Northwest Defender_1964-02-06

PAGE FOUR NORTHWEST DEFENDER TiruRSDAY, FEBRUARY., 19M TiruRSDAY, FEBRUARY 6. 1964 NORTHWEST DEF~HOER PAGE FIVE You Can Name the Best Dressed Woman, Outstanding Male or Club of the Year 1963 VOTE TODAY Obituary MRS -MARY M. DUNCAN Mrs. Mary M. Dunca n, 4024 NE 15th Ave., active clubwom· an and civ1c leaner who had lived in Port- land for 30 yea rs, died Tuesday. Funer a l se r vic e s will be held at 10:30 a.m. Sa t– urd<~y in the chap e I of C a I d well's Coloni a l M o r t u - ary. Buri a l will t a ke place in l.1ncoln Memorial Park . Mrs. Dunca n was past pres– ident of the Bethelite Cl ub of the Bethel Afri ca n Methodist Episcopa l Church, former vice president of the Urban League and pres ident of Iota Phi J.ambda Sorority a nd the Rose– bud Study Club. She was a former Democra ti c precinct committeewoman and for 14 vea rs wa s Portl and editor of the Northwest Enterpnse. She was also a member of the NAACP , Order of the East– ern Star , International Chris– tian E ndeavor Society and the Portland Housing Associa tion. She also was a member of the Oregon Bus in~ss and Pro– fessional Women's Association , the Puget Sound AIYIE Confer- WINIFRED COCHRAN Funeral services for Mrs. Win ifred Harpole Cochran . fi5 , of 4ti04 NE 20th Ave., were held at 10 a.m. Saturday <1! Bethel Afri can Method ist Epis– copal Church , followed by vault entomb– ment in Rose City Cemete– ry . She died in a Portland Hospital Wednesday. She was a na tive- of Con– Soloist Concert Billed at PSC The annual soloist concert ,~!~!~! of the Portland State college ~ Symphonette will be pre– sented Friday at 8:30 p.m. in room 453, State hall. John Stehn will conduct. Soloists with the orchestra are PSC music students. They include Kat h e r in e Fischer, piano; Donna Ben– nett, soprano; and David Jim– erson, baritone. The program will include Beethoven's Fifth Concerto, the "Emperor," with Miss Fischer as soloist; the "Jewe! Song" from "Faust" by Gou– nod, featuring Miss Bennett; and Jimerson singing "The Trumpets S h a II Sound," from Handel's "Messiah." The orchestra will also perform Beethoven's "Eg– mont" overture. Thet concert is open to th e public. Admission is free, lack unity to so lve th e ir diffe re nces . Th e Ne2ro in our ma rch es , our n e mi n– stra tion s and s ing out • al oud:"We Shall Nor Be Mo ve d ." 8 a m s ure that Fully cooked finest quality Whole Ham lb. 5Oc Butt Half lb. 49c equal o pportuni ties is a ~~e~~~~~~~~~~f!;~~~ mus t and w e have proven I the. point to the Prcsiden t and the Nation what our demands are. Le t's e laborate on Go v. Geqrge C. Wallace the strongest s egregatio'ni St in America: Mr .Wallace is a menance to our sociery and the American way of living Gov . Wallace is a s tubborn man , whom by his action s have c reated disturbance s, which then led to violence Gov . Wallace defied the Constituttion of the United Corn Del Monte, cream or 6 $) kernel. 303 can for C d Nestles, Almond, 3 $) an y crunc\~ ~~l.k choc. for Catsup Del Monte, extra fine flavor. 14 oz. Assttcl Cookies Busy Baker, Big family assortment 1% lb. way, Ark ., and lived in Port- l<~n.d for 42 years. She was a member of the Bethel AME Church, the National Associ– ation for the Advancement of Colored People, and Mt. Hood Chapter 16 of the Order of Eas tern Star, of whi ch she was past worthy matron . Stare s of Ame rica by not obeyin g th e L a ws that set forth . (.,!,,~ German Chocolate LADY ELBERTA CAKES Survivors include her hus– ·band . Wilson E .; a son, Rob– ert; a sister, Hazel Marshall , all of Portland, and a brother. Re\'. S. W. Winston. Canton. Mi ~~ . Vann·~ F1me,·aJ Chap! was in r ha rf!P of a ITa 11f!E'111~nts. Continued Fellow Negroe's' our demands a re at s ta ke, a nd until we h ave ach ie ved s u ch de mand s, a s having th e right to vo te th e ch oic e of publi c accomoda tion s which ha s been denie d our ra ce of pe opl e fo r o ve r a century . Until that time Rinningham and th e Sou– thern state of Ala bama would be a pl ace of peace and ha rmo ny if th e state had a Le ade r in s tea d of a Rebe l and a C orn'muni s t in spired idiot. Alabama i s a disg race to th e face of Ameri ca.Mr.Wallace should no lon ger be a ll owe d to hold s uch imporrant po si– tions as Governor of such a fin e state a s Ala bama coul d be . The peopl e in that s tate mu s t b e jus t a s blind as Mr. Wall ace and providing if they don't decide to wake up and come to re ality , Mr . Wa llace will h ave th e whol e s tate s unke n down th e dra in al on g with him . On Sunday Septem he r 15 196 3, four young and inno– c ent Church g<?ing children WOMEN Applications accepted for future Job openings. Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company Employment Office has moved to 509 S.W. Oak Slreel Firat Floor-Or.qoll Bldq. Equal Job Opportunity For All Qualified Applicants Pacific Northwest ~Bell Telephone Company J.e7'FREEST0~' PEACH ~LVII IIIIUIU l'fl,lll PEACHES Freestone Halves & Slices No.2% can Banana Cake, too! Two delightful varieties of Colonial Frozen cakes. 25 oz. 99' Large AA Eggs Cream 0' The Crop. Dozen c SLICIN' TOMATOES Perfect for Sa lads or Sandwiches. Special Price. lb. 29( FRESH PINEAPPLES Here's a real treat. Fresh from the tropics. ea. 49c HEAD LETTUCE Always Fresh and Crisp. A real buy. lfor 29c: Prices effective Thursday, Feb·· ruary 6 through Saturday, Feb· ruary Bin Portland, Cedar Hills, Tigard, St J.ohns, Gresham, Mil– waukie, Lake Oswego, Hillsboro, and Forest Grove. We reserve the right to limit quantities. 100% pore beef Quality Controlled Always Fresh News from Knott St. C.C. by Pat Wood Knott Street Community Center wi II send 12 boxers to the Oregon Golden Gloves Champion– ships to be held at the Portland Civic Auditor– ium on Friday and Saturday, February 7 and 8th starting at 8:00 PM The team from KSCC wi II be coached by Clyde Quisenberry, head coach, and Chuck Lincoln and Art Gilmore, assistant coaches. KSCC boys entered in this two day tourney will be Gary Ulibarri, 119; Charles Lawrence, 119; Sam Johnson, 125; Joe West, 125; Don Lampkin, 139; Maynard Gaul, 147; Tony Jacobs, 147; Jim Eldred, 147; John Howard, 156; William Cross, 165; Cliff Hancock, 175; Train– ing at KSCC, will represent the Longview Elks. John Howard and Tony Jacobs are 1964 Tacoma Golden Gloves Champions as John won the light middleweight championship and Tony won the welterweight championship. John Howard was also chosen Go Iden Boy at the Tacoma Tourney. Tickets for the Oregon Golden Gloves will be available at the Auditorium and will be sold at the door on the nights of the fights also . There will be a Novice Fencing Tournament held at the Knott Street Community Center Gym on Sunday, February 9 ·starting at 12:30. This Tournament is open to all beginning novice fen– cers in the State of Oregon and the lower Col– umbia basin . Ladies, sign up now for the physical fitness classes being held at the Center on Monday and Wednesday at 1:15 , These classes, under the direction of John Waterbrook, include physical fitness excerci ses, trampoline, basketball, volleyball and one wall handball . Del Monte fine quality No. 303 can Spinach Sweet Peas Del Monte, natural flavor. 303 can Tomatoes Del Monte, solid pack or stewed. 303 can ,1.,$11 4 for 89c 4 for 89c MEAT INSPECTION I Sirs: This letter is being ~ent in the hopes that your newspaper will set the rec– ord straight in regard to ir– responsible statements by the Portland health depart– ment in regard to meat in– spection outside the city of Portland. I assure you that the state department of agri– culture does a very fine job of inspecting meat markets and locker plants every– where in the state of Oregon. The Better Business bureau keeps a close eye on adv-er– tising and misleading or false advertising is taken out of the news media immediately. and the state of Oregon would take immediate steps to stop them. The Portland health department has no business casting do.ubts on reputable business concerns outside their jurisdiction. I have pre.pared ads in which house grades were used, and in those cases where a house grade is used, the meat being sold was a gra ded beef-USDA- good or better. The Portland health department would have you believe that the l plants that they personally inspect are the only ones safe in which to buy meat in Oregon. Also, I would like to go to the packing houses with the inspector frum the Portland health department and see the stamp that grades ungraded beef, name– ly, standard, commercial, utility cutter and canner. DONALD R. CARMICHAEL, A<lv. Consultant and Public Relations, 2004 SE Waldon, :Milwaukie. FREE TRIPS TO DISNEYLAND Five trips for 2 will be given away at the end of the game. Sign your Sword In The Stone cards on the back and deposit at any Safeway store. FREE SWORD IN THE STONE RINGS Turn in the top half of 5 Sword In The Stone cards for these popular cartoon rings. EASY TO PLAY ••• EASY TO WIN Just ask any Safeway employee (except those in the meat de– partment) for a card. No purchase required. Everyone has an equal chance. Pull the Sword out of the stone. On Sword you will find one of these four words: "SWORD" - "IN" • "THE" - "STONE". When you have collected all four words, you will win $100. Take cards to the store manager. If the words "ONE DOLLAR" appear on the sword, you win $1.00. RULES OF THE GAMES. You must be 18 or over to participate. Only one card per person per visit. Altered or mutilated cards are in– valid. Employees of Safeway and their families are ineligible to par– ticipate. I am in the business of preparing advertising for va rious businesses in the Portland metropolitan area ~nd among my clients is one of the largest beef proc· essing locker plants in the Pacific Northwest. If the practices described by the Portland department of health were true, the U.S. department of agriculture MIRROR BEAUTY SHOP Hair Styling - Hair Cutting & Tinting At. 2-3692 Cora Harris, Mgr. 3513 N. Vancouver Ave_ by the Post Office and Fred Meyers Walnut Park Poly Clean Whirlpool Laundry & Dry Cleaning Clean, Convenient, phone Coin Operated 284-:..9064 5420 N.E. 6th