Culture Club, 1950-1951

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I u L T u R C L U B E 1984 - 50

. .. : ·· ·:· ~ J. F..._ · . <·:-

PROJECTS Octobe r ?-14 St Philips~ Card Party- Lenora Gaskin Cha irman r\;ovcmbe r 24 O C A w t :exican Fies ta D -~ Elizabe th Card e n ~~-· ~ Ch.airman April 15 Ta sting Tea 510 rTE Fargo Tlrn lma Unthank Lonnetta Plumme r CULTURE CLUB Organized and ~ssociated January 11; 1924 MOTTO To labor is a pleasure COLOR Bluc--Yollow FLOWER Violet :MEETINGS Se cond & Fourth Wedne sday SESSION Sopt embc r Thru June

CHARr.R MF.MEERS Adans, ·:r enni e Bboke r:-,, t :aud Br own , 1., a rion Ca ,r.·o , Ha z e l Di xon , Clifford F l owGrs, Ruth Flowor s, The l ma .. GnrnGt, Willie Gra gg , :S s t e' lla Gr agg , ~ul a Nichols, Su s an I'i or- c o , I na Sti l l act ive or Associat e · · J\.~embe rs: Clifford Di xon, _1806 NE Victoria ' 'rr. 5551, ~the.l Wi l li ams~ ~7a,G Sacrane nto San Fr ancisco, Calif. Frances 1'Ti lliaros, SE Tibbetts E.r:1 . 781:? e ASSOCI ~TION PRAYER Keep us, God, from pettiness. Lo t · us be l a r ge in ·. thought, in word, in deed, Le t us _be done with f ault finding and l ~a ve off S8 lf s &eking . ~ay we put away pre t ense and me a t oach othe r without projucH ce , J.: a y w 0 not be h asty in judge - me nt~ Lot .us t ak e ti rm f or all t hi ngs ; nuk0 us to gr ow c a l u , seron e , and gontl o ; t each us to put into acti on our~ be tt e r i rapulsos; s t r a i gh t forward and une.fraid. Grant that we may r ealiz e it is the little things that crea t a diff e renc e s, tha t in the bi g thi ngs of lif e . we a r e one and may strive to touch the common Women's heart for us all, and Ol I ,ordl Goa? · Le t us not forge t t o be kind.

HOSJ 'ITALLITY OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE President--Verdell Ruthe rford Vic e -President--Evolyn .Allen Sucre t a ry--Lelitia Brock Corr. Se c'y--rhel.Lla Unthank Troa. sur0r--!t e rced_os Hardy Farli auent arian--Jonni0 Adans hflllill"- ~!:::;;;:ii·i Gustavia Winslow Audre y Ellis De lla Will.i. ans PROGRAM Tho l ua Unthank Lonne ttn PlUDL1or Eliza be th Carden M'EMBERSHIP &, GOOD CHEER Thl ema Flowers Lul a Gragg Jo.Ann \lats on SCHOLARSHIP He l en Rawlins lv'.:0rcedos Maud Ba nks · ART Lon 0r4 Gaskin YOUTH COUNCIL Elizabe th 0ard on Erma Wa .:i..kor Thelma Unthum~ AUDITING Lonnetta PlWTII'.lor Erma Walke r Thel ma Untha nk CRITIC Zc pha Bakor lr-

V I 1'~MBERS My days arc full of blunders .. Ohl How I've always yearned To livo one life for pr actice 'Another w4on .I've l oarn~d. ,,,A, dru:as, lknnic ~03 NE Rodney Alexander, Tuiary rrr. 9573 3956 NE 12th .Avonuo. 0,a, 5891 Allen, Evelyn ~~ - Banks, Mau 136 NE v_re idlor Brock, Lclitia 734 NE Shavor Cardon, Clizaboth Gn.2993 Ea.6593 Gn.9778 5914 N Maryland 1Ju .. 3t1?1 o?J~ ~e<. 6 f>-3~- J/ ~ T"-d!. ~ ,;/ f 9 (.l ME?,IBERS 0 Dancy, Ellen Mae 6133 NE 13th Ave I Ellis , Audrey 1290 N Wheel e r Flowers. Me lba 1815 l-f.r~· :..ti-'-: Ave Tr.9496 Ve.2?33 -- Flowers ., Huth 1806 NE 'li~to:i:-ia Tr ,G fl~f, ~ Flowers, Tholm11 1826 NE Victoria Gaskin, Lenora 4054 NE Union Gragg, Estella 4903 NE ~9th Ga~~~ G-1).,~..,~ Tr.53a3 - Gragg , Lula Rt o .?,Bx.50~ Vancouver 5?&4-9

j 1 1 ,:I:1/fBERS Hardy, Morcodos 3933 NE FfllilQ / Pl1.1r.1D.or, Lonnotta tl - 510 NE Fargo Mu.6901 Rutherford, -Vcrdc~ v- & /) 63 833 NE Shaver Ga.3037 Rawlins, . Holcn 1307 NE ~na Unthanlf, Thclna En.~018 ~ 5111 BE ~,ttt:,:'. E~.5961 / Cf I-:)... - 7/ · ~. ~~ 1/folkor, Emna ~'l-1» o V 4834 N Borthwick Ga.6456 Watson, Joann 1315 NE Going Williaus, Dolla 329,2 N Gantonboin Winslow, Gustavia 511 NE Rosclawn PAST PR"".SIDENTS I wonder if past l 'r t'? sidents ·hav family spats and j6ke s, and eat rreon onions in the Spring,just like us COLl.ffiOn folks? . --= ~ - ~ j-------1984 ---------- -----------19~5 ~~~.U.~A:~~,_~_-~------19~6 ~-&.-4-:L«o~-'!-~:-----1927 ~~u~:""'1P. .IA_/__________ 1928 ~ucil e Crosswhite 1929 J enni e AdaIJ.S 1930 Est eTla ·nowning 1931 Ruth Flowe rs 1932-33 The l ua Unthank 1934-36 . J 5nni o Adfill s 1936-37 Le litia Brock 1937-39 Lenora Gaskin 1940~ \ ~ Franc t:: s ·vJilliam.s 194,;, - t ,I.'~ Enrn.a Walke r 194~:- 45 k aud Banks 1945-46 Crystine Elkins 1946-47 Jenni e AdarJ.S 194'7-48 Elizabeth Carden 1948- 49 U ,~~~ ~: :: , E» i,.s,_ 1 f7 1949-50 ~~ ((( So ..:..S- I

THE WORLD IS FULL OF PROBLF,MS There's much to cause distress We all are bound 'beneath the cares that daily round us press, There 's only one solution 0 Tis simply stated Thusl A little l ess of you and me A ,little flore of us" · · A flake of snow is very small. ORDER QF., BUSINESS Roll Call Reading of ~inutes Communications Old Business New Business Progran Gue ssing Box & ;\.d iourr_Y'>'"''1t I'ROHRAM Se ptember: 11 th --Evelyn Allo.n 9 7th Zepha Baker-( He Tho fo opl1 Film) Octa bor: 11th Ho l en Rawlins ~f1th r :aud Banks _ Noveo be r: n 8th Ell en r,:ae Dancy -/~uJ 9 9 th J cAim 1 1.T at s on _ ~,u,,c.-h ...., ,. t;,.,;. J Dc,c m1bcr : 1 3th The lna Flowers - (Xna s Io.rt l. tE>nb ers only) J a nuary: ~ ~;J l o th 1'.e li ti9; Brock ~ J"..r.-tL1J 9 4 th I,: elba 11 lowE:;rs Fet-r un ry: 1 1- t h Ve. l 0n tine r a rt y_-( Hush,c.nds . .+ apd GuG st s ) t' v , /) .lfa' /,t.w:Z/ ~-e-- ~ • ce

'r Hostess! Audrey Ellis-Della - Willia.Lis Elizabeth Carden Verdell Ruthcrfdrd~ Thoma Unthnnk ~onnet}a P ur.mer OJvl ./ I ().,l~ 28th Ruth •Flowors (Filn: Subject to bo Ann.) March: 1 4th Gustavia rrinslow ~9th J e nnie Adans ·(AfterMay: 9th ~3rd Juno : noon 1:00 pm) 11. ,orc c.des Hardy Lenora Gaskin l~th , LulQ Gragg--Rcrorts of Offic e rs & CorJinittee Ch 'l irr.1an-Rcport Annual !'7th ~-Election & .k/'➔~s t 2 ll n tion of Officers~ ------·- --------------- OW TO KILL ANY CLUB OR SOCIETY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, Don't come to the meetings. rr · you do come , come late. If the weather do e en't suit vou don't think of coming. If you do a tt end a mee ting find fault with the work of the offic ers and othe r rnnmbors. Novc r accept an office , as it is easier to criticize than to do things. Neve rtheless, ge t sore · if you arc not appointed to a committee ~but if you ar c do not att end the committee mee t~ i ngs , . If a sked bv tho chairman to ~ive your ~pinion r egarding sone i I:1rort ant ma tt e r, t e ll him vou have not hing to say. Aft e r the moo ting , t e ll GVhrvonG how thing s ouvht to to done .

mow TO KI LL cont. ?. o nothing more than is absolutely necessary, but when other membe rs roll up their sleeves an willingly, unselft~hly , use their ability to ht\}..p matters along , howl that .__tne orgur izati on is being run by a cl iq_ue. 8. Hold back your dues as long as possible; or don't bo-ther about paying at all. 9. Don't bother about ~etting new membe rs, l e t George do it.

CLUB SONG---CLDIBING (Tune "Thu Old Refrain") , . 1n1 th hoart and hands wo strive to --do tho best Our eyes upon tho highest pe ak doth r est; Honor and Culturo both wo havo in vi ew, Fri endship and Loya lty and courage , too As onward up th0. rath we daily go; 1Yc fal t e,r nuch, our st ops aro oft en slow, But for God's hel ping gr ac e we daily pr ay; His hands for us will GV J r point tho way; So to our t a sks wo f O wi t hout f ear; Vic lmow ''To l u. bor is a pl ,:: a.s urc " hor o ; A su j.lo and song for a ll along tho wayTho Culture Club lives on from day to day. EL:i.oa Wa lkc,r - - ------------

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