Korean Through Folktales

[Chapter 4] The Myth of DanGoon 제 4 과 단군신화 _______________________ _________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 97 Go t o Table of Contents Korean Through Folktales 1. Vocabulary Review Directions : For various activities to reinforce the learning of the key vocabulary, follow the links on Quizlet below. 1-1. Level 1 Key Vocabulary Activities Flashcard | Learn | Speller | Test 1-2. Level 2 Key Vocabulary Activities Flashcard | Learn | Speller | Test 1-3. Level 3 Key Vocabulary Activities Flashcard | Learn | Speller | Test 2. Exercises 2-1. Level 1: - 서 & - 고 Conjunction Directions : Complete each sentence by filing in the blanks with appropriate verbs in either the – 서 or – 고 conjunction form. 가다 / 내려오다 / 입다 / 앉다 / 만나다 / 찾아가다 / 읽다 / 찾아오다 / 보다 1) 환웅은 바람 , 비 , 구름신과함께 _______________ 세상을 잘 다스렸습니다 . 2) 지난 주말에재미있는영화를 _______________ 좋은 책을 _______________ 맛있는 저녁을 먹었습니다 . 3) 심청은 뱃사람들을 ___________ 재물이 되겠다고 했습니다 . 4) 오후에 도서관에 _______________ 공부할 거예요 .