Korean Through Folktales

[Chapter 4] The Myth of DanGoon 제 4 과 단군신화 _______________________ _________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 91 Go t o Table of Contents Korean Through Folktales verbs like meet and make would be in the VCS+ 서 form. • Also note that when linking two actions with VCS+ 서 : 1) the agent that performs the actions should be the same; and 2) the second action follows the first action immediately. • Here are some examples from the story: - 환웅은 바람 , 비 , 구름 신과 함께 인간세계로 내려와서 세상을 잘 다스렸습니다 . HwanWoong came down to the human world with the gods of wind, rain, and cloud; and governed the world well. - 그러던 어느날 곰과 호랑이가 환웅을 찾아와서 이렇게 말했습니다 . Then one day a bear and a tiger came to HwangWoong and said this. • Marking the tense : The tense CANNOT be marked in the VCS+ 서 conjunction. On the other hand, the tense CAN be marked in – 고 each time, or just in the main verb: Ex > VCS+ 서 나는지난주말에뉴욕에 가서 관광 했어요 . “Last weekend, I went to New York and did some sightseeing.” Ex > - 고 나는지난주말에재미있는영화를 보고 좋은책을 읽고 맛있는저녁을 먹었어요 ; OR 나는지난주말에재미있는영화를 봤고 좋은책을 읽었고 맛있는저녁을 먹었어요 . “Last weekend, I saw an interesting movie, read a good book, and had a delicious dinner.”