Culture Club, 1948-1949

MY REAL WORTH __ _...,. __ The more important part of me ••• Is not what I am worth ••• But how much good my life can do •••For others on this earth ••• For I may have enormous wealth •• And carry quite a name ••• And never share a particle ••• or money or of fame ••• My worldly goods and glory are ••• Of little use to me ••• Unless they bring some benefit ••• To my community ••• Unless I try to overcome ••• My selfishness and pride ••• And show my neighbors that I have ••• A more considerate side ••• The only real, substantial worth ••• That I posses · today •••·Is not the sum I gather, but ••• how · much I give away. - J.J. Metcalfe.