Northwest Defender_1962-05-03

Thursday. May 3. 1962 WOMEN ABOUT TOWN JEANETTE WALKER, Society Editor The Oregon Eastern Star Preventional Grand Chap– ter will hold their first Annual Fellowship Tea, Mrs. Julia Mae Ganter is the- Grand Worthy Matron. The Tea wll be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde White, 2637 N.E. 11th, Sunday, May 6 from 2:00 till 6:00' p-.m. The· public is invited, silver offeri'ng. * * * The Les Femmes Social Club will hold their Annual May Tea, Sunday, May 6 at Knott Street Center from 3:00 till 5:00 p .m . The club will also celebrate their lOth anniversary. All past presidents and fOrmer debutantes will be honored. The public s invited. * * * F ifteen . of the Western Chapter of Links, Inc. hefd a two-day conference over the weekend at the Portland- NORTHWEST DEFENDER T he Northw est Defender will prese.nt a three-part disc ussion w ith Mr. Louis E. Scott, rental manager, Albina Real Estate. Mr. Scott. will enlighten the public concerning housing rentals. RENTAL .PROCURE By Louis E. Scott Rentals are an integral part of the business of hous– mg, both for family liv– ing and business purposes. The renter buys spa,ce on a temporary basis, the rent– al he pays is his second most important expendi– ture-food costs being the most important. Two-thirds of all families live in single family homes.. Duplexes Sheraton _Hotel. Discussion was highlights of their heri- and four-plexes house ap- tage and !heir respo-nsibilities according to the theme ' proximately _o~e-fourth of of their Convention, "Our Heritage: A Chalienge and all l!~S. famll~es, ~her~as Opportunity. " . the 1deal housm~ s1tll:atwn . -home ownersh1p- 1s en- P :esldent of the Los Angeles Chapter of Links, Mrs. joyed by an estimated 55 ~i; Cec1l B. Murrell, summarized the conclusions of the of total U.S. families. convention Sunday, at a reception attended by 200 mem- The renter purchases her s and guests. . c~·rtain space for a specified G t k . tlme, at a price agreed upon ues spea ers mcluded Dr George Vance Guy b th d h' 1.c • · , y e owner an 1mse ..,, fa culty member of Portland State College, Rev. Thomas He is not concerned about Jackson of Westminster PTesbyterian Church and Mrs. Capital Value Shrinkage, Mercedes Deia, lawyer and a member of the Portland property_ taxes, and other Links. r hidde!. or latent expenses. 1. 1. 1< Competitive housing con– ditions favor the renter, A tea will be given Sunday, May 6 in the home of Mrs. and f neighborhood condi- Clar~ Pckett, 2008 N. Williams Ave., in honor of Mrs. tions deteriorate, the flex– Gussle ~hompson, Democratic candidate for State Rep- ibility of his position per– r esentatJve, 6th District, County at Large, Multnomah mits him to shift to areas C of his choice. If he antic- ounty. Tea will be held from 1:00 till 6:00 p.m. ipates an upturn in the price of his unit, he can Carter lamed ToYouth Unit .-----------•• negociate a long-term lease; thereby benefiting, as does Washingt on - U. S. At– torney General Robert F . Kennedy thi s w eek ap– !.JOjnted NAACP General Cou nse l Robert L. Carter ?. non-sa laried special ad– v isor on metropolitan prob– lems of youth, working with the President's Com– m ittee on Juvenile Delin– quency and Youth Crime. Trouble Paying Bills?? Get Professional Help- Debt Reducers, Inc. Turn your bills over to us and stop worrying. ·- FrPe PRrking Bonded & State Licensed 1924 NE.. Broadway . AT 2-7267 Keys Presented to Winner Mr. Hobbs hands over keys to R. H. Clunaf. last months winner of 1962 Chevrolet Corvair. as Ron Gehring looks on. Hobbs Richfield Service Station is located at NE Union and Ivy Streets. Each and every time you go intd Hcbb;:; Service Station. you not only get tickets that might win you a 1962 Chey Corvair. but friendly and ccurtecus service, whether its a tank full or a gallon. So r emember for service that can't be beat and a chanc~ fo· win a new car. It's Hobbs Richfield Service Station.. the ow:ner when he buys on "low market." Continued Next Week VOTE FOR GIL MEYER for County Commissioner OWNER - OPERATOR FOR !5 YEARS OF · Gil's Towing Service NE Halsey - Wood Village MO 5-3864 or MO 5-5842 Troutdale. Oregon Now Serving a Second Term as Councilman of Wood Village. MEMBER OF Oregon Gasoline Dea le rs Association North \\·est Auto Wreckers Associ a tion Na ti on a l Federation of In– dependent Bus iness E lk:" Club Luthe ra n Church Alsc· has a \'.'ithd•·a \\'1 Card from the Boilcrma k ei·s Unwn PAGE FOUR Chat- a- Bit 'BOUT POR'ILAND PEOPLE 'N PLACES I by Two Friends Happy May Day to you and you~s .. . if the weather had been in keeping with the month, each of you would have found "May-Day" baskets, laden wit.h sweet scented flowers at your door ... With the soft strains of music which surrounds me . . . I can think of lots to chat about . .. Our Portland Links did themselves proud by entertaining visitng Links from out of town ... In the spacious setting of the fabulous ball room of the Shera– ton Hotel, Sunday evening, we enjoyed the reception given in their honor. Jessie Mae Johnson, who probably has the "new set of feet" by now, did an excellent job on arrangements . .. Other Links seen during the even– ing, Katherine Bogle, acting as photographer, June Brown, Bernadette Plummer, Marjorie Williams, Anita Brown (good job em-ceeing, too.) and the charming law– yer, Mercedes Diez . .. Of course we chatted much ... such a famous personality as Dr. Thelma Patten Law, who recently was presented orchids for hav ing deliveded over thousands of babies in Houston, Texas hospital~ .. . she loved our city and looked forward to a sight– seeing tour in the company of a former Yale clCJ ~s:rnate of her husband ... Mrs. Ellen Dickerson and fc:.m1l)' of Denver, Colo. motored here to the meeting . . . she's got her hands full with three lively, energetic boys ; .. they plan to return home via of California . .. Although the reception hour was filled with pleasant conversation and greetings, managed a "hello" to Mozell Williams, Lois Sayles, Ellen Law, Doris Davis, Ida McClendon, Lois Brummel, Olga Ann Tally, Father and Mrs. Stone, the John Holly's, Juanita Brown, Lonnetta Pulmmer, Evelyn Torrence, Beatrice Graves, Gladys Lewis and many others . , . did I hear mentioned a campaign to bring "National Religion" to the far-flung Northwest? . . . Well, it won't be long before Mesdames Lula Gragg and Jennie Holliday will be winding their way home from sunny California .. . Sula Williams is preparing a trip bacK: East ... Our sincere sympathy to Fannie Chatman on the loss of her father inShreveport, La. she of course attended the final rites .. . also to Rev. Richard Parker on the loss of his father in this city ... Arrangements for funeral services are pending "Dickey's" arrival ... The Dallas Renfro's (Jr.), blessed with the arrival of a husky boy . .. saw Uncle Mel's p~c in last week's paper . .. best of luck to this charming couple and their ne:w heir ... Delta's Jabberwock will bring to a close the little queen"s contest this Friday night . . . Tope theirs is a grand affair as always ... Politics, necessary, how– ever, is making an early approach . .. As the big date draws near, give some thought and study the record of candidates, then there'll be no complaint if the "wrong man" gets in office ... exercise your rights as !Citizens,. and VOTE . . . for good reading and humor, read the ne wissue of "Negro Digest" . .. The menu for a lunch– eon held recently honoring Dr. Martin Luther King , read: Non-violent Juice cocktail, Equality Chicken Salad with Passive Resistance Dressing and sliced tomatoes, Freedom Fighting Hot Buttered Rolis, Community Serv– ice Hot Coffice and Full Citizenship Apple Pie ... How about that? Till next week, goodby for now ... . ~'----------------------~ two great ways to SAVE MONEY OPEN SAVINGS 4 01o'"'""' /C utt A.P.O. SAVINGS 14 Offictl in Orogon •nd Was~i"glon Home Oft.ce . "orfland, Oregon S. E. 122nd & Divition • bstport Piau M.,.. .L.nd -Sell...,ood • Downtown You ~nPif u, Up, NOW KEEP US OPEN Bop City RECORDS LATEST • Rythym • Blues • Spirituals \.Vilson Slllith Blake Johnson AT. 4-9637 3213 N. Williams Two Toothbrushes Art Necessary The hin d 'l f 111nt h!JI''I'h ·' n11 u;; e 1s lnlpllrtant. Th~ t,n;; tlr·s ;; houl d br hii rrl ~ n rl oil tllr ~am c hci;.; hl fnr ~rttlll:; at ,dl th e tc r t h ca , Jiy. 1'1111 ,Jlllulrl fi ,\IJ 1.•.11 hr.I-hes ;,[ !r-,l.•t a Iori ;dtc l"ll.d l' li'!ll'.! :nr m '" th r: h.. 1e L1:11c l·> d r~ (Ill ~ .