T!I& CULTU.HE CLUB In the year of rinetecn hundred twenty four ••••• A group of young women had few places- t.o go.;•·• ~So a -Social Club was .organized., ••• And the fun we had, ; you'd bo au.rprizcd •••••We kept this up for many yoars ••••• Until Lula oamo to the club in tears, and askod •••••ghy is it wo can't do s omo thing wort}mhilo •• And start a scholarship fund for somebody's child••••• so under the Presidency of Lenora Gaskin ••••• Tho Scholarship Fund was begun ••••• All t ho mombors becn,oo very busy •••• .And started in raising funds ••••• Since then the Culture Club believes in doing things worthwhile ••••• Each year we award a scholarship •••••To some dese.rv ing child ••••• When these children have reached tbeir goals•••• It will bring ,nu.ch happiness to our souls. - Estella Gragg we live in the present, we dream of the future, but we loarn eternal truths £.r om the past. Hardening of the heart ag-es people more quickly than hnrd~ning of tho arteries. - Franklin .?ield The more importa nt part of mc ••••• Is not what I em worth ••••• But how much g ood rey life can do ••••• For othors on this earth ••••• For I mey have enormous wcaJth ••••• J. nd carry quite a name ••••• And never share a particle •••• • Of money or of f amo ••••• h{y worldly goods and g lory aro ••• • • Of little us e to mo • • • •• Unless they bring s o,no b0nofi t • •• " To my community ..... Unless I try to ov orcom0 •• , .• 1~ sol fishnoss and pride •• ,,. And sho~ my ne ighbors tha t I hrvc , ,, •• A more conei do rrto sid0 •••• . Tho only r eal, subotrntirl wort h , . ••• Tha t I pOS-JSD todr;;, •••• ,Is not the sum I gn th~, r, but, .• •• rio,·i muc h I 0ivo Fwry . - J. J. r,lu tcPlfc THOUGHT Psnlm 153:1. B0.h ol d , How Good And How Pl oa snnt It Is For Broth.ran To D..?o ll Togoth0r In Unity.