Northwest Defender_1962-05-03
l'hW"sday, .May 3, 1962 a point to remember •• HAVE THE NORTHWEST DEFENDER The Northwest's Greatest Negro Newspaper Delivered to Your Home bet..Week -~~ BY MAIL • . ~~------.~ . ) ~ i . ~ . i; i I l t MORE ...:... Society, Sports, National and Local News • - • MORE Pictures of Interest to YOU than any Other Newspaper CLIP AND MAIL SUISC~IPnON BLANK P .O. Box 1874, Portland 12, Oregon t _1. i Year $2.75 0 Six Months $1.50 0 ·Cliitk On of Above ..., Mall Check or THkotf&K)!IAIL ONLY 'NAMI -----,·····'-·--------·····'···········-······-··········---··· ADDRESS ................................:..._ ••- .... ····•·····················- CITY ...................... · ...•.... STATE ....,....... Portland NAkCP Branch Strongly Urge You To Do SELECTIVE BUYING DO NOT BUY AT FRED MEYERSTORES NOT EVEN IN CASE OF EMERGENCY USE ANY OTHER STORE YOU CHOOSE (Preferably one who hires on merit not race) SUPPORT YOUR OGANIZATION STAY OUT OF FRED MEYERS Show Your Loyalty- Renew Your Membership Now! What's a Hoot_inann y Well. probably, no one knows . or it's w ha te\'er ~·ou want it to be. \Vhatever it is. we don't haYe them at MeadO\VS Pontiac. We don't haYe hootinannies. gizmos. thing-um-a-jigs. or anv of those mubo-jumbo thiogs \'O~ hear about . At Meadows Pontiac . . \\·e \\·ant YOU to be able to know for sure that ~-ou're getting the lowest price. the highest tr.ade-in. the finest service. and the la1 gest selection \'v·hen vou buv your ne\v Pun! iac: <• r T 0mpest. NORTHWEST DEFENDER PAGE FIVE Sanitary Local News from Knott St. C.C. Hears CandidatE-----by-P-at _w_ood _ _ ___ Multnomah County tax– payers are paying "fu ll– time taxes" but getting only "part-time law en– forcement" from the Dis– trict Attorney's office, ac– cording to State Represent– ative George Van Hoomis– sen, Democratic candidate for District Attorney. Speakng before members of Sanitary Truck Drivers Local 220 this week, Van Hoomisen told his audience that their present District Attorney has unexcusably refused to enforce laws de– signed to protect the public from habitual criminals. "Many of these individ– uals have commtted sever– al serious felonies within a few years, and still t_1:le District Attorney refuses to vse the full weight of the law against them." Van Hoomisen said that, if elected, he would "carry his share of the workload of the office." "To the best of my knowledge, the pre– sent Distri.ct Attorney has not tried a case since he has teen in office," Van Hoomissen said. Van Hoomissen noted the increase in sex crimes and other assaults and rob– beries in the county during recent months and pledged to "wage a vigorous and aggressive campaign . a– gainst aU forms of cnme but to give emphasis to crimes against persons and children." SchoolCommittee Draws Protest Chicago - Strong protest was raised by the NAACP here this week over ex– clusion of competent and qualified Negroes from the Mayor 's Advrsory Commis– sion on s.chool board nom– inations. An all-white body of six was selected as Negro Chi– cagoans, nominated by a n u mber of community groups, were ignored. These charges were made at the local NAACP's mem– bership meeting which also witnessed an appeal to Mayor Richard Daley to ignore recommendations of this commission. De facto school segrega– tion strife has torn this city in recent months. The NAACP has charged dis– criminatory policies in re– assigning students from O\'ercrowded. predominant– ly Neg ro Burnside eleme n– tan· school. CHRYSLER CITY e Chrysler e Pl ymouth e Valients A.\'D CSED CA RS TOO :\ T2-3275 4401 N .E. Umon Avenue On April 16, the Knott Street Comtttunity Center received an invitation for its boxng teah'l to attend the Victoria, B.C. Northwest Golden Glove Championships, which will be held on Friday, May 11 during the City of Victoria's Centennial Celebration. So far the boys from Knott Street who wish to compete are: Maynard Gaul, 139 lbs. , Jodie Harris, 147 lbs., Johnny Howard, 156 lbs., Ed Milberger, 165 lbs. ESBC, and Jim Phillips, heavyweight. These boys have started their training for the trip and they will compete against the champions from the Canadian Golden Gloves Championships that are now being held this week at Vancouver, B.C. * * * Wednesday, April 25, the Portland Bureau of Parks and P ublic Recreation sponsored a Peanut Rolling Con– test. Knott Street held its contest at Albina Park and 21 kids joined in the fun. The contest was thought up to bring in money for Belle, the elephant, and her off– spring, packy. Donating to the fund so the children could enter the contest were: Williams Auto Sales, 3225 NE Union, Lew's Man Shop, 113 N. Russell, and the Wed– nesday and Thursday Golden Age Dance Clubs at the Center. We would like to thank these fine people _for their donations. Winners of the contest were: boys, 6 to 10 years, Sam Howard; girls, 6 to 10 years, Lular Littleton; boys, 11 t o 14 year, Henry Mott; and girls, 11 to 14 years, Lois Bentley. On Saturday, June 2, at 1:00 p.m. at Grant Park field, NE 33rd and Thomson, Portland will hold its ~nnua! J unior Olympic trials aJ 1 d the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners will enter the Oregon Junior Olympics which will be held the following Saturday at Grant at 1.00' p.m. also. These outstanding track and field events a re sponsor ed by the Portland Burea of Public Recreation The Knott Street Community Center will en ter a team in these Junior Olympic meets so if ther e is any boy or girl between the ages of 10 and 17 mterested in becom– ing a member of the team please come over to the Center and sign up now. Our Knott Street team did real welf last year in both the City and State meets so let's try and do even better this year. },lorida NAACP End lo Job Bias Aids Negro Vote Pledged Tallahassee, Fla. - The Detroit - Charles Wil- ntumdbert of Negroes regis- ere o vote m F lorida Iiams, city treasurer, pro- h mised the NAAC:l-' here this s ows an irwrease uf 1U,J29 week that there will be an over 1960 and now totals end to job discrination 182 • 456 • Florida's Secretary of Sta te r eported this w eek . practices within his de- Significant gains were partment. d · In a conference with the rna e 10 cities and counties where loca l units of the eity offic.ial, Edward M. Nationa l Association f'or· Turner and Arthur L. John- the Advancement of Color- son, branch president and d p 1 e eop e conducted regis- executive secretary, res- tration dnves. These 10 _ pectively, charged t h a t Negro employees have been cluae the cr tJes or 'l ampa JacKsonvrlle, 1Vllam 1, Ulhdt~ concentrated n four out of . uo ana vves t r'cU l!i .DC«cu mne unist in the city treas- and nnellas ana Lee ::ou 11 ~ urer's offi.ces. ues. •
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