Northwest Clarion_1955-12-30

Page Four THE NORTHWEST CLARION Mr. Quisinbery stated in an in– __,.._,...el'l! terview that the boys who are pictured above are beginning their training for the January 7, 1956 March of Dimes. Exhibitions to be held at the Portland Armory. This is a beneficial program. Let's go out and support the March of Dimes. Consequently we will be encour aging young fighters . The coach also stated that the new equipment was donated to the Knott Street Boxing club by Ray Smith, President of the Port– ~and Bureau of Parks. Names of fighters in picture: Buddy P r o c to r and Eddie WHITE-MAN WISHES EVERYONE- A-– JOYOUS HAPPY NEW YEAR! ALL·NEW 1956 ' SUPER POWER • • • tl£~ 1 SUPER PERFORMANCE Fll The Bismarck. 21" console with flash·Mqtlc T~nlng Royal "X" chassJs, 16,~QO VQits of picture power' Clnebeam. Cin6·Lens, Spatllte Dial ' .to• speaker. Contemporary cablnei $41995 on castors. X2264RQ In grained ma· hagony color1 X22641Q In blond flnl1h, AND THill TWO ORIA' .INIT.. fiA,&fR., THAI PROYIDI TlloiVIIIO.. 'I .IHI$' fiCl'Jfll ADVANCI· ENGINEfltfD ROYAL "X" CHASSIS Ltlttt Pvtt thl JIICfllrt Cln tht tern~ prtiiUII of with deloit ond rea/hm 1hj 1 yov ntvtr dreamed poulb •· ltnlth 1 1 flmtll Tested and proved In 43 of iii'~IUI' CiuR~H PICTUU TUBE laboratorltl America's toughest re~eptlonl locations, the powerfu• Roya "X" chassis gives a cle?r, ~n· distorted picture even on croll· cal fringe areas. ••• ALL THE SENSiiiONAL NEW 1956 ZENITH TV The fan~aus Zenith pic• Sclentlflcally•darkentd lure tube that doubles picture glass that acts as picture power but uses plus factorfor Cln6beam leu beam cu'rrenl for Picture Tube. Concen· longer tube life. Cine· !rates the Intensity of the beam reflects all the picture, gives added electronic light outward depth, ~;~realer tclhlrllsl. for a sharper, clearer picture. - '~--- ZENITH· QUALITY TV AS LOW AS $179 95 SEE US FOR TRADE·IN TERMS THAT CAN'T BE B£11'11 Your Best Buys Always WHITE .. MA N 5001 N. E. Union al Alberla _ ,.~-- APPLIANCE COMPANY T.elephone AT 1a2904 - r .-- --. Beware of Thai Over 40 Period r Married couples approaching that dangerous, over-40 period of their lives are warned in the Jan– uary EBONY by Dr. Walter A. Adams to beware of those little arguments that are not imme diately patched up. Such quarrels he says, are often the forerunner of a wrecked marriage. Dr. Adams, Chicago Medica· School faculty member and psy chiatrist at Provident Hospital Chicago, maintains that sex doe: not sabotage middle-aged mar riage nearly as often as peopk assume it does. Instead it is thr lack of companionship that ·s the devastating bludgeon which shat– ters many marriages in that ag( group, and most such failures arc traced to those early little quar· :·els that are allowed· to hang in mid-air. The surest way to avoid need less shipwreck in the dangerou~ straits of the mid-forties, says the psychiatrist, is to choose a mate with care. It is essential they have basic harmonies such as sexual, religious and political. Those with >imilar interests have a better ·: hance to ride out the dangerous yea rs than those whose interests dissimilar. Dr. Adams holds that many p a i n f u I separations ~ould Lc avoided if couples recognized the early symptoms of marital dis– cord. He lists those dangE'r signals as, 1) nagging wives who seek as– mrance of their husbands' love JY making impossible demands; ~) skinflint husbands who force heir wives to beg for money to ·Jay bills; 3) husbands who be– come so absorbed with work out– side the home that they neglect to give their mates love and un– lerstanding; and 4) in-laws who fve with couples and are toler– lted when they interfere in fam – ily quarrels. Dr. Adams believes that if these janger signals are heeded as they arise divorce then would become unthinkable, for the couples will tave developed over the years ;ompanionship and mutual re– ;pEY.:t that cannot be easily re– _Jlaced. Room lor Renl To Responsible Person. Located On Bus Line 109 N. Graham Street AT Z·IZZ4 Prescriptions 14 :Regiateretl Pharmacists To Serve You "WE NEVER CLOSE" Frank Nan ll9 SW Taylor 519 SW Sixth CA 3·7211 CA 7·1432 011.' CALL MONTAG e Shell heating oil for your furnace • Promot. metered, cily-wide deliveries. • "Safe Level" s-ervice. We keep your tank filled. Montag, 2528 S.E. Holgate BE 4-4301 "I I Friday, December 30, 1955 The Denlisl Speaks By Dr. Samuel J. Brown. Jr. How to Prevent Toothachc– (Continued) The pain of a toothache is a symptom of disease. Dental decay which leads to toothache is so common that even dentists and physicians do not always think of tt as disease. Yet disease it ma.ot certainly is. Perhaps the most common char· actenstic of all disease is tissue destrudion, tissue being the sub · ·stance of which the body is made. So, when one says disease is char– acterized by tissue destruction, it is meant that parts of the body are destroyed by it. Tuberculosis attacks and destroys the lungs; gastric ulcer attacks and destroys the lining membrane of the stom– ach; thinking of disease, then, as tissue destruction, let us consider the progressive mature of the disease process that begins with a cavity in a tooth. It starts by destroying the hardest substance, or tissue, in the body-the enamel, or outer covering of the tooth. If unc hecked, it promptly eats its way ' to the dentin under the enamel. It then progresses rapidly through the dentin into what is commonly called the nerve-the soft, pithlike center of the tooth, which the dentist terms the pulp. It is a this point that toothache first occurs. The disease next pro– ceeds to destroy the pulp and thus establishes a channel through the end, or apex, of the tooth, which permit:; harmful bacteria from the mouth to pass through and attack the jawbone, resulting in a col– lection of bacteria or a focus of infection. From this source the bacteria and their poisons may be transmitted by the blood in circu– lation to almost any tissue or vital internal organ. Next Week: First Step in Halting Dental Disease. QUESTION: How often should a child visit the dentist? Answer: A definite rule as to how often a child should visit the dentist cannot be made. Children, like adults, vary in mouth cleanli– ness and su&ceptibility to tooth decay. In general, dental visits >hould be made at least every six months, or as often as the dentist flirects. Joy lhe Tailors Wishes Everyone A Merry Christmas And A Joyous New Year. New Address 925 N. E. Broadway Free Parking • FOR BERT Very nice 5-room apart· ment. completely redecorat· ed. Neatly furnished, auto· maHc oll heat. Attic, base· ment. ChiLdren over 10, welcomed. Phone AT 4-3071 For Thut 'Extra Careful' Quality .La1.vrcnce's PorHand Laundry & Dry Cleaners Guaranteed - Laundry,Dry Cleaning & Linen Supply Services 1740 S. E. Union Avo. Sirwc i WJ7 Phone BE 2-1166