Culture Club, 1942-1943

the Officers and Standing Committees. (Section 3) Any regular meeting may be postponed by the President with t he concurrence of the Vice President and Secretary. (Section 4) Special meetings may be called at any time by the President, with the concurrence of the Vice President and Secretary. (Section 5) Visitors' Day will be the 2nd meeting of the month, to be limited to (5) visitors. ARTICLE V Officers: (Section 1) The officers shall be a President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secre t ary, Secretary and Treasurer. Their duties being such as are customary for such officers. (Section 2) The officers shall be elected by ballot the 2nd meeting in September. ARTICLE VI Committees: (Section 1) The Standing Committee of (3) each shall be elected, by ballot, annually at the 2nd meeting in September. They shall be as follows.: Membership, Program and Hos pitality. (Section 2) The Membership Committee shall consider all names nominated for membership and report to the club. (Section 3) The Program Committee shall have charge of the arrangements of programs at each meeting. (Section 4) The Hospitality Committee shall attend to the social life of the club. ARTICLE VII AMENDMENTS: The Constitution may be amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of members present, notice having been given at preceding meeting of the olub. ORDEH OF BUSINESS 1. Luncheon 2. Program 3. Roll Call 4. Reading of Minutes 5. Unfinished Business 6. Bills-Communications 7. New Business 8 . Guessing Box 9. Adjournment