Northwest Defender_1962-05-03

~-hursday, May 3. 1962 - Bang. Talkin Homer Derby Willie Mays .. ... . . Orlando Cepeda . 7 7 Mickey Mantle . . . . . 1 Roger M¥iS. . . . . . . 2 Classy, cocky and clever Cassius Clay, who, by hi~ own admission is the greatest thing going in boxing at the moment. However, he does concede that Louis the great Brown Bomber, was the best of his day. ' Clay takes up his poet's pen to praise Joe. He writes.. "My tribute to the greatest by the greatest." By Cas• sius Marcellus Clay. "Everybody knew when he stopped in town. "Joe Louis was the. greatest man around. , "His fights only lasted a couple rounds. "He made his opponents look like clowns. "The people came to see a great 1ight. "But all Joe did was put out the lights. "Some got mad, some lost money. "But Joe was sweet as honey. "His left jab fired like pistons. "They wc;re even faster than Liston. "Sometimes we often sit and wonder " If the.t'e will ever be another Brown l3omber." Last season, a record-break– log 2,730 round trippers were belted out of Major League ball parks. Listed below are the lea~lng Negro home run hitters m each league. AMERICAN LEAGUE NO::l.THWEST DEFENDER CLASSIFIED BE:<•u::tul :.; b rm::. . hu ge L R. . t u ll D. R. . bid t nk. hcl\\' cl f)r s .. \\·-t u-\\' ca r – p e t. fli re pl acc . llil furn .. ienced ba·: k \'cl .. luYcly nei ahb o rh o od . i'\ E. 0\\;Cr must sell. Sacri f– ice at $10,500. -a- Clean 3 brms, on 1 flr .. ~ blk. from Woodlav.:n School, priced to sell at $6.000, $500 dn . on con– tract. ·-o- 4 big brms, 1 dn ., 3 up, large L. R., D. R. , klt, FCB, new furnace , Hum– bolt district, won't last long, $500 dn on contract. Others to choose from startin at 150.00 dn. To Buy or Bell Call J. J. Walker REALTOR e Real Estate e Insurance • Loans 4950 N .E. Union Ave. Portland 11, Oregon AT 8-6045 CLASSIFIED FOR RENT PAGE SIX ALBINA REAL ESTATE Phone 282-5571 FOR RENT 1 bdrm apt. furn . All util pa id. $50 mo. 4 rms lower, unfurnshed apt. cement basement and garden space $45. upper 2- rm furni shed apt. $35 . AT 1-3757. Sat., Sun. AT 2-6996 . 1 bdrm apt. unfurn . $48 per mo. North dist. furn $15.00 SPECIALS - Gas water Htr., )30. per mo. Gas Ref., Gas Range, Elect. Ref., --------– Elect. Range, New 9x12 Lino Rugs bdrm apt. Nice NE dist. $5.00, Heavy Cardboard 4x8 .50 ea. 3eautiful electric heat, Dinning Table, 4 chairs $12.50, ~ lectric range, $70 per mo. Chest DraWers $8.50, New Barb- \ sk for Mr. Scott. ecue w/elec. mtr. Reg. $19.95 only · $12.50 Beds $4.50, and Springs $8.50 FOR SALE Beds $4.50, and Springs $5.00, mat- Drive b 5712 NE 29th 2. ress $8.50. Y . · "GI" WES SELLS FOR LESS ::lean bdrms , all mam fl oor, AT 7-.3970 3913 N. Mississippi new gas furnace in full _ basement. $7500. Ask for Rentals Batchelor, furn. $50 mo. 1 brm. furn. $60 mo. 2 brms; furn . $70 mo. D. C. WILLIAMS & Co. Real Estate 3703 N. Williams AT 8-5806 FOR SALE 2 Bedroom House $9,500- $300 Dn. FHA 4320 N. E. Cleveland 4 Bedrooms - $7,950 $500 Dn. - $75 per mo. 4616 N. E. Cleveland To BUY - TRADE or SELL HARTLEY Mr. Scott. FOR SALE $8700 - $800 DOWN 3 bdrm house plus 1 nice bdrm in basement, new, roof, oil furnace, 2-car gar– age, 3828 NE 13th. ALBINA REAL ESTATE 282-5571 FOR SALE 4 Bedroom House 4056 N. Albina Clean Through Out New Gas Furnace Full Cement Basement Small Down Payment On Approved Credit Apt. For Rent 3725 N.E. Mallory Led by willie Mays and Ernie Banks, Negro home run hitters con tinue to move higher in the list of life-time home run hitters. Baseball 's No. 1 Home Run hitter of all time, The Great Babe Ruth is, of course , tops with 714, a re– cord whi ch seems almost beyond r each . But , remem– bering tha t this select group goes back to t he beginnings of baseball, Negr o batters ha:; accomplished amazing feats. WAGNER, LEON (Angels) 28 ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill====~· SMITH, AL (W-Sox) 28 Federated Investors Real Estate Ray ~allicoH KIRKLAND, WILLIE (Indians) ll Corpor ation HOWARD, ELSTON (Yankees) 21 l>everal fine indltstria1 NATIONAL LEAGUE sites wanted Investment properties· CEPEDA, ORLANDO (Giants) 46 bought -- also MAYS, WILLIE (Gionts) ~~ contracts - mortgages ROBINSON, FRANK (Reds) ) 34 notes AARON, HANK (Broves BANKS, ERNIE (Cubs) 29 We invite your inquiries ALTMAN, GEORGE (Cubs) 27 =:all Federated Investors WILLIAMS, BILLY (Cubs) , 25 Corp. CLEM!:NTE, ROBERTO {Pirates, 23 AT 2-5572- WHITE, BILL - _:__ (Cards) ~ - ---- Joe Hawkins LIFETlM·E-HO'Mi: RUN LIST YOUR COUNTY ASSESSOR DEMO_j:RAT Keep His Experience Working For You! R~ f lee! Joe Howk1 ns lor Au euor Commd tee . (I,R Alterman, Cho .rmon 432 Governor 8uddong, Porrlond 4, Oregon 1. 16. 20. 30. 31. 37. 53. Babe Ruth Willie Moys Ernie Banks Larry Doby Hank Aoron Roy Campanella Frank Robinson " EVEHY RACE A DUINELLA RACE" .... f'~~ L ·012 pr~rkinh. R a ~i r.g everY M~;,, ;.:df, \',', ; · · ··" · .. f r l· d ay and Saturday t :.: ,-' ,- ! .Ju ne 9th . Phone BU 5-91 44 714 319 '298 253 253 242 202 ELECT VAN HOOMISSEN DEMOCRAT DISTRICT AHORNEY G Qualaified, able and honest e Endorsed b!f AFL-CIO • Approved by Multnomah County Democratic Ceniral CommHtee • Fair treatment for all \ ":m H nilmi~cn for D.A. l'<,mmi11l'l'. -t:!O (;.J,·ern<> r Bldg .. Plll'ti<~a·~d -t . Ore. 18 N. Going Street 'AT 27283 AL 5-2177 or AT 4-9402 I SCARBOROUGH'S SERVICE TIME HEATING OIL WE HONOR INTERNATIONAL CREDIT CARDS 'PRES-TO-LOGS-WOOD-COAL-STOVE OIL 1 PICK-UP & SAVE -WE DELIVER ! 102 N.E. RUSSELL AT 2 -4920 . ~ ELECT .. . Oliver E. Smith STATE REPRESENTATIVE North District DEMOCRA T EFFICIENT :: HONEST :: EXPERIENCED INTELLIGENT PUBLIC SERVICE PAID CURRENT RAJE ON ALL SAVINGS • t1mes a year! Savings insured to $10,000 by Federal Savings and Loan Ins. Corp . WILLAMETTE s~~~~T~o:m Home Office MILWAUKIE I Branch Office WALNUT PARK