Northwest Defender_1962-05-03
Thursday. May 3, 1962 ~OFT'IiWEST nEFENDER PAGE TWO NORTHWEST DEFENDER Lellers lo Edilor NAACP Seeks Housing Forum Held Last Fri. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY ATlantic 2-Q716 I. Michell Walker ........................-·······........................Publisher Jimmy "Bang-Bang Walker ........................--··......... ...Editor· Artie Wilson .......................... ............................Sports Editor Jeanette Walker ..................----. .......... __ .......Society Editoi Grady Black ........... ________ .... __ ... -- ...Circulation Manager_ Defender readers please note the Business. Manufac– urers, Professional Peoples, whose firm Ads appear in this Paper. We ask all our readers to patronize them. Please mention you saw it in The Defender. "Views 6Xpressed by DEFENDER columnists and con– , tributors do not necessarily reflect the policies of this I " I Newspaper. I Circulation By Mail - Newsboys - Businesses Please Forward All Mail/ Advertising To: P.O. Box 1874. Portland. Oregon In Care Of Northwest Defender I EDITORIAL Branches of the "National Association for :the Advancement of Colored People :throughout :the country have been called upon to s:te.p up :their drive against discrimnatory employment Pl'actices in their respective communities. Citing a recent resolution adopted by :the Association's Board of Directors. NAACP Exe.cutive Secretary Roy Wilkins :this week sent letters :to 1500 local NAACP units urging :them "to intensify their efforts :to break down discrimination in employment" and :to be pre– pa~ed to make a report on their activities by June 15. Mr. Wilkins' communication outlined the following s:teps for action by :the branches: I. Investigate the employment practices of local busi– nesses. retail establishme.n:ts. industries. breweries and other manufacturing concerns :to determine :their hiring Pl'actices. 2. Conduct a marketing survey to determine :the amount cf Negro busine:s enjoyed by these concerns. 3. Negotiate with :the owners and managers of local companies which discriminate against Negro workers. insistng that a representative number of non-whi_!e em– ployees be hired. Include :the representatives of organ– ized labor and the unions which have agreements with these companies in your negotiations. 4.Publicize your protest and state your n:tentions of withholding patronase if these concerns do not change their practices. Sad Sam .Jones, now of the De– troit Tigers, ha s tossed 17 shut– outs In his Major league career, more than any othe r active Negro pitcher. -Tones, who includes one no-hillel' among his gems, trails the American Le ague shutout king, Early Wynn who has thrown 46 runless games in a much longer career. IX(•L•I • •z:.Jil VIC DAVIS for STATE LABOR COMMISSIONER Dear Jimmy : VVas happy to get your latest edition of Northwest Defender. Really a good "sheet". More than happy that the kid from Vallejo made good. Does my heart good to see that kids from the back-sticks can pull up their boot laces and climb to higher levels. Put us on your exchange and I will do likewise. VVant to see how you are pro– gressing. 1 I see you are still in the fight game. Take good care of yourself. Things seem to be happening in that pro– fession that warrents spe– cial attention to those in it. I'm still editor of The Sun-Reporter. Can't seem to leave the place. Printer's ink gets into ones veins and just stay ther. VVe have recently transposed our op– eration to photo-offset and it's working the pants off me. Looks good, but many long and strenuous hours spent in making it so. We are also planning to tnove into our new $350,- 000 building and that too is a pain in the tale. See your paper is off-set. It looks very clean. VVho does the make-up? Keep up t4e good work and let us hear fro myou. Your friend Edith Austin Dem_ocrats Show Counly Increase The State Elections Divi" sion said Monday 854,102 persons are eligible to vote in the May 18 primary, the largest primary total in his– tory. The totals nclude 457,224 Democrats and 383,253 Re– publicans, The Democratic margin of 73,971 compared with their margin of 75,393 at the 1960 general election. The Democrats' lead was 55,581 at the primary two years ago. T~e all-time high regis– tratwn figure was 900,516 at the 1960 general electi on The 1960 prima ry to tai was 797,036. Add to your Personality .. . increase your Efficiency! Newest Style Frames in all Colors! * Prices Quoted in Advance NO CASH DOWN ~;avtRaa~ = OFFICES ---==- DISI'EHSIHG OPTICIANS I 2nd Floor SEMLER Bldg.r3rd &. M-orrison ~"~~~~~~~!l~! *-- Phone-CA 7-2427 ~ SPECTAClE MODELS Glas~s ·to your Doctors Pr_escript1on Other DR. SEMLER Offi•es '• Solem one/ Eugene * No Adnnce Appo~n1ment Needed 50,000 'Members New York - Comedian Dick Gregory will high– light the kick-off rally of the NAACP's metropoltan drive for 50,000 members at the Belmont-Plaza Ho– tel here this week. The drive ends June 22. Mrs. Maxine Smith, ex– ecutive secretary of the As– sociation's Memphic, Tenn., branch, will give "The Memphis Story," a review of that unit's outstanding work in schools, jobs, trans– portation and registration and voting. The Memphis NAACP is the largest in the South with more than 6000· ters. It has had outstand– ing suc.cess in voter regis.: tration and selective buy– ing campaigns. Dr. George D. Cannon, co-chairman of the NAA– CP's national life member– ship drive; Dr. Eugene T. Reed, president of the New York State NAACP; Miss Lucille Black, N A A C P membership secretary; and Mrs. B e n o n a Bradford, state membership chair– man, will also address the campaign workers. To make a mow1tain out of a mole-hill, just add a little dirt. ELECT ... A panel of experts in var– ious phases of housing was presented by the Urban League of Portland in its Forum on Vital Housinf Facts, at Neighborhooc. House in southwest Port– land last Friday night. Explaining the steps nec– essary in acquiring housing by purchase and by rent– al, and in overcoming racial piscrimination were Ken Evans, realtor; VVilliam Terry, loan officer, ·Pacific First Federal Savings; Os– car Pederson, Portland FHA director; Louis E. Scott, rental manager, Al– bina Real Estate, and Rus– sell Peyton, field represent– ative, Civil Rights Division of the Oregon Bureau of Labor. Richard M. Neal, member of the UL board and community services committee, was moderator. The forum was co-spon– sored by the League and Neighborhood House a~ a joint community serv_1ce. Both are agencies of Umted Good Neighbors. Mind is not neoessarily ~ pendent upon educational proc– esses. It :Possesses of itself all beauty and poetry, and the power of expressing them. Oliver E. Smith STATE REPRESENTAliVE North District DEMOCRAT EFFICIENT :: HONEST :: EXPERIENCED INTELLIGENT PUBLIC SERVICE 3411 S.W. FIRST AVENUE CAPITOL 8·2551 >3 \,v~\ JUDGE RICHARD J. to the /'• •t /' l L--trcut L--our OVER 10 YEARS EXPERIENCE ON THE BENCH Portland NAACP Branch Strongly Urge You To Do SELECTIVE BUYING DO NOT BUY AT' FRED MEYER STORES NOT EVEN IN CASE OF EMERGENCY USE ANY OTHf:R STORE YOU CHOOSE (P rcfc r abh· o ne whrJ hire s on m e rit not race) Sl"PP< H{T Y<H_; H ()GA~!ZATION ST.\ Y ()l"T ()f FRED YIEYERS
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