Northwest Defender_1965-03-04
"BUNNY" JENNIFER JACKSON • • • prefers older men SPR.ING GREETER. - J E'nnifer J ackson, Pla ymall\ of the Month in the March issue of PLAYBOY. is a 20-yr ar-old twin, who triples. as a Bunny at the Chica go Playboy Club. a part-fjme undergrad– uate at the Chic ago te achers colle;!e, and a free lance model with– a r apidly ~xpa nding schedule of as signments for nati~·al and local advertisers. Serving with her in the Playboy Club Ls elder sister-by eight mmutes-Janis. While sharin-g mea~;Uiements (5'81/z''-36-23-36 ), in almost everything else, says Jennifer, "we're like opposite sides· of the same genetic coin. Jan is the ailllgle– minded sibLing in our famly. When we attended Wilson jundOT college together, she Sp€nt the entiJre two years buried in her books, stayed away from all forms of extra•curricular activnty and wound up with scads of a·cademic honors and a scholarship of– fer from a downstate lllliversity. Me, I'm the proverbial Jack-of· all-trades who can never settle down in any one role when there are so ma•ny othel's left to try." As for male comrpanionshl:J>, PLAYBOY'S March Playmate prefers older men ("Whoo you're only twenty, that leaves a pretty big group to choose from") o<f the self-made variety ("No rich man's favorite son for me"), who share her tastes for exotic cuisine, oUJtdoor sports, avam-ga.rde drama, progressive jazz and "the jo-ys of trying somethi·il·g new:" DEFENDER North Portland Gains Self Service Car Wash Swif-T-Wash, the newest in self-service coin-operated car washes, Is now open at 3956 N. Vancouver, a~ the corner of Vancouver and Sha– ver Streets. Offering a five minute self– service car wash with the lat– est designs, also offering a swift and ,thrifty way to wash your car, the enterprise is open 24 hours a day. The coin-operated car wash makes car washing at home as obsolete as hitching rings on the sidewalk. The time in– volved in the quality 25 cents car wash is less than the time it would take for a person to get out soap, bucket, hose and rags, let along put them away, leaving a messy drive– way or street in addition to· the personal discomfort. In conjunction with their grand opening, Swif-T-Wash is offering a free wax job with each 25 cent car wash. This is a nationally known jet Pres– tone wax. The offer is good weekdays only through March 13. Swif-T-Wash is a locally owned manufacturing firm, developing its own pumping equipme nt assembled and cus– tom made here In Portland, according to owners Mssrs. Stewart and Rucker. There is an attendant on duty 12 hours dally. The equipment will wash all vehicles, motor cycles and trucks . As soon as you de– posit your quarter you re– ceive musical accompaniment while you work. There is also a vacuum available for the car interior, a dollar bill changer and many other num– erous features. Stop in for your free wax job this week. MILLER WOOD & OOAL COMPANY Furnace Oil - Coal Wood - Presto Logs Also Can Be Picked Up At The Yard AT +-2361 4041 N.E. Union Avenue National Brands at·S.udget Prices . NEW SWIF-T~WASH self-service car wash 24 hours a day,offersflvemlnutedo-lt-your– facillty Is now open at N, Vancouver Avenue self car wash for just a quarter. All supplies and Shaver Street. Operation, which is open and equipment necessary are provided• SM Fine food· Specials Del Monte Corn ID~1z~:~:: 9 ' 6 for $1 Stewed Tomatoes IDo;o:~~~~ 5 for $1 Tender Peas Sauerkraut Town Hause !Doz. $1.891 303 can S&W (Doz. $1.891 300 can Bartlett Pears !Doz. $3.791 303 con Sections IDoz. $3.491 303 con 3 for $1 3for89' SEfiA -s.MILES JUSTIC£ F="OR MY P£0PL£ ..NI/Nf TOO You Always Save More at Safeway Elberta Peaches ~~:~}!¥;~ 4 for $1 Purple Plums West Peak 8 for $1 IDoz . $1.391 16c-z.can Fruit Cocktail Town House 6 for $1 IDoz . $1.891 303 can Do's And Don'ts Kidney Beans S&W (Doz. $1.891 300 con 6 for $1 S for $1 Heinz Beans ~~ 9 ::~:~: 2 for 33' Heinz Ketchup Lai; ::r;~~~~~ize 3 tor $1 Heinz uS7" Sauce M::~~:~~~e 39' Grapefruit Apple Juice Green Beans B-B-Q Beans Fruit Cocktail Leaf Spinach IDoz. $3.791 32 oz. size Green Beans Gardenside 7 for $1 (Doz. $1.591 303 can You Don't Always Have To Be First FIELDS CHEVYTOWN HERE WE GO AGAINl FOR THE 3nl STRAIGHT YEAR ""'FREE '" ..'-'.. c····"- s24QOGifljcfRifs' . . ............................. _._ ........... __ PLUS HISTORY MAKING DEALS ON THE LARGEST INVENTORY OF NEW CARS IN THE NORTKWEST AT4·2175 Connors Construction Co. Niblets C 12 oz. can or Green Giant Orn Kernel 1303 coni IDoz. $2.291 2 Calion Plastic Sprinkling Cans Orange or 99 Green. Oght ( Weight. Each Colgate Toothpaste 59c New Cue King Size PEPSODENT ADULT 49 ( TOOTH BIIIUSH eo. ·Large Size Plastic Laundry Basket ::~:~!~:~- 99' color only. Each Skylark Bread Special Of The Week Ootm~al, Buttermilk Western Farms 1-lb. 6 'Ia oz. loaf IDoz. $2.891 303 can IDoz. $2.291 300 can (Doz. $2.891 303 can or Chopped !Doz. $2.291 303 can Stock Up Now On S;'W Buysl Tomato Juice (0::·0~:! 9 ' Sliced Beets Apple Sauce s;w Corn I Doz. $2.291 303 con (Doz. $2.891 303 can IDoz. $2.291 303 con Baked Beans ID;:~~~c-! 9 ' 3for89' 5 for$1 3for89' No. 3 Sieve Peas IDo3zo:!~' 5 for $1 Sliced Carrots (Doz. $2..891 303 can Whole Tomatoes (Do3•c,:!: 9 ' Peas or Corn Tomatoes Grape Drink Facial Tissue Maxwell House Coffee ~~~~- Can ................. $l 16 58' First 1-lb. Can Snow Star Ice Cream 4-Fiavors Plus Party Pride Orange ond Triple Treat Sherbet Half Gal. 59' Gardenside 7 for $1 IDoz. $1.591 303 can Garden side 7 f~r$1 IDoz . $1.591 303 can or Cragl'!'lont Orange 4 for$1 IDoz. $2.891 46 oz. con Truly Fine 5 tor $1 Box of 400 Edwards Coffee ~i~~~- Can .... ... .. ....... . $1· 14 First 1-lb. Can 57' Cream 0' The Crop "AA" Eggs ~~;;e .......... ....... Doz. J9c ~:: · .. .. 3 Dor. $100 Extra 41 C Large AA .....Doz. USDA Choice Crade Beef-Fully Aged From the Heart of Small, Meaty Loins High in Cold Fighting Vitamins Add Freshness and Color to Salads Check The Trim Check The Value F k Sofeway .•.-Always 49C ran $ Fresh and Tasty lb. Lunch Meats s:~~=~ 4,o,$1 6 01. pkg. Scallops cap;o~~.'~~:~ice 49c TOP SIRLOINS USDA Choice Boneless Steaks Fully Aged for Peak Flavor and Tenderness Center Cut 59 Lean, Meaty, Well Trimmed ~ lb. Pork Roast Spareribs Sliced Loin Roast Country Style lb.49c lb.49e N. York Steak •;i::l::· $1e39 lleef lb. Fillet Mignon :.:::~·i:. $1.79 S Country Style 39 ausage Pork Sausage lb. C Na:::s 10 ~ J.;.y lb. ~ \ Cauliflower Large Fresh 50-lb. Lime Soil sweetener Barkdusl Pure 2'!. cu. 89c Hemlock ft. Ruby Grapefruit 8-lb. S9c Bag r-----------. Prices effective Mar. 4 thru Mar. 6 at Sofeways in Portland, Bea– Red Snapper 'LB. 39C verton, Cedar Hills, Forest Grove, Gresham, Hillsboro, lake Oswego, Milwaukie, St. Jo~ns, Tigard,_Ore_go!l City, St. Helens, Cam Vancouver. 3 Bun.19~ Crisp Carrots Snappy 2 29c Fresh lb. f h p • Full res arsnlpS Flavored l lb. 29c Turnips Delicious 2 29c BuHered lb. y II o• Medium Cooking sc e ow RIORS Onion. Flavorful lb. FREE OFFER 5-lb. Vigoro Rose Food or Waldorf Bone Meal with the purchase of ~ y Ch . . I our 01ce 6 Pkgs. Sprtng Bu bs Import•:. Holland 6 $)98 6 Rose Bushes \ for Oregon-Grade 1 1 1. ) _.J
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