K E E T I N G 8 May 24th, 1967 Jo Ann Watson Verdell ~therford -A•arding Silver Tray Election - Installation Fun Night ·····••*******••··········· June 28th, 1967 - . No Host - Picnic Stylo - Appointment of Oonmiittees . Swap Night "Fun" At The Vann1s 11 P....in" Vacation - June to September September Keetin~ . . Home Of . · Date As we count. the many blessings That the years have brought our wa:y - . _ . . _. . . . . . . Let us say. a special word of thank a - . . __ _ _···--..--- - · Each day;·~ fiie whole year through. - 10 - DIRF.CTOflY Date of Birth BAKER, Marie •.... Maroh 11th 6234 N. E. 12th -281-9250 BAKER, Zepha ••• October 23rd 6535 N. !. Grand - 287-2930 BROOK, L'etitia.••. July 19th · 734 N. E. Shaver - 281-9778 OHILES, Emma ••• October 15th 48.34 N. Borthwiok - 287-3591 DIXON, Olif ford . .•• March let . 4024 N. E. Mallory - AT 8-8764 ELLIS, Audrey •••_November 20th 5130 N~ Wiiliams •• ,282-0280 GASKIN, Len1ora. .•• 'May 16th 4025 N.E. Mallory -281-8945 GRimTT, Josephine ••. Oct. let 9670 S.E. Idleman Road Pr 5-6514 GRAOOt Estella •.• August 16th 4903 N. E. 29th Ave.-387-5323 GRAGG, Lula ••• November 20th 4902 N. E. 30th .lve-.--284-5985 HAJUJY; J.f;r oedos ••• January 5th 3933 N. 1 . 12th Ave.-287-6018 - 11 -