Northwest Defender_1962-05-03

Thursday, Mav 3. 19G? - flatt.s ii}Uors~ip - -~} ·- ~~~ST. PAUL CHURCH of GOD in WILLIAMS TEMPLE CHRIST Rev. Earnest Rand Rev. J.C. Foster 241 N.E. Hancock 2Rt:Q N.E. Rodney - - - - - -- FIRST A.M.E. ZION METHO DIST. CHURCH Rev. T.X. Graham 2007 N. Williams Ave. ZION HILL Bishop W.L. McKinney 2816 N. Vancouver MT. CALVARY CHURCH of GOD in CHRIST GOOD SAMARITAN CHURCH Rev. H.B. Daniels OF GOD IN CHRIST 99th & S.E. Ash Rev. F.J. Crear 3204 N. Commercial BETHEL A.M.E. Rev. Harley Akers 5828 N.E. 3th MT. SINAI CHURCH OF GOD· IN CHRIST Eld. W. G. Hardy 936 N.E. Beech Street (lOth at Beech) IMMACLATE HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH ALLEN TEMPLE Rev. Othal H. Lakey 4236 N.E. 8th VANCOUVER AVE. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. 0 . . B. Williams 3138 N. Vancouver Ave. NORTHWEST DEFENDER Site Abandoned After Protest Gary, Ind. - The NAA– CP scored a victory here this week when the Board of Education decided not to proceed with plans to build a new high school in the midst of the all– Negro section of town. Negro citizens had op– posed the site on grounds that t did not ineet state standards and would re– ~).llt in de facto segregation. The Board will now seek another site. At the same time it de– cided that Negro students will no longer be trans– ferred from their over– ~rowded school to an un– der-utilized white schooL A public hearing is sched– uled for open dscussion of ~his move Musuc is the Iru'!diator be· · tween the spiritual and the S"n'na} life. ·.; -.,..- Beethowm i PAGE THREE For Friendly ... Efficient Service There is No Doubt ... When You Call VAN "The Chapel of Memories" AT 1-2836 5211 N. Williams Avl'nue Portland 11, OreROD .Marketing of diamonds, for· tnerly ' pernMtted by pl'iVate ffrnis in SietTa Leone has been taken over by the government of ·'that West African country. One of the first known Ne– ~o ·women law professors was . ::>r. Lutie A. Lytle, who was :m the faculty of Central Ten– ~essee College in Nashville L1 1898. MOVING TO NEW LOCATION TO ACCOMODATE CROWDS STARTING MAY 6th C...~~ St. Paul Church uf God in Christ !.JI~ . & "')V Rev. ]. C. Foster, Pastor 1/J..- bG \~,~~ Holle/ujoll! I'm Healed · ~r 11£411.1 THE LAME WALK ----~------------ -------~------~----~ BRING THE BLIND, DEAF. LAME, SICK BRACES - CRUTCHES CANES - WHEELCHAIRS AND GLASSES are many times discarded AFTER PRAYER A typical crowd atten ·:. ~ng A. L. Wyrick . •·iracle crusar:fe HEAR ••• A. L. WYRICK of Chicago ON RADIO KWJJ 1080 Sunday Night II fo 12 p.m. SIGNS! WONDERS! MIRACLES! Sister Lizzie Harris "Born with cross-eyes-now heal– ed as Brother Wyrick prayed for her. Now in Progress St. Paul Church of God in Christ- 2938 Northeast Rodney Avenue