Culture Club, 1961-1962

Jo Ann Wats-on June 9 · · i/ 1315 N. E. Going AT 7-4'339 Della Williams March 21 · ~ : /(a J 222 N. Gantenbein AT 2-1527 C , -1 j?:;i.s-- 7),<r,;. ~'3,iA 1-"I 'Jt Harriet Wilson October 12 { ~~<..4), 82.l • E. Tillamook AT 1-4735 CJ-,( a,[ \ ·~ !,l.~(t' . ~ ;Roberta Vann 5211 N. Williams September 3 /t f AT 4-2210 ,_,, AssoGiate Member ~lien Mae Dancy 6133 N•. E. 13th AT 7-9496 Members on Leave of Ab.s enc e ........ Estella Gragg 4903 N. E. 29th z/,0_ ~ f cl2-d-n1; 10 AT 7-5323 _ca,,:, -. .r.s-13 WJ:ier/ al l' is ·done , and my · ~ord is said~~ . . • . · :.ti:rid ye who loved me murmur• . .Y'He is dead YY · · , Let no one weep, for fear that; should know, And sorrow~ too, that ye .should sorrow so. Wh an all is done and; in the oozing clay, Ye lay this cast-off hull of mine away, Pray not for me, for, after long despair, The quiet of the grave will be a prayer. For I have suffered loss and grevious pain, The hurts of hatred and the world 7s disdain, And wounds so deep that love, well tried and pure, Had not the pow9r to cure. (cont 9d) ease them or t o 11