Introduction to Mathematical Analysis I 3rd Edition

95 where 0<c <1. (a) Prove that the function is differentiable onR. (b) Prove that for everyα>0, the function f ′ changes its sign on (−α,α). 4.1.12 Let f be differentiable at x0 ∈(a,b) and let c be a constant. Prove that (a) limn→∞n f (x0 + 1 n)−f (x0) =f ′(x0). (b) limh→0 f (x0 +ch)−f (x0) h =c f ′(x0). 4.1.13 Let f be differentiable at x0 ∈(a,b) and let c be a constant. Find the limit lim h→0 f (x0 +ch)−f (x0 −ch) h . 4.1.14 Prove that f : R→R, given by f (x) =|x|3, is inC2(R) but not inC3(R) (refer to Definition 4.1.3). (Hint: the key issue is differentiability at 0.) 4.2 The Mean Value Theorem In this section, we focus on the Mean Value Theorem, one of the most important tools of calculus and one of the most beautiful results of mathematical analysis. The Mean Value Theorem we study in this section was stated by the French mathematician Augustin Louis Cauchy (1789–1857), which follows from a simpler version called Rolle’s Theorem. An important application of differentiation is solving optimization problems. A simple method for identifying local extrema of a function was found by the French mathematician Pierre de Fermat (1601–1665). Fermat’s method can also be used to prove Rolle’s Theorem. Definition 4.2.1 Let Dbe a nonempty subset of Rand let f : D→R. We say that f has a local (or relative) minimum at c∈Dif there exists δ >0 such that f (x) ≥f (c) for all x ∈(c−δ,c+δ)∩D. Similarly, we say that f has a local (or relative) maximum at c∈Dif there exists δ >0 such that f (x) ≤f (c) for all x ∈(c−δ,c+δ)∩D. Theorem 4.2.1 — Fermat’s Rule. Let I be an open interval and f : I →R. If f has a local minimum or maximum at c ∈I and f is differentiable at c, then f ′(c) =0. Proof: Suppose f has a local minimum at c. Then there exists δ >0 sufficiently small such that f (x) ≥f (c) for all x ∈(c−δ,c+δ) ⊂I. Since (c,c+δ) is a subset of (c−δ,c+δ), we have f (x)−f (c) x−c ≥ 0 for all x ∈(c,c+δ).