Culture Club, 1967-1968



IN MEMORIAM 'lt'lt'irlrrltti-lrlt**"""*tt'lt-lt In sincere Memory of our Deceased Members we dedicate this page. "Serene I fold my bands and wait - Nor care for wind, or tide or sea. I rave no more 'gainst Time or Fate - For, Lo: My own shall come to me. I stand amid Eternal ways - And what is mine shall know my fate, Asleep. awake, by night or day· The friends I 1eek are seeking me. No wind can drive my bark astray - Nor change the tide of Destin. The Stars come nightly to the sky, - The tidal wave unto the sea - Nor time, nor space, nor Deep nor Hieb• Can keep my own from me. - Gladys Holmes - Marion Brown Lucille Crosswhite Lottie Rutherford Edythe Minor Ina Pierce Odessa Freeman I ' Thelma Flowers Ruth Flowers Melba Flowers Thelma Unthank Ruth Reed D:?11& W,.ll i a:n~ HOW TO KILL ANY CLUB l. DON'T come to the meetings;if you do come, come . late. 2. If the weather doesn't suit you, don't think of coming! 3. If you DO attend the meetings find fault with the work of the officers and other members 4. Never accept an office as it is easier to criticize than to dQ things; nevertheless get sore it you are not aQpointed to a committeei but if you are, do . not attena the committee meeting 5. If asked by the Chairman to give your opinion regarding sane important matter, tell him that you have nothing to say. 6. After the meeting, tell e"1et'Y" one how things aught to be dott-e• 7 • Do nothing more than is abso•• lutely necessary, but when other' members roll up their sleeves and willingly, unselfishly, use their ability to help matters along, 1!2fil: that the organizaticn is being run by a clique. 8. Hold back rour dues as long as possible; or aon't pay at all. 9. Don't bother about getting new members, let George do it!!! - 3 -

OFFICERS LETITIA BROOK••••• . ,.president AUDREY ELLIS••••• Vice-President VErilELL RUTHERFORD••••••• Recording Secretary CLARINE SMITH •• • • •• • Corresponding Secretary JO ANN WATSON••••••••• Treasurer EMMA CHILES•••••••••• Parliamentarian *********** ORDER OF BUSINESS ROLL CALL READING OF MINUTES UNFINISHED BUSINESS COlviMUNICATION$ NEW BUSINESS GUESSING BOX ADJOURNMENT *********** - 4 - STANDING COMMITTEES Program: . . Roberta Vann Lenora Ga1kin Zepha Baker Membership: Estella Gragg Jennie Holliday Maude Young Scholarship: Emma Chiles Josephine Grimmett Roberta Vann Hospitality: Lenora Gaskin Mercedes Hardy Mary Morton Good Cheer: Jennie Holliday Budget: Maude Young Jo Ann Watson Verdell Rutherford Auditors: Emma Chiles Clifford Dixon Audrey Ellis Music: Zepha Baker Clifford Dixon Publicity: Clarine Smith Lula Gragg - 5 - Emma Chiles

Address DONATIONS Culture Club Scholarship The Urban League N. A. A. C. P. EASTER SEALS ALBINA ART CENTER Dues Payment Record Amount Paid ----------------- .:. 6 - Scholarships & Awards 1941 - 1967 1. Robert Reynolds* 2. Steven Tillman* ,. Beverly Brock Hilliard* 4. Browning Allen* 5. Ellis Casson* 6. John Cawthorne* 7. Cornelia Walker* 8. Sherelle Thompson• 9. Berniece Banks Banks* 10. Shirley Long* 11. Marquita Kinard* 12. \'/illiam H•• Rutherford• 13. Willa Mae Winslow 14. Irene Johnson* 15. Thelma Unthank Brown* 16. Miss Lewis 17. Bennie Watson* 18. Miss Kelley 19. Dona tion to Lewis & Clark College for purchase of books for use in instructing teachers of handicapped children.* 20. William Hillie.rd* 21. 22. Edna Tidwell ** (19~2- ' 63-'64-'65) Cel 0ste Johnson* * Amount * - $ 100.00 ** - $ 200.00 - 7 -

!vi.§ E T I N G S ;1967-1968 Theme: ;IDEALS AND COURAGE REMINDER: PLEASE NOTI~ HOSTESS IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND MEETl:00! September 27, 1967 Zepha Baker Roberta Vann TRAVELOGUE - Mrs. V. Borders *************** October 25, l 967 Josephine:Grimmett Clarine Sill,ith Discussion: Youth and Adults - How To Live Together - Discussion Leader - Mrs • Ell en Law ************* November 29, 1967 Jennie Holliday Emma Chiles The Grandparent Program - Speaker - Mr::i. William .McCoy - 8 - [ December 27, 1967 Maude Young Audrey Ellis Christmas Party - Exchange gifts ********************** January 24, 1968 Letitia Brock Mercedes Hardy Subject - Finances ***************** February 28, 1968 Clifford Dixon Lenora qaskin Valentihe Party ~**************** March 27, 1968 Mary Morton Hub Cap - C Cap - Mrs. Varner -9-

MEETINGS April 24, 1968 Lula Gragg Estella Gragg -.;) a_ (_ ' -, • (,, fl<..' vi 1-- Appoint Nominating ccZiimittee ********************* May 22, 1968 , f.- _ ,, . .t2 I _ J ,tc,/Yu ':r ..__ 4cr,,11,Lc:__ j;c U -a.. / 0 a*e_,,.,., Jo 4.nn Watson / Verdell Rutherford Election - Installation Awarding :·of Silver Tray ******************* Juncl 26, 1968 - No Host Picnic Style Swap Night lr;•u:.111 AT THE VANN' s "FUN" ~******************** rl:l.c: , Urn - June to September ********* S&PBMBER 25, 1968 Meeting: ---~------------- Some of - 10 - I {. .. DIRECTORY Date of Birth BAKER, Zepha ••• October 2,rd 65}5 N. E. Grand •• 287-29,0 BROCK, Letitia ••• July 191:.b 7;4 n. E. Shaver -• 281-9778 CHILES, Emma •. •• October 15th 48;4 N. Borthwick-• 287-,591 DIXON, Clifford •• March let 4024 N.E. Mallory -- 288-2764 ELLIS, Audrey-• Novomber 20th 51}0 N. Wil1i8.Ils--- 282-0280 GASKIN, Lenora • •. May 16th 4o25 N. E. Mallory -:--281-8945 GRIIVIMETT, Jcrsep111ne7. 1>ct. 1st 9670 S. E. Idleman Road 775-6514 GRAGG, .Estella ••• August 16th 490} N. E. 29th--- 287-5}2' --aaraaa, Lula ••••ffi>vember !eth- '-..49ee N.- e-. --;ottr. •• 284-5985 HARDY, Mercedes •••January 5th 393? N. E. 12th - - 287-6018 HCL~I0AY, Jennie •••Sept. 2;rd :~u3) N. E_. Rodney - 288-171; - 1::. -

DIRECTORI I)).te of Birth MORTON, Mary - - - November 10th '956 N. E. 12th •••• . 281-5871 RUTHERFORD, Verdell 833 N. E. Shaver SMITH, Clarine - - - October 16th 4736 N. Commercial • • • 284-3251 VANN, Roberta - - - September 3rd 5211 N. Williams •••• 284-2210 WATSON, Jo Ann - - - June 9th 1315 N. E. Going •• l 287-}422 YOUNG, Ma.l,lde - - January 27th 4927 S. E. 60th •••• 771-5430 ************ 11 Youth is not a time of life; it j_z a state of mind. We grow old onl:• by deserting our ideals ••••• You are as young as your faith, as oJr. a s your doubt; as young as your se. lf~·cc,nfidence, as old as your fe a r; a~ young as your hope, as o lj as y:mr despair. n ' J I --Samuel Ullman 12 .. ME AND MYSELF I've spent a lot of valued time Resenting many things; I'v• · ort rebelled against the world, Its arrows and its slings. I've fought against conditions, And I 1ve kicked against the pricks, Believing them too out of joint For even God to fix. And all the time I battled I received a like return More foolish than a fire-wise child Who shuns a second burn. I stood a lot of jars and jol ta pntil I learned to see I could not truly like the world Until I first liked me. Since then I haven't fretted much About what people do, Or what my neighbors talk about•- If it be false or true. And when I see a fellow · Piling troubles on his head, I tell myself that• s his afi'air And let him go ahead. It isn't that I'm cold or hard, Indifferent to sin; I've simply learned the world reflecte What I have built within. And so I try to leave tho world And all its creatures free, And know that I have helped the world When I have first helped me. ----··Francis J. Gable - 1; -

PAST PRESIDENTS Lula Grag&••••••••••• 1924-1925 Clifford Oixon ••••••• 1925•1926 Thelma Flowers ••••••• 1926•1927 Susan Nichols •••••••• 1927-1928 Zepha Baker •••••••••• 1928-1929 Lucile Crosswhite •• ,.1929-193O Jennie Adams ••••••••• 193O-1931 Estella Downing •••••• 1931-1932 Ruth Flowers ••••••••• 1932-1933 Thelma Unthank ••••••• 1934-1936 Jennie Adams ••••••••• 1936-1937 Letitia Brock •••••••• 1937-1939 Lenora Gaskin ••••••••194O-1942 Francis Williams ••••• 1942-1944 Emma Walker •••••••••• 1944-1945 Maude Banks •••••••••• 1945-1946 Christine Elkins~,•••1946-1947 Jennie Adams ••••••••• 1947-1948 Elizabeth Carden ••••• 1948-1949 Audrey Ellis ••••••••• 1949-1950 Verdell Rutherford •• ,1950-1951 Thelma Unthank ••••••• 1951•19S3 Lenora Gaskin •••••••• 1953-1954 Maude Banks .••••••••. 19S4-1956 Victoria Jackson ••••• 1956-1958 Ru t h Reed •••••••••••• 1958-1959 Victoria Jackson ••••• 1959-196O Zaph3 Baker •••••••••• 196O-1961 Roberta Vann ••••••••• 1961-1962 Muriel Smith ••••••••• 1962-1963 Ha ?. el Bailey ••••••••• 19~3-1965 Letiti a Br·ock •.• 1965-1967- 1968 • 14 - CHARTER MF.MBERS 'ir-k1rlr**""""""*...***"""'klt*'rk BOOKER, Maud BROWN. Marion CAGE. Hazel DIXON, Clifford FLOWERS. Ruth* FLOWlRS, Thelma* GARNET• Willie* GRAGG, Estelle GRAGG. Lula HOLLIDA,Y, Jennie NICHOLS. Suaan PIERCE, Ina* * Deceased ******/rlrlrlt1tti ':;hAT t ~ it. FnI ., __;o? One who knows you through and through - Understands the things you do, Keeps on pulling just for you - That's a friend - One that trusts you all the While - Grips your band and shares a smile - , Beaxfl no thought that I s not worth While - :'.t~l '.'l' 1 8 ~\ FRIEND! ~·l.5- \

CLUB. SONG (Tune "The Old Refrain) With healtand hands we strive to do the best• Our eyea upon the highest peak doth rest; Honor and culture both we have in view, Priendehip and Loyalty and courage too .. At onward up the path we daily go; We falter much, our eteps are often slow•. But for Gocl'a helping grace, we daily pr,iy; Hie hand1 for us will ever point the way: ,. So to our taaka we go without a fear, .We know "To labor :la a pleasure" here; A &mile and song for all• along the -way .. The CULnJRE CLUB lives on from day i:o day. NOTES: I J I - Ema Chiles 16

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