Northwest Defender_1964-01-09

' • > , ., - ' THE l9 6 l 64 Back row left to right: Negratti. coach: Maerz. Father Powers. chairman of the - athletic board: Cooper. Baker. assistant coach. Second row: Benjamin. Channing. P I L 0 T S Wollmuth. Toner. Falkner. Powell. Fi~st row: Nichols. Soldan, Dortch. Anstett. MILLER WOOD & COAL COMPANY Furnace Oil - Coal Wood - Presto Logs Also Can Be Picked Up At The Yard AT +2361 4041 N.E. Union Avenue ---- ----·- - 0 LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE DURING HAMILTON'S JANUARY FUR SALE . Low, low sa le price s our c omplete stock includ. ing exqui site fu ll length mink c oa ts, Ru ssian Sab le stoles, some of t he most exqui sit e furs ever-dow :1 to the le ss ex pensi ve. EXAMPLE! NATURAL AMERICAN MINK STOLES ONLY 5 222 while they last and hundreds of other January Fur Sale Values · Fur products labeled tn show country of origin of imported furs . TWO YEARS TO PAY The integrity of Hamilton Furs is your guarantee of satisfac· J tion ••• prices plus tax. . ' CLEARANCE CLOTH COATS Fabulously Low Clearance Prices Buy Your Furs from 11 FURRIER! haruilton furs 90, S.W. Morrison CA 6-3201 Coston. Not pictured: Lewis, Gilliland. Martin. Interesting Jobs for WOMEN at PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL TELEPHONE CO. • Good starting salary • Earn while you learn • Regular scheduled raises • Paid vacation • Pleasant working conditions EQUAL JOB OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL QUALIFIED APPLICANTS Apply at our employment office- . ' sog·.s.w:.- oak AT4-217·5 AT4-2175 Connors -construction Co. 5253 N. E. Sandy Blvd. KNITS to s11o.9s ...••. 24.88 up DRESSES to$89.95 ......... 9.88. SUITS to $139.95 .......... 14.88 up · COATSto$129.95 ........ 29.88up fl!~l!~J!~~;~'~; 56.00 up RAINCOATS~:~.~~ ..... 14.88. Robes-Skirts-Sweaters, etc. AT TERRIFIC REDUCTIONS! 1_ • LLOYD CENTER • SANDY BLVD. & 41st. DOWNTOWN- MORRISON at 9th 1964 GRAND OPENING Ro:r:-up * SALE! * 3DAYS ONLY 0 MONEY DO 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH WE GUARANTIE OUR MEATTO BE FULLY AGED; NO ARTIFICIAL TENDERIZER EVER USED. WE STAND BEHIND EVIRT ORDER NO INTEREST OR CARRYING CHARGES OPEN DAILY 9 to 91 INCL. SUNDAY -.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~ JUST PHONE 659-2488 2095 S.E. OakG Blvd. OAK GROVE U.S.D.A. Will be given to some lucky person. Jusf come in and FR . . EE CHOICE '" INDQUARTER BEEF register for drawing. No obligation. Nothing to buy