Culture Club, 1960-1961

February 8'h-•------------Valent1ne Party Lenora. Gaskin Juanita ·:ermm ·,,.. . ... ,.. i2iid•a1--------.;.--•-Della Williams thlriel Ingram March· ... .. ·8tli~-.-~.........- ..--Ve-rdell R:iil1 l :ttw · Jo Ann Watsori 22nd-------~-----Evelyn Allen Harriet Wilson April' . :",: .. · . . · 12th•-••----•-•·••-Lonetta Plununer Joaephine Grinmett Ce.rd Party_: ' - ' May 10th----•-•·- -•---Betty Carde-n·· ' · 24th•--:_.;,....,___:..;.••.;.___ Cl1f'ford · Dixon Julie · . -:-,c "'-:;.-:..~ •·· 1 • , l4th•"-""••:.._:,_________ Swap Night Roberta Vann \• -··· r .- . ;., •t . ., ; 6 ' CWB SONG (Tu~e, "The Old ~ef'ra~n°) Withqhee:rt and hands we strive ·to do the.,; Our eyes up.on the highest peak . doth restJ · Honor and Culture both w6· haw in :view, . Friendship and Loyalty and Cour- . age, too, · As onward up the path we daily go; · We falter much; our steps er8 of.. : ten slow, B~t for God1s helping Graoe we daily pray; His Hands for us will ever point . the way._ So to our tasks we go without a .i'ear-- We ·know "To labor ·is a pleasure" here; A smne 'a:nd ' song for all along . the way-- The Culture Club lives on from day to day, •-Emma Chiles 7