Culture Club, 1964-1965

CLUB SONG (Tune, 11The Old Refrain") With heart and hands we strive to do the best; Our eyes upon the highest peak . ~ot_h, rest; Honor and Culture both we have in view Friendship and Loyalty and Courage, too, As onward . up the path we daily go; We falter much, our steps are often slow. But for God •s helping Grace we daily pray; His Hands for us will ever point the way .. So to o;ur tas.ks we _go wit_hout a_ fear-_.. We know "To labor is a pleasure" here; A smile and s'ong fo·r all -along -the way The Culture Club lives on from day to day. - Emma Chiles. 8 DIRECTORY ·· Evelyn All~n 2618 "' N. ,E.. 8th Hazel Ba1.ley 28.15 ·N. E. 11th Marie .Baker 6234 'l-f... E. 12th Zeph~ Baker 6535 N~ E. Grand Maude Banks 4927 S. E. 60th Letitia Brock I 734 N. E. Shaver Emma Chiles 4834 N. Borthwick • Date of birth --.- ,Deliember 15 AT 1-2993 pct9ber. 23 AT 7-2930 Jaqua:cy 2'7 PR 1-5430 July 19 AT 1-9778 Oct.ober 15 :AT 7-3591 9 V"