Northwest Clarion_1960-06-02
Two N O RTHWEST CLARION rubl11hed fach Thurlday 8y NORTHWEST CLARION PUBLISHING CO., INC. 2126 N. Wllna•• Aft. Telephone AT 4·3071 s... Mall to r. 0. loa 4201 - Zone I AmtUI A. COX, SI.----··········-··-······-··-··-··-··-··-···Owner and Publisher ETOILE H. COX ······················-···-······-·····-··-···············Editor and Manager HELEN RICHARDSON ···-···········-······Assistant Editor and Advertising Manager CLIFFORD DIXON ···-·································································Associate Editor JAMES L. GANTT ·············-··-··········-··········-··-·······-·········-··········Advertising We ask our readers to note carefully the names of the retailers, wholesalers, manufac– turer s, business and professional men whose fi.rm names appear in our paper. They have thus indicated the value they set on Negro patronage and their willingness to solicit your business through our columns. We, therefore, ask all our readers to patronize them. When so doing, please mention The Northwest Clarion. NORTHWEST CLARION You Do It • • • and I ' ll tell By MURIEL INGRAM 3818 N. Vancouver - Phone AT 7-2128 JUNE IS COMING IN with a promise of much happiness in' lovely weddings and, of course, if we didn't ihave weddings we wouldn't have divorces either; so it all goes to make up life in general. This first day of June is certainly good to take on the weather situation too. I am finding it hard to sit here and even start writing; I want to go outside. * * * MRS. LAURA WILLIAMS, who is the bar maid at the Porters Club, was quietly married on May 25 to Mr. Walter G. ~ey at Steve~son, Washington. The couple will make Portland then· home. Wit– nesses to the ceremony were Mrs. Ruth Heed, of 1826 N.E. 3rd Ave., and Mrs. Willa May Hart. * * * MRS. McGEE, who is Den Mother of Pack .152 Cub Scouts of Vancouver Ave. First Baptist Church, is putting in a plea for mothers, or we should say women, who are interested in children to please come out front and make themselves known. There is a dire need for Den Mothers. This is such a good cause and wonderful work, if you would Thursday, June 2, 196" school is out. So you can call in your applications now and if you are the right height you are in up to 24 girls. Remember what I said though. This is a serious business and not play. If you don't want to work and pay strict attention, do not apply. I would like to get you trained for professional work. There will be a fee of 25 cents a week. So ask your parents before you call-AT 7-2128. * * * I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO SAY, now that school is about out L have room for about six morning piano students. If your child can sit still and pay attention at the age of six, they will be good students to try out. If you want your student in, now is the time to call AT 7-2128 because my openings sure close out fast. * * * MAY 30 WAS A NICE DAY, wasn't it? Surprisingly-no rain. That doesn't happen often, does it? Oh I know why, our gang didn't plan a picnic. Otherwfse it would have poured down as usual. The Twitty family and Mr. and Mrs. Jason Dancey and myself went over to spend the day with the R. B. Danceys-bag and cookery. We had a wonderful day eating and splicing movies way into the night. If you think that isn't a job when there are a lot of rolls to splice, you tTy it. * * * ANOTHER CALL-last one too-If you have a movie outfit, or just a camera, call Mrs. Ingram or Mrs. Gustavia Winslow. The far– fetched club will be in progress within a month. They said they were waiting for me to get well-so now I am well. Incidentally, I feel fine now. No aches or pains--only in my pocketbook. * * * THE ROSE BUD STUDY CLUB will meet with Mrs. Bertha·Mullen on Wednesday. Labor Counc •ll tO St. Johns Community Center just apply yourselves and help. There are several boys who are begging to be scouts, and really have the making of fine young men with the Sponsor NAACP Offers Weaving Workshop proper training, and scout work is America's No. 1 way of helping all A three-week Weaving Work- boys. Please, if you just will call in and say you will help. Call Mrs. Meeting Luncheon shop will be offered at the st. McGee at AT 4-8309. Pack 52 was entered in the Field Day celebration * * * MRS. IDELLA WAYNOR had as dinner guests last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wilson and son Raymond Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. James Cantrel. Johns Community Center, 8427 at Alberta Park on May 28 and won some of the honors. Little Stanley s.c. INTEGRATION LEADER Mayor Schrunk Named NEW YORK- A labor dinner North Central, under the auspices Peterson won first place in the 100-yard dash. Good going, little fel- CITED IN BROOKLYN, N.Y. for delegates attending the 51st of the Bureau of Parks and Pub- low; I say I have half interest in this little man so I'm especially NEW YORK- Rev. J. A. De- T 0 Advisory Board annual NAACP convention in St. lie Recreation. glad. Victor Williams won first place in the second race. In the laine, former leader of the Claren- Paul, Minn., June 21 - 26 • will be wheelbarrow race Walter Morris and Ronald Williams won second don County, S. C., school integra- b th 1 · d The workshop will be held from sponsored Y e new Y organize place. I understand the Den Mothers entered in a race, but they were tion fight, was honored here today A · Lab c ·1 June 7 to June 22, from 9:30 a.m. Negro mencan or ouncl. not as lucky as the small. fry. at his new pastorate by the Scheduled to address this din- to 3 :00 p.m., Tuesdays and Wed- NAACP. nesdays, with Mrs. Alice Drew, * * * ner session of the convention are THE CULTURE CLUB met Wednesday evening at the home of The Association's South Caro- instructor. A. Philip Randolph, founder of Mrs. Lonetta Plummer. There were quite a few members out and the lina organization cited Mr. De- the council llond a vice president Weavers will have an opportu- meeting was a very enjoyable one. So much so that I expect the host- laine for his "courageous and un- of both the NAACP and the AFL- nity to make rugs, mats, towels, esses thought the members were not going to leave. Mrs. Della Wil- selfish service in the area of hu– CIO; Ralph Helstein, president of bags, aprons and Christmas Iiams was co-hostess. Those two gals certainly s~rved some delicious man rights and his determination the United Packinghouse Workers projects, on various types of looms dessert. And me on a diet. to secure equal opportunity on ,be- of America; NAACP Executive with special emphasis on unusuall-_____________:i:__::L..i.----------:::--:-:-:lFlf of underprivileged peoples." Secretary Roy Wilkins; and Her- projects for two-harness looms. SUNDAY was Woman's Day at Vancouver Ave. First Baptist The South Carolina NAACP bert Hill, the Association's la'bor The use of natural materials of Church. The three services were well attended and Rev. 0. B. Williams granted the citation at its last an– secretary. reed an dbamboo will also be really did himself proud on his sermon at the 11 o'clock service. At nual meeting and requested it be Horace L. Sheffield, a member stressed. the 3 o'clock Woman's Day celebration guest speakers were Mrs. Olla presented by the Brooklyn branch of the council's board and an ac– tive NAACP worker, made the announcement of the council's sponsorship of the dinner this week in Detroit. A registration fee of two dol– lars will be charged for the course. For further information please call the Cente, AV 6-1551. Reed, with devotions; Miss Minnie Harris, with greetings; Mrs. J'ewel and the Association's church de– White, introducing the speaker of the aftel'!!oon, Mrs. Roy Cage. The partment, at his present church, offering was taken by Mrs. Alice Butler of Zioa A.M.E. and Mrs. Calvary AME Church, Brooklyn. Nealie Owen of Mt. Olivet. The music was rendered by the special Woman's Day choir, directed by MTs. 0. B. Williams. Pianist was Mrs. Leo Warren and organist was Mrs. Muriel Ingram. The evening service was a song service rendered by the Youth Choir of the church. A wonderful reading was given by Mrs. Dottie Weatheroy. Roll call was read by Mrs. Lonetta Plummer. Sister J. Slider is to be commended for her splendid work as chairman of this Woman's Day of 1960, and quote her as saying, "I am glad it is over." * * * RECEIVED 'WORD of our traveling editor, Clifford Dixon. She is really enjoying the Califomia sunsli\ne but she can come on home now since we have Portland sunshine. * * * WE ARE CERTAINLY GLAD to have Mr. and Mrs. Phil Reynold home again and they certainly have some interesting talk of their travels. I can't wait till the movies and pictures are ready. I am a little late hanging out the welcome mat for them but I am sure glad they Rose Festival Assn.– <continued from Page 1) Radio-telephone communications to Antartica will be established by the United States Navy from aboard the U.S.S. Estes during the ship's Rose Festival visit to Portland June 8-12. The amphibious command ship serves as a floating communica– tions center along with other duties. Portland area residents who have relatives wintering either at Christ Church, New Zealand, or on Antartica itself, may make ar– The United States Conference of Mayors has renamed Mayor Terry Schrunk to a seat on its advisory board for another year. Word of his re-election reached Portland Wednesday following the windup of the Conference's annual convention in Chicago last week. The advisory board comprises 18 mayors from t he major cities of the U.S. 2 Bedroom 5 Yr. Old Home Near Peninsula School $350 Down Balance Like Rent BU 5-1894 $500 Dn. on Contract Taxes, interest and insurance in– cluded in $65 per month payment on this large 3 bdrm. home. Near transportation. May trade. 546 N.E. Morris St. Only $7,950. Coli Mr. Fuller, OL 4-6059, or AL 4-7387. New York Central Realty Inc. 401 S.E. 81st Avenue FOR SALE TRAILER HOUSE Excellent condition- 1951 kit. - 38 x 8-1 bdrm. plus hide-a-bed. $1725, no down. By owner. AL 2-4309 Friday night, June 24, has been designated "Youth Night," at which time the Association will pay tribute to the achievements of its youth units in the student protest movement against dis– crimination at southern lunch counters. A workshop session of t.he convention will be devoted e ntirely to a study and analysis of the "sit-in" movement. Because of the major place in the conven– tion program of this aspect of NAACP work, more young people than in former years have indicat– ed their intention to attend the conference. are back. * * * rangements to contact them ~;::;:::::;::::;::;::;:::;::;:::;::;:::::;::::;::::;::;::;:::;::;:::::;::~ through the Navy's radio-tele– phone communications system. PATRONIZE THE CLARION ADVERTISERS I wish to subscribe to the NORTHWEST CLARION from _________________to'----------------- Enclosed is 0 Cheek 0 Money Order for NAME ADDRESS 0 $2.00 for 6 months 0 $3.50 for 1 year CITY ____________________STATE Send this application to: NORTHWEST CLARION 2826 N. Williams Ave. Portland 12, Oregon SEMLE ~cw CilaHcs mean SO MUCH to you in Clearer Vision, Better Work, Less Ncr. \'ousness and Fati&ue. Yet you pay SO LITTLE. Weekly or Monthly. when you buy them on Credit at Semler'•· PEPI is getting along nicely. Last week his "get along was working slow" but with traveling around the house and yard now he is gaining his strength back nicely. The bark is even coming back. I had begun to think the car knocked that out but this morning he got peeved at something and I know he is O.K. now. Local residents who wish to avail themselves of this unusual opportunity may do so by con– tacting the Navy Command In– formation Bureau on or after June 1 in Rooms 329-330, Mult– nomah Hotel. The telephone num– ber• will be CApitol 8-7421. * * * IT IS VERY NEAR TIME for school to be out now and I put in a plea for girls for a drill team before I took sick, but I am ready now, I think, for applications and we will start the first Monday after VAN'S GARDEN FOOD LOCKERS Cutting • Wt'Gpping • Freezing Buy in Quantity and Save Money CONVENIENT BUDGET TEIIMS 2315 N.E. Alberta AT 7-0814 AUTO LIAB. INS. only $30.80 (Terms) (6 mos. out. renewol) No policy f- 01 ether gimmicks. Troubla cases and underage coMa han– dled apeedlly, terms, aovfnga. (All In– surance linea written.) Look up your fire Insurance policy or memo now. Phone ond arrange savings on renewal In most cases. LOU WILHELM RfAlTOll & GfNfRAL INSURANC! AGENT 2905 S.E. Franklin BE 4-1079 Mimeographing -Church Bulletins -Programs -Pamphlets Etoile T. Johnson Public Stenographer AT 4-3071 "You Catch'em, We Fix'em" (, Fish Products Custom Canning & S~Hking Fresh Ffah of AI Kinds Direct From Flaherman to You At Cut Rate Prices BuHalo & Catfiah When Available 3957 N. Mlalnlppl, Portland, On. PHONE Anantlc 4-2703 PATRONIZE THE CLARION ADVERTISERS Charlene &aulg Salon * EXPERT HAIR CUTTING PERMANENT WAVING HAIR STYLES for the particular woman 2826 N. Williams AT 4-9933 Appointments Given sllop KIENOW'S loot/ stores•• • the Friendliest Stores in Town • BRANDS YOU KNOW • VARIETIES YOU LIKE • SIZES YOU WANT Transferred to California Neat 3·bedroom 8-yr·old home. Auto. heat, hardwood floors, stove & refrigerator (nclud· ed. One block to Woodlawn School, near bus a nd stores. ASKING $10,500 J. J. WALKER, BROKER 4950 N.E. Union AT 8-5045 APARTMENT FOR RENT-Beautiful furnished 5 rooms. Adults only. Call Clarion office. AT 4-3071 . RENTAL 237 N.E. Sacramento Oil heat, 2 bedrooms, $55.50. Call Ward, AT 4-7911. FOR SALE 4603 N. Kerby 3-bedroom, ranch style, in excel– lent condition, only $10,750. FHA terms. Ca ll Jock Sanderson, AT 2-0020. Clean 4-bedroom. Full basement. New gas furnace. liv. room, dining rm., kitchen, 2 baths. Only $7200. $700 down-$60.00 per mo. 1-bedroom home. Full cement base– ment. Lorge lot, garage, auto heat. Only ..... ...... .... $5500.00 $700.00 down Ask for Jock Sanderson AT 2-0020-Eves and Sunday J.J. WALKER EXPERT LUBRICATION WASHING- POLISHING Tires-- Batteries - Mufflers Complete Line Auto Accessories Roy Ell's Union "76" Station "The Most Powerful Gas You Can Use" 404 N. Interstate Ave. (Corner Shaver St.) Next door to The Alibi Restaurant and Cockta il Lounge Phone AT 4-6975 CLIP AND BRING THIS AD WITH YOU FOR YOUR FREE GIFT NOTICE Appliance Dealers - Individuals and Second Hand Stores TRY OUR "YOU HAUL BARGAIN COLUMN ($25.00 or less> l 0 words, 2 issues for $1.00 CALL YOUR CLARION OFFICE AT 4-3071 or AT 8-1261 _ _,.---
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