Culture Club, 1950-1951

j 1 1 ,:I:1/fBERS Hardy, Morcodos 3933 NE FfllilQ / Pl1.1r.1D.or, Lonnotta tl - 510 NE Fargo Mu.6901 Rutherford, -Vcrdc~ v- & /) 63 833 NE Shaver Ga.3037 Rawlins, . Holcn 1307 NE ~na Unthanlf, Thclna En.~018 ~ 5111 BE ~,ttt:,:'. E~.5961 / Cf I-:)... - 7/ · ~. ~~ 1/folkor, Emna ~'l-1» o V 4834 N Borthwick Ga.6456 Watson, Joann 1315 NE Going Williaus, Dolla 329,2 N Gantonboin Winslow, Gustavia 511 NE Rosclawn PAST PR"".SIDENTS I wonder if past l 'r t'? sidents ·hav family spats and j6ke s, and eat rreon onions in the Spring,just like us COLl.ffiOn folks? . --= ~ - ~ j-------1984 ---------- -----------19~5 ~~~.U.~A:~~,_~_-~------19~6 ~-&.-4-:L«o~-'!-~:-----1927 ~~u~:""'1P. .IA_/__________ 1928 ~ucil e Crosswhite 1929 J enni e AdaIJ.S 1930 Est eTla ·nowning 1931 Ruth Flowe rs 1932-33 The l ua Unthank 1934-36 . J 5nni o Adfill s 1936-37 Le litia Brock 1937-39 Lenora Gaskin 1940~ \ ~ Franc t:: s ·vJilliam.s 194,;, - t ,I.'~ Enrn.a Walke r 194~:- 45 k aud Banks 1945-46 Crystine Elkins 1946-47 Jenni e AdarJ.S 194'7-48 Elizabeth Carden 1948- 49 U ,~~~ ~: :: , E» i,.s,_ 1 f7 1949-50 ~~ ((( So ..:..S- I