Culture Club, 1961-1962

THEME . • . .. .'l!OU :-DECIDE IT'7 ...7'HOI,JGHT Who walks with b~auty. has no need of fear, · the -stb:'l 'arid ·moon and stars keep pace with Him, invisible hands restore the ruined ·year·, and time, its elf, grows .be'autif'ully dim. ·· Anonymous ___ _._ ____ ~_ . . .. ' . 2 OFFICERS Roberta Vann Harriet Wilson . Victoria Jackson. Evelyn Allen Jo Ann Watson Ruth Reed President Vice President Secretary Corresponding Scty• Treasurer Parliamentarian STANDING COMlvlITTEES Program · f Harriet Wilson l Letitia Brock Verdell Rutherford Scholarshin Victoria Jackson Della Williams Ennna Chiles Music Clifford Dixon Membersh:i£ Maude Banks Budget_ Audrey Ellis Ruth Reed Jo Ann Watson fil Lenora Gaskin 3