Northwest Clarion_1947-04-21
Monday, April 21, 1947 THE NORTHWEST CLARION AND PACIFIC DISPATCH THESE PORTLAND ADVERTISERS APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE I schools and h1gh school of the city, at an early age sang solos. Among them was a lovely lunch- ! vVe congratulate you and hope to eon given by Mrs. Pollyanna Reed WIND UP PARTY Portland Society ANNOUNCEMENT see you go on to higher heights at the beautifully appointed tea room Mrs. Etoile Cox announces the • • • of Mrs. Nancy Powell, 2122 N.E. c~rning marriage of her frien~ an co-l CLUB NEvVS Rodney Ave. ''orker :Mrs. Florence Fullilove of The O.M.E. club met Thursday Sharing honors with Mrs. Fields Portland, Oregon., to Mr. Clarence evening ith Mrs. Naomi Gibbs, 14 1 5 were, Mesdames I. Pope and D. D. Hicks. Mr. Hicks is ilie uncle of N. Ross St. Thomas. • Mrs. Cox, and is now -living in Oak- Pastor's Aide met in Vanport. lund, Calif. The marriage takes place Tuesday evening, at ilie apartment of RETURNS FROM SUNNY the first part of June at the home of Mrs. E. M. Jackson, 2508 Cotton- CALIFORNIA l\Ir. and Mrs. Cox. They will make wood. Tuesday, Mr. J. (Skinny) John- their home in Oakland, Calif. • son and his wife, Mrs. Pearl John– son, arrived from California after a short visit to several places in iliat great state. Mr. Johnson had motor– ed there prior to his wife; she flew down in order to be with her hubby and to motor back with him when he returned. They visited Los Ange– les, and stopped off in Oakland, Fris– co, Redding, Stockton and Sacramen– to. They report an enjoyable trip. * * * VISIT VANCOUVER, B.C. Ms. Z. Baker and her niece Mrs. Richard Bogle enjoyed a few days' trip to Vancouver, B.C. and Seattle, vVn., visiting friends. They reported a lovely trip and a grand time. * • '* PARTY FOR LITTLE MISS COX Mrs. H. Schropshire 11 N.E. Cher· ry Ct., as hostess to the Beilielite club~ at which time plans were made for their Spring Festival to be held Jline 12. At the close of the m~eting ilie hostess servep a dainty repast. Visit– ing the meeting was Mrs. Woods. mother of Mrs. Schropshire. * * * Little Miss Etolia Cox celebrated The Senior Missionary Society of her sixili birthday April 7, with a Bethel A.M.E. church met Thursday AFTER THE Easter Fashion Review held in Seattle by the Pacific Dispatch I party. Several of her little friends afternoon at ilie home of Mrs. Anna– the Five Star Final Committee entertained the Oarion visitors at the~ lovely j were on hand to wish her many more belle Harris. Plans are being dis– EI Grotto Room at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Krise!. Still tired but , happy birthdays and to enioy th!> cussed for the Mi-Chatter Work, on happy t~ey- pose for a photo .by Oscar Miller, Dispatch Staff Photographer, ,. birthday cake and ice cream. The I May 16. 406 Mam. Seated, left to nght: Chesley E. Corbett, editor of Northwest httle people made merry frmn 2.30 * • • . Oarion;. Mrs. Jessie Shields, Mrs. Helen K~sel, Mi~ Larson, of P~rtland, j to 5; 00 P.M. • • A.M.E. Zion church, Stewardess Mrs. Joste Tann, and Morgan W. Tann, editor of Dtspatch. Standmg, left ...-{: ~ Board No. 1 are having a chitterling to ~ght: .George Krise!, Mrs. Esther Ewing, Mrs. Sadie Stovall, George Mr. and Mrs. Otto Rutnerford ar and ham dinner Sunday, April. 20. Collms, Mtss Jones, of Portland, and Mrs. Davis, also of Portland. A NEVV BABY DAUGHTER Dinner will be served from 1:00 P.M. announcing ilie arrival _April 10, of a,. until sold out (at ilie church). Pres. "I WILL GIVE NOTES OF JEWISH baby daughter. The httle lady has Miss Tessie Fleming. been named Charlotte Berdine. On • • * DODGERS BEST IN Jewish Community Center will hand to welcome her were, grand-! CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ME' " SAYS JACKIE help determine the future of ilie failier W. H. Rutherford, grandmoili- PRACTIONER VISITOR IN OUR Jewish Community Center movement Mrs. Berdine of Yakima, Wn., two CITY BROOKLYN-(ANP)-"I am hap· and the postwar function and opera- broiliers William and Earl and a Mrs. Maud C. Fields, Christian py to be with ilie Dodgers. I am glad tions of the National Jewish Welfar cousin Betty Rutherford. Science Practioner of Vancouver. iliat Mr. Rickey and the others on Board as a participant in the forili- B.C., was house guest of Mrs. Iva coming annual meeting of J WB, to S NGS AT MUSIC FESTIVAL L. Pope and Mrs. Dorothy Thomas. ilie Brooklyn club have ilie confi- W ll h t h th · be held at the William Penn Hotel. e are 8 very appy 0 ear at 112 N. McMillen St. over the week- deuce in me, and I certainly shall Pittsburgh, Saturday evening, May l\1iss Pearl Margaret Drew received end. give iliem the best in me." This was 10 to Monday, May 12, it was an- a Superior rating in singing at the She was here to attend the Paul ilie way Jackie Robinson summed up nounced today by Mr. Harry Mittie- Annual Music Festival, by the Ore- StarkSeeley C.S.B. Christian Scienco l man, President of Jewish Center. gon Music Teachers Association held Association, which was held at ·Le :Us promotion to the Brooklyn Dodg- w ers last Thursday. As a member of ilie National Jew- at ilie Neighbors of Woodcraft Hall. Sixth Church C.S. Saturday. While ish Welfare Board, the National As- Miss Pearl is a native born Port- here she was motif of several soc1·al Announcement of the history mak- * * * RECEIVED PAINFUL GREESE BURNS Last Sunday rooming around 3 o'clock a pan of hot greece was tumed over and spilled all over the legs of Mrs. Maxine Smith, cook at 103 N. McMillen St., causing her serious and painful injuries and she had to be sent to the Emanuel Hos– pital for treatment. As we go to press we are glad to know that Miss Smith is recuperating nicely, and is- walking around. * AMONG THE SICK Mrs. Minnie Payne, 1740 N. Ben– ton, who has been ill for several days, is recuperating nicely. r.E·--·----., I As In The Past . • . I I For The Future ... I 1 Courteous Attention 1 t To Your Oothing Needs Is Our I I Watchword At 1 ing step was made by Branch Rick- sociation of Jewish Community Cen- lander, the daughter of Mrs. W. occasions. ters and YM-YWHAS, ilie Jewish Drew and the late Mr. W. Drew. 1 1 BRADFORD 1 1 H b CLOTHES ey's assistant, Arthur Mann, during •'- fif•'- · Community Center, shared in a rep- I She was educated in the public llle 1 lll mning of an exhibition game between ilie Dodgers and the l\1on- resentative sampling of American treal Royals." Mann gave no details Jewish public opinion made in con– as to ilie purchase price. nection with the far-reaching year- us ands! Wiv~s! J Men's Suits ~d Top Coa~ I Both officials of the Royals and the long JWB Survey, Mr. Harry Mittie– Dodgers had only words of praise man explained. for ilie star infielder. Clyde Suke- Findings and recommendations of forth. manager pro tern of ilie Dodg- the JWB Survey, undertaken to eval– ers told reporters, "I want him uate and chart the road for JWB's (Jackie) to feel at home in "Brook- postwar program of service to the lyn.". The liberal move on the part of Rickey enaqled Jackie to gain ilie distinction of being ilie first Negro in recent years to wear the colors of a major league team. RESERVE MAY 5th Hear Hortense Love (Soprano I at the Moore theatre. ., Remember C I a r i o n Fashion show - Benson High, Sunday, May 11. Two Rooms for Rent Suitable for single person or married couple. Has all mod– ern conveniences for cooking. Near Williams Avenue. For More Details Call MU6505 ALL RACES BACK CANCER SOCIETY'S NATION-WIDE DRIVE FOR $12,000,000 -a-o-a-~-~~-tr-~-~00', HOLG~_TE FARMS - 10305 S. E. Holgate Blvd. WE BUTCHER our own meats, cure our own hams • Jewish Center movement, to ilie Want new Pep anri 'l•m? I Slacks, Shi~tg and Jackets I armed forces and to the American • Women's Swts and Toppers . ·l'bousands of couples are weak, worn-out, ex- I · · I Jew1sh community as a whole will hauated solely because body lac.".s iron. For Style and Quahty Merchandtse at be made public at JWB's 1947 a~nual nCoew v!m- vitality, try Ostrex Tonic Tablets. I Reasonable Prices I ntaiDa u-on you, too, may need for pep; also . meeting Mr. Harry Mittleman de- vitaminS,. Getregular$1.00sizenowonly79c! 1 Cred1t As Easy As A B C 1 f F.,.. .W. at aU dn:lg stores· everywhere. dared. Delegates to represent Jewish I I Community Center at ilie annual NEW DREAM BOOK 1 JWB meeting will be determined shortly. fREE The Tragedies of the White 1 Slaves TRUE LOVE Remember C I a r i o n Fashion show - Benson High, Sunday, May 11. A Howard Real-Hair Page Boy adds long luxurious tresses! s2so GUIDE. Former cost was $3.00. I Now don't pay a cent more. Send \I $1.00 Cash or Money Order and get all iliree books. DON'T MISS L THIS GREAT VALUE. LORRY DlaoJtoS~!II.I<~:&a:&.l.llloiOiiol&i.U.a•• BOOK COMPANY, Box 846, New– port News, Va. Read THE CLARION regularly. The MEDLEY HOTEl 2272 N. Interstate Ave. BE SURE and meet your friends at Portland's Leading Colored Hotel. VISIT OUR LOUNGE MUrdock 9533 your hair won't curl I Phone SUnse! 1909 and bacon HANDMADE, rich, luxuriant, real I RAISE our own fryers __ Fresh Daily hair attachment. 12" wide. Adjustable Special One Day Service on All Uniforms elastic·band. Jet Black. Brownish Black. I PLENTY OF GOOD THINGS TO EAT Dark Brown-or send your hair sample. Mac's Cleaners Pick Up and Delivery Service 822 N. E. Sandy Blvd., Apt. 1 F. B. "Mac'' Estep TUxedo 1003, EAst 4477 PAGE FIVE FASHION SHOW PLANS (Continued from page 1) All models, and members of the committee are expected to be present. together with Mrs. June Runnel! l'llistress of Ceremonies and Mrs: Pollyanna Reed commentator, and the Clarion and reporters. Monday night is the last date that models will be accepted as ilie first rehearsal is scheduled for ilie week of April 21, the exact dai~ and place will be announced at ilie meet– ing, April 21. Tickets have been printed and will be distributed at intervals. Members of the staff, committee and models who have not secured their tickets may do so by contacting the editor– Mrs, Cox, or any member of ilie committee. Full details of places where tickets may be purchased will be printed in ilie Clarion, April 28. issue. The name of ilie judges and persons giving prizes will also be printed, together with such oilier and further advice which will be bene– ficial to the public. They are asking ilie various churches, clubs, schools, unions, and organizations to aid and assist us in making this a worthwhile Fashion Show-Let's all pull together-and make this a success. Great interest is manifested and visitors are coming from Tacoma. Seattle and near by places. IDY Ho f THIS TIME • THEY'RE HERE • DON'T YOU DARE MISS- THE SLIM GAILLARD-. TRI0 "C;:,~;,tP~!;i~'r Featured in the Musical Hit "Sweetheart of Sigma Chi" with Phil Regan and Frankie Carle and His "Hot" Band -and- ON THE SAME PROGRAM "THE PERFECT MARRIAGE" Loretta • David YOUNG NEVIN NOW PLAYING ORPHEUM j SPARE RIBS AND PORK BONES OUR SPECIALTY I !?n~~~!~~u;~a;;:~~~~sad~;:~se- ! 1 Save from 20 to 90 per cent ' State color·hair wanted. Mail to _ Howard, Dept. X, 143 W. 125th St., ·-·-·-·-·-·-·- -·-·-·-·-·-------·NewYork 27, N.Y. Pay postman $2.50 the new scientific way to .._._.•••••._._._.........•.•.•.-.•.•..-.•.-.-.-.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•................._.._._...-.-..-..-..•.•.•..-.·. plus postage. Ask for free catalogue. RECORDS Now AVAILABLE NEW R. M. BLUES ...................... ·.......... . Roy Milton LITTLE BOY BLUE ................................ . Roy Milton RAINY DAY CONFESSION ......................... Roy Milton I'LL ALWAYS BE IN LOVE ........................ . Roy Milton RED LIGHT ....................................... Roy Milton THAT'S ALL RIGHT ........................... Big Boy Crudup SNEAKIN' WOMAN BLUES ......................... Bill Crosby BAD TALE BOOGIE ............................. . Jay McShon Phone MU. 9535 ~ ~ ~ MADRONA RADIO AND < RECORD SHOP t.....-..-..-.-......... ~.~RTH BROADWAY AT WILLIAMS howard rrw.a•u: Salon-styled real hatr attachment. Satisfaction guaranteed or mone7 baek More than 40,000,000 sold in almolll 40 yecr!l THE VICTORIA APARTMENT REMODELLED AND RENOVATED COzy Rooms and Apartments For Rent RATES REASONABLE 33 N. E. Weidler Street Phone TU 9115 ALBERT DENNIS, Manager Bon-Ton Barber Shop Guaranteed Work a':.d Courtesy Experienced barbers are always at your service. You are welcome here. I. L. BURNETTE, Manager 526 N. W. Glisan, Portland, Ore. LOOK! 638 N. Graham 5 Room Bungalow Type H01tse Good Shape $800.00 Down Payment $3500.00 Full Price straighten your hair right in your own home without the ravages of hot combs or strong caustics containing lye Easydo Hair Straightener works like magic .. . lasts like a permanent (3 to 6 months). Completely straightens the hair in one application. Leaves hair straight, soft, smooth and easy to manage ... does not bum the skin or discolor the hair. You can shampoo your hair over and over again and it will stay straight.. No Other Straightener is exactly like Easydo. It's an entirely new type of bait straightener ... mild, easy to use and effective. It straightens hair by adjusting the cells of the hair to a new straight shape. That's all there is to it ... just repeated combing and waiting periods. Easydo has been scientifically proved and thoroughly tested, and it is guaranteed to straighten your hair. Try Easydo! Get a package today at your favorite drug or depart· ment store. If Easydo fails to straighten your hair, you'll get your money back. Discover for yourself this easy, proved way to end hair $200 · straightening troubles and worries. plus rax USE ONLY £~ TO STRAIGHTEN YOUR HAIR If you ore unable to buy Eosydo at your favorite drug or deporlment store, write Eosydo, lnr:., 155 No. Clark St., Chicago I, Illinois.
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