Northwest Clarion_1947-04-21

PAGE TWO THE NORTHWEST CLARION AND PACIFIC DISPATCH Monday, April 21, 1947 THESE PORTLAND ADVERTISERS APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE AFTER HOURS By "The Owl" Well this week the Socialites broke out. Spring is here and the fever un– doubtedly struck them and they per– formed. The $64.00 question is "Who is the well known social lady who eased upon her better half and his "out– side" chick who were having a "pet– ting party"? It seems as if the madam had intended to do some "rug beating", but after seeing her cat doing a "Romeo and Juliet" act, she must have mistook the outside chick for the rug; not finding a stick handy she grabs a chair and begins to "do her number" on the chick-and she undoubtedly must have thought that she had a mighty dusty, if not dirty rug the way she was using that chair; and the cat-Well, one thing about him-where ever he trained in the army or elsewhere, he remembered one order "Retreat-t!ouble time." time the old bird is going to give initials-and more full details. You owe it to yourself not to cut such capers. Still 11 very exceptional social celebrety brings us a new stunt; she goes into a certain place and informs the manager in no unmistaken man– ner that she wasn't going to come back into her place as long as she employees a certain lady; because that woman used to go with her hus– band. Now her husband is in business and suppose that all the cats who may go to his place should stay away just because they think and thought that he had been going with some of their chicks at one time or an– other? His place, no doubt, would be deserted. I wouldn't take it so hard lady; beside the chick you have in mind is getting tied up-just glance the columns of this issue of the paper and maybe you won't have to worry about this particular one. In fact are you not marking up the wrong tree. anyhow? Word comes from California about of his "place they could hear him I Eliot School Notes the activiti~s of certain cats and saymg Yes, dear, I would I Th d l 1 . · · t b h ld · e enta c mic IS o e e m chicks who formerly liver her. F - - s. be here when I got back, however. El' S h l h' · S f th I wt c oo t IS sprmg. orne o e is in Oakland; not doing so hot; she I was so worried and thought that . 1 h d d t l · t . pupi s ave ma e en a appom - can't pokena as she did here-things you might have been gone-you,. ments and are getting their teeth re– are rather tight on deep 7th, and F know how I love you, espeCially now · d d h k d W h 11 paire an c ec e . e ope a don't know how to cut the corners -these days--Only hearing one voice students will have visited their den- as she did here. M - - - - - n and her one of the friends peeked in;;-and f tist by the time the dental nurse cat "F - - d, who used to operate on behold Big H. was huggmg h1s Bank' h k h' . , . 'c ec ·s t IS spnng. +th and Flanders are in Reddick- Roll . He had gone off and left It at doing the same thing they did on his place and he was afraid that some In the eighth grade all but two k l l f th h . k ld t •~ 't d 1· of the students either have had their San Rafael-rna ·ing a itt e money o e c IC ·s wou ge "" I an c Ip . . too-Poor Boy and G - - J:. - - e arc him-Den's say he can't plead. Don't dental work completed or are havmg in Stockton. G. still has all his "dia- let him get after your girl friend; 1 It done. Other sectwns also have been monds and a bank roll"-doing well he is a pleading poor boy. I domg very welL Bartender Has Job in Newport Mr. George Rancher, for years a bartender and trusted employee of the Oregon Fraternial Association. left Portland, Thursday for Newport. Ore., where he has a job as bartender in a swell club. and looking prosperous. --- Valerie Cook, editor of the Eliot Now P. you had better get you! Star, announced tb_at the school paper gratulations George. some "no-shattering" glasses if you II will be ready for distributing May A - - - - - - w", at Stockton still hopping around and trying to hop upon something. Ne. he isn't using the knife on any one there C. is still George, as he likes his friends to call him, has been on the coast for several years. He is a former Wash– ingtonian and was reared in the na– tional capitol. He has a host of friends who will miss him, but are glad to see him obtain this good job. Con- here. continue to come over to the K. You 15. know what Big H. told you Monday I The vacant lot near the school is -and he wasn't smiling. Now don't becoming quite attractive. The credit Remember C I a r i o n Fashion show - Benson High, Sunday, May 11. come up with your eyes colored and for its improvement goes to the ================ At the Kanzibar they say that H.B. say that you are wearing dark i eighth grade students who have Cedric Crowell and Glenn Wopley is a real watch dog; that he is suffer- glasses to keep the sun out. H. don't 1 worked hard in cleaning it. They of section 1Z were chosen to take in– ing with the "sitting down" and "eye act until he warns and he has already. hope to have some planting project~ structions in learning to operate a gazing cramps". and that he is try- warned you. I started there soon. Other sections movie projector. When these boys ing to learn to blow a trumpet, in have offered to help with the plant· have completed their instructions two Sacramento. You see "E - - - l" there "H"--Cafes are not proper places 1 ing of flowers and vegetables. others will be chosen to take the also E - - - e, the trumpet player· and to. fight. and wou just haven't any; Section 13 girls defeated section course. One thing is certain there is one chair less in use at the place where the storm struck and some drug store sold a lot of linament for bruises and blisters. since H.B. drove clown and gazed pnvate marble _machme that you tZ girls in a game of Goal Hi. Al- Lillian Lass, Billy McDaniels, once moe upon the sweet countenance have rented-besides you are a part though the game was new to the Yvonne Parnell, Frances Davis, Don- And the other socialite who inter- f E h' 1 · d · H f h h 1 cl h ld 1 h ld B d R ld R lcl d o . JS ove IS raggzng. e just o t e e p an s ou et t e cus- girls they played well and the game a oy , ona eyno s an feres when he came across his chick · h h · h f Th B h 'b d k sits. and stts, and sits, and pines- tomers ave t e ng t-o -way. at was interesting. Charles rown ave contn ute wor (wife) and grabs her to carry her off Most of the St. Louis boys try to little battle where you two young' I for their room decorations. the avenue with threats, before the console him but he just can't take cats tied up was uncalled for-and . "The Forgotten Or~han': a Donald Boyd, Ronald Reynolds, crowd of what he was going to do it-he IS definitely "sold down the should have never happened. It's m one act, will be given m the rm-1 Angie Mitchell and Angelo Angelis to her. Well certain cats followed you river'. but E. says "no soap" she lucky you didn't break out the big mediate future by section tZ, the are reporters for Eliot School. ·-they saw what you did just as soon gave up a job of $35.00 a week to be glass out in front and also. on the seventh grade following pupils will And who was the other well known as you crossed the bridge; kissed her with E., and she is really solid in marble machine. Such stunts like that play leading parts: Donna Neigg. society madam who went on the war- good-bye-and gave her some money h' H B h d b b k j 'll d · d d Frances Davis, Gladys King, Marie I IS corner. . . a ette1· come ac- WI nve tra e away-an are un- path? We had just warned in anoth- and wanted to know if that was J · h ll 1 II d f G. h · VVilliams, Juanita Meyllrs, Lillian 1ere to be Wit some one who r:ea y I ca e or. IVe t e propnetor a er issue that the Acme Club had C'nough-Stop four flushing before the cares "Little '·H". ! break. Lass, Yvonne Parnell and Beverly DAISY L. WARRICK NOTARY PUBUC c~osed and su~~est~d that thts splen·l crowd; this isn't the first time. nor • Burton. This drama was written by did character stratghten up and fly will it be the last that she has acted I 1 the instructor and pupils of this sec- right"; that she had too much to lose in this manner. Get wise to yourself S B' H . . f h R b C I . F h' / twn. but the old bird's advice went un- aw 1g . runmng out o t e emem er a r 1o n as 10n 1412 N. Williams Ave. VE 9413 Fraternal Hall heeded. Now Sunday night she is up Shasta Tuesday; you would havej show - Benson High, Sunday, r.===============~===============r~ k h h thought that a yellow jacket had j M ll on the strole loo ·ing for et· cat; s e A certain well known musician h' h h r· ay · th F · h' d stung nn or t at t ere was a tre; goes to e - - t, sp1es rm an about town being somewhat "juiced ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A broadway car was passing and H. chases him out-with a pal; she has up", follows his chick to church Ho•u:•e for S'ale ·1 caught it on the run, yes he can ...v a chick with her, and out on V\'1 1- Easter Sunday; they attended the · h 11 h h sprint-but it wasn't going fast iams Court, wtt a t e gang on t e well known and popular Mt. 0 d enough; he spied E.S., well known strole, a~d outsiders . an church church-all go'well until after the railroad man, driving by and hailed goers looking and peepmg, the mad- j sermon and then they announced the h · h a ride. Friends seeing Big H. in such am goes puglistic and t rows ng ts communion service. We don't know f f l a hurry knew some one must be and lefts at her hubby's ace, ol ow· whether this cat had dropped off to · d · quite ill or it was a death message ing with upper cuts an cou11ter sleep or smelled the wine; when the h N b d ell h I . that he had received, rushed to where punc es. ow, un ou te y, e must usher brought the utensils for sacra· have atten e severa carmva s w ere ment this cat reaches into his pocket . d d l · 1 h I he went and as• they. got to the door they had the "Dodger" who ducked and pulls out a 50 cent piece and the balls thrown at his head-be- drops it into the pan. to the humilia-1 cause his foot work. was perfect; tion of his lady friend and amaze- Ur. ~~ ~ ) Palmer'~ Henry Armstrong couldn't have done ment of the usher. The cat sat back a better job of ducking blows than disnified and waiting. We don't know J: ~~~ ~ 'd:lli=a~·: he did on this occasion. I what he was waiting for nor why he iJ GH 1 t.N:; dark SKIN Now Madam-Shame-shame; you was giving the money. Did he think Loosens BLACKHEADS cannot afford to have another such that the sermon wasn't worth but 50 .CV:::Z." useonlvasdlreeted. scene; already, prior to this because cents? Was he paying 50 cents for _..t]~fa~iijl;]!Jl;J:mJ!l~~tit.:,.li-ill of former acts and stunts you have pentance and to get salvation on the been the topic of bridge clubs, drop- instalment plan, or did he "wake up" in parties and discussed genera-lly on just in time to see the wine. gave the street-You and yours haYe too the 50 cents for two Z5 cent drinks– much to lose; the town, that is-the and was waiting for a double shot? social aspect-is too small and limit- One thing, he kinda frowned when eel to pull these stunts-you will be they brought out the individual con– banned and ostracized by your asso- tainers-he theught they were rathe1 ciates if you continue as you are do- small and wouldn't hold two good ing-for the last tin1e-stop. Next I giggers. THE POCKETBOOK OF KNOWLEDGE By PILGRIM .A POU'ND OF HON~Y REPRESENTS "THE LIFE wont< oF ABOUT t.OCDBeES LONELY HEARTS Lonely? If so, join the New Glory Club and have sweethearts and pen pals everywheTe. Details free and all letters confidential. Address The New Glory Colored Club, Box 588, Bridgeport, Conn. Phone TRinity 7511 Martin Henderson Upholstering, Refinishing, Fur– niture Repairing - Your Home or My Shop. FREE ESTIMATES 2042 N. Gantenbein Portland Men, Women Over 40 Don't BeWeak, Old Feel Peppy, Years Younger Take Ostru. Containstonic often needed after 40- by bodies weak, old solely because tack– IDar Iron. Get ~ $1.00 oize now only 79ol TryOstrezTomcTableta to feel veypy, younc– w, ~. Alao contam vitamin Bl, calcium. F~ aaloi at all drug storea evei:)'Wbere. In Portland, Ore., at Owl Drug Stores & Fred MeyeT Drug Stores. MYSTERIOUS BILLY SMITH A place where you always find cold beer and a hearty welcome. We sell Chili, Hot Dogs and Hamburgers. LITTLE BILLY & BIG BILLY Corner Cherry Court $800 down payment, 5 room house, on N. Mississippi Ave. .Pull price ~J200. DUPLEX FOR SALE CHEAP $750 down, full price $3950. Some furniture. A REAL BARGAIN $7950 full price for jhis lovely home with income. In y0111e now $148 per mo. besides 4 hl<>tns, liv– ing quarters for owner, fully fur– nished, has garage and furnace, nice location, good size lot, for only $1500 down payment. B. M. McSWAIN REAL ESTATE COMPANY 61 N. E. Russell Street, WE 8218 DB. VICKERS Oaly Negi'O Delllld In Pol'lllmd 'l'r~msparw Denlfll Pltites-X·lb(, TERMS GLADl,Y Ha Appointment Neeclecl Dr. C. R. Vickers 1471 N. I. Wllllamt Ct. Phone VI 4201 Equipped to Handle Your PRINTING ~ Prompt, e!!lclent service on all types or printing. Phone Oak Groye 3-9461 cw TUxedo 1666 WESTERN PRESS Printers or The Clarion & Dispatch Jennings Lodge, Oregon BASEBALL SHOES BATS BALLS MITTS Available Now In Limited Quantities Clarence Comstock's EVER READ HARDWARE 4106 S. E. Division St. Phone EA 6742 Portland 2, Ore. - f Let Us Clean Your Clothes and Wheeler I Block your Hats V\'e are now open from 10 A.M. Ill t 10 PM 819 N. Russell ....... 0 ....-·----- ~==============~ NOTICE JOB PRINTING by the CLARION Placards Hand Bills Menus Business Cards Letterheads Invitations Small Magazines \ . Call MUrdock 3071 or VErmont 9025 Office 2736 N. E. Rodney Fitzural Beaver, Printer JUST ARRIVED BEAUTIFUL WALNUT BEDROOM SUITFS Regular $209.95 V aloe With Springs and Mattress. Special $169.50 While They Last Russell Furniture & Appliance Co• Z607 N. E. Union near Russell, Portland 1Z, Oregon TUxedo 1Z10 Open Evenings Till 9 o'Clock VIDAN'S Complete Food Center 606 N. E. Broadway Open baily and Sunday 9 A. M. tilt 10 P. M. MUrdock 9785 REMEMBER: 60<1 N. E. Broadway, Portland, Ore. THE BEST MUSIC IN TOWN Don't fail to hear the latest records as played on the most beautiful -modern-and popular 1947 juke boxes. "The Rage of the Town.'' No delay. Order yours now. We stand ready to serve you at any time. Just call us. John Welch Music Company Phone BRoadway 1986 ,