Culture Club, 1942-1943

Jackson, Ethel 204 NE Thompson TR 0736 ~utherford , V. ts33 NE Shaver GA 3037 Walker , Emma 4834 N Borthwick GA 6456 Williams, Della 3222 N. Gantenbein WE 1527 1 / QONSTITtTTION Mill~-~ ARlICLE I Name: This organization shall be called "THE CULTURE CLUB". ARTICLE II 0bjectss The club shall l study History, Civics, Public Welt are, Williams, Frances Community Recreation and other chosen 847 NR' Webster s tudi es to improve our locality and to GA 6790 /".i\ prom?t-13 cooperation amo ng the members. \'.],I ARTICLE III Memberships (Section 1) - - The membership shall consist of not j more than ( 20) ·members.. ( Seo ti on 2) Nominations are made by the Membership Wins low, Gusta via Cammi ttee. After the gommi ttee makes 611 NE Roselawn its rAport, tha chair asks if there are GA 4978 (I\ any other nominations to be made from ~ the floor. The committee nominations ~ ara. treated just as if made by members from the floor--no ~ote ,bei~g taken to SOCIAL MEMBERS ✓ accept them. When the nominations are Banks , Maude 136 NE Weidler EA 6593 - "-3 completed the •assemb ly proceeds ta _...) . Dixon, Clifford l vote, which wi11 be .taken at the third I \ • Keyport, Wash . meeting from date. Membership shall be determined by a two-thirds vote of members present. Nominees will be el igible to visit at the second meeting from date of nomination. (Section 3)