 Tempest 4dr •••••• s39 • R&H. a uta, PS. PB. $3075 36 Mo. R&H, aula. I 16U 26 Mo. '64 Bonne Cpe •...•••. s66 '62 Bonne Vista ••••••• s54 UH. auto. PS, Pl. $)195 36 Mo. R&H. auto, PS, P.B $2095 30 Mo. '64 Catalina 4Dr Sed •. s57 '62 Bonne Cpe ••..•••• s59 UH, auto, PS, Pl. 12750 36 Mo. R&H , auto, PS , PB. $2 195 lO Mo. '64 Catalina 4Dr HT •••• S64 '62 Mercury 2dr HT ·•••• s46 R&H, auto, PS, PI, Ventura 36 Mo. . V-8, R&H, auto, PS, PI, $17'5 30 Mo. '64 Grand Prix •••••••• s75 '62 Plym 2dr HT •••••• s42 R&H, auto, PS, Pl. $3595 36 Mo. Golden Com, UH, auto, PS, Pl. $1695 30 Mo. '64 Tempest G.T.O••• ~ •• 564 '62 Lemans Cpe ••••••• s39 R&H, 4 o~d. $2995 36 Mo. UH, auto. $1495 30 Mo, '64 Chev Imp. Cpe .... s57 '62 Cat 2 dr HT ••••••• s56 V-B, R&H, auto, PS, Pl. $2699 . 36 Mo. R&H, auto, . PS, PI, Ventura. $2295 30 Mo, '64 Valiant Convert ••• ·• s45 '62 Chevy II Convert SS • s39 R&H, au!<>, PS. $2·0, 36 Mo. , l&H, auto. $1495 30 Mo. '63 Chev BA 2 dr •••••• s40 '59 Starchief 2 dr •••• s39 V-1, R&H, auto, $1195 36 Mo. l&H , auto, PS, PB. $1195 24 Mo. '63 Chev Imp Cpe .•• · .. s49 '62 Karmann Ghia ••••• s30 V-1, R&H, auto, PS, Pl. $1895 36 M'o. R&H, 4 opd. $1295 30 Mo. '63 Bonne Vista •: ••••• s55 '62 Chev Imp 4 dr "T ••• S46 · RlH, auto, ~S. Pl. $2595 36 Mo. V-1, UH. aula, PS, Pl. $1ttt JO Mo. '63 Cat 2 dr HT ...... s52 '62 Impala 2dr HT •••• s49 R&H, auto, PS. PI,. . Ventura $2495. 36 Mo. Y·l, R&H, auto, PS, Pl. $1Ut lO Mo. '63 .Rambler 550 2 dr ... s39 '~1 Bonne Cpe ••••· .... s47 V-1, UH, OD. $1H5 36 Mo. R&H. auto. PS, Pl. $11tf · 30 Mo. '63 Grand Prix •...•.•• s 66 '61 -Impala Cpe •••••••• s39 UH. aura, PS, Pl. PW $2999 36 Ma. R&H, auto, PS, PI, $14tf 30 Mo. '63 Chev B.A. 4 dr Wgn s49 '61. Catalina 2 dr HT •••• $42 V-8, R&H. auto, PS. PB. $2199 36 Mo. R&H, auto, PS, PB. $1599 30 Mo. '63 Plym..Fury 2 dr HT • s39 '61 Ford Fin 4 dr ... : •• s32 V-8. UH, auto, PS, PI, $16, 36 Mo. R&H. aula. $1195 30 Mo. '63t fordGal5002drHJSS1 '60 Pontiac Wagon .... s48 lllH, auto, PS, Pl. $229t 36 Mo. R&H. auto, PS. Pl. $1495 24 Mo. '63 Lemans Cpe ....... s43 '60 Bonne Wagon •••••• s53 V-1, UH. auto. S"tf · 36 Mo. UH, oota, PS, Pl. $15" .Z4 ,Mo. '63 Tempest Wagon ...·• s39 ~60 Ford ·4 Dr ........ s30 V-1, RIH, aulc. $17n 46 Mo. UH, auto. $99t 24 Mo. Many More Trade-Ins . * All Models Available COMSOUDATION PUN PYMTS !lASED ON 'Ia DN. 3DAY TRIAL EXCHA1& .100% FIMANCIM6 AVAILABLE MOPAYMEMTS 11'65 DEFENDER I JriiLLER WOOD & COAL COMPANY Call AT2-4696 for Classified Furnace Oil - Coal Wood - Presto Logs Also Can Be Picked Up Credit Auto Sales Watch for big Defender's Fashion Show, Hilton Hotel, At The Yard AT 4-2361 4041 N.E. Union Avenue December 11. r-----~----------~·'-~---~ fOR A GOOD DEAL IN A GOOD CAR SEE JIM NELSON, MGR. fR££1 6 Transistor RADIOS wltll • reatal er ,.,.;lias• ot ''T'I (ity" RENT :EW TV FOR $4 00 PER Just • .MONTH Rent Appliances, Furnitu~. Coler TVs. Ycur Rental Will Apply on Yaur Purchose if Ycu. Decide to Buy Later. PHONE !88-5557 282-7705 3150 N.E. Union Tv CIT ·y 9 .A...l\1- lO~M i ---- .. ----------~---~- · ~· -·~ · ~~~~~~~~.~ Fields Chevytown The one best place on the map to buy your Chevrolet CONTINUES . . $ I I I CASH ALL YOU DO IS REGISTER. NO OBLIGATION. STOP IN. ASK FOR AN ENTRY BLANK AND SIGN UP. ANYONE WILL BE GLAD TO HELP YOU. ln~n~ediate Delivery 65 CHEVROLETS ALL MODELS-ALL COLORS-ALL BODY STYLES 1965 CORVAIR MONZA 2 DOOR HARDTOP $2487.90 ONLy $1887 90 Beautiful Glacier Gray with Black in· terior. Stock No. V-2062, Model I 0537 WITH YOUR CAR WORTH S600 IN TRADE AND YOUR PAYMENTS ONLY '64 OLDS DYNAMIC 81 4 DR H.T. Auto trans, power steering, power brakoo, radio a hoater. Stock No 2065A. '64 CHEYRLE MALIBU SUPER SPORT V-1, powor qllde"powor otoorln; rodio & hoator. Stock Na. I IOOA. ' '63 CHID II NOU SUPER SPORT Powo"91ide, radio a hoator. Stock No. 1641A. 2995 2695 1'795 42 months Including all finance charges '6Z VOLKSWAGEN Z DOOR Radio & hoator. Stock No. 14101 '61 PLYMOUTH SAVOY 4DR 6 cyl, std ohlfl, radio a hooter. Stock No. 1853A. '611' RAMBLER ClASSIC 4DOOR 6 cyl, lid ohift, radio I. hector. Stock No. 1296A 1295 895. 695 ...-• STATEMENT OF FACT: -----------– Strike or no strike Fields Chevytown Is-doinCJ business in the same manner _ th~ 1s con- tinufiiCJ to SELL ON~ VOLUME BASIS AND PASSING THE SAVINGS ON TO THE PUBLIC. Fields Che.vytown ,wants your business alld will do more to CJet lt. PROTECT AGAINST ANY PRICE INCREASE.' by placinCJ an QI'Cier now. or you may select from. a CJOod lnven• 1'0rJ of both '65 cmd remaining •64's. IUY NOW AND SAVE ••• BUSINESS .AS USUAL! Featurl119 oar Famous EASY-WAY FINANCE PLAN A - nchtslve liberal -nlolp """"'"' 1ttat •etn It possible for Fields Cloewolet to IICIJ yn t. H– Deolo tloat llfllerwiH -•lcl be l111poulblo. Use EoayoPa Flnoncleg Plao today. A ooouollolatlon plan •at reoll~ werb. • Lower "'-•lito • Hf9her Allo-ncea • Payml. Ext. Plao • AuUiary Flo1111clog • llloM-tr pymte. • Lower lot.·- • Fields Consolldotlae l'aymenta hchode oil """'- cloartn. 1/J ~~-. 42 _.... Bring us the deal P INT lATtX WALL PAINT •• c.!. 1 2 91 T .$J91 MEADOWS PONTIAC Open 7 days a week ·til 10 P.M. other deafen tumed down– '!'• wan~ that dealt SIIAKE PAIN ••••• W. ' GlOSS HOUSE PAINT •• w. 1 l 91 '149 IEOWOOO STAIN •••• w. WAUPAP S. ROll. • • • 7 9' P.EL # TH~~:y MART U.IIIW Y,AT GUU AVL OPEl MOll. fr Fll. 'TIL 9 SUNDAY ~g~='M 28th & HE SANDY- BE 5-4101 * 1800 SE 82ND- BE 5-4100 EVROLET 107 SE Grand MPANY BE 2·0181 The Home of Nothlq DoWit 'and up .to . 24 Mos. !0 pay .••.,.... ...r acal--. . WHY? BUY A YEAR OLD 1964? of any make or model WHEN you can ••• BUY A I BRAND NEW ~ I 1965 ' I I DODGE I For the same LOW I PRICE with Rose City Dodge's EX· I CLUSIVE Customer I assured payment plan. I 1 Assured payments I t for ana year make it Impossible to I I have a reposlsesslon, plus buildin; your credit. 2 PROTECTED E9· 1: a UITIES. After 1 year you will be able to trade for a new car I withaut a'!!dltional cash. I 3 ROSE CITY • DODGE arranl)• es and makes yaur fint I 0 payments on your new car contract NOTICE This Is I. I nat the balloon payment plan where you are mok· inl) payments on your new car for 4 to 5 yearls but a simple payment plan that 111 l)iYes a whale year I, to balance your bud· II ;at and get all those small bills paid up !I yet clrlve a new car. I I EXAMPLE I! '65 DART 2 dr sdn Ma"ufac.tar•r's Su99B1ted Retoll Price $2378.64 5 44 5 2 .. Mo WE ARE DEALING Rose City Dcdge proteeh, makes and arrangesh 10 payments of $80 eac on your 3l. month confrac.t. USED CAR I CLEARANCE . I PRICE PYMT I '59 Yolks ____ $595 $13.11 ll&H '59 PIJift Wag 695 15.30 J.&H, a•lo . '59 lamb Wgn 405 10.94 . J.&H , auto ji '59 Pont 2 dr 695 15.30 U:H, Af, PS '59 Chev Htop 795 17.50 I R&H , AT, PS '59 Stude Htop 495 10.94 I UH, otick I '58 Che~ Wgit 595 13.11 UH, otick '58 Olds 4 dr 495 10.94 J.&H, auto '57 Dodge Pkp 795 17.50 'h wltb cano~y '57 ford 4 dr 295 6.55 R&H, auto '57 Plym Z dr 295 6.55 UH, olick '57 TR3 Cnvt 495 13.11 UH , 4 spud '56 DeSolo 150 5.00\ '59 Ford 2 dr 39~ 8.75 UH 1 dick '59 Chev 2 dr 495 10.94 R.IH, , stick '58 Chev Convt 595 13.11 R&H, AT, PS '58 PIJift Htop 495 10.94 RaH, AT, PS '58 Dodge 4 dr 495 10.94 RaH, auto '58 Mere 4 dr 495 10.94 R&H. outo - VI down • 36 months OPEN EVE & SUN I ROSE ~ '.CITY · DODGEI~c. 4401 NE UNION I AT·2·3275 I I I I