Northwest Clarion_1947-04-21
PAGE FOUR THE NORTHWEST CLARION AND PACIFIC DISPATCH Monday, April 21, 1947 Northwest Clarion PUBLISHED EACH FRIDAY By NORTHWEST CLARION PUBLISHING CO. 2736 N.E. Rodney Avenue. Telephone MUrdock 3071 Send Mail to P. 0. Box 4201-Zone 8 ARTHUR A. COX, Sr., Owner-Publisher CHESLEY E. CORBETT, Editor and Manager MRS. ETOILE COX, Manager of Circulation and Distribution ARTHUR A. COX, Jr., Staff Photographer WAYMAN F. HICKS, In Charge of Collections Member of the AS"Sociated Negro Press and Ted Yates Publication, Inc. This newspaper reserves the right to print for publication all press dispatches, features a11d photos forwarded by these agencies or otherwise credited to them. NATIONAL ADVERTISING .REPRESENTATIVE Interstate United Newspapers, Inc., 546 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y., Telephone Murray Hill 2-5452, with offices in Chicago and Detroit. RATES BY MAIL--6 mos. $2.00-0ne Year $3.50 in Advance Single Copy 10 cts. The Pacih·c Dispatch Published Weekly On Friday By THE PACIFIC DISPATCH PUBLISHING CO. 210 23rd Avenue No., Seattle MORGAN W. TANN .... - - Phone EAst 2893 ..... ........Editor and Publisner MRS. M. TANN...... ..... ...Cir<-ulation ........... Society HELEN SNYDER KRISEL -RATES- TEN CENTS PER COPY YEARLY BY MAIL $3.50 SIX MONTHS BY MAIL $2.00 (Payable in Advance) CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING R>\TES 30c Heading-3c Per Word, First Issue-Minimum 50c ZOe Heading-2c Per Word, Second Issue United Rates on Three or More Insertions Deadline-Wednesday Noon Advertising Rates Furnished Upon Request When written for on "letterhead stationary." ~~ ~ We Stand By H. D. Jackson Mine chieftain, John L. Lewis, is again gleefully rolling your Uncle Samuel over the UMW barrel. Seizing the golden opportunity for revenge provided by the Centralia mine disaster, John L., with his feet in the trough and his belligerent snout cov– erd with union gravy, insults Amrican intelligence with his pretext of a week long memorial for the miners as an excuse for pulling the long contemplated strike he has not dared to pull since his recent fine for contempt. Tragic as the Centralia disaster was, the fact remains that miners, just as do other workers, often violate safety rules them– selves. Lewis, it has been revealed, although in a position to have done something about mine safety long ago, and in full know– ledge of the danger to miners, had done nothing to safeguard these men; and the miners themselves who had been granted the privilege of defining what constituted mine safety chose to gamble with their lives. John L. seeks to use the families of the miners as leverage with which to pry from the government the fine assessed to the UMW by the federal government, although he himself chose to ignore the constructive suggestions of certain Americans that the miners continue to work with their pay going to a fund for the bereaved families of the Centralia miners. John L's love of "meller drammer" and his desire to use the cloudy thinking of emotionally swayed Americans to corral Uncle Sam and again put a UMW ring in his nose would permit of no such sensible solution. If this newest onslaught of the power-daft king of the min– ers does not produce strong labor legislation which will remove the hazard of future nationwide tie-ups in vital industries and communications it will be because the American public was sleeping at the switch. Strikes in utilities and industries necessary to over-all vvel– fare of the nation and against the federal government must not continue. The present telephone strike is nation wide. It is in the category of vital communications. Suppose we were at war– vital communications and essential industries are chief targets of infiltrating communists. Are we now witnessing a full dress rehearsal of what will happen at some future war time crisis? Are dissatisfied Americans shortsigtedly thinking only of per– sonal gain dealing the high cards to the wily communists? Reading of the present mild labor legislation now favored by a vote minded Congress and pondering the legal aspects one is reminded of the words of the wise Solon of old who said: ''Laws are like cobwebs. If any frail thing falls into them they catch and hold it fast; while if it be something weightier it breaks through them and is off." · Laws to control rampaging John Lewises and nation-wide utility strikes cannot be of gossamer stuff. This vital matter must not be left to the personal opinions of a vote conscious legislators. They must come through the demands of the majority of the American people. An air mail to the Senate Labor Committee costs little., and enough letters from aroused Americans will put an end to the peril to this nation of nation-wide strikes. If you are remiss in your duty now, when you feel at some later date the pinch of want caused by economic upset you will have only yourself to blame. LEAGUE EXECUTIVE (Continued from page 1) with local officials of government and private age11cies, including employ– ers and unions. The job of promoting employment opportunities for Negroes by tlw Na– tional Urban League has been .under the direction of Mr. Thomas since 1942 when he left the executive sec– retaryship of the Louis...-ille Urban League to take his present position. His work was outstanding in break– ing down discrimination in war in– dustries. He worked hand in hand with other national organizations in the fight for equal job opportunities. and was in the forefront of the na– tional F.E.P.C. battle. The Urban League of Portland is sponsoring the meeting at Bethel church to which. the public is cor– dially invited and will be host to Mr. Thomas on his tuur of Portland. LEAGUE TO HOLD MEETING FOR MEMBERSHIP The Urban League of Portland will hold a membership meeting on Tuesday, April 22, 8:00 P.M. Bethel A.M.E. Church. The occasion for this meeting will be the visit of our National Director of Industrial Re.. lations. Julius A. Thomas. Mr. Thomas is an outstanding pub– lic speaker. He directed the Indus– trial Relations laboratory during the war years; and studied in a clinical setting the effect of the integration of 1,500,000 Negro war workers in skilled work. Mr. Thomas is unques– tionably the best informed person in the nation on the subject of Negro employment. His topic will be: LIVE AND LET LIVE-"The Employ– ment Outlook for Negroes the Na– tion Over." Dr. Unthank will preside at the meeting. Irving Enna, member of our Executive Board and representa– tive of organized labor, will present the speaker and lead the discussion. Music will be furnished by the Beth– el A.M.E. fine broadcasting Choir. under the direction of Clarence E. Ivey. You can spend 90 worthwhile min– utes with them-remember the date -April 22, place-Bethel A.M.E. church-Corner of N. Larrabee and McMillen Streets. Another Old Timer Passes Sunday last Mr. Gurt Blake, well known "Old Timer" around here died suddenly; he suffered from an heart attack. At the time of his demise he was living with Mr. and Mrs. .James Sullivan on Going St. His funeral will be held Friday at 1 P.M. Holman & Lutz had charge of the services. creased. Rather, we are asking each member to VOLUNTARILY IN– CREASE HIS MEMBERSHIP AND MAKE SPECIAL CONTRIBU– TIONS ACCORDING TO HIS IN– COME. The drive opened officially on April 17. with a KICK-OFF DINNER at First A.M.E. church. 14th Ave. be– tween Pike and P;ne at 6:30. Mr. Griffin, our Regional ~ecretary from San Francisco was there. there were speakers. solos and pep songs. Come and join us? It is a good time to get acquainted with the or– ganization. ME:v!ORIZE THIS TELEI-'HONE NU:\'IBER-EAst 1468. Dial EAst 1468 to enlist as " Cflp– tain or a 'Yorker in the 1947 i'.iem– bership Campaign. Dial EAst !+68 and ask for a work– er to call for your membarship or sp,cial contribution and give names of others who are interestcJ i~t juin ing or in making a special gift. Di'll EAst 1468 and joic1 in the fight for Equality. NORTH CENTRAL Y ANNUAL N. B.-The viewpoint of the writer is entirely personal and does not MEETING necessarily constitute the opinion of the publishers. The North Central Branch YMCA WE 'RE OFF' I high. so is the cost of FREED0:\1 which IS the fifth and newest branch ' . • from-discnmination in employment. of the Portland YMCA held its first C . V\" k Offi "·I 1 lynching. preJudice. mjustice m the annua1 meetmg at St. Philips church aptams, or ·ers, tcers, 1v em- ; . I Tuesday, April 8, with 66 members hers and Friends of the Seattle courts. restnctlve covenents. segrega- and friends present. The featured Branch National Association for the tion. poor housing. high pnces. m- part of the meeting was the personal Advancement of Colored People are adequate education and recreational '-isit of Dr. T. z. Koo. famous Chi– lining up for the Annual Me1n ber- facilities. arid all the evils which are nese Christian statesman and YMCA ship Drive. keeping people of minority groups worker who later spoke over station The National Office set the goal for from enjoying the basic human lib- KALE to the five branch meetings. Seattle at 3,000 members for 1947. erties of democracy. Although the A welcome speech was given by This means you must not only renew need for the N.A.A.C.P. is greater Dr. DeNorval Unthank, chairman of your own membership, but also get than ever before and more money is 1 . the branch board of managers. Mr. others to join. needed to carry out its program, Jule K. Lott acted as master of cere- The cost of living these days I' 1 membet·ship fees have not been in- monies ' HISTORY AND ACTIVITIES OF NO. CENTRAL "Y" On June 1:3. 1~H6, by official ac– tion of the North Central Branch Board of 1\lanagcrs, an Executive Secretary was hired to start work with the newly fotmed district. Sev– enteen clubs and 300 members were inherited from the North Branch since they were within the area served by Beach, Boise, Eliot, High– land, Kennedy, Vernon and iVood– lawn Grade Schools and Jefferson High School. This territory is now the North Central Branch. By the end of 1 9-+6, the goal of 3C clubs had been reached and passed The Branch has also topped its quota of $300.00 for 1946 corporate mem– bership and by so doing that, was the first branch to reach its goal. The North Central Branch office was moved in the month of Novem her into its permanent location at 120 N.E. Russell Street and we were happy to merely remember om· start in the temporary upstairs headquar- ters. In January, we were ready to of. fically say "hello" to members and friends, so we held a very successful Open House where over 300 person& attended. During this same month OUJ' first Boys' vVork Committe~; meeting was held and that commit tee now meets each month to study and plan for our most effective work with the boys in our territory. Mr. J ule K. Lott acted as temporary chairman very effectively and, after he had the comroittee off to a good start, withdrew and Dr. Miner Pat– ton, principal of Woodlawn Grade SchooL became the pet·manent chair man. The Branch Board of Managers has met each month except in Au– gust. At the start, there were eleven members and that has now been ex– panded to fourteen. Dr. DeNorval Unthank has been the chairman of the Board from the start. He has shown very capable leadership and a loyalty and devotion to the "Y" that warms the heart of all who know him. The Board has been very faith– ful in all of its duties. Its members were the ones who raised the corpo– rate membership funds; they were· the faithful ones who came to meet– ings during the time when we were struggling to get a start and to make a decent showing. Much credit is due the board members for their part~ in the advancement of the Branch. In June, Harold C. Davis was hired as the ExecutiYe Secretary of the North Central Branch. Miss Virginia Newby was the temporary office sec· retary, who was succeeded by l.Vliss Geraldine Williams late in August. Miss Williams hns shown an ability seldom found in an office secretary. She is an excellent office manag"r; she is the clever and artistic publi~h er of our North Central News a,1d the designer of our othnr no'ices y JU receive. Much of the credit for t'te success of the Branch is clue tJ :11 s• V\filliams for her nnc]{,rct':ndins o: the peopll' an:l for hn1· clever wrY' of promotion. The o~fice secr~tary must "break •.NORTH CENTRAL BRANCH in" here to say that our Executive I Yl\iCA Secretary, Harold C. Davis, has ac- Board of ldanagers complished in nine months what no I Dr. De:Norval Unthank, Chairman; ether branch in Portland has done I Tiev. C. N. A:1stin, 1\Ir. William Bol– :n a full year. Hts secretary has yet lig,'r. 1\.Irs. A. B. Cutler, Mr. Kelly to see anyone who works with the Foster, Mr. E. S. Hill, 1\Ir. C. E. ·nergetic zeal which Mt·. Davis put~ hey. l'.'Ir. Jule K. Lott, 1\L·s. E. S. :nto every task, with no thought of Raven. l'Vlr. L. 'V. Seggel, Mr. Ken– 'he long hours he works both night 1:cth Smith, Miss Marie Sneed, Rev: mel clay. If there were any "Oscars" I L. 0. Stone, Mr. Jay "'Wilson, Mr. ;iven for the most outstanding "Y" Harold C. Davis. ExecutiYe Secretary. personality. North Central's Execu- tive would recei,,.e unquestionable I Ex-Offico /~.I embers nomination because of' his personal- Mr. J. C. Meehan, General Secre- :ty. his understanding. his unequaled tary, Portland YMCA, Mr. T. W. 1ccumplishment and realistic per- Badley, Assistant General Secretary, ormance. Portland YMCA; Mr. Paul S. Camp- ACTIVITIES bell. Assistant General Secretary. The Branch i, now an active and Portland YMCA; Mr. A. A. Lesseg. ,-igorous organization with m·e•· 30 President, Metropolitan Board, Port– clubs. The second chapter of Hi-Y I land YMCA. at Jefferson was the start of a city– wide movement of Hi-Y expansion in Portland. There are now 3 schools with extra chapters of Hi-Y. Office Staff Mr. Haro~d C. Davis, Secretary; Miss Geraldine Office Secretary. Executive Williams. l.VIost of our clubs meet once a week and have a varied program of activities. Always at the center of Boys' Work Committee Members the program is the religious emphasis Mrs. Thomas Adams, Rev. C. N. hy the chaplain or the leader. We I Austin, Mr. H. N. Butterfield, Mr. have Gra-Y clubs for boys in the -+th E. S. Curtis, Mrs. A. B. Cutler, Rev. to 6th grades; Jr. Hi-Y for boys in Kenneth Dunkelberger, Mr. Jack "rades 7 to 9 and Hi-Yand Torch-Y · Gnffith. Mr. 0. W. Hays, Mr. Everett fo:· High School fellows. Lisle. Mr. Jule K. Lott, Dr. Miner Each month the boys of the Patton, Rev. E. M. 'Vhaley. :3ranch may go swinuning at the Annual lv!eeting Committee Central "Y". About 75 boys have 1 Mrs. A. B. Cutler, Chairman, Mrs. passed swimming tests and interest is I Harold Carlberg. Miss Gerry Will– nct·easing in this item of the pro-~ iams. Mrs. E. S. Raven, Mrs. DeNor- gram. val Unthank. vVe had 22 teams in 6 different leagues during basketball season. It I NORTH CENTRAL Y looks as though even more will par- TOURNAMENT ticipate in softball this Spring. The nineteen Gra-Y and Jr. Hi-Y Our leaders have done a wonder– ful job with their groups. Over 55 individuals have served as leaders or associate leaders for our groups. All but three of these were new since September, so there has been a great need for mu~h supervision and train- clubs of the North Central Branch Y will be sending representatives to the branch office on Russell street to take part i.n ;~'le ping pong and marble tournaments Saturday, April 19, at 10:00 A .M. Each club is al– lowed three members entered in each ng. of the tournaments with prizes for the winners in 7th. 8th, 9th. and Gra- A fout· weeks leadership training y divisions. course which was city-wide was held in the Fall of 19-+6 and twelve lead ers of. North Central clubs attended I \YOODLAWN JR. HI- Y Three of these wet·e present at every INDUCTION session of the course. There have The vVoodlawn Jr. Hi-Y club had been leaders' councils to plan our I an induction for its new members at sports leagues and special activitiP the school Monday, April 14. The of the clubs. new members inducted are as fol– Some very fine help has been given by many of the women of our area too. At om· Board of Managers <Ind Boys' vVork Conunittee rneetingc, lows: Boh Danneman. Don Peterson. Clifford vValker. Mason Spann, Bob– by vVoh·ert. and Howard Vinyard. Mrs. Harold C. Davis has cooked the FERNWOOD GRA-Y HIKES food for each one and has been as– sisted in the serving by a number of women in the community. There were dozens who helped at our Open House. and many helped on this An– nual Meeting dinner. The North Central Branch pro- Fifteen Fernwood Gra-Y boys and their leader took a hike into the Linn– ton Hills Saturday. April 12. The boys enjoyed a picnic lunch and played games as well as enjoying the hike. gram ha-; been tops because so many Y"S MEN PLAN cnpable pnoplc haw shared in the The executive committef' of the 1 Jig job we have undertaken. \Ve want I North Central Y Men's club met at you to share today's joys as we talk the home of Kenneth F. Smith and '){ out· accomplishments, but we alsc made plans for future meetings, dis– hope we will continue to deser-vl' your cussed the vVorld Youth Fund pro– o.upport as we build for a more crun-l gram, and other items of business. pl·'t' progr·am of activities for thr> 1 Those present were E. Shelton Hill. , :orth Central '·Y" and its people. i Charles Duke. Harold Davis. and Harold C. Davis. Exec. Secy. Kenneth Smith. I OPENS TUSKEGEE RED CROSS DRIVE JESSE 0. THOMAS opens Tuskogee Institute's Red Cro ss drive. Shown in the photo, left to right, are Miss H. Estelle Trent, field director S. V. H. American Red Cros s; Mr. Thomas; Dean I. A. Derbigny of Tuskogee and fund chairman, 1947; Mrs. B. B. Walcott, executive secretary, Tuskogee chapter, and Mrs. Betty Williams, public information chairman, Tuskogee chapter.
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