Korean Through Folktales

[Chapter 4] The Myth of DanGoon 제 4 과 단군신화 _______________________ _________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 95 Go t o Table of Contents Korean Through Folktales 그친구를안도와줬어요 . -> 집에서 놀면서 그친구를안도와줬어요 . “While playing idly, he did not help the friend.” Ex 6> 살다 - 만나다 사람들을많이만났어요 . -> 한국에 살면서 사람들을많이만났어요 . “While living in Korea, I met a lot of people.” • You can use the – 고 conjunction to list more than one action in the “while” phrase: Ex1> 굽다 ; 만들다 – 기다리다 손님들을기다렸어요 . -> 고기도굽 고 떡볶이도만들 면서 손님들을기다렸어요 . “While barbecuing and making stir-fried rice cake ( 떡볶이 ), I waited for my guests.” Ex 2> 하다 ; 듣다 – 차리다 저녁을차렸어요 . -> 전화도 하 고 라디오도 들으면서 저녁을차렸어요 . “While talking on the phone and listening to the radio, I prepared dinner.” 3. Level 3: Providing Reasons for Previous Statements: Sentence 1. 이는 ~ sentence 2 • [ Sentence 1. 이는 ~ sentence 2 ]: “(Sentence 1). (This is because ~ (sentence 2)).” Or “(Sentence 1). (This means ~ (sentence 2)).” • After making a statement in Sentence 1, a new sentence, Sentence 2, begins with “ 이는 ” to provide reasons for the statement in Sentence 1. It can be also used to explain with details what Sentence 1 means. This is used mostly in formal writing.