Culture Club, 1950-1951

CLUB SONG---CLDIBING (Tune "Thu Old Refrain") , . 1n1 th hoart and hands wo strive to --do tho best Our eyes upon tho highest pe ak doth r est; Honor and Culturo both wo havo in vi ew, Fri endship and Loya lty and courage , too As onward up th0. rath we daily go; 1Yc fal t e,r nuch, our st ops aro oft en slow, But for God's hel ping gr ac e we daily pr ay; His hands for us will GV J r point tho way; So to our t a sks wo f O wi t hout f ear; Vic lmow ''To l u. bor is a pl ,:: a.s urc " hor o ; A su j.lo and song for a ll along tho wayTho Culture Club lives on from day to day. EL:i.oa Wa lkc,r - - ------------