Gaskin, Lenora-----------Ga. 8945 4054 N. E . Union Ave. · • Gragg • Estella-----------Tr. 5323 _, , FINANCIAL ,. 4903 N. ·E . 29th Ave. )ues----1951------1952 Gragg , Lula-------Vancouver 5754-~ Rt. 7 Box 50 A Was h ing ton Hardy; Mercedes--~------ - Tr. 60lf 3933 N. E. 12th Ave. Plummer, Lonn~tta---------Mu. 690] 510 N. E. Fargo S t. ~ Rawlins, He len------------Em. 20lf 1307 N. E. 2nd Ave. Ruthe r for d , Verdfa ll-------Ga . 303~ 833 N. S . Shaver St. Unth~nk , Th~lma-----------Tu. 460E 1912 N. E . Tillamook -St. / Walker, Emm~--------------Ga. 645€ 4834 N. Borthwick Ave. Watson, Jo Ann -----------Tr. 4339 1315 N. E. Go i n g St. Williams , Della--------- -~e. 1527 3222 N Gantenbein Ave Winslow, Gus ~avia--------Ga. 4978 511 N. E . Ro s elawn St . MISC. ASSESSMRNTS NOTES We live in the present, we dream of t he future, but we learn eternal Gruths from the past.