2 V~ci.o/U.Q. -9,acluon~•. P/tl!A~den.t !11wu.el. jng.Aam. ••• Vi..ce.-PA.eAi..di <;ill4.i..avi..a W.i.rwlow•• SeCll.etall.!f Ven.del.1. Ru»ien.toA.d.• • C Sect. !11alt!f Youn9-•• •••• TA.eMU/teA. [nvna (/uJ.eA . .. P aM..i..amentaJUa1i *********************** ****************** ****************** O/tdf:A of BU4.i.nW 'P-011. (alt. Readi.n.9- o t lr1i.n.u.teA Un fi.n.J.✓.J1.ed BUA.i.ne.tv.J (ommuni..cati..oM •. New BUA.i.ne.tv.J 9ueAM.n.ff Box AdjoUAJvn~r, ;.:_ 3 CommW-ee O,.a.uunan 900d Chee.A.•• ~ . [vel.rn ALLeri MUA.i..c •••••. (litioA.d /J.i.xon Ho4pi:lal.i.:l1 .• {ll.en h1ae /Jancv Pu61iwf . • !}04 ephi.n.e 9/UJTUneti. Au. . . . . Leno/ta 9M/,J.n. 5 ch.0J.a11.4hi.r.J ••• c"mma (h,U_e4 I li1em6erw/up. . . , /Jel.l..a Wi.1li.anLd I P/to~am•••• Thelma Unth.ank -¥-**** ** p /tO~ew and A c:li..v .i.Li..ea 5chola.JW,4-i.p Uni:led Jund /}1 0neff ll1ah.m.9- PA.oj..ec:1..4