Culture Club, 1959-1960

**************** * ,:, IJLI.IBMORIAM * ** ***** ********** · In ·s:i_ncere _Mem-q;r_y_ o.f our Deceased Hembers we dedicate this pac;e • . "Serene I fold my hands and wait - Nor care for wind, or tide or sea. I rave no ~bre 1 gains t Time or Fate - · For, Lo ! My oun shnll come to me-. · I stand awid ~ternal ways - . A~d 1vha t is mine shall know my fate, Asleep? a rrake, by night or ~ay - The friends I seek are seeking me. iJo '; Jind can drive my bark astray -Nor change the tide cf Destiny. The Sta·rs.c.ome nightly to·the :sH;y. The tidal wave unto the sea - Ndr time, nor space, nor Deep nor High - Can keep my own from me. - Gladys Holmes - Marion Dl'O'l.7n Lucille Crossuhite Lottie Rut herford Edythe Hinor Ina PL)rce Ode ·s sa Freeman . . Thelma Flmrn :cs Ruth Fl-ovie rs Mel ba F J.c-,wer s Thelma Un t hank 2 THOUGHT: There is a Destiny Me.k es Us Brothers: None Goes His Way Alone. ~:11 that We Send Into The Live s_Of Other§ Comes Back Into Our Own. - Markham A good to remember - ~\D e. ,:-,, b,J -t.:~·:e :':' t hing to do - I : t ~ w~= k with the constructi on F. a .,,_s ··· A1~i not the wrecking creu. vVo :;•ds s,oken, like eggs br..oken, c.E' S j1e. rd to repair ! · 3