CLUB SONG ing in the month, to be limit e d (Tune: "The · ota Refrain") to (5) visitors. Article V Officers: (Section 1) The officers With . heart and hands we strive to shall be a Pres., Vice Pres., Rec . do the best; Sec., Corr. Sec., Sec. a:rd Tre as . Our eyes upon the highest peak doth Their duties being such as are rest; customa ry for such offic ers . ( Sec-I Honor nnd culture both we have in tion 2) The offic e rs shall be e l- vie~, ected by ballot the 2nd mee ting I Friendship and loyalty and culture, in Sep. ·Article VI Corrun i ttees: too (Se ction 1) The Sta:rding Commit t ee As onw~rd up the pa th we daily go; of ( 3 ) each shall be e l ected by We f o. l ter much our steps are often ballot, annu ally at the .2nd mo e t-- • · slow, ing i n Sep; t h e y shal l be as fol- But for God's helping grace we lows: :.1embe rship , Program & Hos- J "dn.'ily pray; pitality. (Sec tion 2 ) The Member- His hnnd for us will ever point the shi p Commi tte e shall consider a ll · WD..Y; names nominated for member shi p an So to our t a sks we go without a r eport to the club. (Section 3) I -· fe a r; The Program Com. shal1 have ch a rge We kn ow "To l abor is a pleasure of the a rr angements of pr·ograms here; 11 at each me e tin g . (Soc. 4) The Hos- A s mile and song for a ll a long the pita lity Com. shall at t end to the wGy-- social life of the club. Article 7 The Culture Club lives on from day Amendments: The Constitution may to da y. --Emma Walker b e amende d at any r orular · meo ting by a 2/3 vote of members pr e s ent , notice h a ving b e en g iven a t pro - c edi ng me e ting of the club.