Culture Club, 1950-1951

'r Hostess! Audrey Ellis-Della - Willia.Lis Elizabeth Carden Verdell Ruthcrfdrd~ Thoma Unthnnk ~onnet}a P ur.mer OJvl ./ I ().,l~ 28th Ruth •Flowors (Filn: Subject to bo Ann.) March: 1 4th Gustavia rrinslow ~9th J e nnie Adans ·(AfterMay: 9th ~3rd Juno : noon 1:00 pm) 11. ,orc c.des Hardy Lenora Gaskin l~th , LulQ Gragg--Rcrorts of Offic e rs & CorJinittee Ch 'l irr.1an-Rcport Annual !'7th ~-Election & .k/'➔~s t 2 ll n tion of Officers~ ------·- --------------- OW TO KILL ANY CLUB OR SOCIETY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, Don't come to the meetings. rr · you do come , come late. If the weather do e en't suit vou don't think of coming. If you do a tt end a mee ting find fault with the work of the offic ers and othe r rnnmbors. Novc r accept an office , as it is easier to criticize than to do things. Neve rtheless, ge t sore · if you arc not appointed to a committee ~but if you ar c do not att end the committee mee t~ i ngs , . If a sked bv tho chairman to ~ive your ~pinion r egarding sone i I:1rort ant ma tt e r, t e ll him vou have not hing to say. Aft e r the moo ting , t e ll GVhrvonG how thing s ouvht to to done .