Korean Through Folktales

[Chapter 4] The Myth of DanGoon 제 4 과 단군신화 _______________________ _________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 94 Go t o Table of Contents Korean Through Folktales - 환웅한테서 받은 쑥과 마늘을 먹으면서 지냈습니다. They spent the days eating the mugworts and garlic that they received from HwanWoong . - 그러나 환웅의 말을 그대로 실천하면서 참고 견디고 기다렸습니다. But (the bear) was patient, endured, and waited while practicing what HwanWoong told them. • You can express two simultaneous actions using the form [VS+( 으 ) 면 서 V2 ]: “while doing VS, do V2” Ex 1> 굽다 – 먹다 저도많이먹었어요 . -> 저도고기 구우면서 많이먹었어요 . “While I was roasting the meat, I, too, ate a lot.” Ex 2> 보다 - 만들다 한국음식만들었어요 . -> 요리책 보면서 한국음식만들었어요 . “While/by looking at the cooking book, I made Korean dishes.” ㄷ -irregular verbs: Ex 3> 듣다 - 읽다 책을읽었어요 . -> 음악 들으면서 책을읽었어요 . “While listening to music, I read a book.” Ex 4> 걷다 – 생각하다 생각했어요 . -> 공원에서 걸으면서 생각했어요 . “While walking in the park, I thought (about it.).” ㄹ -irregular verbs: Ex 5> 놀다 – 안도와주다