Northwest Clarion_1959-02-12
Thursday, February 12, 1959 You Do It and I'll Tell- < Continued from Page 12) I! I can find time everybody should and I love it - you will too if you just get 'in the middle of it. I was real amused at the kindergarteners and first graders- how really brave they take the needle- and how the eighth graders lhad to be held by four or five. Real amusing. These kids of ours. * * * THE CULTURE CLUB met on Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. :Mary Young on N.E. Roselawn. Mrs. Betty Carden was a co– hostess and the repast Wa.B-f3hall we say delicious. A lot of the delin– quent members showed up on the scene for a change. With the dis– patch of business going very .smootlhiy with Mrs. Ruth Reed, a very charming President, many interesting functions were planned for the near future. Next meeting will be a Valentine Party with :Mrs. Lenora Gankin and Mrs. .Jaunita Brown, hostesses. * * * THE LES FEMMES entertained their new members at an open house, get-acquainted party, on Wednesday evening at the Oregon Journal. A beautiful table was set and the members were really made to feel that they were at home. A program was rendered by the Debs of '59 and Little :Miss Patsy Bradford, who is a sub Deb, did two dance numbers, one a ballet the other a tap. The Debs modeled '59 styles and believe me they were really wearing "Mothers' money." :Miss Linda Grice was lovely in a blue plaid reversible skirt and white flan– nel jacket, a large insignia on the jacket, white accessories ... :Miss Emogene Woods, a two-piece red velvet Jumper, and white blouse, with a pert little leather beret, very nice for the slim girls, and she wore the beautiful shade of red very well. :Miss Jewel Fletcher, ready for the party or five o'clock hour, in Royal blue taffeta, with a remov– able jacket and ice slippers with cut glass heels, short white gloves. Very lovely. :Miss Phylis Fielder, wearing that ever popular leather coat in mustard, with a wool dress in the new tan, and field green accessories, hat bag and shoes. :Miss Betty Daniels in a very adorable sack, in black with brass buttons, red shoes and bag. Miss Daniels is one of the century- that wears the sack I saty "very well." And then we have the very stunning Miss Faylor Waldon, in a green tweed walk– ing suit with all brown accessories. The young ladies were all very charming, wonderful Deb "Bait" and then came the canry and cookie time, which made us all realize that they are still kids. New members on the Les Femme list are, Mrs. Betty Brown, Mrs. Lottie McAllister, Mrs. Pauline Bradford, Mrs. Muriel Ingram, Mrs. Thornton, Mrs. Overton, Mrs. Luthur Strong and Mrs. Daisy Perry. * * * BOISE SCHOOL P.T.A.-The annual Founders Day program had a NORll-IWEST CLARION Page Three with a gift. Mrs. :McCoy's eighth graders simg an A and B selection. Mrs. Clifford Dixon. Durlng the course of the evening we found that A T.B. film and lecture was shown and given by Mrs. Evelyn Harri- Getsie, beside being an educator of knowledge, could also give some man. A silver offering was taken at the close of the meeting. Hos- of us a few lessons in Canasta. tesses for the evening were the fourth grade parents. * * * * * * MR. AND MRS. PHIL REYNOLDS are wearing smiles as big as MRS. CLIFFORD DIXON spent the midweek in Tacoma visiting the city itself these two weeks, and you can't blame them for they friends, one of whom was accidentally scalded on the leg, and Mrs. Dixon received a hard burn the same day on three fingers of the right have two very wonderful visitors, :Miss Getsie Samuel, an Indian Edu- hand. Kinda glad she came home before Mutiny broke loose, aren't cator for Madras, India. Miss ·Samuel is Principal of St. Christopher's you? * * * Teachers College at Madras where some 200 students re training to be. teachers in addition to a 1,200-student high school. Miss Samuel is the godmother to the Reynolds' son Robert, and is on a sabbatical tour I'M JUST LIKE any other gal-l get to talking about one of us and forget the MALE. Ima.gine that--and he is a perfect darling, too. which will include four months in this country and two in England. Mr. David Graham from Grantsburg, Wisconsin, who is a life long She hopes, but admits that it will take longer, that all Indians will be friend of Phil and Elise. He is a most interesting conversationalist, literate by 196(). Her college iB one of many that are striving to achieve and can keep you spellbound about Wisconsin. And GIRLS--he is a this goal, but there is a great need for many more teachers. One thing bachelor-with a beautiful, beautiful ranch. He doesn't even mind that I thought quite interesting was the fact that within a radius (){ washing dishes. That is supposed to be a secret. I am afraid he would . . . b h d to ..... h th h b ..... uld talk hims If . d t even fifty miles, there are many many different languages spoken, and e ar ca~"' · oug - ecause ue wo e m an .--ou . All joking aside, he is grand and we have enjoyed meeting him very that the schools are teaching English as a basic, therefore everyone much. can understand each other. We in America are blessed and do nQt \ * * * know it. I couldn"t imagine going from Portland to Longview and THE FIDELIS NOVEM met at the home of Mrs. Artie Williams coming into contact with people I couldn't even understand. And as I on Monday, and it seems I got in trouble about giving credit to a cup that was won by !Jenora Gaskin instead of Ruth Wilson, so "come back what I said." Really, Ruth and Charlott win so many that I think the type must stay put upon them, saves the printer time if we just say "RUTH" "CHARLOTTE." So as of this week it is just backwards. Ruth won the cup and Lenora second. Who is crazy. * * * understand it, people a few blocks off speak differently. Oh, the wonder of the world. And girls-she brought the knowledge of how to wrap a SARI-that has been one of the wonders of a lot of us, and now I am happy I can do it with the ease of a true Indian girl and I am pleased with myself; several Portland iladies are the better off with the knowledge also. Mrs. Katherine Bogle, who is the proud owner of a Sari, has at last found out how to wear it, also Mrs. Artie Williams, MRS. BEJtTHA MULLEN of S.E. 21st was hostess to the Rosebud and not only the Sari has made Getsi a much loved new friend, but Study Club on Wednesday. This being Negro History Week, Mrs. that warm wonderful personality and lovable smile has won the hearts Idella Waynor as speaker of the day, gave a report on Negro history. * * * MRS. WOODIE DANCEY was hostess on Tuesday to the ever– popular Duchesses. A wonderful evening was spent at her home. * * * THE KNITTING GANG is really knittin.' When Ruth and Muriel take time out to -knit, everyone should get the old needle out and Holy be, the story should sell out of yarn. And knitting is fine as long as you are on one needle--getting to the end and comin' back is another story. Smile--I'lllearn. . * * * of the Portland "Clique." We wish her much success on her journey and in her homeland. Miss Samuel has asked all the ladies to please visit her land in 1950, so GffiLS- here is your chance. Start saving. Mom and Pop Reynolds are going and wish lots of company. Centennial atmosphere this year at the Boise Parent-Teachers Associ- ON WEDNESDAY EVENING Mr. Ingram and I wer.e nost and ation, Tuesday night, February lOth, at 8 p.m. in the school auditorium. hostess to Miss Getsie Samuels of India and her host and hosbess, Mr. Past presidents of the P.T.A. were introduced and recited a portion of and :Mm. Phil Reynolds, and also Dr. David Graham of Grantsburg, poetry. Mrs. Conrad McAllister, program chainnan, presented them Wisconsin. Mrs. Harriett Wilson, newcover from Denver, Colorado and Zeta Iota Chapter of Alpha Chi Pi Omega Salutes 'National Beauty Week' FOUNDER MARY McLEOD BETHUNE ORGANIZER MARJORIE S. JOYNER OCTOBER 27, 1945 Stylized HaircuHing * ' Permanents * Precision Setting e~a,.lene; Salon o/ Beaut, AT 4-9933 2826 H. Williams Roselle Yee MRS. HUNTERS Baby and Gift Shop "S P EC I A L" WINTER CLEARANCE SALE Beautiful Children's Dresses $1.49 to $2.19 Tots Creepen, Xtra nice.. 99c ea. Flanelea P.J. & Gowns .... $1.29 All Baby Caps & Bonnets, .49, .69 BE SURE TO VISIT OUR 11 GIFT AND CARD BAR 11 2647 H. Williams AT 8-3638 COMPLIMENTS OF JACOB MILLER Barber & Beauty Supply Co. Posner Products Madame Walker - Persulan 425 S.W. 2nd Ave. CA 8-6771 Inez Mayberrr Etoile H. Cox Moble Redmond THIS WEEK'S TOP BUYS TO SEE-CALL Mrs. Molget-BU 5-6004 Irvington District, English style, well kept. 2 lge. bdrms dn., 2 up. lge. liv. rm. with fireplace, family size din. rm. Kitchen with tile bath. F.C.B. with knotty pine party rm. Auto. sprink. system. A real good home at FHA appraised price of $12,600 Will consider contract. Poss. Mar. 1 $1000 DOWN-CONTRACT Livl rm., hrdwd. fl. & fireplace. 2 lge. bdrms., F.C.B., oil heat, dinette, garage. Ask about other homes in good districts Gonsolly Realty AT 2-3828 For 'rhat 'Extra Careful' Quality Lawrence's Portland Laundry & Dry Cleaners Guaranteed - Laundry,Dry Cleaning & Linen Supply Services 1740 S. E. Union A•enue (Since 1897) Phone IE 2-1166 Cutrapia Duke Prescriptions 3 PHARMACISTS TO SERVE YOU Frank Nan 519 S.W. Sixth 919 S.W. Taylor CA 3-7211 CA 7-1438 HOLLYWOOD /LANE BLDG. AT 4-1193 COMPLIMENTS OF LILLIAN'S BEAUTY SHOP 2529 H. Williams AT 1-6554 PORTLAND CHAPTER ORGANIZED BY CUMA CLAYTER APRIL 1958 'Catering to Style Conscious Women "/)Ill ' ot.a Vivian 6 AT 4-9912 1810 N.E. 1st We Salute National Negro History Week WHAT DOES THE AMERICAN NEGRO WANT? The answer is, nothing special- iust what everybody else wants - nothing less and nothing more. We don't want any special iobs saved for us or withheld from us. We don't want any special cars in which to ride or special schools to which to go. We don't want any special houses or blocks in which to live or special units of the armed forces from which to fight for freedom. We don't want any special favors to p·ut us ahead - but we don't want any special agreements to hold us back. All we want is equal opportunity with all other Americans to live and work and play, to vote and get an education and be promoted, to fight for our country and-hope to be President like everyone else. More than that we do not ask but with less than that we shall never be content. SUBMimD BY E. SHELTON HILL Industrial Secretary Urban League of Portland COMPLIMENTS OF COMPLIMENTS OF COMPLIMENTS OF COMPLIMENTS OF COMPLIMENTS OF COMPLIMENTS OF Whitney's Grocery & Mkt. BAUGH REAL ESTATE Quality Meats and Vegetables MATTHIEU DRUG CO. THEODORE R. BAUGH WALTER C. REYNOLDS MR. and MRS. Dr. Samuel J. Brown, Jr. Fresh Fruit - Iced Beer and Wine M.D. JAMES HERMAN CAYON Frozen Food Lockers 1 North Russell Street 19 H. E. Broadway AT 8-3813 3023 H. Williams AT 1-0566 Portland 17, Oregon COMPLIMENTS OF COMPLIMENTS OF COMPLIMENTS OF COMPLIMENTS OF COMPLIMENTS OF JIMMY COMPLIMENTS OF OCEAN FISH NEIGHBORHOOD DR. and MRS. FRANK and MARY "BANG-BANG" RETAIL SHOPPING CENTER DR. ond MRS. GROCERIES a nd MEATS WALKER ' DE NORVAL UNTHANK BOOKER LEWIS Leadin9 3957 H. Mississippi AT 4-2703 2115 H. Williams AT 8-4666 443 H. Failing AT 4-9264 Northwest Lightweight Boxer COMPLIMENTS OF COMPLIMENTS OF COMPLIMENTS OF McCORVEY'S COMPLIMENTS OF BEAVER HOTEL COMPLIMENTS OF COMPLIMENTS OF SUPER SERVICE BLUE RIBBON LEO FELDSTEIN WASHING AND POLISHING BAR-B-Q COFFEE HOUSE SMITH'S LEW'S MAN'S SHOP Brakes Adjusted and Relined 'The Best Bar·B-Q in Town" Home Cooked Meals - Short Orders HOME FURNISHINGS AND LUBRICATION STEAKS - CHICKEN - SEA FOOD HOUSE OF STYLE HOLLYWOOD Complete Motor Tune-up Home Cooked Meals--Short Orders FOOD TO GO Hours: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. We Stock oil Major Brands of Oil HOT TAMALES - HOT LINKS Open Mon.-Thurs. 6 a .m.-12 p.m. FURNITURE CO. ALL WORK GUARANTEED ICE CREAM • MILK SHAKES Fri .·Sat. Open 24 Hours Phone AT 2-4900 We Give Community Green Stamps BE 4-9351 BE 4-9331 1 N. Fremont OPEN FROM 7 A.M. TIL Mrs. Carrie MacFair, Prop. 3016 S. E. Division 113 N. Russell 1205 N.E. 33rd Ave. AT 2-3153 AT 2-3116 2017 N. Williams Ave. Corner S.W. 5th and Glisan
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