Culture Club, 1964-1965

r:- .· -;- A SOBERING THOUGHT Samet ime , - when you' re f lllJ.PO~tant, Sometime, when your ego's in bloom, · Sometime, when you take it for grant ed You1re the best qualified _in ·t h~ r~om; Sometime, when you f eel that your going Would leave an -unfillable hole, Just follow this simple instructi9n And see how it humbles your soul. Take a bucket and fill it with.wa~er, Put your hand in it, up to the wrist, Pull it'-out ·· and the hole that ' .s . re- . .. ' mainingIs a rrieasure of how you111 be missed. You may splash all you please t1hen you enter, You can stir up the water galore; But stop and you'll find in a minute - That it looks quite the same as before. The moral of this quaint example Is to_do jus t the best that you can. Be proud of yourself, but remember There is no Indispensable man. 12 ..